Windows On Mac :: Use Current Fusion Installation To Run Bootcamp?

Jun 30, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on Fusion and want to install it on Bootcamp, and now realized that I should have installed it on bootcamp first. Is it possible to use the current Windows fusion installation to run bootcamp from? or do I need to partion bootcamp and do a complete reinstall of windows? Pretty much wondering if I'm going to have to have 2 separate Windows 7 installations?

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Windows On Mac :: To Have Both Parallels / Fusion And Bootcamp?

Nov 11, 2010

I read that for gaming, Bootcamp is the way to go, but for other general Windows use, Parallels or Fusion is the way to go.

But for me, I am planning to play games - hence Bootcamp - as well as use Parallels/Fusion for general use, namely to use Microsoft Office Onenote (an unbeatable note-taking software that needs a Mac version yesterday).

Is this even possible and how much memory will the additional parallels take (I'm planning a 40gb bootcamp partition btw on a 250gb hard drive)?

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Windows On Mac :: Moving From Fusion To Bootcamp?

Jan 23, 2009

I have set up a Windows XP virtual machine on my MacPro but I want to also get it into Bootcamp so i can try playing some of my PC Games. Is there anyway I can keep the files/settings I have with my Virtual Machine, or do I basically have to start from scratch? and then, if i can do something here, how?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp And Fusion - X32 Or X64 - Run Smoother?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a few questions and I just grabbed a 13in 2.4 alu (Yep I�m a new switcher) First off, just wow on the Mac I love it to death coming from a PC, It�s great to have something that doesn�t feel like a plastic toy in my hands�! So my goal is to Boot Camp Windows 7 + Mac OS X, I have yet to upgrade the RAM on my unit so it�s still at 2GB (waiting for my work to start carrying it) and I�m also using Fusion 2.01. Now the Question x32 or x64? Which would run smoother under a Virtual Machine from within Mac. I know in Boot Camp 64 would be the obvious choice especially when I upgrade to 4GB but will Fusion pose more strain to the system emulating 64 or would it be no difference towards 32?

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Windows On Mac :: Install Win 7 To Bootcamp Via VM Fusion ... Possible?

May 11, 2009

I have currently XP installed in Boot Camp and I have Vmware fusion installed in OSX. I can boot my XP partition via vmware fusion. Now the question is, when I boot the XP via vmware, I can boot from a Win 7 DVD and the installation starts. Can I just go on an install it in this way? The thing is that I'm not at home and only have a VNC session to my mac, so I can't install it in the classic way which requires a reboot

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Windows On Mac :: Possible To Run Bootcamp Partition In Fusion

Oct 20, 2009

So i currently have a bootcamp partition with Windows Vista 64bit installed and i was wondering if I got VM Fusion would i be able to run my boot camp partition in Fusion and then what ever i save in fusion can be brought up in bootcamp.

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Windows On Mac :: Switching Between Fusion And Bootcamp - Product ID

Jan 7, 2010

Has anyone managed to get Fusion and Bootcamp to play nice with windows 7 activation? I keep getting asked for my product ID whenever I switch between the two.

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Windows On Mac :: One Win7 License For Bootcamp And Fusion

Feb 5, 2010

I'm thinking about buying a original Student Win7 license. It's really cheap and I think it's worth it since I (unfortunately) use Windows (Vmware Fusion) everyday to work (.NET developer). But I would like to play some games as well, but I know Fusion is not the best solution. Can I buy only one Win7 license and install in the same machine twice? One on a Bootcamp partition and another on a Fusion VM? Will I have problems activating both copies?

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Windows On Mac :: Can 7 Be Used For BootCamp If It Was Installed Using VMWare's Fusion

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Windows 7 through VMWare Fusion's easy setup. Can I use this existing Windows installation to make a BootCamp partition? I know Windows can be used vice versa (BootCamp first, then VMWare), but I already installed Windows 7 with VMware first.

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Applications :: VM Fusion Does Not Boot Up Windows 7 Bootcamp?

Feb 25, 2010

I am having trouble booting up my windows 7 bootcamp, whenever i try to bootup it would give me some screen right after the windows logo and it'll say to repair or somthing, is this a common problem?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp / VMware Fusion 3.0 - Pros And Cons?

Oct 27, 2009

Which would be the best option? Bootcamp or VMware Fusion 3.0? and does bootcamp slow down the mac side of the OS ( such as boot up times etc ) What are the pros and cons to both?

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Windows On Mac :: VM Fusion - Parallels Or BootCamp To Play Games?

Nov 21, 2009

With winter break approaching I was planning to get some PC games(COD:MW2, Battlefield etc) and play them during break but I'm not sure which software would be best to play those games. I've looked at VM Fusion, Parallels and Bootcamp but I'm still not sure as to the advantages and disadvantages of each. Is there a way i can use a playstation 2 controller to play pc games running through bootcamp? I've heard that I need some kind of an adapter but I've been unsuccessful in finding one so far.

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Windows On Mac :: Transferring Files From VMWare Fusion To BootCamp?

Nov 23, 2009

I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question and I'm really stumped. I've installed Bootcamp as I've realised Fusion is no good for gaming, however. I can't download all of my games again off steam due to a cap on my internet.

I've looked everywhere and is there anyway I can copy and paste the program files from my current virtual machine onto my new bootcamp machine?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp, Parallels Desktop 5 Or VMWare Fusion 3 - Which Is Best

Dec 26, 2009

I am an architect and I will be mostly using my new imac to work on Autocad 2010 along with a couple of other windows based applications. I understand the concept of the three methods of using windows but I do not know which would provide the best performance whilst working on Autocad, without it becoming a laborious task to load it up everyday.

I will be rocking dual monitors so I quite like the idea of Parallels or VMWare so that I can have Windows open on one monitor and Leopard on the other. But will this have a negative effect on the performance of Autocad? Also, which of these two is the better?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Runs Fine In Fusion, But Not In Bootcamp

Jan 10, 2010

I can run Win7 perfectly in VMWare Fusion, but I can't Bootcamp into Win7 (my MBP will just reboot without ever getting to a Win load screen). I previously had Vista installed and could do both without any issues. I know that Apple hasn't yet released an update to Bootcamp, but I was under the impression that this had more to do with smaller items (sound, trackpad performance, temp management) than it did with outright catastrophic fail.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Access My Bootcamp Vista Through Vmware Fusion Or A Similar App

Oct 10, 2009

Is there a way to use my bootcamp vista through vmware fusion or another similar virtual machine app?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Find Windows 7 Installation Bootcamp

Jul 1, 2010

I seem to be rather confused after reading so many websites which say its possible to install windows 7 upgrade over xp by custom install in bootcamp.

I purchased a windows 7 upgrade which I have downloaded as a ".img" file.

However, bootcamp doesnt recognize my .img disc.

I have tried converting the .img to a .iso, and then burning the .iso as a iso disc, but still no luck. (Im not sure if its because of Active iso software Im using to burn the discs or if im doing something wrong.)

I have a legit version of XP already running via bootcamp.

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OS X :: SL Installation With Windows 7 On Bootcamp?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm doing the upgrade path from 10.5 -> 10.6, will it erase or damage my existing bootcamp partition? I want to avoid the hassle of installing windows again

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OS X :: Bootcamp Windows XP Installation Error?

Sep 30, 2010

I am having trouble loading window XP pro OEM sp2 using Bootcamp on my macbook OSX 10.5.8 It gets through copying all the files and reboots successfully through to the install window and the setup program for windows (where it displays various marketing info and has dot buttons down the left hand side). It says it will take 39 mins to setup but the counter never changes and I have left it up to an hour and nothing happens although once I did get a disk error message (something about cleaning the CD - can't remember exactly). I am doing full installs and have tried FAT and NTFS. At first I thought it was because it was an OEM but it is a Microsoft OEM and other people online seem to have no problems and do not seem to get as far in the install if it is that. Is this a dud CD or version of windows or am I just doing something wrong?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Get Bootcamp Installation

Sep 11, 2010

I'm trying to install Windows 7. I have a Macbook Pro running 10.6.x (I forgot the last number).

I started BootCamp assistant, and it prompted me to partition. I set up a 32Gb partition for Windows. said to put in my Windows CD and hit start. I did that...and it started loading Windows. Everything went fine...until Windows told me to choose a partition to install to.

None of the partitions were NTFS so Windows couldn't be installed.. So I held down the power button, and tried to boot back into OS-X. booted back into it won't boot into OS-X.

It keeps being stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen.

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Windows On Mac :: Using The Same XP Installation On Parallels And Bootcamp

May 8, 2009

So I installed XP on Parallells recently, but I also want to set up Bootcamp.

Is there a way i could use the same XP I installed on Parallels also for Bootcamp so I wont have to use up space installing XP again?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Installation Guide For 7 32 Or 64 Bit

Jul 31, 2010

I have a new iMac 27 i7 with 8gb of ram coming next week. I'll be installing Windows 7 for use in bootcamp mostly for iracing. Do want to install the 32 or 64 bit version of windows?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 And Installation Of Bootcamp Drivers?

Nov 3, 2009

I've succesfully installed Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro mid-2009 with OS X 10.5.8 via Bootcamp 2.0. However, I have a problem:

When I insert my OS X Leopard install DVD into Windows 7 to install the Bootcamp drivers, the setup.exe only displays two options and both are apperantly related to the Macbook Air:

One of the options is to install OS X from an external source related to the Macbook Air and the other options is sharing of CD/DVD-drive for the Macbook Air.

I can't seem to locate the Bootcamp drivers. I've tried both my OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard installation DVD's but with the same result.

I've been thinking that the drivers could be located in a folder on the OS X installation DVD, but since I can't right-click in Windows the folder is hard to reach.

Have any of you guys experienced this?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Installation Reboots And Begins Over?

Sep 29, 2010

I am having an issue with using bootcamp to install Windows onto a 25GB on my 2010 2.4GHZ MBP.

At the stage of installation when windows setup reboots the laptop, installation does not continue, instead a black screen appears for a while then the message press any key to boot from CD/DVD. Doing this then starts the setup again from the start.

I have partially remedied this problem by sitting at the laptop during installation and at the point of restart holding down the option key and selecting to boot the windows drive which then recommences installation.

However after a minute or so of 'finalising installation' (or something along those lines) the system completely freezes, the mouse does not move etc and it will sit there happily for 30 mins without doing anything until I turn it off.

This has been tried with 2 copies of Windows; a genuine copy of Windows Vista 32 bit and a perhaps not so legitimate (OEM edition) of Windows 7.

Both have the same problem of restarting to reload the disc from the start, although I have only tried my partial fix with the Windows 7 installation (will try on the Vista disc tomorrow).

The apple support on the issue is very vague and their guide essentially skips the whole installation of windows - goes from booting the setup disc to after installation install your macbook drivers >.>

Any suggestion on what the issue may be?
All help appreciated as I really want Windows on my system in the next few days before I go to university so I can use Microsoft Office on it (do not feel like buying a new version for mac).

Are there any other potential solutions for me to use my Windows Office on my mac? (I'm a complete newbie to mac, have only had the machine 3 weeks or so, I've heard about virtual drives and so on but don't know fully how they work and don't see them as the better option unless absolutely necessary)

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Windows On Mac :: How To Interrupt Bootcamp Installation Because Of An Error?

May 2, 2009

I have started a bootcamp installation on new (updated) mbp. During the install, windows-installation makes a critical error and says that the installation cannot continue.

I managed to eject the disk by holding down the mouse button, but my problem is that the mbp starts up in the corrupted windows installation and stops again. I'm in an endless rutine where I cannot boot in Leopard again.

I'v tried to give it the Leopard installation disk but it's beeing ejected. How do I get pass bootcamp and into OS X again.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Bootcamp Windows Installation?

Mar 7, 2010

i installed windows through bootcamp, but i think i changed the partition and picked the wrong way to format it without knowing. Now when i hold the option key, only a windows drive appears and no os x one.

How do i fix this, i dont mind if windows is gone entirely.

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Windows On Mac :: XP Installation Not Start After BootCamp Partitioning

Apr 9, 2010

I have a Mac Mini and I am running Snow Leopard and BootCamp 3.0. I am trying to install Windows XP. I'm using BootCamp to partition the disk. I've tried with different sizes, the outcome was the same. After partitioning I can see the Bootcamp volume in Finder and on the desktop. Bootcamp then tells that I can start the installation. The Windows XP CD is in the drive. Restart follows. And then nothing but the gray screen. No installation starts. I have to shut down the computer and start it again.

This time I hold the option key and there is only the Mac OS volume! There is no sign from the BootCamp volume. After starting the computer again it doesn't boot from the Mac OS volume, there is the gray screen only, which means that the startup disk have been changed and that usually happens when you install windows with bootcamp - it changes the startup volume from Mac OS to the BootCamp volume, but still the BootCamp volume is not there. I've installed Windows XP with BootCamp several times. I know how it works. Installation starts automatically after the restart.

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Laptops :: Macbook Pro Windows Bootcamp Installation Error

Oct 29, 2009

I have recently downloaded a copy of Windows 7 on my macbook pro in attempt to bootcamp it so i can play more games. everything went well until it booted to windows installation. from there i clicked start installation and it gave me two choices either to Update it or Customise it. I first chose Update but it didnt work. I then tried customise, and found out that my partition wasnt in NTSC(or whatever) format. So i stop my attempt to install it and tried to go back to mac. I could not go back to mac. i dont know how. I'm stuck there with the installation disc in the drive. I cant go forward with the installation and i cant go back. I finally figured how to get the disc out, and i thought that if i install the Mac OS X again it would fix things so i insert a Leopard installation disc. I was Completly wrong, and now i am stuck at a black screen telling me to insert an installation disc with the Leopard disc in side. I cant do anything now .
I need help please, any valid solution will be appriciated.
THanks in advance

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Windows On Mac :: Shut Down Speed In OSX Slow After Bootcamp Installation?

Jul 8, 2010

As you can read as the topic title, my shutdown speed is now SLOW after installing Bootcamp. Is Bootcamp the problem? I've tried to repair disk, repair disk permissions and all that stuff. What can be the problem?

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Windows On Mac :: 7 64-bit Not Cooperating In Bootcamp / This Installation Package Is Not Supported By This Processor Type

Mar 31, 2010

I have a Mac Pro (1,1) on which I'm running Snow Leopard and Windows 7 Pro in boot camp.

I recently upgraded my Mac to 10GB of RAM, and have noticed when I boot into Windows (currently the 32-bit version), it's telling me I have 1.99GB usable.

I figure this is requiring me to install the 64-bit version. This is where I'm stuck.

If I try to run the BootCamp64 installer off of the Snow Leopard disk, I get a message saying "This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor".

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