Windows On Mac :: No Internet On Bootcamp Drive - How To Set Wireless Internet
Aug 19, 2010
this is a major problem for me. I just installed ubuntu on my mac via boot camp, and I can't find how to set up wireless internet! Once, after installing windows, the same problem occurred. I'm not sure whether this version doesn't support airport (ubuntu v10.04.1) or I need the snow leopard drivers (but I can't because it's a .exe file).
I currently own a Macbook I purchased in January 2009. A few days ago I installed Boot Camp Agent so I could use it to play certain games I could not run using Parallels. I downloaded Boot Camp following the directions it comes with. (Installed Windows XP Pro, then installed Mac OSX Leopard 10.5). Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to use the wireless network established in my home.
On the Mac side, I can connect to the internet with the Airport fine, never have a problem on that side. When switched to the Windows side I have no wireless options. Though I can use the internet when using an ethernet cable connected directly to my router (Linksys WRT110). I have read soo many forum posts and nothing I have read has helped so far. When I go to Network Connections and Properties, I do not have a Wireless Network Connection tab.
Been searching and can't find the answer here. I setup Bootcamp last week and had internet connection and everything working fine. I've setup Parallels now as well and I am connecting to the Bootcamp partition with this via OS X.
So, everything is working well, I can view my local websites on Leopard via Parallels, the only thing that has stopped working is my wireless internet connection in windows.
My only guess is the Bootcamp is now connecting to everything via my OS X connections, but not sure. Does anyone know how to set the wireless internet up again?
For specific reasons, I needed to connect my Synology DS211 NAS to my iMac directly via its ethernet port. I discovered that if I share my wireless internet connection (coming from my cable modem/wireless router) from wireless to ethernet, then the NAS would get the IP stuff it needed to show up. did that, voila, NAS is acting like a glorified external hard drive. BUT, when I did that, I lost all internet connectivity on my iMac. Still have full wireless signal. preferences pane says I'm fully connected to my network with an IP address, but safari always fails to pull up any webpages, saying I'm not connected to the internet.As soon as turn off the ethernet PORT, it all starts working again. And to make it even crazier, I discovered that if I leave sharing my wireless internet via my ethernet port ON, but turn off the ethernet port (in pref pane), I can STILL access the NAS just like before. That makes no sense - I'm sharing my internet via a port I have turned off, but it works? Anyway, why would Iose my airport wireless internet connection when the ethernet port is on - configured manually?
Info: eMac 1.25GHz & iMac Intel 2.0GHz Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 80GB external FW, 1GB RAM, Superdrive(DL)
Internet runs just fine on Mac OS but when I restart XP through bootcamp it won't connect to the internet. ??? Didn't have any problems installing XP and the drivers from the Max OS disk either.
I've searched this everywhere online and cant find a clear answer on how to fix. Very annoying.
New 27" imac with all the updates.
Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix?
Ive been using windows 7 32bit to play battlefield bad company 2 via steam for about a month now with no problems. A week or so ago, I booted into bootcamp, loaded bc2, found a server, played for a few seconds then started noticing major lag. After a couple of minutes of this, the connection would be lost with the server and very shortly after the internet light on my router would go from green to red. I boot back into OS X and the connection goes back up. It now does this every single time i boot into bootcamp and the connection is always perfect in OS X. I tried reinstalling windows 7 (64bit this time) and the problem is still there.
I have had Windows 7 installed on my 2010 iMac for a while now. I installed all the drivers from the snow leopard disk, everything is up to date including the device drivers, and yet I am having wireless internet connectivity problems. Everytime windows tries to connect to the internet, it says that there is no internet access and that it is identifying the network. I have tried resetting my router, turning my airport on and off and rebooting my computer, all of which have not worked.
I can hook up and get wireless internet on OS X easy no problems. XP I can also hook up and get internet easily on XP. The problem is, all of a sudden it will cut out and stop working after awhile, then I have to select and repair my connection to get it to work again. I know its super vague but thats all I got.
I am using boot camp to have Windows XP on my macbook and I was able to run the internet on Windows with no problem untill yesterday, it keeps saying that the wireless signal is very good, but when i go to the explorer it just wont load anypage anymore, says to verify the connection, on my mac it's running perfectly, what could it be ?
After installing Windows Vista and running both OSX Leopard and Vista I started noticing a slow down from my Firefox and Safari both. Up until now I have had really good speed and great browsing and torrent downloads using Transmission,,I switched over to Vista and it was fast so I thought "what the heck is going on here", checked out the forums for some advice on different DNS etc, tried all of those with no results so finally called my ISP and they ran a traceroute with me from utilities and the first ping was coming back that I was behind a firewall. Checked the Mac's firewall and turned it off still no luck, made sure Little Snitch was off, still nothing. Thought how is this possible.
ISP(Time Warner Cable-Roadrunner) advised me to take the cable modem back and switch it out for a new one because they said my speeds were definitely not right. Well I decided to check my Vista and sure enough the windows firewall was on,restarted my iMac and used trace route again from network utilities and the firewall was gone. So some how even though I was running Leopard only at that time still with bootcamp somehow the firewall in Windows was bleeding over into OS X. I'm not a computer engineer but I thought they (Vista/OSX Leopard) were running independently from each other in bootcamp. Just wanted to let you guys out there know about this because it seems that some of the quirky issues that you can't find answers to might be attributed to this.
I really hope someone has an answer to this because this is really annoying. Right now my Macbook is connected to the internet via my wireless router but as soon as I want to load bootcamp and switch to windows 7 I have no internet connection. I have tried to follow this [URL] website in resolving the problem but as soon as I get to STEP 2 I get this message in the window "MMC could not create the snap-in." This message is making me unable to proceed to the other steps and it appears it locked me out so I'm unable to edit anything.
I have been using my airport card in my iMac to share internet wirelessly with my iBook. However, I am unable to share the internet wirelessly with a friend's windows laptop. Her computer sees the network but does not ask for a password and fails to connect.
I have a macbook a little over a year old. It's my first mac and I love it. Yesterday though it started acting really weird. I first noticed that it was really, really hot and the fan was running. I turned it off and back on and here's what I found out:
Applications are being deleted from macbook. ITunes, IPhoto, iChat have clear question marks over icon. There are 8-10 blank spaces in the Applications folder where applications have been deleted. However, data is still there (ex. pictures still there, but no iPhoto).
Internet= Says I have internet but wont connect.
Cannot open " System Preferences" or "Internet Preferences".
If connected to home computer will connect to internet and allowed to open internet preferences but still no system preferences.
If shut down....takes a while to come back on and starts up 2-3 times.
Also "Preview" is gone. Now " ColorSync Utility" opens.
Is this my hard drive dying? I'm tech challenged, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
my family just switched from Verizon Fios to Comcast and we don't know how to set up our wireless routers. A long time ago we had DSL so the routers we have are Linksys wirless-G WRT54G both of these routers are already password protected. The bigger issue when is when I plug the ethernet cable from my modem to the router and click the router's name in Airport it says failed to open page any ideas
For some time now, I have noticed that my Mac's internet is running super slow. I am saying slower than what I see on my PeeCee (Used for gaming such as CSS and Half-Life)! So, I set out on a Google journey to find that a lot of people have been having the same problem with they Airport. It seems that in some Apple updates, the Airports are having issues. So, I tried to fix it and I came up with this wonderful guide. My internet now loads Facebook in 3 sec instead of the 30 sec it was before and I can watch my good old YouTube videos in a flash.
First, Open your "System Preferences"; Next, go to your "Network" settings; From there, make sure Airport is highlighted and click "Configure"; Click the "TCP/IP" tab; Type into the blank DNS Servers box, hit return and type then click the "Apply Now" button like so;
Your internet may restart, but it will come back on right after you hit Apply! And your internet should now return to speeds like it used to have. I am running 10.4.10 and I am proud to say my Internet is fast as hell.
So I got a PowerBook G4(1.5 GHz, 512 MB RAM, a superdrive, and an airport card) for Christmas. Before I opened it as a present, my cousin did a clean install of Leopard. My wireless internet goes out every time I try to go to a new page or even refresh it. It's extremely annoying. In order to get it back on, I have to turn my airport card off, and then on again. I was thinking it was my airport card, but then the other day, I went out of town to a friends house.
My internet didnt go out once. I just got back today, and it keeps going out. My home internet is locked with a password, but my friends internet wasn't. However, I previously had a PC laptop and the internet was fine, my cousin has a MacBook Pro, and my brother just got a MacBook. All of them connect to the internet wirelessly and they don't have any problem with their internet. I don't know what to do.
So...I just got my new MacBook Pro yesterday for graduation and I've been trying to connect to the internet wirelessly.
We have a Belkin 54G Wireless Router, which was private but I reset it so I don't think the wireless network is private anymore. Mac now connects fully to the "Belkin54g" wireless network but I can't seem to get on the internet. We also connect through a Motorola modem.
I don't really know the difference between the DCHP and PPOEthingy....and network diagnostics apparently can't help.
I've tried putting in the IP address/subnet mask/etc but that doesn't work either. Sometimes it says its connected, other times it tells me there's no IP address.
If I need to call anyone, who should I call? The Mac people or the Wireless router/internet people?
I have wireless on my macbook but thats cuz it has a wireless connection/Airport.But my emac doesnt Is there anyway I can get wireless connection on it?
I'm brand new to Mac. I just got a MacBook Pro, and I've been having some troubles connecting to the internet at home. I have a LinkSys WRT54GS router with Firmware Version: v1.50.9. I'm unable to access the internet through both ethernet and wireless. Concerning wireless, I have tried connecting using WEP, and have tried entering passcodes both with and without an "$" and "0x" preceding the 10 digit WEP passcode. I have also tried switching the encryption over to WPA2, and still nothing. I have even disabled the security to see if it's able to connect -- it's not. I had some error regarding not being able to find it's IP or something along those lines.
I need some info if this is possible, is there any means software wise other then changing the WEP password on my wireless modem to block someone from using it? This person of interest is using a windows laptop with xp and has some kinda of WEP crack program that can find out the password. So hence changing the password is a lose, and I'm not to sure if there are similar programs to WAP based (if not I go and buy an apple airbase with WAP2 password). I was thinking of some means of knowing the I.P. number of the laptop and preventing the modem from having it connect to it.
I get internet from my neighbor next door, and where exactly about 18 ft. apart. I know that having a repeater or an external antenna can solve the problem but i cant afford those things right now. I know that on pc you can go to task manager and conentrate your bandwidth percentage to internet explorer, but is there anything like that i can do to my mac? also any other free way would be good too.
My parents are taking a much needed vacation. I suggested to my mom she take the laptop i bought them a few years ago (a rarely used 17" PowerBook). And of course they will need a mobile internet card. But its not like they are jet-setters or use that laptop outside of the house very often, if ever. Their mobile phone carrier is Sprint. But it looks like all their internet card options are for a 2 year contract. I'm looking for something for either a very short or no contract. I even checked through AT&T, which is what i have, but everything seems like a 2 year contract. They get a vacation once every two years . Ideally, i was hoping for a one month data cost and either "renting" (??) an internet card, or buying one if they had to.
This is my first ever mac that I've owned given to my by a friend, so excuse my simplicity. It's a G4 and I have a wireless internet access at home through Time Warner Cable. It doesn't seem to have an airport card. What is the easiest way to connect to wireless? What additional cards would I need to buy?
My wireless card type is AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x88) -- not sure if that matters.
And of course, I use Leopard.
Anyways, my internet connection has been shaky ever since I bought the computer (January). I always assumed it was my NETGEAR router, because everything worked fine when I was at my university. However, I found out that if I used my computer for too long at the university, my internet went out again.
I just moved to a place that uses 2WIRE as a router, and voila, even though it worked fine for the first day/night, everything went downhill after that.
What internet problems am I having? Here are some examples:Browsers claim I'm not connected to the internet: Images don't load:Pings don't work:
I already used IceClean to clean up my Mac, as well as Safari specifically. I looked at the DNS servers page for a while (because a few message boards said that clearing up the DNS servers would help things, but only one is listed). I restarted the router. I restarted AirPort.
I recently got wireless internet. Before, the Mini worked fine connected by cable. It has never been connected to a wireless before. The wireless router works correctly, my $250 PC connected to it instantly. There is a yellow light on Airport and it automatically populates an IP address, whatever that means. I haven't installed any new software since it worked with a cable, no funky setup or third party anything- it's just a mac mini plugged into a TV I watch Netflix on and that's all.
My ISP said it's a problem with the computer, the Mac free support could not fix it. I really don't want to pay for an extended warranty or phone support on something basic that this computer should just automatically do. I haven't tried typing in a manual IP address- I don't know what that address would be. If all else fails, I will just run a cable to it again.
I'm using a Macbook Pro 17" 5,1 w/ Snow Leopard. For some reason I'm unable to get an internet connection from certain wireless networks. For instance I was away on vacation and when I returned I was no longer able to get internet access through my work's wireless network but I am able to connect and get internet access from my home network and others with no issues.
I've tried removing the stored networks, renewing DHCP, reseting the router and everything else I can think of. I am able to connect to the router, but the indicator light for internet shows red. My coworker on a similar Macbook is able to connect and get internet from the same network just fine.
When looking at the control panel on the router its showing that his Macbook is being assigned a dynamic IP but mine is being assigned a static IP but there isn't any way to control this through the router and since nothing has been changed in terms of the router's configuration I have to assume its something to do with my Macbook as I'm having similar issues with other networks I used to be able to connect to as well. Since I'm able to get online using certain other wireless networks its bloody well confusing.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbook 17" 5,1 2.6 GHZ