Windows On Mac :: Won't Fix Boot Camp 3.0 / Can't Work With Volume
Aug 28, 2009
For those who have installed the Boot Camp 3.0 drivers does it resolve any of these problems with the 2009 Macbook:Low volume output from speakers, Optical output red light always on, Keyboard backlight won't turn off, Microphone not working, Left speaker louder than right speaker
Other than the ability to access your Mac drive does Boot Camp 3.0 add anything that would make it worth the upgrade?
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Nov 12, 2009
This is my first post here... even though, I've read a lot of the things on this forum, but never decided to post a question 'til now... now that i bought a macbook pro that is.
Actually I have some sort of annoyance with boot camp. It works as it's intended (with windows 7, which is a miracle, because everyone complains about that combination). But whenever I boot up and press "alt" to select the hard drive i want to boot, it always shows Windows. Can i change it for something else? and, how can I do it? Both of my partitions have names of their own... they're not generic... but still, they are not working, what can I do??
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Sep 23, 2009
i run boot camp and work on Microsoft to work with auto cad, and the volume keys and the pause and mute for some strange reason stopped working.
ive gone to control panel boot camp and turned on and off the option to use the f1 keys and still nothing. i have uninstalled the driver for the keyboard and still nothing.
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Jun 15, 2009
I just set up my new MacBook Pro 13-inch with Boot Camp. Initially I put Windows 7 RC on it, but I couldn't get the audio control function keys to work. Figuring Win 7 is probably quirky, I figured I'd drop back to Vista for now until 7 is officially supported. (Interesting how easy Apple makes it to annihilate a Boot Camp partition. :) So now I have Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 running with no issues. All the Boot Camp drives and utilities seem to be working. However, with all the sounds cranked to max in Windows, and using the F12 key, the volume is very quiet. Probably less than half of what I can get in OS X.
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Feb 15, 2009
So i installed windows 7 on my macbook (not aluminum) and when i go to install the boot camp drivers off of the retail leopard CD i get an error that says that I can't because it only installs on vista or XP. My laptop came with Tiger CD's so i can't get them off of there.
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Apr 10, 2009
I was able to get Windows Vista 64 running on my 17" MBP, it is pretty slick. I set aside 32 GB for Windows, ran the install, loaded all the appropriate Boot Camp drivers and everything is working perfectly in Windows. I boot back to OS X to attempt to configure Parallels...
So I fired up Parallels and follow the guided instructions. However, when I get to step 2 Im not sure what I should be doing. I already have Windows on its own partition, but Parallels is asking me for a CD/DVD image. Im a little leery of putting the Win disc back in, I dont want Parallels to always want to boot from the disc. how do I tell Parallels to load Windows as a Virtual Machine off of the Boot Camp partition?
The partition Boot Camp created now appears on my Desktop in OS X as Untitled, I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to change that. If I eject that volume will I still be able to Boot to Windows? Will Parallel still work?
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Apr 16, 2009
So I finally got Windows 7 64bit installed on my MBP 2.33 machine.
However, from the guides, I should just insert my leopard disc and it should run. This is the thing, I don't know where my leopard disc is (i've been moving a lot lately due to being unemployed) and its either lost or packed away somewhere. I have a backup copy on my time machine drive and haven't tried that yet. I downloaded a 2.1 extraction and burned it to CD though. I inserted the CD and I can see in windows 7 three applications. One is Windows XP, the others are Windows Vista 32 and Windows Vista 64. I click the Vista 64, but nothing happens at all, and no drivers are isntalled.
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Jun 9, 2009
I installed Windows 7, 64 bit to another partition. I let it do its update thing. When moving on to installing Boot Camp from the Mac OS DVD however things failed. I heard that if things does not work out as promised I would have to download the Boot Camp 2.1 64 bit version for windows vista from the apple website, so I did. This didn't change anything however. The OS as a whole works well as of now but there's no support for any of the hardware such as hotkeys, camera and multitouch. I've also noticed that the sound drivers don't work properly and I'm stuck with a red light in the earphone jack, together with no sound. This goes even AFTER installing the latest drives from Realtek's website.
Lastly, it also seems that my graphics drivers are not working that well. The other day I was trying to play Plants VS Zombies but the whole game was very pixlated, nothing like it should be. The game itself does not have any settings for changing this.
So in short this is what does not seem to be working:
- No support for the hardware such as isight camera, hotkeys, multitouch etc.
- No sound.
- Graphics not as good as they should be.
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Apr 26, 2009
I have been trying to install Windows 7 X86 RC1 on my brand new early 2009 iMac and have been having the same problem every time.
Initial installation goes very smoothly, but all the trouble begins when I load the Boot Camp setup.exe from the Leopard disc.
During Boot Camp installation I get a compatibility warning about some of the Apple Boot Camp drivers working correctly with this version of Windows.
If I go ahead with the installation then what happens is I get a BSOD and then Windows becomes un-bootable. This is repeatable as it happens every single time I do the installation.
Things initially seem to work up until I load boot camp assistant from the Leopard install disc, so I'm wondering if there are other drivers available that play well with Windows 7 for my iMac that I can try? I've followed several Boot Camp tutorials for iMac with Win7 and am pretty sure I am doing everything correctly, but things just aren't working.
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Sep 8, 2009
I want to know if anyone can identify compatibility issues with this set-up, it's for architecture school and it is very important that it works.
17" Macbook Pro 2.8Ghz
128GB Solid State Drive
Here's where it gets confusing:
through Boot Camp 3.0, run Windows 7 Home Premium
run AutoCAD 2010
run 3Ds Max 2010
run Revit Architecture 2010
(Each of these have well-documented problems running in Boot Camp regarding broken licenses, however, no information I can find since 2008 identifies issues. Autodesk's website does specifically say each of these products are supported on OSX through Boot Camp.)
I will be saving all files to either an external HDD (these also have been documented to cause problems concerning the license in Boot Camp, I am presuming that since Autodesk now supports Boot Camp, this issue has been/will be resolved through Autodesk) or a networked storage system at the university.
OSX will be used primarily for using Adobe CS4 Design, OpenOffice, and internet browsing. Basically, pleasure use with a minimum of curriculum-related applications (except for CS4).
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Sep 27, 2010
After my other thread and a bit more research I have decided that Boot camp will suit my needs the best.My next question, which Version of Windows will work the best on the MBA. I know 100% that it won't be Vista. But cant decide between Win XP or Win 7.
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Feb 20, 2008
I know the Boot Camp drivers that are shipping with the latest Mac Pro includes 64-bit drivers for Vista, but I was wondering if anyone has tried to see if they work on XP x64? That's the 64-bit Windows version I have on hand and it would be nice to get it to work. I don't suppose the drivers that shipped with the MacBook Air are any newer?
You would think that Apple would jump to support XP x64 given the commercials about people switching back from Vista to XP.
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Jan 20, 2010
ive been using my clean win7homepremium install for about 4 weeks now. i have the video card working nicely and all seems to be well, i play modernwarfare2 on it and it is all good... however (there is always one..)
the mic doesnt work... it seems to be recording but at a super low volume. i check win7 sound control and the recording is set to 'microphone' but no dice. i turn up the boost and volume to full and tap the mic on top of the display and i get 3 green bars...
i was hoping the 3.1 updates would fix it, however i cant get anything to install... its like its an update for vista, not an update for people already running windows 7.
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Jul 15, 2010
I got Mac Mini and i installed Windows 7 on it with Boot Camp, After i installed drivers and everything. Everything worked includes the Magic Mouse. After i did a restart my Magic Mouse didn't work anymore. I tried turning the Mouse off and on and it still doesn't work.
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Nov 13, 2009
The new blue tooth key board does not work in windows 7 boot camp, Windows cant locate the divice... New iMac blue tooth key board does not work in windows 7 boot camp!
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Nov 21, 2010
In retrospect, I should have ignored it when Apple Software Update told me about the Boot Camp 3.2 upgrade for my 2006 Mac Pro running x64 Win 7 ultimate. When I ran it, it overwrote my blue tooth driver and my keyboard stopped working. Thanks for the folks at Mac Rumors forums, I was able to go through the procedure to get it working again, and I also had to update the video driver (again) from ATI for my 3800.
So then I decide to reboot into MacOS and discover that my icon for selecting the boot disk was gone, not to mention any directory or programs in the start menu. This happen to anyone else? Do I have to downgrade to 3.1 or does anyone have a recommendation to get 3.2 working?
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Jul 14, 2009
In my attempt to install Windows XP via Boot Camp, I accidentally inserted an SP1 disc instead of the SP2 disc that I have. The installation proceeded to the point where it does for most who attempt this: the screen where you are prompted to press ENTER. I could not proceed and therefore restarted the iMac and held down the mouse button upon start-up to remove the CD.
HERE IS THE PROBLEM:I can not boot into OS X because the keyboard shortcuts (those that might allow me to select which partition to boot from and/or reset PRAM) seem to be disabled. Instead, a reboot always ends at a black screen with a blinking DOS-esque cursor, or the prompt: "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key."
I have attempted inserting my SP2 disc at this point, to no avail. My keyboard seems to be disabled, as if the SP1 install proceeded just enough to establish itself as the boot drive without drivers for the keyboard. I've tried using all 3 USB ports, disconnecting other USB devices. Oddly, my bluetooth mouse works to eject the CD on reboot...
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Nov 9, 2009
I have an '08 Octo 2.8.
I created a Boot Camp Partition (an entire drive, actually) and installed XP. The install went off without a hitch ... Except, having rebooted to Mac OS X (10.6.1) there is no way to boot Windows again. Going to Preferences->Boot Disk shows no Book Camp bootable drive.
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Dec 25, 2008
This is the 1st time i got a Mac , i bought a black Macbook 2.4GHz some days ago .
I installed Windows Vista Ultimate using Boot Camp , and all went smoothly .
Only 1 prob is when restarting , i have to wait too long for the Windows to log on , i think about 1min with the black screen.
And if i want to boot in Mac OS , i have to push down the D button or the Alt, it takes quite a long time too .
So do you guys have any solution to this problem ? I want to get rid of the waiting time, way too much.
And do you know how to make my Macbook jump right in the choosing section when it starts ? ( so that i dont have to push down any button when it starts )
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Feb 18, 2010
I have been trying to install Windows 7 (yes, legit copy) to my Macbook Pro the whole day, but I keep on getting this error message saying "Press any key to boot from cd or dvd . . . ."
When I press any key on the keyboard, nothing happens. I know this copy works because I've tried this on VMWare 3. (I'm going to Boot Camp of BIOSHOCK!)
What I've Tried:
Deleted partition, recreate partition and choose the Windows 7 disk as startup disk.
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Feb 19, 2010
Well I installed Vista Ultimate using boot camp on my 27 inch iMac using 10.6.2 and now I can't get it to boot in OSX. I tried holding the command key when rebooting but it just goes into the windows part. Looks like windows took over. Does anybody know how I can get it to boot in Leopard?
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Jul 6, 2010
Have the new 15" MBP with i7 Processor. I had another MBP with a 7200RPM drive and installed drive in the new i7 Mac. Computer was working fine until I installed Windows via Boot Camp. I can't boot to the Mac Partition any more, the partition is there but when you try to boot to it you just see the Apple logo and NO circle. I cannot boot to the install CDs or a bootable external drive. I target disk mode the computer and used another computer to boot using the drive in the i7 unit and it's fine and I can see all the information. I tried booting the i7 into single user mode and saw the following message:
efiboot loaded from device: Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1|1)/Ata(Primary,Master)/HD(Part 2,Sig********-****-****-****-************)
boot file path: SystemLibraryCoreServicesoot.efi
.Loading 'mach_kernel'...
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Jul 20, 2009
I just installed Windows XP to a Boot Camp Partition on my MBP. However, rebooting is a hassle and naturally I want to avoid doing such as often as possible. I think running Parallels Desktop would suit my needs quite well. But here's the catch: I want to be able to use one partition to serve both of those needs. In other words I want have the option of booting through both Boot Camp or Parallels.
How would I go about doing this? I already have a XP installed via Boot Camp. So if there is a method where I don't have to reinstall, great, but I am fine with deleting stuff.
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Sep 15, 2009
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?
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Oct 24, 2009
Last night I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 on my Unibody MBP running SL. When I use Fusion, my computer slows to a crawl. I spent a few hours getting Windows set up and installing software last night.
I would like to try using Boot Camp instead, but do not want to lose all of the software and files that I have installed. Is it possible to set up Boot Camp, and keep the same Windows setup?
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Jul 26, 2010
hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!
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Feb 15, 2009
I use to be able to select the vista partition to restart into from the configuration pages in leopard on my macbook pro, but now my bootcamp partition is missing. I have to hold the option button to manually select the windows partition and then load into windows. Some setting somewhere must be lost. Does anyone know how to restore it?
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm trying to install Windows 7 and can't get the boot camp assistant to partition my drive. The drive in question is 500GB with over 200GB free space. I want a Windows partition of 35-40GB.On first attempt I kept getting the cannot move files error when trying to partition. I read up on the error online, and most people suggested issues with parallels or needing to use idefrag. I had parallels on my machine at one point, but am not sure if there are any problem folders still hiding somewhere. Any tips on that part?I ran idefrag overnight last night. When I booted the machine up this morning, I launched it again to verify that the disk was defraged. Boot camp still doesn't want to play.
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Jan 20, 2010
Would have checked this myself but I haven't gotten around to installing Boot Camp 3.1 yet.
Anyone with a uMBP try to see if Boot Camp 3.1 allows the keyboard light to completely shut off in Windows 7?
I described it more here.
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May 22, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro and I'm hoping to install Windows Vista via Boot Camp. Is it possible to do this with a Dell reinstallation DVD that came with my Dell laptop?
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