ICloud On Mac :: Shows Last Backup Incomplete / Can't Restore Previous Data
Jun 24, 2014my i cloud shows last back up incomplete cant restore
View 1 Repliesmy i cloud shows last back up incomplete cant restore
View 1 RepliesMy gf connected my external 250GB drive to her computer and somehow managed to choose it as her time machine-drive and backed up to it. Is there any way I can retrieve my lost data? We're talking two complete albums of my own written and produced music, several years of photos and school work plus like 40-50 movies.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a new MacBook Pro with Retina Display, and when asked to restore files from Time Machine during Setup Assistant, I receive the error "You can't restore this backup because it was created by a different model of mac." The machine that I had was a 2011 MacBook Pro 15" and I regularly backed up with Time Capsule using Time Machine.
The most important thing for me is to transfer over all of my applications, my iPhoto and iTunes libraries, everything in my keychain, and all of my documents. The reason I'd prefer not to use Migration Assistant is because I don't want to do any of that manually, I'm just trying to find a simple solution that will restore to a previous snapshot with quick, easy steps.
Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac Book Pro with Retina Display
I've got a 4 year old iMac. I have a Time Capsule and make daily backups. My question is if, err when, this iMac dies and I spring for a new shiny one, will my backup reconstitute my new machine with my current apps and data, or just the saved data?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i restore my hidden ical data from a Time Machine backup?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I put all my movies I purchased onto the iCloud and now I have only 2.5 GB left on my harddrive. Is it safe to delete the movies off my iTunes or should I move them instead?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I wish to restore a folder from icloud backup to my mac, but can find no way to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy 2009 iMac running 10.9.3 was having problems with crashing apps and just plain acting weird. I decided to do a clean reinstall of Mavericks using my Time Machine backup. I discovered that the Time Machine Restore erases the disk during the process and that would give me the "clean" reinstall.
After completing the restore, Mail, Calendar, Contacts, App Store, iTunes, Maps, QuickTime Player, and iPhoto did not have their proper icons in the dock nor would they run. Also, all the Utilities including Disk Utility and Activity Monitor showed bad icons and would not run. Trying to open Disk Utility gives a message "You can't open the application "Disk Utility.app" because it may be damaged or incomplete." Safari, Notes, Preview and other non OSX system apps seem to be largely OK.
I downloaded the OSXUpdCombo10.9.3.dmg and reinstalled Mavericks. No change in the icons, but this time Mail did open but then crashed. I tried moving Disk Utility from my laptop to my iMac with dropbox but OSX will not allow me to replace the bad Disk Utility.
I want to backup the data from iBank to iCloud, but haven't figured out how.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I restore my backup in iCloud back to Pages
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
can iCloud be used as a backup for iBank data?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I use the document and data of i-Cloud as backup of my i-Disk. I would like to move i-Disk stuff to that. Also, is it like i-Disk in that is is seperate from the computer (in a cloud as it were)?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Can I use iCloud to back up and then return my files for system restroe? I just wanna back up my music and photos so I can do a system restore if I have iCloud will it allow me to download them back on once I finish the system restore?
I have a Mac Book Air that has been backing up to a Time Capsule. I do have other Macs backing up to the Time Capsule which work fine. For some reason it is saying the last backup was the 9th of November. I thought maybe this has something to do with the lack of space. So I have added another disk to the Time Machine and I am not sure whether it is backing up to this one as it is saying the "Backup is incomplete".
View 13 Replies View RelatedWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Is it possible to restore a previous point release? If yes, how easy will it be and how to do the restore? My MBP is on 10.6.4 now, and I'd like to try 10.6.5 in the next few days. If it doesn't work well with some of my apps, I'd like to restore.
Firstly, I apologize for my English. I downloaded some icons for my folders and hopefully I replaced the boring ones with new! However, when I try to change an icon that I just pasted, I cannot. So, the new and nice road sign of a folder cannot be replaced from another icon, even if it is the default one.
View 2 Replies View Related10.6 has a bug that causes it to send all the TV Show Seasons to the AppleTV in Reverse Added to Library Date Order.Makes finding the right Show/Season very difficult with over 880 TVShow Seasons in the Library.Need to restore iTunes to previous version.
Mac OS X (10.7), IMacs, iPads, iPhones, TC, AEs, ATV
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my own, private, Macbook Air which is not used by my spouse. As a result, I have only configured my own e-mail accounts on this machine. It runs OSX 10.9.4.
We also have a family-used iPad, which is shared between multiple family members, including my spouse. It has multiple e-mail accounts configured, including mine and hers. None of us uses iCloud mail, just mail from external providers.
My wife is used to the auto-fill in Mail on the iPad : Any recipient from the past is used to autocomplete. As a result, she never built an address book since typing most of the names or first characters of her contacts resulted in completing the full e-mail address. The iPad does have an iCloud-based address book configured, which only contains my personal contacts. This iCloud account is also configured on my MBA.
During the past weeks I've put a lot of effort in cleaning up my Contacts, since they were swamped with outdated e-mail addresses. I also deleted the complete Previous Recipient list via Window/Previous Recipients, since outdated e-mail addresses were being suggested while they were removed out of my Contacts during clean up. I cleaned up the previous recipients list, assuming that applies only to the local Mail installation. But it does not.
Since the iCloud based contacts are shared between mail clients, the Previous Recipients list is as well, which was a nasty surprise. Apparently my wife can no longer experience any of her contacts being auto-completed on the iPad or other Macs in our house. This is a big issue (marital crisis) and I want to restore the previous recipients list. In the pre-iCloud days this was possible by restoring the correct file via Time Machine (which I use). But in the current iCloud days, the previous recipients list is, as far as I know, completely in the cloud. There is no (known) way for me to revert to a previous version.
How to restore the iCloud-based previous recipient list? can I restore a local copy that overwrites/syncs correctly with the cloud-based copy?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
At the beginning of November I opened my stickies and a song I had been working on was gone. I have had data recovery attempt to find the lost stickie, but 1) it was not saved as a text file, 2) it is no longer in the stickies database, and 3) I do not currently have time machine. Basically, everyone told me I was screwed except the top of the line place in California who wants to charge me $1500 to just attempt to get it back, with no gurantee. Is there anyway I can recover a deleted stickie? Or is there anyway to restore the stickies database/my computer back to a date when I know the stickie there?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI filled up a 250gb My Book external drive using Time Machine. Replaced it with 500gb My Book and now can't read the old 250gb one when I reconnect it. My iMac doesn't recognize it. (I lost a large picture folder that is now only on the 250gb drive).
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen i try to backup data or transfer large amounts of data, like 40gb or more, between drives, the process just stops without warning or explanation. It dowsn't matter when backup i use, Time Machine or WD Smartware.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have two computers using one Time Machine Disk. The physical disk is connected to my Mac Mini, and it's shared over the network to my MacBook Air. The picture below is the backup disk in case you didn't guess. The notebook is my MacBook Air. So the MacBook Air backs up just fine, but every time my Mac Mini tries to back up, it pops up with "Would you like to reuse the backup "*DIRECTORY TO MACBOOK AIR'S BACKUP*" with this computer?" also shown in the picture below. So I click "Create new backup" and it seems to backup in the Mac Mini's backup folder like it should... until next time. I just want it to back up normally, both of them, without asking me anything first. Until now, I've just disabled automatic backups for my Mac Mini and would backup whenever I felt needed.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo, I recently bought a MacBook Pro and set up the iCloud feature. I've also had a iPhone for a few years and I have tons of photos and documents, etc on it that I would like to put in the cloud. Is it possible to move these files into my cloud, or will it only put new things into the cloud?
Pro, iOS 5.1
Because my email address has changed, I changed my Apple ID (on my Mac) and set a new password. ICloud messages keep popping up, on the Mac and Ipad telling me it cannot sync and asking me to log in, but providing the old Apple ID in the prompt. I have tried the old password, the new password and a lot of other words, but cannot log in to make any changes. It offers the option of resetting the password for the old Apple ID, but I don't see the point in doing this. I want to get into iCloud somehow, make it use the new Apple ID and do this on my iPad also. I do not use a mobile phone as part of this network.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), and iPad
I changed my Apple ID and iCloud ID today. But when I use iCal on my May 2011 iMac running Lion, the iCloud calendar shows up in iCal; however, I keep getting an error message asking for a password for the previous iCloud ID. I have removed the iCloud calendar from iCal twice and reinstalled it with the current ID and password. Everything works; but I still get the dialogue box asking for the passwork for the previous ID. It requires me to cancel it several times before it final disappears. How do I remove the previous ID so I won't get the error message?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), May 2011
I've upgraded to mavericks. Everything works fine except Time Machine. I want to continue using my 'old' time machine backup on an external server. When I try to reconnect I get the following message: The disk image "..." is in use Try ejecting the disk image.
I have disconnected and reconnected to the external server. This had no effect. At first glance it seems I am able to access my old backup clicking "Browse other backup disks". But the I don't get my backed up files. It's stuck at today
Got a new MacPro and I can't figure out how to re-download my music.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFrom time-to-time I obsessively reinstall Leopard on my MacBook Pro. I clone my drive to an external, install Leopard totally clean (erasing everything), and then drage back the contents of my home folders. I don't transfer anything from my Library folder, I like to start completely clean and rebuild my settings manually. Yes, I'm obsessive, like I said from before.
So now I've got my clean Leopard install. Everything is perfect. How do I back up to the existing sparseimage that's on my Time Capsule?
I realize it will be a fairly large first sync, but I'd love to still be able to grab deleted files from last October if need be.
Anyone know of settings or .plist trickery to make this happen? Can I simply choose that sparseimage in the Time Machine system preference?
This has happened to me twice in a week on two separate machines, with two separate discs. When inserted into the Mac, the "blank disc" window comes up, even though the disc is full of files. The "get info" window shows 8k of space taken up on the disc.
How can this be, and what can I do to fix it?
Both machines are running Leopard.