Windows On Mac :: Does The Time Capsule Work With 7

Feb 23, 2010

Does the time capsule work with Windows 7? I'm using genie time machine at the moment which is really good but i wanted a wireless backup solution, i mainly use windows on my mac because i use 3ds max so its really for the windows side. Am i better off buying a decent NAS drive that i know will work for windows and try and get time machine to see it using the hack to get it to work or vice versa? Also can you upgrade the HDD in time machines?

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Hardware :: Can't Get Time Machine To Work On Time Capsule

Jan 31, 2010

Ok, so i picked up a 2TB Time Capsule a couple days ago and have tried everything i can think of to get this to work, but im at a loss... I had been previously using Time Machine to backup to an Ext HD attached via USB, and that always went smooth as butter.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Does Not Work On Time Capsule?

May 20, 2012

I have updated to 10.7.4, and now Time Machine does not work on my Time Capsule.  I have erased all backups using the Airport Utility.  When I try to run Time Machine, the disk is mounted, files are calculated, backup starts, then stops, and no backup is done.  Also, no error messages. 

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Hardware :: How Exactly Does Time Capsule Work

Aug 10, 2009

i buy Apples Time Capsule, can I access the files on it via the internet even if im not home..For example lets say i have a few hundred songs on my time capsule device and im on the road and want to access those songs via itunes on my macbook, can I if i have time capsule connected to the net as well as my laptop. im looking to buy time capsule because i dont want to flood my laptops harddrive w/music and pictures. can someone explain to me how the whole thing works?

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MacBook Air :: Time Capsule Work Without Internet?

Feb 7, 2008

My brother is looking to get the Macbook Air along with Time Capsule.

He doesn't have internet in his house.

Will the time capsule still work with the macbook air simply as an external storage to access wirelessly?

I'm thinking yes, but wanted to make sure.

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PowerPC :: Does Time Capsule Work With IBook G4?

Aug 7, 2008

Will Time Capsule work with my iBook G4 running Leopard?

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Hardware :: Can't Get Laptop To Work With Time Capsule

Feb 17, 2009

My girlfriend just moved into a new apartment where her roommate has the wireless network set up through a time capsule as the router. She was issued a IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad from work, and she wants to be able to use it at home to do work at night.

The Thinkpad can see the network, but it won't allow her to connect to it. It doesn't even prompt for a password. From the information that is displayed about the network, it looks as if it is only sending out an 802.11n signal. The only thing I can think of that would prohibit her from accessing the network is that the Thinkpad can't use the 802.11n standard?

How can I find out what wireless standards the Thinkpad can use? Also, I tried to use my MBP to configure the Time Capsule with Airport Utility, but I didn't know the password and her roommate said he doesn't remember it (I know the password for the network, just not the TC itself). If I end up resetting the TC from the button on the back, will he lose any data saved on the TC?

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Hardware :: Won't Get Time Capsule (wifi) To Work

Feb 24, 2010

I am having major issues trying to get my TC to work with an existing wireless network. I am using a Macbook and an iMac, having just upgraded both macs to snow leopard. I connected the TC to a BTVOYAGER wireless router using an ethernet cable, turned on airport and it worked fine for a few hours. Then, suddenly lost internet connection. Other PC's connected just to the BTVOYAGER also lost connection to the internet, although were still connected to the router.

After much troubleshooting, after removing the tc from the equation managed to re-establish internet connection on the windows PCs. However, when connecting the macbook to the btvoyager (not using time capsule at all) the internet connection was lost on all computers. disconnecting the mac and resetting the router brought back the connection.

I am ignoring the time capsule completely at the moment until I can get btvoyager to work again with my macs. I am able to connect to public wifi, so know that the airport on the mavbook is working ok. I have also turned off IPv6 configuration as I am not sure the BTvoyager is compatible with v6.

all other settings on aiport seem to be ok and it will connect to the btvoyager network, just not to the internet. and nothing else will either!

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OS X :: Won't Work With Time Capsule / Hooked Into Computer

Apr 19, 2010

I found a time capsule (router/hd) hooked up in-between my modem and my computers. From what I read on the spec sheet of the time capsule is that whomever controls this device could actually see my computer from anywhere including my emails and hard drives. It is true? I do have a lower OS, 10.4.11, and I can't access the capsule via time machine, not to mention I don't have the password to see what's on it, but can this device actually be storing all my info/data on the capsules hard drive? Or would I need a higher level of OS for this to keep my info.

Does it store data from external HD that are hooked up to the computers that are hooked up to the time capsule?

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OS X :: Will A USB Wifi Adaptor Work With Time Capsule?

Jun 3, 2010

Airport seems to have stopped working on my iBook G4 (it only detects networks intermittently). If I buy a USB WiFi adaptor, will the iBook still backup wirelessly to my Time Capsule and share (screen and file) with the other Mac in the house?

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MacBook Pro :: Restore Won't Work From Time Capsule

May 6, 2012

My Macbook came up with an error, saying the HD needed repairing - I had no problems, and wish I hadn't listened to it! 

After trying to repair, it came up with errors, then wouldn't reboot. I had no problem previous to this point. The only option seemed to be to restore from Time Capsule. 

Time capsule restored overnight, but then just went to the spinning wheel and doesn't look like it has completed the process. The last time I looked it said 35 mins to complete the restore, but now there is a grey screen and a spinning wheel. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Won't Work With Time Capsule And Wifi Signal

Oct 31, 2010

I have a time capsule hooked up to my mac mini. I don't use it for anything but the hard drive anymore so it is just plugged into the LAN connection. My Mac Mini is getting horrible wifi signal but my MacBook Pro is getting great signal in the same room. I was wondering if the Time Capsule can be used to receive the wifi and run it to my Mac Mini threw the LAN connection? Or can the Time Capsule be used as a repeater and boost the wifi signal?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Work With ADSL Broadband

Jan 20, 2008

It states on the info that the time capsule is for DSL broadband connections.

Living in a non-cabled area we are forced into using ADSL broadband. Is there any way to get the time capsule to work on ADSL?

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IMac :: Upgrading WiFi To Work With Time Capsule

Mar 4, 2009

I have an iMac Core Duo 2006 (the first intel mac). I want to upgrade the WiFi so that it will work with my time capsule (1st gen) 5ghz WiFi network.

I was looking and there appears to be 2 options
1. Airport Extreme Card Model MA688Z/B
2. Airport Extreme Card Model BCM94321MC

Which of these will work and which is best? At the same time I will also be upgrading the HDD to 640GB Samsung Spingpoint F1.

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Hardware :: Won't Work To Connect / Using Time Capsule (Wifi)

Nov 17, 2009

When I live at my brother's house, I connect to my brother's network which gives me wireless internet. Is it possible for my TC to, instead of being plugged in directly to his router with an ethernet cord, pick up his network's wireless internet and output it on it's own network?

In case that question makes no sense, what I want to do is connect to my TC's network (so I have access to the hard drive) but still get my brother's internet connection.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Work On Cox Cable Network?

May 24, 2010

As of last tuesday, I haven't been able to get an internet connection using my Time Capsule on the Cox Cable network in Omaha, NE.

At first, Cox told me that this was my problem, and to take it up with Apple. Now they are telling me that no one with Time Capsules has been able to connect to their network for about a week. They say that they are working on it, but it isn't a priority because they "don't support routers."

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Or Another Wireless External Can Work With My System

May 5, 2010

Looking to get a wireless external, is Time Capsule the only one that will work with a MBP? I would like my external to back up whatever I do on my computer whenever I am within range. I've read a lot of fail regarding Time Capsules

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Hardware :: Time Capsule HD Not Seen On Windows PC

Jun 21, 2010

I have hooked up a windows PC to my network, the system saw the TC HD but couldn't resolve with the password. I didn't have time to trouble shoot so I choose Ignore. Now I can't get the PC to bring back the screen to try and connect to the TC. Any help restarting the service to get this back on-line?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule With Windows

Jul 17, 2010

I have a problem with my TC, i read every thread here and in other forums. I spent Days and nights try to figure it out but with no luck at all. I desperate here as i just paid $500 to buy the TC and isn't working.

The Problem:

1.I configured my TC many times with all possible configuration, the airport is working fine (LED always GREEN) but whenever i try to access the HDD it gives me: Username/Password Error, Netbios problem (Win 7) OR Semaphore timeout period expired (Win XP)...

2.When I restart the TC or the LinkSys It works one time perfectly but as soon as i change anything on TC or restart the computers cannot access again.......................

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MacBook Air :: Moving Time Capsule Data - How To Restore Image From Time Capsule

Nov 29, 2010

I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?

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Hardware :: Printing Via Time Capsule In Windows XP

Jan 20, 2009

I am having trouble getting a friend of mine's setup to work. He's got an HP Photosmart C4480 (usb to Time Capsule) It prints fine from his macbook, but not at all from his wife's PC (laptop with XP). The PC will print fine if i directly connect the printer (usb) to the laptop (but that kinda defeats the point). I tried changing the address from time capsule.local to the ip address of the time capsule (found that suggested somewhere online) and that didn't work.

Not sure if it was before or after the above, but it worked *once* when I had the laptop connected to the TC via Ethernet (which, again, kinda defeats the point). I also tried configuring a plain generic TCP/IP printer port and setting up the printer that way (bypassing Bonjour) but it didn't work. (EDIT: Just saw a guide linked, not sure if I chose Custom Settings for the Network card - will try that first when I go back over - would still love to know if there are any other things I could be trying.) What other things can I try with the hardware they're using?

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Hardware :: Firmware 7.4.1 Time Capsule And Windows

Jun 10, 2009

I know that firmware 7.4.1 has caused problems for people using Time Capsules with Windows PCs: [URL] I know that this problem affects the original TCs as I actually have an original TC and I had the problem with firmware 7.4.1 (fixed by downgrading to 7.3.2). Does anyone know if the problem with 7.4.1 only affects the older TCs or does it affect the new updated TCs (released earlier this year) as well? I want to buy another TC, but not if it has the 7.4.1 problem and not if it can't be downgraded to 7.3.2.

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Hardware :: Can Windows Recognize Time Capsule Disk?

Mar 8, 2008

I recently purchased a MBP and a Time Capsule. Still waiting on the MBP, but went ahead and set up the TC as a router for my current Dell laptop. In theory, I don't really care since I will have my MBP w/in 2.5 weeks, but is it possible for my Windows machine to see the disk on the TC? I went into TC and set up the workgroup name to be the same as the workgroup on my PC, but I still don't see it. I doubt anyone has done it, but was curious if it's possible. I assume that the Windows client should be able to access that giant disk (or a Windows user would never buy the product). One question though, it shows the filesystem as FAT32. Is that right, or just how it's represented to the Windows client?

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Windows On Mac :: Firewall Setting Adjustment And Time Capsule?

Jan 13, 2009

I tried playing command and conquer: tiberium wars on windows. I have never had an issue playing with my old router but have recently upgraded to the Time Capsule and I could not connect when I was playing online. I could connect initially but when I would go into a game it just would not allow me to connect to start the game. I then plugged directly into my cable modem and was able to connect right away. Do I need to go into Time capsule and adjust a setting?

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Hardware :: Does Time Capsule Backup Windows Partition?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a Time Capsule and Time Machine running on my Late 2008 MBP. I'd like to swap out HDDs. I know you can use Time Machine to setup your new HDD (so it mirrors the old). My question is if I do this will it also contain the Windows Partition?

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Hardware :: Can All Windows PCs Use Time Capsule As A External Storage?

Mar 20, 2009

Hope this thread will benefit those who are considering to buy Time Capsule or already a have one.

I'm considering to get Time Capsule for my home network which consist of:

- One MBP (15" Unibody)

- Two Windows XP desptops (connected via Ethernet cable)

- One Windows Vista laptop

Could any Mac users help answer my queries below:

1) Since I'm going to use Time Capsule as backup storage for Time Machine. Can I still manually copy files into its HDD and share those files with other network users?

2) Can all Windows PCs use Time Capsule as a external storage for storing and sharing files even after Time Machine has "marked" it as a backup storage for my MBP?

3) I presume the HDD in Time Capsule is formatted using HFS+. In this situation, do Windows users need to install special software to access the HDD in Time Capsule?

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Hardware :: How To Use Time Capsule To Move Files To Windows

Nov 16, 2009

I've searched high and low trying to solve this issue. I want to use Time Capsule as an external hard drive that is readable in Windows so I can transfer over files. I know that the Time Capsule must be formatted as FAT32. I don't even care about my Time Machine backups--I'm fine with deleting them all and reformatting so partitioning need not be done.

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Hardware :: Remote Access To Time Capsule From MacBook / Windows

Feb 23, 2009

I have been attempting to connect to my TC remotely, and I have not been successful. I followed the instructions posted here. But to no avail. I am able to connect to it as a server, but only from within my network. when I go to connect, it appears to be going through the internetz and connecting, but when I move outside of my network it does not work.

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Hardware :: Windows Desktop Won't Communicate With Time Capsule When Using WPA/WPA2

May 6, 2009

My Windows XP desktop will connect flawlessly to my Time Capsule when I turn off all wireless security. I am even able to use Airport Utility on the desktop to change the wireless security to WPA/WPA2 Personal.

However, it is never able to connect wirelessly to the Time Capsule when WPA/WPA2 Personal is being utilized. The Airport Utility cannot locate the Time Capsule when WPA/WPA2 Personal is utilized.

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Hardware :: Can't See Time Capsule In Networking And Downloading WAP2 Windows Xp Hotfix

Dec 15, 2008

-downloading the WAP2 windows xp hotfix
-installed airport for windows
-installed bonjour for windows
-changed from WAP2 to WEP security, still nothing
-and changed the radio signal so that it was b/g compatible

It's weird, the internet is fine, I can access the internet. But when I go to network places in the XP computer I can't see the time capsule! What do you think is wrong?

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