IMac :: Display Not Sleeping/mouse Active?
Dec 6, 2009
I've just recently noticed that my iMac display won't go to sleep, despite my energy settings should turn it off after 5 minutes of inactivity. The only difference I can think of is that instead of my Mighty Mouse, I now use a Microsoft standard USB mouse. Is the Microsoft mouse somehow keeping the iMac "active"? What else could just suddenly stop my iMac display from turning off automatically?
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Jan 23, 2008
Just wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.
I have my 40" flat screen plugged into my imac via VGA cable to mirror the image.
I'm just trying to have the imac display sleep while I play a movie full screen through the external TV.
I've tried two different ways but both have failed.
1-I set up a hot corner in the imac to sleep display but this results in both the display and the TV sleeping.
2-I just set the power settings to sleep after 1 minute. This works but then If a movie is playing the computer won't go to sleep.
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Mar 18, 2012
new mac mini won't recognize keyboard or mouse after sleeping. keyboard is wired mac. mouse is not mac, but compatible
Mac mini
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Aug 12, 2008
am having a problem with the displays going to sleep, they go to sleep but wake up on their own as soon after they sleep, I mean they stay asleep for less than a second , what could it be? this started a week ago, worked fine before.
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Jan 22, 2009
I was trawling through the sticky's a few weeks back and i noticed their was a app to stop the display from sleeping when watching a film but i cant for the life of me find it now.
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Mar 25, 2012
Does anyone have a problem with thier displaying turning off while inuse?
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 8, 2008
I have an old Dell CRT I'm using currently with my iBook and I want to know how I can just use the display and close the iBook when at my desk without the computer sleeping. Currently if I try waking the computer with the keyboard or mouse, it wakes up for about five seconds before going back to sleep. Is there any way around this or do i just have to keep the iBook Open?
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Mar 12, 2012
Whenever i put mac macbook pro to sleep, it only stays sleeping for about half an hour and then wakes itself up. It does it whether i close the screen or manually put it to sleep. When its awake, the system is running but the screen is dark unless i click a button.
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Mar 11, 2012
My Macbook Pro (purchased Dec 2010) falls asleep when I am in the middle of using it (typing, clicking, watching a tv show).There will be no display or sound, and it will sleep. Most times it will wake up when I click the touchpad alot or close and reopen the screen. However, sometimes I will need to restart. I am not sure why it is doing this all the sudden. It is happening more and more often. How can I fix it? The AC Adapter is plugged in, battery work normally and I set the energy saver so that it would not sleep when plugged in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 28, 2008
I need a cheap way to video/audio/ record on my iMac somehow...
I have sleep apnea-- and have spent thousands of dollars and years to determine the effectiveness of one sleep apnea apparatus after another to lessen my throat collapsing and me choking at night.
I can't afford a 375.00 home test -- or even an 85.00 oximeter report all the time.
I heard of someone using a video camera to photograph themselves at night to show their MD what was going on.
Is there a way I can plug in my iMac 17" screen with the Intel Core Processor (1.83 GHz) pointed at me while I sleep so I can get me on a video conference-- or imovie-- or just record the sound somehow... Ideally--- if something can just record me for 7 hours in semi darkness-- and then I can run it on fast forward to see when I have the cessation of breath-- that I can email to my MD.
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Dec 2, 2014
Whenever my Mac (it happens on two different ones) is awaken from sleep, it seems the machine was attempting to log out. If there was an unsaved file and I wake the machine it says it timed out to log out waiting for me to have saved it. At that point I just cancel the logout.
This happens on an iMac 2013 and a new Mac Pro as well. Is there a setting I am missing?
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May 1, 2009
All of a sudden my iMac has just started not sleeping after the time its supposed to and the screensaver wont turn on when its supposed to. I havent installed any new software, its just happened out of the blue, I can still use hot corners to activate sleep and the screensaver but id rather have them activate by themselves. But they're not, and all of my System Preference's sleep and screensaver options are fine. Why wont my Mac sleep and/or turn on the screensaver after set times?
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a second monitor (Dell 20 inch widescreen) hooked up to my 24 inch iMac, and while I'm running windows, when the iMac monitor sleeps, it sleeps. But, in Leopard (v10.5.7) whenever the iMac monitor sleeps, the secondary monitor does what a monitor usually does when the video cable is unplugged (does the whole factory test thing with the box of red/green/blue randomly moving around.) Is there any way to make it sleep?
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Sep 2, 2014
I am running OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks on a 27-inch Mid 2011 iMac. Prior to upgrading to Mavericks, I would go to System Preferences_Energy Saver and set Display Sleep to 1 minute. This would keep the computer screen turned off at night, but would allow for backups with Carbon Copy Cloner to function. (My Computer Sleep setting is set to Never, Put Hard Disks to Sleep when Possible is checked, and the remaining two items Wake For Network Access and Start Up Automatically after a Power Failure are not checked.
However, after the Mavericks upgrade, my iMac wakes itself up without any prompting. This occurs when there are no other programs running. Even after putting the machine to Sleep from the Apple Tab, it still wakes itself up with no programs running, etc.
I also checked the settings in System Preferences_Accessibility and the Voice Over, Captions, and Speakable Items settings are off.
After running the Terminal Application with the command line syslog |grep -i "Wake reason" I get the following results: syslog |grep -i "Wake reason"Aug 28 00:34:54 kernel[0] <Debug>: Wake reason: EHC2 My understanding is that this means that a USB connected device may be waking the system. Accordingly, I disconnected all USB devices (forgot the devices in USB Preferences), except for my Wireless Apple Trackpad. However, the same problem occurs.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
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Apr 14, 2010
I have a 27" iMac with four USB external hard drives attached. The drives are working fine, but one of the drives takes a long time to wake up after it hasn't been used for a while. The other drives are accessible from the Finder almost instantly, but this one drive causes the spinning ball for about 10 seconds before it is accessible. Not a BIG deal, but it happens all the time even after relatively short periods of inactivity.
I thought maybe I could uncheck the "put the hard disks to sleep when possible" option in the Energy Saver preferences. But this would presumably affect all of my drives (including the internal) and that might lessen the longevity of the drives, right? Are there any options for just turning off the sleep for this one drive, or perhaps a way to shorten the wake time?
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Jul 31, 2010
My Linksys WRT610N with the latest firmware worked fantastically on multiple Windows 7-based ThinkPad. However, three (3) different iMac's have had the very same problem of dropping the connection and of my having to powercycle both my cable modem and the W610 router for it to work again at all! Once it drops the active connection, that's it. I have tried a few different settings and nothing has made a difference.
Can you maybe help point me in the right direction or should I just ditch it for an AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule? One additional point: It works worst in the 5GHz frequency band, even though there are none in my neighborhood, and if there are, they have their SSID's (network name) hidden. The 2.4GHz band is extremely crowded where I am which makes it difficult to enjoy my WiFi connection.
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Dec 14, 2009
My new Magic Mouse appears as a wireless Mighty Mouse on my iMac 10.6.2. When I open the mouse Preferences Panel, I get the options for the Mighty Mouse, not the Magic Mouse. It worked fine on my hackintosh with 10.5.8 but not with 10.6.2, so it seems the culprit might be in 10.6.2? It seems that USB Overdrive is the culprit for some, but I don't have it.
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Jul 27, 2010
thoughts? can it be used like a normal mouse? awkward?
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Apr 22, 2012
I purchased an iMac 27in with an i7 quad core, 8G of memory, and 1G video memory. I have up dated all software to current levels, the display jumping still persists. it happens when the mouse pointer is dragged across the dock or installing something from a disk or downloading from the internet. What could be the possible cause?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
i'm using a mac mini and also another Windows PC tower. whenever i want to switch between them i need to re-plug in my headphones/keyboard/mouse/display and this is getting annoying. i've been using a usb hub for the mouse and keyboard so it's not as difficult to setup. is there anything out there that'll allow me to switch between them more easily?
Mac mini
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Sep 5, 2010
My wife's cat walked over her Macbook keyboard. Thereafter, when she uses the trackpad to try to move the cursor, the display moves in response, and the cursor sometimes moves, stutters, delays. Usually, both move.
So my guess is the cat hit some odd combination of keys changing some preference.
We could not find anything in System Preferences/trackpad, or searching the forums here (not that i know which words to use).
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Dec 24, 2009
The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!
I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!
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Sep 22, 2009
i am having a weird problem with my brand new imac.. I bought it custom made last friday with ATI Radeon HD 4850. Now here is my issue.. Every time i boot up it takes a while for the screen to turn on. I hear the start up sound and HDD working and all that but screen stays off for another 5+ sec. before finally going grey before apple logo comes up. Now I thought this isn't an issue since i did order it with ATI card instead of standard Nvidia. Figured different cards react differently. However, later on after playing a game for few hours and doing a restart it would do the same thing, but the screen would never turn on. Just stay black forever until i shut it down and wait a minute or two then power it back on. So to clear this up. What happens is, i push power button, start up sound happens, then black.... like it is off, not even the back light. This only happens every few days, not every restart.. I reset SMC, PRAM, ran hardware test, spoke with apple on phone, went to genius bar, and after all that and being passed around now the apple engineers are looking into my problem and i am expecting a call back from them. So i guess my question is, is there anyone else with this setup (ATI Radion) that has this issue?
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Dec 1, 2014
I have a new 27" iMac retina display. Is there any way to use it as an external display (since it does not support Target Display Mode)?
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
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Jul 12, 2010
Purchased a brand new 27" i7 imac a few weeks ago, display is awesome!!! I was using my old 28" LCD monitor from my PC and running dual displays on the iMac. The 28" LCD monitor annoyed me a bit because i could not get the same color/crispness/brightness that i got from the iMac. ( also it has a Matt screen and i am more into the glossy screens ) So i found a used 24" cinema display locally. Paid 600.00 and it came with 2 yrs of AppleCare. It is only 7 months old ( still have 5 months under orignal warranty ) Got home, hooked it up and it had a "hint" of yellowness to it, It wasn't a exact image of my iMacs display...I tried to calibrate it also, but it still had just a HINT of yellowness....Nothing at all major, but enough for me to be annoyed with it.
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Jun 30, 2010
My magic mouse seems to lose focus in safari in the external display. When I click on a link in a page instead of opening the link in the current tab a new tab is opened to open the link. My current mouse settings are:
secondary click right
scroll with momentum
screen zoom
two finger swipe.
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Jul 3, 2008
I have a Mac Mini and suddenly, with no action on my part that I can tell, when I move my mouse the entire display screen moves.
It is a rather nauseating experience and is making it impossible to work on the computer. I can't find any settings to make it stop.
Does anyone know how to make it stop? I'm using a Mighty Mouse - I've tried switching to a USB mouse - but it still has the same effect.
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Jan 13, 2010
I just purchased a 23" monitor to replace my iMacs 17" display (since it has a nasty crack in one of the corners). I hooked it up fine and all, but the displays are linked, allowing me to hover the mouse to the iMac's display which I find annoying most of the time.
Is there a way to make the iMac display zone out and just use the external by itself?
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Sep 15, 2009
As you can tell by the thread title I've got one of the latest model iMacs and I'm running an LED Cinema Display as a second monitor. When it gets to the late hours I like to watch some movies on the Mac so I figured the Cinema Display would be a nice addition to do the job.
Now here's my issue: if it's late and I'm watching movies I tend to not have any lights on, but having one of the displays on means having both of them on, what I'm wondering is if it's possible to sleep one display while allowing the other to stay active so I can watch the movie without the light from the other one distracting
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm interested in the new iMac but could not work with a glossy display. Can anyone share their experiences of using the iMac with an external display? In one respect it seems like a waste to have two monitors but the base model costs little more than the maxed out Mini and seems like the better option.
I would be interested in seeing photos of any setups featuring the iMac and an external display.
Also, is there a way to turn off the iMac display when using an external display?
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