I backed up my AB as an AB archive before doing a clean install if SL. Now when I try to restore from it, 1 of 2 things happens: It freezes and I have to force quit. It won't open again until I log out, and then it imported multiple copies of all my groups and none of the contacts. It imports all my groups but none of my contacts. By the way, I tried to post this 4 times from Safari, but every time I typed 1 character in the title, it froze up on me, so I'm posting from my iPod. Why did everyone keep saying SL was so stable? So far it's been unusable for me!
Just started with MAC Snow Leopard and I have a question: Is there anyone who has already succeeded to delete address book entries/groups in Snow Leopard 10.6.2 ? I googled for no particular answers.
At some point in time I must have chosen to group names. I have many customers, for instance, with the last name of Johnson and instead of each person having their own card, they all get grouped together within one card.
Having just entered the world of Lion from Tiger I'm stumped my the Lion Address Book. All my contacts are there and I know how to create groups but when I create a new contact and add them to All contacts the new contact doesn't end up in alphabetical order. Same when I add a contact in say Family.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have recently updated to iCloud - after trying for months and months to clear problems and more problems with my last year update to Lion..After my recent update to iCloud, several of my groups in the Address Book were duplicated. In the iPhone and iPad I cannot find any editing option for groups. But also in the computer, when I highlight the group and go to the Edit menu the option for deleting a group is gray and cannot be applied.Â
I have set up my Mac Address Book to sync with my Google Contacts. I have created some groups in my Google Contacts and I have created some groups in my Mac Address Book. These groups are not identical. After a period of time shouldn't they be?? What should happen in such a situation? How is the best way to manage Contact groups? I have an iPhone, and was looking at apps to create contact groups on it, but held back as I seem to be in a mess with my Mac and Google syncing, without adding to the confusion.
In Snow Leopards Address Book, I was able to select an Address Book Group and then shift-click to select a range of groups. How do you do this in Lion?
Info: Mac Pro 2.4GHz 8 core, 8GB RAM, 5870, 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Matrox MXO Mini, LG internal Blu Ray burner
I'm able to create groups just fine in Address book. However when it comes to using them in Mail, they won't work: I type the first couple of characters and Mail offers to auto-complete, so it does know about them. When I hit return at that point *nothing* appears in the address field, it just stays blank.
The contacts are unique, but each control group appears as many times as there are contacts in the group. Why is that? Can the contact group list be made unique?Â
When I make a new contact on my iPhone, my iPhone recognizes it and it syncs and everything, but if I open Address Book on my laptop, it automatically deletes any new contacts I've made. Also, the "Delete Group" and "Delete Card" options in the Edit menu are always grayed out now. Â This has become quite a serious problem as my contacts are disappearing every couple days! Is there any way to reset address book to it's previous state (of WORKING) without losing all my contacts?
Info: Address Book, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone4, 2008 MBP, iTunes 10.6.1
Many records in my address book have multiple email addresses. No big deal but I wonder if there is a way to tell Address Book / Mail which address to pick as the default.Â
For example I send a litttle news email one a week to a group of contacts. I want to send this email to people's personal -- not business -- email address. I've created a group in Address Book and type that group name in my Mail to line and the group pops up. But a few of the records pick the corporate address and I have to go in and change those addresses.Â
I just tried editing one record ... I deleted both "work" and "home" addresses from a record. Then reentered them "home" first, "work" second. But when I closed the edit Address Book listed them in the original order (maybe alpha).Â
Is this possible? I've created some contacts in Adress Book on my Mac (yes, under the "iCLoud" header), and they don't show on the iCloud website. If it's a one-way path from iCloud to Adress Book, then I guess that for anyone using iCloud for contacts, it renders Adress Book useless, doesn't it?Â
Btw, somehow the newly created contacts just vanished, so unless you good people provide me with a solution, I just won't use Adress Book again, because that was at least 30 minutes of my life straight to the trash bin.
I am trying to update my Address Book with a new email adress for one of my clents. I looks like I can't. I suspect iClould is the reason why I suddenly can't. I have been trying to do this symple task for like an hour!These computers are supposed to be simple to use.
I have put contacts in my address book and it's not being sync to my other devices or the iCloud. I tried to uncheck the addressbook in icould on my mac and then rebooted and checked it again. Still won't sync.
i had some groups set up on my Mac Pro address book and they where syced with Icloud and my Iphone. just a few days ago i noticed that the contacts from A to J in each group are missing. I corrected this on the Macbook Pro but it did not change on Icloud or my I phone. how do i get my changes in my address book to update on Icloud?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm tediously working through my address book and getting rid of duplicates and merging. One of the weird things is that there is now a # category at the end of the alphabet. Why are certain contacts listed there and not alphabetized? How do I get them up to the alphabetized part? I can't tell which device they came from.Â
I have suddenly noticed duplicate contacts in my address book. I'm on the current version of Lion on a ne 27 imac and all updates are current.Don't really know why the duplicates started and haven't had this problem since the conversion from mobileme months ago.Â
In iMac Prefs>Mail, Contacts & Cal, I have setup up and started an iCloud account. I make changes to my Address book and it is not syncing with my iPhone 4s, which also has iCloud syncing turned on. I know other pieces of iCloud work, as my emails do come across on both systems.
I use iCloud for my iphone 4, ipad 2, and MacBook Pro, all synced wirelessly via iTunes. However I can't get Address Book on the MacBook to update via iCloud. I've tried everything I can think of including deleting all entries and starting again, deleting the icloud account in preferences, ticking and unticking the enable box beside it, ticking and unticking the icloud box for contacts in system preferences (removing all entries at the same time).
I've selected the icloud account as the address book but it's still not seeing the contacts entries that I can see with my own eyes on the icloud website. It's never worked but I've turned a blind eye to it, since having got over the multiple entries and lost diaries fiasco when I first started to use it I've chosen to ignore the next problem.
I want to share an address book with my spouse, we both have icloud and a MAC. I can only find directions for sharing an adress book across the MobileMe acount that is no long avialble throught apple. Is there a way to share through icloud? or anothr way?
Info: Mac mini, iOS 5.1.1, other computer is a macBookair