Windows On Mac :: Stuck In "Windows Is Shutting Down" Screen?
Sep 15, 2009
I'm running XP on Fusion and left the session open over night. When I got to my computer this morning the session was stuck on the standard XP "Windows is shutting down..." screen. I've tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete, "Shut Down Guest", and "Restart Guest" under the Virtual Machine menu but Windows won't restart. I've also attempted to close down Fusion and restart, but that doesn't help either. At this point on a PC I'd just hold down the power button, but don't want to do that yet on my Mac.
I am a new MacBook user. I have a 20" cinema display, and often, once I have disconnected the display I find that application windows which sat in the left side of the 20" screen are now stuck partially or fully outside the MacBook screen. Is there an easy way to bring them back?
My problem is taht when i installed windows xp, which im thinking is SP1 cuz its so old, i think i partioned mac os x and now when i try to turn on my MBP all that happens is a white screen. and if i press option key no hardrives or systems show up even Mac OS X please im stuck:/. Also windows xp or mac os x is not loading up so im stuck on a white blank screen
My intel imac 24" running mac osx 10.5 (i think, most recent one) has become stuck at the grey screen after the apple logo on a restart with the spinning gear going. This happened after restarting after using in windows mode, which I have done many times before. I have tried various things like PRam thing and disconnecting power for a while with no luck. I can start up pressing alt and get into windows mode (which I am in just now). I can startup and press c off the CD in which I have run the disk repair thing that says all is well. I tried repair permissions and it came up with some kind of error ending. I have also tried and archive install which only goes to about 5% and then tells me there is an error with installing certain files in the mac hard drive.
My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:
Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting, Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting, and hold down "alt" while it's starting
I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.
So as the title explains, since last Friday I've been trying to figure out why my Macbook Pro started getting stuck on the boot screen with the spinning gear. Sometimes a progress bar appear and it fills like 1/20th of the way and goes back to the spinning gear. However, if I boot into Windows 7, it works fine. I tried using the Snow Leopard install disk to get into disk utility and it won't even boot from cd (For reference, I tried the hold-c command to boot into the cd). The I tried resetting the PRAM, the SMC reset and the fsk thing, no bananas. I have this Macbook Pro since June 2009. I'm shot of ideas, if you guys have no idea what's wrong its a call to Apple, or a meeting with a "Genius" ugh.
I installed Windows Vista, and Vista boots up fine. However, I hold down the command keys when starting my computer up again, and it won't let me select Mac OS X. It just starts Vista.
On "My Computer" in Vista I see "Bootcamp (C" and "Macintosh HD (E in my Hard Disks Drives. Also, whenever I start up Vista it tells me something about a wrongly formatted drive. My files are still all in the Mactintosh HD drive, but I don't know how to start up Mac OS X.
My Macbook is currently stuck booting up in windows 7. My shift key also appears to be stuck so holding the Option key when booting up to choose a start up disk isn't an option (it doesn't work). I do not currently have access to an external keyboard. I do have the startup disk. I'm wondering if I can use the startup disk to reset the systems startup disk? Are there other options?
Having successfully installed Windows XP via Boot Camp on my new iMac and with everything up & running I am wondering what is really best for my iMac? From what I understand, when using OSX, you should never keep shutting it down all the time (unless you're going to be away from it for a while). It's best to put your Mac to sleep each night and restart the machine once a week. So what about Windows?
Having used a PC all my life, I'm very used to just shutting the computer down everytime when I have finished what I've needed to do and booting it back up when required. I'm going to be using Windows extensively for the next year on the Mac, so should I put it on Stand-by or Hibernate each time I'm finished? Or is it safe to keep shutting it down? (Note: I have the SSD + HDD option installed. I assume if I keep shutting it down, the performance of the SSD will degrade far quicker?)
When I installed VM Fusion and Windows XP (2) on my 13" MacBook I was told that I could exit Windows by selecting "suspend guest" from the drop-down menus, but when I do, I get a humungous "click triangle", and it sits there in the center of my screen until I click on it . . . . which boots up Windows again! The only way I can close Windows is by going to the Fusion menu and selecting "shut down Fusion". Also, I notice that I can't always activate or click on the Mac menu bar at the top of Windows to see those choices. In fact, when it does appear, it appears rather 'ghostly' and maybe only half of it appears - and is completely without function. When I jiggle the mouse pointer around awhile, it may appear, then I can shut down Windows.
I just bought a new MBP a couple of days ago. I installed WinXP on Bootcamp partitioned to 91GB. I've also installed the Win drivers using the Snow Leopard disc. Whenever I run a program on WinXP, and then I try to switch back to MacOSX using bootcamp, the machine stalls. The screen locks up and I can't do anything. This can be any program (Norton IS, I have a game on it BattleField2). I've also tried to shutdown the machine and change it back to MacOSX. It shutdowns ok, but when I use bootcamp, it stalls.
I've tried to install the latest version of NVidia drivers for GeForce 9400M/9600M but NVidia installer says that no device can be found and the installer just shuts down. Please tell me that I don't have to reinstall Windows! I've ran it through Windows update and have all the patches.
I can't figure this out. My iMackeeps shutting itself down part way through the Windows 7 Boot Camp install. I can't get it completed. Usually about at the point were files are copied it turns off.
Is it possible the fans are not working properly while booted to a CD causing it to overheat and shut down?
I'm running a couple of apps in XP through Parallels - coherence mode. Technically, I shouldn't have to see the Windows desktop. Question is - do I have to go in and manually shut down Windows before I shut down my MacBook Pro?
When I want to finish a session of using Vista in VirtualBox. If I "x" out the application, "it says "save in state" or something like that and "power off machine" is power off machine different than shutting down windows? What's best to do and what does what? I'm assuming also that I can't just close virtualbox and come back to it later without windows being shut down or affected?
I just switched from windows/pc and want to know if it's possible to "logout" of an account without shutting down applications/internet connectivity. I used to be able to click "log off" (in windows) when I got up to leave my computer (for security) so that I would have to type in my username and password to get back in and applications such as AIM and internet connection were still available. Can you do this on a Mac? So far I only see options to log out completely or to put it into full sleep mode (signing you off of AIM and iChat).
I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu
I have done the following: 1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)
2. Installed rEFIt I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)
3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.
4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.
5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)
So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".
6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.
Problems occur right here: Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"
Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?
I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.
This only happens when I choose to boot into windows. The screen sort of hangs for about 20 seconds in a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner before even starting to boot into windows. I know its normal for this to happen for like 5 seconds tops, but this is happening for about 20 seconds and its dreadful trying to boot into Windows 7 because it takes so long. When windows is done starting up i don't even get any messages saying startup failed or something like that. This is so annoying that I even reinstalled everything but the same thing happened.
I Have my 15" macbook pro 2,4 Ghz 2G in RAM, with Snow Leopard, bootcamp and vista running for some time (about a year or so) and every thing has been going ok. Last night I made a clean windows 7 installation. All went good, installation, let windows 7 make his updates, I put Snow Leopard disk to make macbook pro drivers updates and I installed all the program I need including Norton 2010 Antivirus.
All went smooth and easy untill I activated Windows 7 with Daz Windows Loader 1.6.9. After a few seconds It said : Everything Ok, Windows is now activated and your machine will reboot now. After that, it gets out of the desktop to the closing window and suddenly I get the blue death screen. I have to manually press de power button to shut down my macbook pro.
I reboot again and after getting the safe mode screen stuff i just keep with Start Windows normally. It starts well again, but now each time I want to reboot or shut down my MBP I get again and again the blue death screen. And I�m sure i will get it while working soon.Is it probably because I did all kind of updates before running the Daz Loader (including programs and antivirus software)??
I restarted my virtual machine (I'm using VMware Fusion) and my virtual machine has been stuck installing upates for about 4 hours or so. Anything I can try to get out of this?
Just wondered if there are any others out there like me, a Mac user and lover in a windows world. all the computers at work are windows, so if I use pages or keynote I cant share with colleagues, i cant print easy from the network, I cant sync my calenders etc. I guess that Macs are used more in other countries but every time I get my Macbook out at a meeting I get funny looks (I don't work in a creative industry) I love my Macbook but it gets frustrating trying to convert documents or having to use office for mac just so I can send the document to colleagues.
I have had my mac for only 1 year and still getting use to the troubleshooting. My Imac keeps getting stucking on spinning circle when I shut down or reboot. I have unplugged all my external hard drives and printer. Nothing seemed to work. Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53), 4gb Ram, Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was partitioning my Disk using BootCamp while trying to install Windows 7 on my MacBook (30GB partition) but my partitioning never ended. The stupid BootCamp got stuck so after one hour I had to turn off my MacBook. I even listened if the HD was working but nothing... The shut down was inevitable.
So I turned on my MacBook again and all seemed fine. That was until I checked my HD capacity! My HD was 30GB less than what I should normally have. Instead of 60GB FREE space I know had 30GB. So I thought that ok, BootCamp must have managed to make the partition even if the MacBook crashed and burned.
No, it hadn't. My 30GB have vanished! I also went to disk utility and used Partition to see if there was any space there but nothing. Disk Utility see my HD as a 250GB disk which is correct. Somehow that 30GB has been recognized as a big chunk of info on my HD so now I am missing 30GB.
My MBP seems to be stuck on "VMware Fusion is preparing your Boot Camp partition to run as a virtual machine. This may take a few minutes. This will only happen once." The bars are still moving and it doesn't appear to have crashed but it's been running for over 2 hours.. is this normal or should I restart it?
The title say it all, I've tried with my vista disc in the drive and out of the drive, given it a few goes for 10-20 minutes (recommended by people online) and then an hour just incase.
I installed Windows Vista, and Vista boots up fine. However, I hold down the command keys when starting my computer up again, and it won't let me select Mac OS X. It just starts Vista. On "My Computer" in Vista I see "Bootcamp (C" and "Macintosh HD (E in my Hard Disks Drives. Also, whenever I start up Vista it tells me something about a wrongly formatted drive. My files are still all in the Mactintosh HD drive, but I don't know how to start up Mac OS X.
I have an alu iMac with a 500GB HDD. There is about 200GB free. Every time I run the Bootcamp Assistant, choose a Windows partition (doesn't matter what size), it sits with the progress bar spinning for ages before it gives me the error "Disk could not be partitioned as some files cannot be moved. Please reformat the disk and try again". There is no way I can back the disk up, reformat, reinstall and re-update everything. No other apps are running when I run the Bootcamp Assistant.