Windows On Mac :: Window Xp OEM / Unable To Boot

Oct 1, 2010

I am having trouble loading window XP pro OEM sp2 using Bootcamp on my macbook OSX 10.5.8 It gets through copying all the files and reboots successfully through to the install window and the setup program for windows (where it displays various marketing info and has dot buttons down the left hand side). It says it will take 39 mins to setup but the counter never changes and I have left it up to an hour and nothing happens although once I did get a disk error message (something about cleaning the CD - can't remember exactly). I am doing full installs and have tried FAT and NTFS. At first I thought it was because it was an OEM but it is a Microsoft OEM and other people online seem to have no problems installing and if there is a problem it seems to stall well before the setup window. Is this a dud CD or version of windows or am I just doing something wrong?

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Windows On Mac :: Possibly Fatal Boot Camp Error / Unable To Boot Windows

Jul 14, 2009

In my attempt to install Windows XP via Boot Camp, I accidentally inserted an SP1 disc instead of the SP2 disc that I have. The installation proceeded to the point where it does for most who attempt this: the screen where you are prompted to press ENTER. I could not proceed and therefore restarted the iMac and held down the mouse button upon start-up to remove the CD.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM:I can not boot into OS X because the keyboard shortcuts (those that might allow me to select which partition to boot from and/or reset PRAM) seem to be disabled. Instead, a reboot always ends at a black screen with a blinking DOS-esque cursor, or the prompt: "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key."

I have attempted inserting my SP2 disc at this point, to no avail. My keyboard seems to be disabled, as if the SP1 install proceeded just enough to establish itself as the boot drive without drivers for the keyboard. I've tried using all 3 USB ports, disconnecting other USB devices. Oddly, my bluetooth mouse works to eject the CD on reboot...

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows 7 Home / Unable To Find Boot Camp Update 3.1

Jul 26, 2010

hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Work With Windows 7 Boot Camp Drivers

Feb 15, 2009

So i installed windows 7 on my macbook (not aluminum) and when i go to install the boot camp drivers off of the retail leopard CD i get an error that says that I can't because it only installs on vista or XP. My laptop came with Tiger CD's so i can't get them off of there.

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Windows On Mac :: Creating Window 7 Boot Disk W/Disk Utility

May 26, 2009

I'm currently in the process of trying to install Win7 on my Macbook Pro (purchased July '07) using an ISO burned to a DVD with Disk Utility. Unfortunately, the DVD isn't bootable, and while the symptoms match what's in this blog post, the author's solution involved using a Windows-only program.

I'd like to know if it's possible to re-burn the ISO without the version number in the filenames as in the original solution, but with Disk Utility or something else that a Mac can use.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Use Boot Camp On 64-bit

Feb 13, 2008

I just got my Mac Pro in the mail today. I put two new disks into it, a 80 gb music drive and a 320 gb disk to use for windows.

Whenever I put in my windows disk and it asks me to choose which disk to install windows on and I recieve errors. Please excuse me I am very ill and have an awful headache and have been trying to get this worked out for a few hours now.

The first error I received was this: "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation."

There is a workaround page here but it hasnt helped me at all.

I'm trying to install vista on my second disk, a seagate 300gb. The music drive is formatted to fat 32. I've even tried removing my os x and music drive and just boot off the windows dvd.. nothing. Any clue as to why it wouldnt work right? I have read other threads about this but they havent been resolved... it so bogus!

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Boot Up The Installation.

Aug 7, 2009

I am in desperate need of some help. I own a MacBook running OS X Leopard, I love the mac but I prefer the Windows for its compatibility.

I have a Windows XP Pro disk (But it is a copy) and I partitioned a space on my hard drive. I inserted the disk and it rebooted. Now here is the problem.

When Leopard boots up with the welcome tune, it stays at a grey screen. Only after a while the apple sign starts and it doesn't do anything from there. I left it on for a whole night and still, nothing.

I tried holding down the Option key when it booted up, now this is the only way I can start up on my Leopard OS. Then I tried booting it up from the Windows disk. The screen went black and it came up with this message:

"No bootable devise, please insert the disk and press any key..."

Am I doing something wrong? If I am please answer with a detailed response because I do need detailed steps to know what I am doing.

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MacBook :: Unable To Boot Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I have an SSD for my MacBook. It is running Snow Leopard with all the latest updates applied. Everything was great.

I partitioned a 40GB partition for Windows 7 installation by Boot Camp AssistantDisk Partition. It then prompted me to insert a Windows 7 disk and then it restarted.

The tragedy is that when I choose the Windows 7 Ultimate Installation DVD at system boot up, the drive whizzes for a short while and then just seems to hang the system with a grey screen.

No matter what bootable disk I put in the MacBook DVD drive - either CD or DVD, Windows xp or vista neither could work.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Unable To Partition?

Apr 20, 2009

I've been trying to run boot camp on my black Macbok and have been halted with a Boot camp error message: "The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved." It then tells me to back up my disk and boot up from my Leopard DVD, and restore to a "journaled" volume. Now, I've checked, and my HDD is already journaled. I've run "verify disk" and everything seems to be working okay. I've read that sometimes having things related to Parallels on the computer can create this error, and so I've deleted all things Parallells and am still getting the same error. I do, however, have Fusion (though I've deleted that Windows partition.)

I'm hesitant to follow the directions further, for I have nothing to back my disk up to and my Leopard DVD has gone MIA.

Can anybody give me a hand?

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OS X :: Boot Camp 2.1 Unable To Work With Windows 7

Jun 9, 2009

I installed Windows 7, 64 bit to another partition. I let it do its update thing. When moving on to installing Boot Camp from the Mac OS DVD however things failed. I heard that if things does not work out as promised I would have to download the Boot Camp 2.1 64 bit version for windows vista from the apple website, so I did. This didn't change anything however. The OS as a whole works well as of now but there's no support for any of the hardware such as hotkeys, camera and multitouch. I've also noticed that the sound drivers don't work properly and I'm stuck with a red light in the earphone jack, together with no sound. This goes even AFTER installing the latest drives from Realtek's website.
Lastly, it also seems that my graphics drivers are not working that well. The other day I was trying to play Plants VS Zombies but the whole game was very pixlated, nothing like it should be. The game itself does not have any settings for changing this.

So in short this is what does not seem to be working:
- No support for the hardware such as isight camera, hotkeys, multitouch etc.
- No sound.
- Graphics not as good as they should be.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Boot From The Installation Disk

Nov 15, 2009

My problem is that when I try to boot to the XP installation disk, I get the very fast, flashing, gray apple, followed by a question mark folder, followed by the ghostbuster symbol, without the ghost.

The disc keeps spinning, but the windows installation screen never appears.

I'm new to installing windows with boot camp.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp 3.0 - Unable To Load At Startup

Oct 20, 2009

when I went to restart the computer so those updates would take effect, during the start up process, all I continually see is the Windows XP scrolling status bar, I shrugged figuring it had a bit to do and left it to its own devices, and a half hour later returned to see the same scrolling progress screen. (before choosing which account to log into for windows).

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Unable To Make Partition?

Apr 11, 2010

i'm having trouble creating a partition for Windows using Boot Camp...

Steps I Have Taken:
1) Repaired Disk Permissions
2) Repaired Disk
3) Deleted huge files or moved them to an external drive (huge as in >6gb)

Is there anything for me to do? I've searched these forums and some other ones but really haven't found anything.

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IMac :: Unable To Fix Boot Camp / Can't Install Windows

May 1, 2010

I own every piece of software and hardware from Apple there is and I cannot understand that it seems that everything is about the iPad and iPhone right now. I have been having these issues since I got my 27" iMac. I can install Windows 7 just fine on my MacBook Pro and my previous 24" iMac.

Ever since I got the 27" iMac I get a black screen when installing Windows. I have found some posts that have a way around it, which seemed to have worked but now I am getting the blue screen of death. Doesn't matter if Windows 7 is supported by Apple or not but Boot Camp is and it should be corrected.

There is no excuse that after 6 months this issue has still to be addressed, all Apple talks about now is iPad and iPhone, I am sick of it.
BTW I own an iPad and I don't see the big fuss about it, I bought it mainly to read books and watch Netflix on the go.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Detect Graphic Card Through Boot Camp?

Jan 13, 2010

Installed windows 7 today (geniune copy) to play the Star Trek Online open beta, managed to download and install it, but when I go to play it, it crashes. Went to performance information and tools and under graphics it says: Total Memory Not Detected and everything is 0MB apart from display adapter which says 6.1.7600.16385 and monitor resolution.

I have a 24" iMac 3.06Ghz with 8800 graphic card. Few weeks ago I had windows 7 installed for dragon age, ran like a charm, but I got rid of partition (dont ask why)

yes I have installed the bootcamp drivers!

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Dim Screen Brightness / Installing Boot Camp Drivers

Oct 14, 2010

I've got a 2010 i7 15.4 MBP, after installing boot camp drivers from MAC OS DVD, I could not find any option about how long to dim screen brightness. However, my friend's 13.3 MBP does have. What about yours, guys?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Move Programs From Parallels Into Boot Camp Partition

Jun 29, 2009

I'm a total Windows newbie and I'm having trouble moving programs that I've installed onto Parallels 4.0 into my boot camp partition. Is this even possible?

If so what is the best way to go about quickly accessing programs from the Parallels virtual machine?

Could I burn them to a disk?

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Windows On Mac :: Can't Choose To Boot Windows After Boot Camp Install

Nov 9, 2009

I have an '08 Octo 2.8.

I created a Boot Camp Partition (an entire drive, actually) and installed XP. The install went off without a hitch ... Except, having rebooted to Mac OS X (10.6.1) there is no way to boot Windows again. Going to Preferences->Boot Disk shows no Book Camp bootable drive.

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MacBook Pro :: Should Install Window 7 Or Windows XP Or Windows Vista?

May 1, 2010

im about to install windows on my macbook via bootcamp. However, i will use the same partition for parallels, which means that my ram is goign to be damaged. I wanted to know which os did u recomment me to install. Does windows 7 hog more cpu and ram than vista?

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Boot / Kernel Panic At Boot And Graphics Card Failure

Mar 9, 2008

Yesterday my screen (30" Apple Cinema) started showing symptoms of graphics card failure, jagged lines across the screen. I rebooted my Mac Pro and it was gone. Then it happened again an hour later, this time the machine didn't boot, I get the Apple logo, and then it hangs up and the screen is shifted to left (I get apple logo on left side of the monitor instead of the middle) and jagged lines all over.

So the first thing I tested was using Target Disk Mode, it works. I can access my Mac Pro's internal HD's by TDM from my MacBook Pro. Then I tested single user mode, it does boot, I can't read what's written since the screen is shifted to left, but if I type (without seeing) reboot and hit enter, it reboots. So I assume the single user mode is working.

What else can I try to 100% make sure it's my graphics card that failed and everything else is ok with Mac Pro? I already ordered a graphics card replacement but I wouldn't like to be surprised if the Mac Pro still doesn't boot when the card arrives. It won't boot from Apple Startup DVD either. Same thing happens, gray logo then kernel panic with jagged lines all across the shifted screen.

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OS X Server :: Unable To Boot - Held On Boot Screen?

Aug 3, 2006

So I installed osx 10.4 server on a Power Mac G4 (white/blue)

Went throught the setup screens and did a complete reformat / install.

Just boots to the loader screen. (Where the mac face shows, followed by a question mark) and just cycles over and over.

I can put the DVD in at this point and restart the install.. I did go in and check the disk permissions and disk status and both passed.

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OS X :: Install Window Xp Using Boot Camp And Parallel Desktop

Feb 24, 2010

i'm trying to install the window xp onto my mac using either boot camp or parallel desktop. tried doing it myself, but somehow it just won't work. i was hoping someone would giv me some pointers on how to make this work. one more thing, my window xp is a downloaded version.

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OS X V10.4 :: Unlock Directory Window Of Internal Boot Drive?

Jan 31, 2012

Whenever I restart Tiger, it closes all the directory windows.  I thought it should preserve all the window states in Tiger when you restart. 

If I resize the directory window in my internal drive, it does not preserve the new window size.  But if I resize an external disk directory window, it preserves the new size. 

I found out from Get Info that my internal drive is locked with read only permission only, but my external drive is unlocked with read+write permission. 

How do I change the permission so the window states can be preserved on my home drive?

iMac, MacBook, PowerBook, iPad, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Stuck At The Starting Login Window - Normal Boot Halts

Apr 15, 2005

I installed all the Software Updates available, including the iSight and Airport updates (mainly to get rid of them, and I may add these later to my G5 iMac), and now when I reboot, I get no further than the "Starting Windows Login" part...

I have to assume its something to do with adding the updates as it was all working fine before then...

I can start in Safe Mode fine, and I get in OK, but normal boot halts (no errors, mouse works, just goes not go any further) at the "Starting Login Window"

Any thoughts on how to either A) Reverse the Updates B) Get around this?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Wont Boot - Window Initialise The Hard Drive?

Jul 28, 2008

About 2 weeks ago I overwrited some files on my ibook. Since I had no data recovery software for macs, i used easy recovery pro and connected the laptop hard drive to my windows box.Once I had it connected, windows asked me to initialise the hard drive and without even thinking about it I said yes. I did raw(sector by sector) recovery and managed to find a few files. The problem is that now the ibook wont boot no matter what i try. I have tried using disk warrior and repaired the file system.

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MacBook Pro :: Make A Bigger Partition - Dual Boot Via Bootcamp With Window 7

Mar 5, 2010

I bought a macbook pro off ebay it's a 15in model # A1211 and I just put a new hard drive in it. The hard drive is a seagate 500gb 7200rpm. The real question I have is that I cloned my hard drive but in disk utility I cant just move my hard drive down extend my space to fill in the empty space for my mac partition. Also my hard drive is dual boot via bootcamp with windows 7.

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OS X :: Slow Boot After Installing Windows Vista Using Boot Camp ?

Dec 25, 2008

This is the 1st time i got a Mac , i bought a black Macbook 2.4GHz some days ago .

I installed Windows Vista Ultimate using Boot Camp , and all went smoothly .

Only 1 prob is when restarting , i have to wait too long for the Windows to log on , i think about 1min with the black screen.

And if i want to boot in Mac OS , i have to push down the D button or the Alt, it takes quite a long time too .

So do you guys have any solution to this problem ? I want to get rid of the waiting time, way too much.

And do you know how to make my Macbook jump right in the choosing section when it starts ? ( so that i dont have to push down any button when it starts )

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Windows On Mac :: Can't Install 7 On Boot Camp - Press Any Key To Boot From Cd

Feb 18, 2010

I have been trying to install Windows 7 (yes, legit copy) to my Macbook Pro the whole day, but I keep on getting this error message saying "Press any key to boot from cd or dvd . . . ."

When I press any key on the keyboard, nothing happens. I know this copy works because I've tried this on VMWare 3. (I'm going to Boot Camp of BIOSHOCK!)

What I've Tried:

Deleted partition, recreate partition and choose the Windows 7 disk as startup disk.

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OS X :: Can't Boot Into OSX After Windows Vista Install With Boot Camp

Feb 19, 2010

Well I installed Vista Ultimate using boot camp on my 27 inch iMac using 10.6.2 and now I can't get it to boot in OSX. I tried holding the command key when rebooting but it just goes into the windows part. Looks like windows took over. Does anybody know how I can get it to boot in Leopard?

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Windows On Mac :: I7 MBP Won't Load Boot Drivers After Boot Camp

Jul 6, 2010

Have the new 15" MBP with i7 Processor. I had another MBP with a 7200RPM drive and installed drive in the new i7 Mac. Computer was working fine until I installed Windows via Boot Camp. I can't boot to the Mac Partition any more, the partition is there but when you try to boot to it you just see the Apple logo and NO circle. I cannot boot to the install CDs or a bootable external drive. I target disk mode the computer and used another computer to boot using the drive in the i7 unit and it's fine and I can see all the information. I tried booting the i7 into single user mode and saw the following message:

efiboot loaded from device: Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1|1)/Ata(Primary,Master)/HD(Part 2,Sig********-****-****-****-************)
boot file path: SystemLibraryCoreServicesoot.efi
.Loading 'mach_kernel'...

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