ICloud :: The Significance Of Turning Off?

Apr 6, 2012

When I recently picked up my new iMac at the Apple Store, during the supervised set up, they had me sign up for iCloud even though I have no IOS devices to sync to. I checked off iCal Contacts, and Bookmarks. I did not realize at the time the significance of doing so. Since I have no other device to sync to and have a constantly updating clone of my system iCloud is useless to me. However I have been reading that if i switch iCloud off all of my data (contact ICal and Bookmarks) will be removed from my mac. If this is the case how can I turn off iCloud off and get this data on my mac?

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ICloud :: Find Mac Turning Itself Off

Apr 7, 2012

Has anyone had trouble with Find My Mac in the iCloud pane in System Preferences turning itself off? I've been noticing that sometimes i'll go onto iCloud.com to track it just out of curiosity and find that it says offline, so i go check System Preferences and it's unchecked. But i haven't touched it since i turned it on. I've this happen several times.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud On Mac :: Turn On Reminders Without Turning On Calendars

Dec 11, 2014

Since Reminders was released, I have had them synced fine between my phone and computer. However, in the past week this is no longer happening. I'd like to turn on my reminders on both my iPhone and MacBook without turning on my iCloud calendar sync. However, it seems that on the iPhone end of things, I can choose to turn on just reminders, while on my computer they are lumped together in the same checkbox (see images.) 

I would be okay with syncing them via my gmail, but again there is a discrepancy in the options I have. On my phone, no reminders option exists, but on my accounts tab on my laptop, there it is: reminder sync with gmail! I have also posted images of this. I found out that if you turn on calendars AND reminders on both ends, then the reminders work. Which is not what I want. 

So my question: how can I sync reminders with my computer from my phone, without having to sync my iCloud calendar? Note that i use google calendar exclusively, for work/personal use. I have NEVER used iCloud calendar, never had it synced, and my reminders have worked fine until now.  

UPDATE: before, i could get reminders to work by turning reminders+calendars on and off on both devices in iCloud. now it doesn't work at all, no matter what! 



I am using mountain lion 10.8.5 and iOS 8.1.2

Reminders, iOS 8.1.2

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OS X :: Finding Significance Words Importance When Tagging

Mar 27, 2010

I started playing around with indev's MailTags. The default tags are preceded with the "@" symbol. I've seen this done in other tagging systems but I'm not sure what its significance is, though I seem to remember it may have something to do with spotlight. Any idea why this is done?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMovie Music - Significance Of Purple And Green Colors

May 25, 2012

What is the significance of the purple and green colours when I put music to my project? I am able to edit the "green" music but NOT the purple music. Is it possible to do panarama/photomerge in iPhoto?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Battery - Significance Of Levels For Powerbook G4 15''

Nov 15, 2006

I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro Turning On By Itself

May 11, 2008

Got a 2008 mac pro which sometimes switches it self on so that it loads up exactly in time for 1:00 at night.

There is no internet connection and all settings that I know of such as system update are off.

Is there a way of looking at some sort of log that will tell me why it boots up?

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Turning On And Off?

Sep 10, 2010

I have an i7 MBP and this morning I discovered that its fan is turning on and off at about 2 second intervals. It only occurs when the lid is closed and (seemingly) when the battery is at full charge (i.e., the mag safe is green). As soon as I open the lid the fan comes on and stays on for 30 seconds or so then shuts off as if the system has cooled. Any ideas what this is about?

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Turning On

May 19, 2008

I have an old powermac G4 dual 1.42 the other day I decided to power it up to update it and it would not turn on. I push the power button it lights briefly and goes out. The light stays on if I hold the button down. The fan does not come on nor any noise from inside the case, etc. I have reset the pram, that little button, and I have replaced the battery, I have searched for the problem but nothing seems to fit my exact case. It's not my main computer and I am no where near an apple store and I'd rather fix the problem myself instead of paying an arm and leg for apple to repair it.

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OS X :: Volume Keeps Turning Off

Sep 6, 2009

my volume keeps turning off. why?

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IMac :: Keeps Turning Off When In Use

Dec 12, 2009

My 20inch Imac which is running Snow Leopard and has been running fine for a long time now. It has just started to turn it self off then re start up on its own about 1 or 2 minutes later and then some times I just can't get it to turn back on again. I think it could be the psu?

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Not Turning On

Jan 31, 2010

i'm having a small issue with my computer... Its not turning on

1) If i just press on the power button i just hear the optical drive shifting and then nothing.

2) If i hold down on the power button, the optical drive starts up, the hard drive starts up, the sleep light turns on.. glows a little then faints and nothing.

The screen never turns on in either case and i never hear the start up sound.I had this problem twice already and solved it by reseting the Pram and by trying to turn it on and off a few times ( eventually it just turned on.. ) . But this time i guess that just won't do.

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MacBook Pro :: Turning It Off And Then On Again?

May 28, 2012

My macbook pro just went totally dark.  I tried turning it off and then on again.  It plays the opening music but the screen is black.

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MacBook Pro :: It Keeps Turning Itself

Jun 16, 2012

My macbook pro late 20011 keep turning itself off, I will be in the middle of using it and the screen goes black and I cant get it to start up again for a few mins!

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Intel Mac :: Why Is OSX 10.6.8 Turning Itself On

Jun 21, 2012

My iMac is turning itself on and off in the middle of the night.  How can I correct the situation?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Just started happening

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Mac Pro :: Desktop Not Turning On?

Jul 1, 2012

Why is my Mac desktop not turning on? Yes....it's plugged in! =)

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MacBook Pro :: Hdd Damaged After Turning Off?

Oct 5, 2010

I have an external hard drive attached to my MacBook Pro. Today my MacBoor Pro freezed and I had to turn it off pressing and holding the power button. After turning it on the external hard drive didn't appear in desktop. I checked the disk utility that comes with mac and it shows the HD but I can't mount it.

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OS X :: Turning Off Mail Authentication?

Jan 10, 2011

We're having problems with the mail app sending mail.

Every link, support forum, etc. says to turn off authentication to fix the problem. However, HOW do you turn off authentication?!

Under Preferences-Accounts-Advanced there is the Authentication drop-down box, which has 5 options: Password, MD5 Challenge-Response, GSSAPI, APOP, and NTLM. I don't see an option for 'None' anywhere!

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OS X :: Turning Off OS X Mouse Acceleration?

Aug 6, 2005

I know people debate this like religion but if your sick of the mouse acceleration curve in OS X (like me) here is a GREAT utility for just turning it off...


If you love the acceleration curve in OS X then disregard this post...

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Turning On - Just Fan Running

Feb 7, 2006

I went to turn on my Power Mac G4 this morning and only the fan would come on. No light. No computer start up sounds. No screen. Just the fan. I tried a new battery and that's not it.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Not Turning On

Jan 2, 2007

I have a 12" 1.33Ghz iBook G4 that does not respond when I try to turn it on. Every now and then I can hear the hard drives spin up but after that nothing happens. I've tried to make sure the problem wasn't being caused by my AC adaptor and battery and they seem to be fine. I even tried to remove my third party Crucial 1GB stick of RAM and it still won't work. Is there anything else I can try before I head over to the nearest Apple store?

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OS X :: Turning Off Album Art In Front Row?

Dec 3, 2007

Does anyone know how to turn off the album artwork in Front Row? I have some songs I listen to that have some rather disturbing album art that I would prefer not looking at while I listen to the music. Also can you change the settings in Front Row so that the picture doesn't flip back and forth from one side of the screen to another when listening to music? The movement on the screen catches the eye and makes me look at the screen everytime it changes.

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MacBook :: ISight Turning On By Itself?

Sep 22, 2008

He has a stock white 2.2GHz MacBook, the 2.2GHz SR, with 1GB RAM. Now, recently, he noticed that the green indicator light next to his iSight camera, is always on, even if he just started up his 'Book. If he tries to open Photo Booth, all he gets is not a picture on the Photo Booth window, but in fact, just plain black inside the window, with no error message. Does anyone know what is going on?

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MacBook :: Keeps Turning Itself Off After 5-10 Second Startup?

Jan 13, 2009

My macbook keeps turning itself on and off for no apparent reason. Apparently it's not uncommon as many MacBook owners claim to have it as well.

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PowerPC :: Ibook Not Turning On

Mar 21, 2009

I have a iBook G4 with the following spec. 14� Screen 933 MHz Processor / 384 MB RAM / 40 GB HD, OS 10 panther Untill now it was working perfectly, last week in was on and hanged up and was heated for hours, Now when i was trying to switch it on it was not booting up and not recogninsing the hard disc, I tried to reboot i failed, than i tried to reload OS10 panther with the original disc no 1 it went on till the end and before finishing it showed error message. I tried to check and repair Hard disc and it was OK I think the problem is with memory ( which is inbuilt in the board) If i put additional memory on the slot and try to relad the OS will it work, or there is some other problem.

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MacBook :: Hot After Turning It Off For More Than 8hrs?

Apr 2, 2009

i turned off my macbook yesterday around 3:30amwoke up around 9am and took macbook to my work.i have PC at work so i didnt turned it on until 12pm.as my hand reach to the bag, i felt little hotness.hen i grab my macbook and it was hot.i was thinking.....did i not turn off the machine?i DID turn it off for about 9 hrs.
i was shocked.i was trying to turn it on it didnt work.i was stunned again.
so i took out the batteryand it worked.pee yew!but im kinda scary if this will happen againlittle note for my macbookrecently i upgrade my OS system from 10.4.11 to 10.5.6also memory from 512mb to 2gb.and hard drive from 50gb to 250gb.i always check the temperature with Temperature Monitor.and after those upgrades my macbook was getting hotter than before.when i had 10.4.11 highest temp was around 69c
right now highest temp that i saw was 80c. (especially when i do ichat video)
and i have labtop cooling fan.i just installed the 10.5.6 so its pretty much empty no photoshop or anythingjust basic apps and couple of apps that i downloaded from internet (which is legal programs)

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Mac Pro :: Turning Off Auto Mounting Of HDs?

Apr 2, 2009

how do you selectively turn on and off auto-mounting of drives? I have two drives, 1 for boot with docs etc, and the other for CCC clone back up. But both mount up on start-up. I'd be nice to only have the boot drive mount only. So I dont accidently copy stuff to the clone/back up drive. And if I want to clone to it I can use Disk Utility to manually mount.

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OS X :: IMac Screen Not Turning Off

Jul 21, 2009

I have an iMac G3 which I am VNC'ing in. Its never going to be turned off, and I am never going to look at the screen, so how do I turn it off? I Want to save the CRT, and its not needed. I Know there's a way to actually turn off my MBP's Screen.

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Applications :: Turning Off ITunes Plus?

Sep 16, 2009

Does anyone know if it's still possible to turn iTunes plus off? I know there used to be an option somewhere but I can't find it anymore. I don't want to pay the extra money, I just want songs for the price I used to pay.

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MacBook :: Turning On And Off Upon Startup...

Dec 5, 2009

My MB shuts on and off....on and off at random intervals. I should start up my computer using Disk utility CD that came with my MB when I bought it, except I managed to misplace it.

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