Can't Get Rid Of Little Number 1 On App Store Icon
Jun 19, 2012
The app store icon has the little number 1 on it referring to an iMovie update which unfortunately I can't download because I don't have the latest OS. Why doesn't the little number disappear after I try to update and get told I don't have the right OS? Is there some other way to get rid of it, or will I live with it for the rest of the life of my MacBook Pro?
Over the year I have collected 10+ visa giftcards and now want to buy a upgraded iMac. I know the online apple store only allows for two credit cards, which the visas count as, but if I go to a retail store do they still restrict you or can I use visa giftcards as much as I want.
All of a sudden a notification badge has appeared on the Apple Store icon on my MacBook Pro dock. While it seems there is an update for an app that I once downloaded, there is no indication as to how I can download the update.
Apple store contact number need to improve, i cant key-in my area code, its 089, but apple store only can key-in 2 number, and even i also cant key-in my mobile number as well.
The app store/itunes won't let me download any apps because it tells me I have an invalid credit card security code. The security code is valid and my address and everything is correct.
My mail icon on the sidebar has a red circle with #'s in it even though I have read all of the mail. How do I get rid of it so it only turns up red when I have new mail?
We updated our computer to a new system over the weekend (emac to a new iMac). Since then the number of unread messages shows up on the mail icon only all messages have been read. How do I get rid of the number icon? We had this problem once before when we upgraded our system but I don't remember how we got rid of it.
I installed weather simple app, the app will not open and there is a red dot on my App icon. I tried to move it to the trash and it says it cannot be moved cause its open.
I tried to open my mac app store a few days ago but a question mark showed up on top of the icon, than the icon just disappeared and now I can't find it anywhere. How do I get it back?
I moved my App Store Icon into my Trash quite some time ago. I tried to restore it, but haven't been successful. I get this message: "You can't open the application App because it may be damaged or incomplete." I can't get it back through my Apple icon in upper left. It's not there. I can't find it through Finder. My software is up to date.
My operating system is Mac OS X Version 10.6.8. I don't know if that means I have Snow Leopard or not. I do not want to upgrade to Lion because it will cause previously purchased third-party digital scrapbooking software to quit working. How do I get the App Store Icon back? Everything I can find about getting it seems to be driving me to Lion. I can't even FIND the App Store anymore.
just upgraded to snow leapard and got new app store on my dock but bought some apps and do not know how to load them to the iphone. I usually would sync them through itunes but they are not in there.
How do I get rid of the red badge on my App icon in the doc? It's there to tell me that a new version of Aperture is available. However, this version won't download because it works only with Lion, so the annoying badge persists. How do I remove it?
Only the number keys on my keyboard are malfunctioning besides the number 0. For example when I press 1 it appears as q1. When I press 2 it appears as w2.
I am not sure if I accidentally pressed something on my keyboard that has changed the functioning of my number keys. I've tried fidgeting with the keyboard settings in System Preferences and holding down the f6 key but nothing has worked.
Does the logic board serial number match the computer serial number?
My reason for asking is that 4 months ago my sisters G5 17" logic board supposedly got replaced with a new or refurbished logic board but it seems by the workmanship of the board something fishy is going on.
How I made it appear there I dont know. I followed Mac's website advice on keeping the ".ds_store" files from being created again but am still left with an icon on the desktop. If I put it in the trash, it reappears, with a copy left in the trash. If I try to put it into something else, a message pops up saying it "cannot be replaced because it is invisible."
I first noticed this red circle with a 1 in it and understood from scanning the Discussion pages that it referred to an update pending for one of my downloaded apps. Sure enough, this was the case and I updated the app. However, the red circle is still there with a 1 in it. If I open the app store, the number disappears from the icon, but once I close the app store, the red circle comes back, still with a 1 in it. I have only ever downloaded three apps and none of them are for online games, which I gather can cause the appearance of such a red circle. how to get rid of it?
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, its my first post here..
I used to use my HP external drive for time machine, but since i got a new bigger WD one to use with time machine i have wiped the HP using disk utility but it is still showing up on the desktop with a time machine icon. i think i can still use it like a normal hard drive but it is causing a bit of confusion and its really irritating!! is there any way that i can change it back? i've tried wiping it a few more times but it still won't work..
Every few minutes my 13" MBP completely stalls, video and music pauses, can't do anything with my MBP and the mouse icon turns into that waiting icon. I don't know what it's called but it's round with colours inside it.Anyways, it stops me from what I'm doing for about 20 seconds and happens every few minutes and it's beginning to annoy me now!
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
I have this icon behind the Application icon on the dock and I cannot figure out what it is. It is not something on the desktop as I have moved the dock and can't see it, so it is definitely connected with the Application icon. I have deleted all downloads which could have been half done and I have removed an Alias I had in the Application folder. Now all the Applications appears as "Applications" in the "Kind" column when viewing in Finder.