Windows On Mac :: Wants To Run WordPerfect ?

Aug 11, 2009

Just got a MacBook Pro and want to install WordPerfect, but have had trouble with Parallels. Anyone out there who has used WordPerfect on a Mac and if so, how is it done?

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Windows On Mac :: WordPerfect X4 On Parallels--not Working

Jan 9, 2010

I installed Parallels 5 for Mac, for the sole purpose of being able to run WordPerfect (which I adore and cannot live without) on my new Mac.

Parallels installed just fine, and apparently so did WPX4. However, when I launch WPX4 (either by opening the program or opening a document that then activates the program) I get an error message telling me that WPX4 has encountered a problem and needs to close.

I have uninstalled WPX4, but not Parallels. Before I attempt to reinstall WPX4 or monkey around with Parallels,

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OS X :: Linux WordPerfect 8.0 On Mac OS 10.6?

Jul 22, 2010

Is this possible on an Intel Mac since both Linux and Mac OS 10.6 are POSIX compliant, and Linux WordPerfect 8.0 was compiled for an x86 platform?

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Applications :: If Not WordPerfect, Then What

Apr 22, 2009

Without echoing the lament that it would be nice to have WordPerfect for Mac available once again, I am wondering: Excepting those who are porting over from the last version of WP for Mac, what is everyone ELSE using for word processing?

Specifically, I am wondering whether anyone can give me any guidance for a word processor that is "typist-based," rather than "graphics- or typesetting-based."

What I am driving at is: those who know WP remember that it was possible for a typist to do virtually everything WITHOUT having to lift hands from the keyboard. (Yes, I *know* one can do this in some ways with MS Word.) WP presented you with a "blank sheet" and you would JUST TYPE. When you needed to insert a footnote, a keystroke combination would do it; when you wanted to flush right, a keystroke would do it. Your hands did not leave the keyboard. Also, of course, there was that lovely "reveal codes" feature. But what I wonder is whether there is any other word processor that is full-featured and which works even remotely like WordPerfect does/did?

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Laptops :: Best Replacement For WordPerfect ?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to buy the MacBook Pro but the thing holding me back is having to give up my WordPerfect. I don't like Word, and I have downloaded OpenOffice on my PC to practice. But I am having trouble duplicating the Merge feature I use on WP. I was hoping to convert my WP letter form file and my data file (with names, addresses, and other data) into OpenOffice to find out if I can do the same merges with that program.

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Applications :: Old Version Of WordPerfect?

Jun 10, 2010

My dad has only ever had Windows PCs. He's still on one, running XP. The one program he truly depends on is WordPerfect (for DOS).He needs a laptop, and to my great surprise, said he'd be open to getting a Mac, if he can still use this version of WordPerfect.Is this a sensible plan? (I've ONLY ever used Macs, by the way, and I've NEVER used WordPerfect).From what I gather, he could run it on a Mac via Boot Camp, or use VMWare Fusion. But would this work well?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Run Wordperfect On IMac

Feb 9, 2012

How do I run my wordperfect office on my iMac 10.7 Lion?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Applications :: Wordperfect - To Put A List Of Emails

Jul 20, 2010

Im Running Into A Little Problem Using Word Perfect 2008 Version 12.2.4. I Am Trying To Put A List Of Emails That I Have 15k Emails To Be Exact Into Abc Order. If It Doesnt Have That Option Can Any Tell A Program That I Can Download That Does.

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Windows On Mac :: Buy Upgrade For Windows 7 From Vista To Windows 7 Or Full Copy?

Oct 28, 2009

Is it better for me to buy the upgrade for windows 7, from vista to windows 7 or to buy the full copy? If i buy the fully version, should i get rid of my pardon, and re-do it with bootcamp, or should i just do it over my current pardon? (Vista) I just want the best way, less pain, less anger. Im willing to pay more for full IF IT IS THE BEST way to do it.

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Windows On Mac :: "please Insert Windows Installation Disk" Message While Trying To Install Windows XP

Feb 7, 2009

so i have a windows XP professional disk, SP2 and all. i am trying to install windows, i get as far as partitioning the disk, but once it says "please insert XP disk" i do that, and it will think for a few minutes, and make a loud noise [coming from the mac] then a message pops up and says 'please insert installation disk.' the disk is brand new, what am i doing wrong? should i be partitioning the windows side larger?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Vista Vs Windows XP (Gaming)

Mar 12, 2009

i have my aluminum 2.4GHz 4gb RAM aluminum macbook with the geforce 9400m. and i was wondering. is DirectX 9 better then DirectX 10?. even if the difference is only 8 FPS it still counts.(really the only game im going to play is elder scrolls 4 oblivion)

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Windows On Mac :: Load Back Into Windows 7 / Unable To View Partition In System Preferences

Jan 7, 2011

just trying to get back into Windows 7 after installing it via Boot Camp. Only thing is that holding down the option key during restart does nothing, and although the partition in which Windows 7 is installed under shows up in finder, I am unable to view it in system preferences so that I can boot from it. Any advice?

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Windows On Mac :: Drivers Won't Install - The Package Requires A Newer Version Of Windows Installer

Mar 30, 2009

Ok, Here is the scoop. I am trying to get Wifi to work on my macbook while on XP. When I put in the disk and it says "The package requires a newer version of Windows Installer. Would you like to update?" I say yes and it says "The requires resoruce update is missing." and if I click no it says "The operation is aborted." or something.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows Via Parallels Or Boot Camp Partition / Memory Required?

Sep 15, 2009

I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.

Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?

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Windows On Mac :: Moving Windows 7 From Fusion To Boot Camp Without Losing Files And Software?

Oct 24, 2009

Last night I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 on my Unibody MBP running SL. When I use Fusion, my computer slows to a crawl. I spent a few hours getting Windows set up and installing software last night.

I would like to try using Boot Camp instead, but do not want to lose all of the software and files that I have installed. Is it possible to set up Boot Camp, and keep the same Windows setup?

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro And Windows 7 Bootcamp Error / Apple Memory Controller GPE Event Is Not Compatible With Windows 7

Jan 22, 2010

A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.

This is the error.

Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.

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Windows On Mac :: Vmware Windows 7 With Networking Wont Show Up In The Media Streaming Options?

Jan 27, 2010

Im having trouble with VMware.. If I set the wireless network connection to NAT, the internet works, but my xbox 360 wont show up in the media streaming options in windows media player. However, if I change the network settings to bridged, I lose my internet connection (well.. sometimes it works.. 80% of the time it doesnt..) Connecting to bridged is the only way I can connect to my 360, and only some of the time where the internet will work. Is there a way to fix the problem with bridged or NAT so they both work together?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows 7 Home / Unable To Find Boot Camp Update 3.1

Jul 26, 2010

hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!

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Software :: Burned Video DVD's In Windows Wont Play - Having To Boot Up Windows In Parallels ?

Mar 26, 2009

I burned numerous dvd's with my old Toshiba laptop for all of my videos and such with Windows XP. Now after my Toshiba crapped out and I switched to a Mac I was wondering why when I put the DVD into the laptop (MacBook Pro Intel processor) why I can only see the name of the dvd and not the contents. I hope someone can help me since I hate having to boot up Windows in Parallels and then play using Windows or drag it to my mac partition since this takes time and I just really hate having to see Windows load on my Mac. Anyones help is greatly appreciated.

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Windows On Mac :: Changing Permissions On External Hard Drive - Formatted For Windows

Sep 21, 2010

I had a Windows based PC a couple of years ago that had crashed. So recently i tried to put the files from my old hard drive from my Windows computer to my Mac. In order to keep track of what i have copied and what I haven't i thought it would be good to delete the stuff of my windows hard drive once it was copied. However, it doesn't let me delete anything of the Windows drive since it is set to read only. Is there a way around this? i've tried everything i can think of, but haven't found a soluti

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Windows On Mac :: Reformating Pre-existing Win7 Bootcamp Partition And Reinstall Windows 7

Oct 12, 2010

i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1

now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.

how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.

or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?

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Windows :: Windows Make Reactivate License When Migrate W7 Machine To Mac Mini?

Oct 18, 2010

If I migrate my W7 machine to my Mac mini, will Windows make me reactivate the license? Is that even a big deal? If I use the ethernet cable option, will I need just the regular ethernet cable or a crossover cable?

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Windows :: Windows 7 Bootcamp External Display? - Connecting Through DVI/HDMI Connector

Dec 3, 2010

I've tried re-installing and updating every possible graphics related driver for Windows 7 i cannot for love or toffee get the bloody thing to even recognize my display. I am using a 26" tv as an external display, it works on OS X (very easily), windows XP (also very easily) and even Vista (also easily) and connecting through a DVI/HDMI connector. Why not windows 7? I've scoured the web for answers but can't find anything. Is anyone at least in the same boat as me? I really need this solved soon

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Doesn't Show Up In Start Up Disk Control Panel

Jan 3, 2011

I have a macpro with OSX on one drive and windows 7 on a partition of another drive. Both systems work fine and I boot into windows by holding the option key down. What is odd is if I go to the system preferences startup disk my windows install does not show up. I did move my windows partition a while ago to a new drive. I used bootcamp to create the partition and winclone to move the data. It's not a big deal not having the option in the preference pain but would be nice. If I am in windows and go to the bootcamp control panel both OS X and Windows are there.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Windows Restart Option Lost In Config?

Feb 15, 2009

I use to be able to select the vista partition to restart into from the configuration pages in leopard on my macbook pro, but now my bootcamp partition is missing. I have to hold the option button to manually select the windows partition and then load into windows. Some setting somewhere must be lost. Does anyone know how to restore it?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Vista Mouse Jumping And Hard To Control In Parallal?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm running Windows vista ultimate on my Imac and lately the mouse started acting weird on Vista, it's jumping around and moving unpredictable,and also i use windows in spaces, and i can't switch to spaces anymore until i click control + command, please let me know what the problem is, ohh i'm running a USB G9 Logitech mouse.

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Get The Wireless Mighty Mouse To Work In Windows 7 Running Via Bootcamp?

Sep 12, 2009

Is there any way to get the wireless mighty mouse to work in windows 7 running via bootcamp tried to pair it but no luck.

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Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 + BootCamp Media Buttons Don't Work Universally In ITunes?

Sep 13, 2009

Does anyone know or have the same problem where pressing the F7, F8, F9 keys (which are previous, stop/pause, and forward) doesn't work in iTunes unless iTunes is the "active" window? I know that in OS X that if i pressed those buttons, it would do it even if I was in another application, but in the Windows 7 version it won't do it if another application is "active." Also, the same applies to the Apple Remote.

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Windows On Mac :: Black Screen With Underscore At Top Left Corner / Booting Into Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

This only happens when I choose to boot into windows. The screen sort of hangs for about 20 seconds in a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner before even starting to boot into windows. I know its normal for this to happen for like 5 seconds tops, but this is happening for about 20 seconds and its dreadful trying to boot into Windows 7 because it takes so long. When windows is done starting up i don't even get any messages saying startup failed or something like that. This is so annoying that I even reinstalled everything but the same thing happened.

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IMac :: Using Windows With Bootcamp And Parallelism - Can Both Programs Access The Same Instance Of Windows

Oct 25, 2009

If you set up boot camp with run windows and then also want to run windows with parallel, do you need two licenses of Windows to do this? Or can both programs access the same instance of Windows?

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