Windows On Mac :: BootCamp / VMware Fusion 3.0 - Pros And Cons?
Oct 27, 2009
Which would be the best option? Bootcamp or VMware Fusion 3.0? and does bootcamp slow down the mac side of the OS ( such as boot up times etc ) What are the pros and cons to both?
I installed Windows 7 through VMWare Fusion's easy setup. Can I use this existing Windows installation to make a BootCamp partition? I know Windows can be used vice versa (BootCamp first, then VMWare), but I already installed Windows 7 with VMware first.
I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question and I'm really stumped. I've installed Bootcamp as I've realised Fusion is no good for gaming, however. I can't download all of my games again off steam due to a cap on my internet.
I've looked everywhere and is there anyway I can copy and paste the program files from my current virtual machine onto my new bootcamp machine?
I am an architect and I will be mostly using my new imac to work on Autocad 2010 along with a couple of other windows based applications. I understand the concept of the three methods of using windows but I do not know which would provide the best performance whilst working on Autocad, without it becoming a laborious task to load it up everyday.
I will be rocking dual monitors so I quite like the idea of Parallels or VMWare so that I can have Windows open on one monitor and Leopard on the other. But will this have a negative effect on the performance of Autocad? Also, which of these two is the better?
im kind of new to this and i was trying to get bootcamp to run and also the windows partition that runs on bootcamp through vmware fusion. ive installed and uninstalled like 12 times now in 2 days and its driving me nuts. no matter what i do i cant get it to work. maybe someone on here can give me some tips because im lost.
I didn't realize that SL automatically boots in 32 bit, even on the new iMacs. I have a core i5 with 8 gigs of RAM. Assuming I boot in 64 bit mode today, will my computer now utilize all 8 gigs? Was it only using 4 gigs in 32 bit mode? Also, will some applications not run if I boot 64 bit?
So I've set up my new mac pro per [URL] recommendations and have a SS boot drive and all my data on a separate Master drive (raid(0) stripe). Lloyd Chambers recommends keeping your home folder on the boot drive as it has a lot of extraneous app files stored in the library. This just means you don't store any data files in your home folder, you put them all on your data disk (with some exception to desktop files- see below) On the other hand, Chris Parillo at [URL:...] suggests just moving your entire home folder. This seems more convenient from a user perspective but does cause some mixing of app files and data files that could cause problems down the road. Such problems include, if for some reason, your system misses the home folder, it will create a new one and all your preferences will be suddenly changed. With this is mind, I've decided to keep my home folder on the boot drive, but it is now annoying to have my desktop files on my boot drive. Again, this is bad mixing of Data and App files and it makes it so if I want to move a file over to the Data file, I have to remember to command click so it doesn't just copy it over and leave two files, one on the desktop and a new copy on the data file. I can't just drag and drop, because it is just copying the file to a separate disk. So if I forget to command click, I have to manually trash the desktop files.
So now if I only had a solution to move my desktop folder location. Anyone have some ideas? I've tried the options in this thread: [URL:...] but they haven't seemed to work. I used a similar terminal trick to move my mail folder off my home folder, why can't I do the same with the desktop folder? Any suggestions or other pros and cons to moving the entire home folder over?
I lean to the standard drive at 5400 rpm. Why? All my video editing is done with an external firewire drive, and I think the 7200 generates more heat than the 5400.
For web design I don't see how a 7200 speed is much of a benefit, considering the extra heat generated may negate the benefit of a faster drive. I think heat (and dust) is the bane of all electronics.
I'm fixing to order the 15" i7 and will use it for running Adobe CS5 web suite. Final Cut Pro for video- and will use a firewire drive.
I use it to run Win XP on the bootcamp partition on my BlackBook at work.ow I'm getting frequent Firewall pop ups (in OSX) asking about vmnet natd inbound connections? I can either select okay or after several windows (pop ups) have appeared, they will disappear again seconds later of themselves.I select allow each time. I've removed and re added VMWare Fusion on the list of allowed apps in the OSX Security Advanced Firewall panel.
I have the Windows 7 RC .iso (it's 64bit, I should have that one, right? Macs are 64 bit not 32 bit?) file and I want to install it through my VMware fusion app. Please note, this is NOT the beta for Windows 7, it's the newer RC.
How in the world do I do this? Some online guides say to set it as Windows Server 2008 x64, others say Windows Vista 64.
Could someone take me through the process of installing it? Or link me to a video or proven article? Setup goes through usually but the next time I boot into Windows 7 it tells me there was an installation error and Windows could not find the startup disk.
Okay, so my friend lent me VMWare Fusion 2. And it works perfectly. But my mother, is concerned that it may receive Viruses. Is it likely that it will recieve viruses? I have a firewall and AVG Free Virus Protector on it.
I have Windows 7 installed in VMWare fusion. Is there a way to directly boot from that installation into non-virtualized W7? Would bootcamp or something be able to read and boot from that installation?
I want to boot directly into W7 for gaming. The virtualized performance isn't really cutting it.
I installed Vista Home Premium on a bootcamp partition. When I load it up in vmware, the graphics really take a fall. Is this normal? I have to use the vista basic theme since it won't let me run aero!
Just did a fresh install of Windows 7 RC onto my Boot Camp partition. Using VMWare's Fusion (v2.0.4) to load Windows 7 up on my Mac. However, it blue screens as soon as the Windows 7 logo appears during boot.
I have it set up to emulate "Windows 2008 Server x64" as detailed in VMWare's post to get Windows 7 working.
What's going on..? Any ideas how I can sort this out?
I've accessed my Windows 7 partition but would now like to branch back into Linux territory. I was hoping to hear from your experiences, tips & tricks, etc. with virtual machines, both with Windows 7 and other OSes through VMWare Fusion. Even though I have 4 GB of RAM, should I utilize a 64 bit VM or is it worthless since the VM isn't given enough? Which Linux builds will give me the most drivers and performance otb?
i tried to install bootcamp while i still had vm ware fusion but i got that error saying backup the disk, format the drive into mac osx journaled and restore info back to that disc. So i uninstalled vm ware fusion and got the same error again but when installed vm ware fusion again the windows account was still there with all the files on it.
If i completely remove the windows account from vmware fusion and then intall bootcamp will it work if so how do i remove it.
I am having a problem where whenever I click on a link in say iChat, or Skype or even when im trying to set up Flickr on iPhoto, the webpage link opens up VMware fusion, starts up the OS and opens Internet explorer. I have tried the settings and disabling the sharing folder, but it doesnt work, VMware still opens up. Has anyone else had this problem?
I wanted to to know and make a post comparing VMware Fusion 3 and Parallels Desktop 5 with the new updates. Which one is better in running multiple OSs at the same time. Do they support hypervisor. Cause i want to create a virtual environment to learn Server 2008 and Mac Os Server. Which one would be better to use VMware Fusion 3 or Parallels Desktop 5. As I said before I want this thread to be used to compare the two programs so if anybody else has question post them more question the better, of coarse if we get answers.
I'm having pretty bad difficulties with Windows 7 and Parallels Desktop. I know it's not supported yet, but some folk have it working. I can boot up, but I can't install Parallels Tools. I changed the Configuration to "Windows 2008 Server" like someone suggested in another forum, but fails to boot up.
Seems like VMWare are offering a better helping hand than Parallels Desktop - and while it is not supported yet by them, they say that if you use Windows 2008 Server Config everything works apart from sound.
So am I best giving it a bash with VMWare's Fusion? 30-day trial for free. But I'd rather try get Parallels working since I paid for it.
i just installed windows 7 on my mac last night over my vista partition, but now my avg firewall was disabled to i had to reinstall avg, got that fixed, but my next problem is vmware fusion. it just doesnt work, it boots into windows 7 but then i get the blue error screen saying something like windows has shutdown due to a blah blah blah...anyway i need this fixed right away, do u guys know how to fix it or know any alternatives besides parallels?
I recently installed a program called ' VM Ware Fusion which is basically like ' parallels '. I got everything to work except it tells me to restart in order for things to take place. Once i restart it asks ' press Ctrl-Alt-Delete ' to begin.
I have a mac key board and only Control and alt is on it, not DEL.
i don't have an external pc key board is there anything I can do ?
I've searched google for hours and not found a workaround for this issue: I have Office 2007 Education and it allows up to 3 activations on 3 separate computers. Currently I have it activated on 2, and I just installed it using bootcamp and activated it successfully. However, I am currently using VMware Fusion and I anticipated being able to load Office without an issue through the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it's now telling me (when loaded in VMware) that I have to activate office 2007 again. Problem is that it has already been activated 3 times, so it's not allowing me. Everything still works fine on bootcamp, but apparently VMware is being treated by office as another physical PC. Has anyone found a successful workaround to this? changing VMware's MAC address to the same as OSX and XP's, but I can't figure out how to do this.
I do NOT have the superdrive and would like to install windows XP pro on my MBA with VMware Fusion. I've tried making .dmg, .iso, & .cdr images of the windows XP disc but i'm having NO luck with Fusion recognizing the disc image. When I create the new Virtual Machine I select "use disc image" and point to the appropriate disc image file. I keep getting a "no bootable device" error from fusion.
Can somebody who has successfully installed windows on an MBA without using a superdrive give me the step by step instructions you used...I'm getting pretty annoyed at this point.
I have a MacBook Pro and sometimes run VMWare Fusion / XP so that I can sync some older Nokia phones I have (that only run on PC Suite).However, my older phones don't utilize can only sync with Bluetooth or IR.I opened up the Control Panel and looked for a "Bluetooth Devices" icon, but couldn't find one.Then I opened up the Nokia "PC Suite" and Connectivity window and it gave me the option of clicking (ie: selecting to turn ON) Bluetooth and IR, but when I did, it said that this function was not available.What am I missing?My MBP obviously has all the Bluetooth and IR whistles, but when running VMWare Fusion / XP, the computer seems to disavow any knowledge that these options/functionalities are installed and working on the Mac side.