Windows On Mac :: How Do I Activate Windows From Startup?
Oct 15, 2010How do I activate windows from startup?
View 2 RepliesHow do I activate windows from startup?
View 2 RepliesI installed XP successfully via bootcamp and got it to connect to the internet. Put parallels on the macbook today and when it opened it said I needed to activate windows before I could use it. But in parallels I can't get it to connect to the internet to activate? What am I doing wrong??
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post here... even though, I've read a lot of the things on this forum, but never decided to post a question 'til now... now that i bought a macbook pro that is.
Actually I have some sort of annoyance with boot camp. It works as it's intended (with windows 7, which is a miracle, because everyone complains about that combination). But whenever I boot up and press "alt" to select the hard drive i want to boot, it always shows Windows. Can i change it for something else? and, how can I do it? Both of my partitions have names of their own... they're not generic... but still, they are not working, what can I do??
I bought the Windows 7 upgrade from the Ultimate Steal student discount program. Because I'm on exchange in the UK from a US college, I had to use my US e-mail, credit card, etc. But now, Microsoft says I can't activate Windows 7 because I am in the UK.
They won't even give me a UK product key or anything. Pirated software it is then...
I am trying to find a way to activate tapping for the touchpad on mac air in windows environment with no success. Does it work for others? Any advice for a driver?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've used the bootcamp assistant to create a 200 GB partition for Windows. I installled windows 7 x64 on this partition, everything is going well so far. I'm able to press the option key after installation and run windows and perform some updates (note, I couldn't install the required software IN windows from the snow leopard disk, let's hope this is not the source of my problem).
Everything went well so I booted back to OSX and I noticed that I needed some more partitions, so I've split my Macintosh HD further into a Media and a School partition. I didn't touch the windows partition though.
After experiencing (before) with hackintosh computers I know that i have to rewrite the boot configuration of the harddrive. Because now I'm not seeing the Windows HD anymore while holding the option key at startup and therefore unable to boot into Windows anymore. Even parallels can't discover the Windows partition.
I've tried repairing permissions, and nothing. I've tried to use the repair option on the Windows 7 disk which states it can't be done.
What can I do? Do I have to repartition it again in an different order (bootcamp states that it can only create a Windows partition if there's only 1 partition in the harddrive, so it's logical to repartition the drive after bootcamp created the Windows HD or even after the installation of Windows itself). Perhaps I need to rewrite the boot config of the mac, which I don't have a clue about.
Being 64 bit windows is not an issue, because it worked at first (before repartitioning)
I Googled around, and found a Microsoft forum post detailing how to do this. However, whenever I enter the command, I get an access is denied error.
bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
That's the command, which I get the following error:
The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied.
sent off for my 15 inch 2.8GHZ MBP June 09 edition. since im getting it on finance i have to wait for them to send me the contract for me to sign. When they get it back they will send the MBP. In the mean time, i just wanted to know is there anything useful to do when i get it out of the box. For example any app's to download? Any non useful stuff to remove etc etc. how you can activate the 9600m when your in Windows Boot Camp?
View 4 Replies View Related"Provides support for switching between Mac OS X and Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
I get this error every time i start up windows xp in bootcamp.
I was told windows works seamlessly with the new mac pro. Getting this mac pro is proving to be a whole lot of hassle. I've spent the last week and a day full-time trying to sort out these errors. Getting bit sick and tired and frankly, running out of time!
How can I start up mac OS before I have to log into a windows...the problem is my windows os activation has expire and I cannot get into it. I have tried holding shift key after I press power button but nothing is happening. It is always trying get me to windows. I don't have installation cd's and internet connections.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWould anyone know how to have the mac bootscreen load at each startup, without hold alt AND without having to install reFit?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an old dell computer...about three years. And recently (like a few months ago) it kinda died. When I boot it up it comes up with the "DELL" loading screen, except this time it has about a dozen green lines going down the screen. And then after that screen the computer just dies. I think my only choice is a complete wipe of the drive since I can't even get into bios or anything but thought I might post here first.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am new to this mac community.. And just received my 27" i5.
I am trying to install Windows 7 via bootcamp. I opened Bootcamp Assistant, and when i click continue, i get this popup.
"The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition" The startup disk must be formatted as a single mac OS Extented volume or already partitioned by boot camp assistant for installing windows.
I click OK.. And same message reappears
I cannot go ahead.
I have my 1 TB Disk partitioned as follows
500GB for Mac - Which is Mac os Extended (Journaled)
408 GB for Movies - Which is Mac os Extended (Journaled)
91 GB for Windows - Which is Mac os Extended (Journaled)
Now what do i do to get bootcamp work.
I got a CHKDSK check at startup of Windows 7 Pro and it's awfully slow on my MBP! 12 hours and it's halfway there! Have you guys encounter similar issue with CHKDSK?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy windows side of my macbook pro 2.4 GHz, Intel core 2 duo, 3 gigs ram ddr2sd, now enjoys freezing at start up. Some sites have mentioned that it is an issue of software incompatibility in drivers, some have said that my windows system files are corrupt, and others just say give up and rejoin the partition, erase old data and start anew. I would have liked to avoid the last one but it got the point where nothing worked.So! I have tried booting in safe mode, (to maybe run checkdisk etc) I got onto desktop to choose yes/no for system restore and then it would randomly freeze and cause me to have to turn the power off manually. Safemode now freezes when loading mup.sys
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a 3 year old MacBook Pro, so I decided to experiment with Bootcamp. I changed it completly to Windows. Happily it worked, however there doesn't seem to be a way to mute the startup sound. I've searched the internet for answers but the problem is, but all the advice I find tells me either to mute the computer before turning it off (which unfortunately doesn't work), plugging in headphones (also didn't work), or downloading a mac application which I obviously can't as I'm in windows.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to load up boot camp, so that I can do basic functions, like change the brightness/volume, AND RIGHT CLICK (which is vital for gaming in tight spaces like I so often enjoy doing), it immediately closes, with Windows giving me the error that is shown in the photograph that I have provided.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to configure a legal notice before users log on to the system?
This exists on Windows but I am struggling to find a way to do it on a Mac OS X ?
I got a bit of an annoying issue with VMWare 3.1. Every time I launch the program it automatically launches the virtual machine I set up. It is annoying because sometimes I launch it on accident and then I have to wait for the VM to fully power up and then shut it down. I am also thinking it would be annoying in the future once I install a few more OS's on there (I assume it might start the first one on the list automatically which might not be the one I want to use).
How can I get it to go into the menu of the program and let me pick which VM I want to launch (if any at all)?
I have looked everywhere in preferences and I did not see any settings for this.
I believe the Macs at my college allow the user to select from either Mac OSX or Windows at startup. However, it's a little different than holding down the option key at startup. I think it shows both at startup by default and if none is chosen, Mac will boot automatically within a couple of seconds.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhenever I hold Alt at startup and then select Windows the computer seems to freeze for about a minute and then starts loading windows. While it is frozen I can't move the mouse cursor and nothing seems to be happening.
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to make it always boot to the startup manager. Then maybe after 30 seconds or so it would default to os x. I'm constantly having to switch between OS's and it would be nice if I could make it so that it would auto pop up startup manager rather an me have to hold down the option key every time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have vista on bay1 and win7 in bay4 in my mac pro. when i choose win7 as default startup disc vista boots up anyway if i dont hold down alt.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just picked up a Mini display port to DVI adapter for my Macbook Pro so that I could hook it up to my 32 inch 1080p tv that I use as my main desktop monitor. It works just great in OSX (though for some odd reason I have to put the laptop to sleep then plug it in for it to work correctly. Can't be on or off otherwise I don't get the full picture not sure why) but in bootcamp it instantly causes a blue screen. If I plug it in then reboot to windows I get a blue screen even before its loaded windows all the way. I assume this is a driver issue but I'm using the latest boot camp drivers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to install Windows 7 64 bit on my girlfriend's computer, it's a 13" MBP, 4 GB, 2.4 GHz (mid-2010, 4 weeks old). I got through the installation without a hitch, got to the desktop, installed the Snow Leopard drivers, restarted... and then it froze after I typed in the password (the cursor circle froze, keyboard-trackpad unresponsive). I cleared the Bootcamp partition in OSX, repartitioned, and reinstalled again - this time without a password. It got to the desktop, and then after a few seconds the keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive again. This happens only when I install the SL drivers, upon restart. Now, I've tried reinstalling W7 a few times. I reformatted the whole disc, reinstalled SL... and still the same problem. I'm using a Windows 7 ISO from my university, the same ISO/Disc that I used to successfully install Windows 7 on my MBP.
I have since downloaded it twice, and burned the ISO three separate times, at 2.4x using Disc Utility. I've seen two similar instances discussed on other threads, but they were either adjacent to the main thread discussion (and unresolved), or just unresolved. In the installations that I've run since the initial few, I have run into issues that seem common (stalling when copying system files, etc.) I have since reformatted the whole disc, and those problems haven't arisen since. Also, I have successfully installed Windows XP from a university ISO on her computer. But she really needs Windows 7 64 bit... sorry for the long post, trying to be detailed. I updated SL before partitioning, and it's Bootcamp 3.1 (build 2328)
At Start up on OS Lion 10.7 it opens a lot of program windows How can I stop this happening?
MacBook Pro
Is it better for me to buy the upgrade for windows 7, from vista to windows 7 or to buy the full copy? If i buy the fully version, should i get rid of my pardon, and re-do it with bootcamp, or should i just do it over my current pardon? (Vista) I just want the best way, less pain, less anger. Im willing to pay more for full IF IT IS THE BEST way to do it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs title says. I can no longer hold option to boot into bootcamp (fairly old issue - I tihnk it's my keyboard), so I just use startup disc preference pane. Today, Windows does not show up. I downloaded bootchamp and it also gave me an error when trying to restart....any ideas at all? I can't do anything with the bootcamp partition in the disc utility.
EDIT: Opening the bootcamp assistant gives me :""Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used: You must update your computer's boot ROM firmware before using this setup assistant".
Note I was in win7 earlier today without issue....
Boot Camp Manager doesn't startup
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used Bootcamp on my new MacBook Pro 15" to install Windows XP Pro. After some troubles everything worked fine. Then I got VMware Fusion (latest version) installed and attached the Windows XP Pro. It did some magic, booted and all was fine. But then the problems started. I could not select any start up disk in the Preferences of Mac OS X, except for Network boot. With the Option key I can select between Mac OS X and Windows XP just fine.
I can boot Mac OS X from the Bootcamp Panel in Windows XP. I tried several things like removing VMware files for the Windows XP thing, removing partitions, but I still couldn't select anything other then the Network boot from the Startup disk in Preferences. In the end I took the install DVD of Mac OS X, used the Disk utility and started all over. I would like to use VMware Fusion to boot the Windows XP partition to do some stuff I can't do in Mac OS X (work related).