PowerPC :: Ibook G3 - Using Wireless Internet?
May 29, 2009
I am a new mac user and have bought a ibook g3 10.1.5 from a friend...i figured i would start with this. I have never used one before.
Wireless internet??? what do i need, where do i start?
Will it run all of my non mac programs? bible software, webcam, skype??
How do i change the name of the computer to my name????
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Jul 26, 2006
I have an iBook with OS 9.2 and my internet provider doesn't support anything less than OS 10.0. Can someone guide me through the steps of configuring Airport for home wireless use? Alternately, is there a manual somewhere that would provide the necessary info.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have been a mac user since 2006. Yesterday, I purchased an iBook G4 for my father, who I have converted from Windows to Macintosh. We are 99% satisfied. Everything works great except the wireless internet. Whenever the computer shuts off or goes to sleep, we have a difficult time re-connecting to the wireless internet. After five minutes of clicking on the wireless signal (at the top of the screen) and turning it on and off, we are able to get on. Once we connect, it does not seem to disconnect.
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Dec 22, 2009
Since I am no longer at school, I'm wondering how to get rid of the school connection?
I'm not too sure about networks, too. Once I get rid of the school connection, will I be able to connect to any wireless connection automatically or do I need to join up to a company like this one:
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Jul 14, 2008
my friend is maybe going to buy an ibook g4 and it seems like the guy whos selling it doesnt have a airport card inside, Since it says add a card, so since he doesnt wanna spend much more for an airport card i told him about usb wireless. So my question is does he have to get a certian usb wireless device or can he just go down to the store and get any ordinary one for pc's?
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Apr 2, 2007
I are lokking for a Ibook to use for internet, what it that ende to ahvde .I only nede it to internet and maby to se movie but that not the primer that are internet, so what it the min. mhz ?
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Jan 29, 2006
So i recently bought a Zonet usb wireless adapter (ZEW2051) on tiger direct for around 7 bucks and now want to use it with my ibook (my airport card isn't working). I have seen solutions for other cards but can't seem to find an answer for this one.
System Profiler recognizes it as
Bus Power (mA):500
Speed:Up to 480 Mb/sec
Product ID:0x1211
Vendor ID:0x0ace
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Dec 17, 2006
I used to have an old iBook G4 whose hard drive conked out on me a few months ago. I sent it to Apple and go a new hard drive installed. This model of the iBook does not have the wireless built in but I got a free Airport card during the purchase and its put in. Now, I've installed Panther on it but a problem I've noticed is that I simply can't detect any wireless networks. I can turn on and off the wireless in my menu bar but whenever I search for networks, it detects nothing. This is all the time of course, next to my iMac and Powerbook which have no problems detecting the network. I've tried re-installing the OS even.
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Feb 3, 2008
is it possible to upgrade my MBP (CD) and iBook to 802.11n?? surely it would be possible to simply pull out the old wireless cards and purchase a new n card?
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Oct 31, 2008
It's not the router, I know that..
On speedtest.net to Montreal I get around 4-5mbps download usually. On another laptop, I get 15-18mbps. laptops are side-by-side. It also randomly will stop working (ie in Firefox it'll take a minute to open a page (that's just doing the hostname lookup.. I use free DNS servers, my ISP's were slow.)
Any reason why the airport extreme card is extremely slow? Also, when I do a direct ethernet connect, it's also slow... ?
I did get 11 mbps a long time ago, I never seemed to get that again. I am using 10.4.11, 1.2ghz, 768mb ram. I do the speedtest when basically nothing is running (Adium/Skype is all pretty much).
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Aug 13, 2006
I am trying to purchase an Original Airport Card to put in my iBook G3 however, I am blown away by the prices. Does anyone know a good Card that will work in this machine?
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Jan 6, 2007
I was recently given an old iBook (the one with the Clamshell design) from a friend and was wondering how would I go about hooking it up to my Television, and to the Internet? What do I need to do this?
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Jan 19, 2007
I recently bought an Ibook on Ebay and im wondering how to connect it to my wireless router!
PS the Ibook is the clamshell design one
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Aug 26, 2008
i know g3 ibooks are old but its all i want to spend. can the internet run smoothly- youtube, ads, etc,,,, on an ibook g3 slower than than 800MHz?
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Oct 21, 2008
I'm a college student and I live on campus during the school year. When I'm at home, I can connect to the internet just fine. Anywhere I go, I don't have a problem. But starting this year, I cannot connect to the Internet on campus. I live in the on-campus apartments and I cannot connect to the residential network there using ethernet. We have a wireless router in our apartment and that won't work for me either. At best, I can sign into the residential network using my school account and I can get on one or two websites before "Safari cannot find server".
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a weird problem with my iBook G4. I cannot get access to the Internet at all. I connect using a TimeCapsule. In total I do have 3 Macs, 2 of them connect just fine just my old iBook gives me headaches. It doesn't acquire a correct IP address either.
I do connect over Wifi. The Wifi symbol in the menu bar gets all bars on the iBook and the TimeCapsule does show 4 connected clients ( I do guess my iPhone is one of them).
So - two Macbook Pros and one iPhone connects just fine to the Internet using this TimeCapsule. It does show 4 connected clients and I do get all the bars in the menu bar on the iBook.
The iBook doesn't get a correct IP address (that is my guess as it totally different from the two Macbook Pros). The iBook runs 10.5.5.
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Mar 14, 2009
I had an iBook G4 1Ghz. I rarely had any problems watching internet videos on sites like Hulu or YouTube. I passed the iBook along to a friend when I got a new MacBook, and he has been unable to watch Web videos. They play, but the audio is ahead of the sound. He's tried it on a few different connections, but they all do this in both Safari 4 and Firefox 3. Clearing the browser cache helped a little, but it hasn't gone away.
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Nov 17, 2009
who tested the line and connection. I am getting 6meg.. they then told me to
network utilities->netsat->display state of all current socket connections
apparently there shouldnt more than 10.. but theres loads..
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Aug 8, 2010
I have been using my ibook g4 to connect my xbox 360 to the internet. I have an ethernet cord connecting the two together. just recently, after doing this for months, my ibook will randomly disconnect from the internet. the computer's wifi signals say it's connected but nothing works including ichat, and safari. the internet on xbox also stops. i try resetting my computer and unplugging the ethernet, and the only thing that works is resetting our router.
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May 10, 2007
So I have a network running a Linksys B&G WRT54G router on a ComCast Cable internet connection. I have an iBook G4 (2005) and a B/W G3/400 connected to it. The iBook is using the built-in Airport Extreme and the G3 is using a valid Belkin PCI card (model: FD57000) 802.11G card. So the G3 is just chillin' downloading torrents and what not, but I noticed the speeds aren't that great and my iBook is slowed waaay down on just basic web browsing. I reboot the G3 and all of a sudden the iBook speeds way up. Once the G3 is back online everything is slow again. I've tried many settings and still am not satisfied yet (using the iBook on the same torrents as the G3 the speeds are insanely higher).
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Jan 5, 2008
So I got a PowerBook G4(1.5 GHz, 512 MB RAM, a superdrive, and an airport card) for Christmas. Before I opened it as a present, my cousin did a clean install of Leopard. My wireless internet goes out every time I try to go to a new page or even refresh it. It's extremely annoying. In order to get it back on, I have to turn my airport card off, and then on again. I was thinking it was my airport card, but then the other day, I went out of town to a friends house.
My internet didnt go out once. I just got back today, and it keeps going out. My home internet is locked with a password, but my friends internet wasn't. However, I previously had a PC laptop and the internet was fine, my cousin has a MacBook Pro, and my brother just got a MacBook. All of them connect to the internet wirelessly and they don't have any problem with their internet. I don't know what to do.
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Jan 14, 2007
I have been enjoying my recently acquired pismo g4 500. Typing on it feels wonderful, and I'm so glad that I got it. We also just got an ibook 1.2ghz (768mb memory), and for some reason, the pismo loads internet pages faster.
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Oct 17, 2007
I seem to have a little problem. I have a 1.2ghz ibook with 768mb of ram running the newest version of panther. It can play .avi, .mpg and .wmv files fine and smooth in quicktime and vlc player. However whenever I go to lets say [URL], [URL] or sites like those to watch tv shows the video stutters.
Its not a buffering issue because I even wait for it to buffer 100% before I press play but the video always stutters(even if its not in full screen). I use bother firefox and ssafari and there is no difference. . . Does anyone know what the problem could be or how I could fix it? I think an ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 32MB should be able to play videos using flashplayer jsut fine dont you?
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Jan 7, 2009
Now when im in front of the telly, it would be nice to use the iBook, however ive tried tonight and failed Basically I unhooked the ethernet cable from the iMac, into the iBook - but nothing. The iBook is running OS 9.1. I went to the TCP/IP panel on the iBook and changed it to connect via ethernet...from there I assumed everything else should be automatic. For the configure section, there are four options - manually, using BootP server, using DHCP server, or using RARP server. I have only tried with the using BootP server, as for the others it asks for settings which i do not have, and are not provided under the iMac TCP/IP settings.
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Jun 5, 2007
I connect two desktops and the subject ibook to an airport base station. The ibook is a 1.2MgH, 30GM hard drive, 256 RAM. The laptop has been in use approximately two years. The laptop has always automatically connected to the airport. Yesterday morning when I started the machine, it indicated it was not connected to a network. When I selected my network, it asked for the password. When I input the password, it told me it was invalid. Nothing I've been able to do with any utility or any other corrective action has changed the message "invalid password." And just so you know, I am entering the correct password for my network.
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Sep 4, 2007
I need advice choosing a wireless router. It will be permanently connected to a pc but I plan on using its wireless for my IBook G4. My wireless card is 54-Mbps AirPort Extreme WiFi 802.11g. I am looking for whatever will give me the highest speed, reliability, and least amount of interference (I live in an apartment complex with multiple networks).
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Jan 11, 2008
I just got my iBook Clamshell Blueberry from a seller. It appears to have Airport, but it has 9.2 OS and I'm not sure how to get it to pickup my wireless network. Any ideas? Other then that its in Great shape. No pixels out and no cracks. I want to up the ram and hardrive and then get a dvd drive to sub out for the cd drive.
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Oct 11, 2009
I am here today looking for guidance with my ibook. I recently updated the software from 10.3 to 10.4. The wireless was working fine on 10.3. Then when I upgraded it it just stopped working. Now it says there is no airport card installed. I need to fix it because I need it for school!
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Dec 19, 2009
I recently acquired an iBook G3 600MHZ with an Wireless B Airport Card. My router is a Netgear WNR2000 that is standard N but is backwards compatible with b/g. I have no idea how to set this up. I've tried and it doesn't connect. Oh, and I am running 10.2.8.
I went to Starbucks and it connected there instantly. So I don't know what's going on.
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Aug 1, 2008
I have wireless on my macbook but thats cuz it has a wireless connection/Airport.But my emac doesnt Is there anyway I can get wireless connection on it?
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