Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install Driver

Jul 9, 2010

I installed Windows XP SP3 and it installed just fine. I went and bought the Snow Leopard OSX DVD from the Apple Store. The bootcamp installed, etc. now that I tried to install a game, it worked.

Upon start up, it's asking for Direct X, installed that as well. Then it said that it failed because I don't have the driver. I checked and the driver is non-existent for graphics.

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Windows On Mac :: Sigmatel HD Driver Does Not Install?

Oct 21, 2008

I have a problem with the Sigmatel High Definition Driver for Windows XP SP3 on Boot Camp. It does not install

I've downloaded the driver from [URL] , but when I run the file in Windows XP on Boot Camp, the following error message shows up:

"Device Object not found..."

When I go to 'Device Manager' in Windows, it says that the sound card is not recognized at all.

- iMac 24'
- Windows XP SP3
- Boot Camp v2.0
- Sound Card: Sigmatel (?) High Definition Audio Driver

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Windows On Mac :: Install X64 Driver Is Not Installing

Aug 15, 2009

When trying to install x64 Boot Camp drivers on my UMB, I get an error saying that my system is not supported. There is a way to force/trick the boot camp installer into installing the drivers anyway.

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Mac Mini :: Install Windows 7 Without Dvd-driver?

Jun 11, 2012

I have a Macmini 2011 without a dvd-driver and I wanna install Windows 7 with Bootcamp. But after I downloaded all updates I have a buttom "Install", when I press it there comes: "pleace put the Windows 7 dvd in the driver", but I have no driver!

Info:Mac mini

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IMac PPC :: Unable To Find Driver Platfrom PowerMac 12,1 10.4 Install?

Feb 11, 2012

Got an iMac G5 manufactured in 07' (PPC)  from a relative and I am trying to erase the HD and restore.I'm putting the disc in it gives me a kernel panic screen- Grey install disc 10.4.10 Not sure what the heck is goin on here.  New to mac's this is what code is shown at top of kernel panic screen- cpu 0 caller(0x002E59BC) Unable to find driver platform PowerMac 12, 1

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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OS X :: Install Driver For Windows Shared Printer

Nov 26, 2008

I need to install the Canon MP520 printer to my MBP. The printer is connected to another a PC running windows and is shared. I installed the OSX driver provided on the Canon page, I can see the printer in the network printers but when I am asked to choose the driver I can't see the correct model listed. On the other hand, if I simply connect the same printer via USB, to my MBP it is recognized directly. When I'm asked to provide the driver while adding the printer via the network, there is also the option to browse to the driver location. So my question is, where are the can I find the right driver on the OS?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Dell Printer / Usable Driver Loaded Into OS X?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm an IMac newbie, so please excuse me if this is "old" information. However, I've done a lot of searching and can't find a "simple" solution. Maybe there isn't one. Again, please excuse me if this is dumb...Just got a new 27" IMac. I have a Dell AIO 966. I know now there is no OEM driver. But, I thought there was a Lexmark driver model (that might show up in the OX 10 install process I could substitute, or a Generic driver. So far, no luck. And frankly, some of the things I am reading when I search are either old, old posts or too complex for me.

Is the simple answer, "get a new printer?" Or, is there a usable driver loaded into OS X? Is there a thread or post that I am missing?

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Install A Software Driver For Canon Film Scanner On OSX 10.6?

May 4, 2012

I am unable to install a software driver for a Canon film scanner FS4000US. I have downloaded it from Canon then open the package click the install and it asks for a location namely the Applications folder. Then it says it has been installed re -start etc, but still no driver.I am using Mac OS 10.6. Any suggestions greatly received. I have repaired/disk and permissions and it still does not work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Windows On Mac :: Finding VmWare 3d Acceleration Driver Install?

Aug 6, 2007

I tried to install counter-strike on my vmware image of windows xp pro x64 edition. The thing is that when I opened up the application, I was told that I could only run in software mode. How do play the game utilizing my geforce 8600gt graphics card?

I have already checked the box VirtualMachine->Settings->Display->Accelerate 3D graphics. So this shouldn't be the problem.

I also tried downloading a driver from nvidias web site, but I could not install it.

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Mac Pro :: Howto Install An AHCI SATA Driver In Windows XP

Aug 6, 2009

This is about the installation of AHCI drivers to SATA ports for Windows. AHCI drivers (Advanced Host Controller Interface klick -> [URL] Interface for Wiki) are advanced performance drivers for the SATA controller in your Mac Pro (ICH10R chips for Nehalem - ESB2 for all others). When you go to profiler in OS X and bring up ATA you will see that your disks will all be connected by AHCI protocols.

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Windows On Mac :: Install Boot Camp HFS Driver For Non-Macs?

Oct 28, 2009

Is there any way that I can install the boot camp HFS driver on my non-Mac PCs?

Anyone know what the driver's setup file might be called, since there seems to be several boot camp setup EXEs on the Snow Leopard disc?

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Windows On Mac :: Blue Screen Crash And Restart During Driver Install From Leopard DVD

Mar 21, 2009

I've used Boot Camp to create a 32GB partition and install Windows XP (SP2 home edition) on my alu iMac (2.66 Ghz, 4GB RAM).

I used the FAT format to allow transfer of files between the Mac partition and the Windows one.

After booting Windows, I put in my original Leopard install DVD as directed, and the Boot Camp installer automatically came up.

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Mac Pro :: Trying To Install NVIDIA Driver But Systems Says"No Driver Update Needed For This System"?

Jul 3, 2012

We are trying to install/update to the NVIDIA 270.00.00f06 driver for the PNY Quadro FX4800 for Mac on our MacPro 3,1 with OSX 10.7.4. The system tells us "No Driver Update Needed for this System", and will not allow driver to be installed. Can anyone advise if the current driver is automatically installed or provided by Apple Updates. If not can you provide proper instructions on how to properly update the driver. Also how can we confirm what driver version is currently installed.

Jim Teames 7/03/2012

Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), PNY Quadro FX4800 for Mac, 10GB mem

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install Windows From .exe / Parallels Asks For A CD Or CD Image?

May 13, 2009

I have parallels 4 installed and I want to install windows XP. My school gives us legal copies of windows 98 and a windows xp upgrade. However, neither of these comes in the form of a CD image. They are both .exe files. Parellels asks for a CD or CD image. Is there a way to install windows 98 from an .exe in parallels?

And if so will I be able to use the windows xp upgrade once i have windows 98 installed? I haven't yet tried creating a CD image with the exe file on it. I don't know if this would work because it's all in one file and not a typical windows install disk.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Display Anything After 7 Install?

Aug 14, 2010

So i gave a friend of mine a hand with his 2009 27" i7 iMac by installing Windows 7 for him. Unfortunatly for some reason after you get through all the meat of the install and it restarts to finish off and ask for personal information but here's the problem. The display is showing nothing! You can hear the fans are on and booting into mac is fine but I can't get any farther with the Windows 7 installation because i can't see anything! I know the disc works because I installed from it the night before.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Install Windows

May 9, 2012

So i have a Mid 2010 iMac 27" - 2.93 Ghz. i7, 16 GB, with a 2 TB Drive, and 10.7.3 running on it. About a month ago, my Superdirve broke, and i cant install anything. As i need my Computer due to work, i bouth an Asus BD + DVD + CD - Combo-Drive-thingy, which works perfectly fine, BUT now i wanted to install Win8 Consumer Preview over my Win7.

Firstly i couldnt, because you cant do that with the Installer on 32 bit, to install 64 bit Then i tried it via Bootcamp, so i had to delete the old drive. Then i wanted to make a new one via the Bootcamp Assistent, downloaded the Drivers, burnt them, and put the Win8 DVD in the Asus Drive. Then it told me to put the Windows DVD in, because he didnt recognise it from the Asus Drive. But i cant, because the Superdrive is broken. So i rebooted, and i got into the Windows Install Thingy, but aswell this didnt recognise the DVD because the Drive is only connected via

2 USB Ports. So next, i made a Win8 Install USB-Flashdrive, and this should work perfectly fine normally, but just aswell, it didnt recognise it. So then i installed rEFIt, and tried to get to the installer with that, somehow. no chance.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Partition My Macbook To Install Windows?

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to partition my Macbook to install Windows and am having the following error

"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved.

-Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install Win7 Drivers

Nov 19, 2010

I can't get VMWare to install their tools that supposedly helps with the Win7 drivers. However, i have the Win7 drivers for my MBA from a previous attempt to install Boot Camp. They are in my MBA dowload/drivers folder and on a USB thumb drive. But the VMWare install won't look at either. It only wants to look in 3 places.
A: floppy drive (haven't had one in many years)
CD drive D: VMWare tools (which is no help at all)
Boot X: drive

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install IMac/m74 Gddr3_16mx32?

Dec 16, 2009

Newish 20" iMac (black border around glass).

Wiped clean and installed Snow Leopard, ran boot camp wizard and gave the windoze partition 100 GB, then rebooted.

No matter what disc I try to boot from (Windows 7 burned, Windows 7 pressed from microsoft, Windows XP SP3) I just get a black screen with white lettering in the top left that reads:

113-B22505-011 M74 GDDR3_16Mx32 64bit

Haven't been able to find anything on google. I figured the win7 might be problematic due to the way microsoft makes their discs (have had to burn mac-friendly dvd versions in the past) but I can't figure out why the XP cd wouldn't work...

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install Win7 Drivers

Jan 13, 2010

So I've finally got all the partitions sorted out from my previous OS setup, and go to install Windows 7. Partway through the setup (just after asking language) it asks for CD/DVD drivers. Okay, I'll try eject the disk. Nope, eject key not working. So I can't put the disk with all the drivers in. I'll copy the drivers to my external HDD. When I browse for them, I am told there's nothing there. So, I don't know. I can't install the drivers it would seem (unless someone can find the CD/DVD drivers for windows?) and therefor cannot continue with the installation because it wont let me click next until these damn drivers are installed. Windows 7 64 bit, by the way.

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Windows On Mac :: Downloaded Parallels And Iso Image / Unable To Install

Mar 17, 2009

trying to install windows xp using parallels 5. i downloaded and iso file for windows and i double clicked it and it showed on the mac desktop, BUT parallels wont install windows from that. i am sorry if there is a thread already on this matter. i know i am doing something wrong but cant figure it out since i am new to all this.

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IMac :: Unable To Fix Boot Camp / Can't Install Windows

May 1, 2010

I own every piece of software and hardware from Apple there is and I cannot understand that it seems that everything is about the iPad and iPhone right now. I have been having these issues since I got my 27" iMac. I can install Windows 7 just fine on my MacBook Pro and my previous 24" iMac.

Ever since I got the 27" iMac I get a black screen when installing Windows. I have found some posts that have a way around it, which seemed to have worked but now I am getting the blue screen of death. Doesn't matter if Windows 7 is supported by Apple or not but Boot Camp is and it should be corrected.

There is no excuse that after 6 months this issue has still to be addressed, all Apple talks about now is iPad and iPhone, I am sick of it.
BTW I own an iPad and I don't see the big fuss about it, I bought it mainly to read books and watch Netflix on the go.

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Applications :: Unable To Install Windows Xp On Parallels 5 Desktop

Jun 12, 2010

I have installed parallels 5 desktop onto my macbook pro and am trying to set it up to run win XP. All goes well untill it gets to the part of the windows installation that highlights "installing windows" the everything just stops, and stays stuck on "setup will take approximately: 36minutes" At the very bottom in the grey area it says: "Parallel tools are not installed, when I click to install these, nothing happens!

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows Xp / Stuck With White Screen

Mar 29, 2010

My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:

Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting,
Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting,
and hold down "alt" while it's starting

I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.

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Windows On Mac :: The Windows Version Of The Trackpad's Driver Poorly Implemented?

Nov 8, 2010

I am using a MBP 17" (2010 model). The trackpad functions very well under Mac OS/X.However, under Windows Vista 64-bit, it does not behave as if it were under Mac OS. For example, even I did not click on the trackpad, it did it by itself. Is it a driver problem or setting problem? I know that under bootcamp, we can change the trackpad settings. If it is the latter case, could anybody please let me know the configurations/settings that allow the trackpad to behave exactly the same it does under Mac OS/X?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Install Games / Updating Nvidia Drivers For Windows 7

Dec 11, 2009

i have the following question: i installed windows 7 on my mbp but i have problems with a lot of games that i want to install, so i think that i have to update my drivers. if i install the drivers from the nvidia site for windows 7, will they mess up my nvidia drivers on my osx part of my mbp?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 On Macbook Pro - Bootcamp Driver Won't Work

May 20, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro 15" , C2D 2.33ghz. I have the 7100 version of Windows 7 and everything worked perfectly except for the sound.

No matter which bootcamp driver I try or even Realtek's own vista one nothing works.

I downloaded the bootcamp 2.1 drivers and everything installed correctly , including the realtek ones. All the hardware looks fine in device manager but I dont hear anything out.

Should the default be speakers? It seems that it keeps the driver as microsofts own and it doesnt say anything about realtek. Could that be the problem?

I did not try the microphone jack yet but will in a few minutes.

Even if there is a hack , Im willing to try it. What is the exact audio chipset on this model of macbook pro?

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Windows On Mac :: Can Parallels Use A Custom Windows USB Device Driver?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a USB device with a windows driver and application that works fine under bootcamp. No native OSX drivers available for this device. Will I be able to install the drivers and run using Parallels?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows 7 Premium / Bootcamp Black Screen Appears

Feb 1, 2010

iMac 27" i7 with OS X v 10.6.x when I create the bootcamp partition for windows 7 and I install from my original DVD of Windows 7. I format the partition during the install of windows 7 and on the first reboot after windows 7 first part of the install, the screen shows the Windows 7 logo and says continuing installation and then a black screen and then nothing.

I have to hard power off the iMac and then it starts over says the thing about the system didn't shut down properly and gives me the option to start safe mode etc. and does the same thing each time.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Install HP P2055dn Driver For It

Apr 25, 2012

Latest HP printer updates list the HP P2055dn printer as being supported. When I go to install the driver, I get a message stating "The software for this printer is currently unavailable. Please contact the printer's manufacturer for the latest software".  On Apple's support page clearly states that this printer's drivers are included in the Apple Software update; [url]

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