Windows On Mac :: Alt Option To Choose OS Stopped Working
May 17, 2010
I installed windows on my early 2010 MBP, and it's been working perfectly so far, but today when I woke up and had to use windows, nothing seems to happen when I hold down (either) ALT when booting I filmed this with my phone [URL] to help you see what my problem is. I press the power button, it makes that boot sound while I hold ALT down. Then it just shows the mouse without the two harddiscs. I'm completely new to mac, so I don't know if I can fix this easily, or I have to re-install windows (7). Or if it can be fixed with the OS X dvd that came with the MacBook Pro. If specs is needed, this is what I'm running:
Early 2010 MacBook Pro 15"
i7 2.66
4 gb ram
7200 rpm harddrive
HR Glossy screen
Fixed: My USB hub apparently stopped windows from showing up.
I am running 10.5.8 OS. Have discovered that in some programs, Photoshop for one, the option key no longer does what is required in that program. I purchased a new keyboard and had the same problem.
I've backed up all the data I need to from my MobileMe family pack accounts, revised personal details where needed at for 5 accounts. Last night I was ready to move the least used family pack subaccount as a test.I've seen this before but have never followed the options My devices include original iPhone/iPhone3G, iPhone4S, iPad original (iOS 4 - not keen on upgrading to iOS 5 on this as all I need works fine - it hs no camera for Photostream), new iPad. I have various Macs running Snow Leopard and Lion. Consequently the 2nd option seems logical. Just in case hitting Next completed the process without confirming I contacted support. My specific 2 questions were:
1 - If I choose 2nd option do I miss out on any features on fully compatible devices or Lion computers?
Initial response seems to be no
2 - Do I need to fully upgrade somehow if at some point in the future I have no legacy devices/OS versions?
In response to 2 however I'm told it'll happen automatically on June 30th but won't be able to use iCloud until after the 30th on compatible devices. I'm very confused at this point and don't see the point of the options - why not just allow legacy access for everyone after the 30th on devices or OS where needed?
I have 2 monitors connected to my mac mini. one with the mini displayport to vga, and the other mini dvi to vga. both of the monitors are exactly the same and they used to be set to the same resolution 1440 x 900. however one came unplugged and now it doesn't even give me the option to choose this resolution anymore. Is there anyway to fix this?
I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...
Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...
I cannot "see" my Windows partition from the preferences pane in bootcamp (osx) (where I would go to set Windows as a boot partition). The only way I can make Windows to start is by using the Option key at boot.
Strange this is, the partition is visible on my Osx desktop (mounted), I can browse the files etc... but Bootcamp somehow thinks it's gone.
I have Vista/OSX installed on my 8-core Mac Pro (early 2008). When I'm attempting to switch OS by holding alt/option during the loadup, it's no longer detecting the keypress. I have the USB wired Apple keyboard fed through my 24in dell monitor and then connected to a USB spot on the back of my mac. I've noticed that when I plug the keyboard directly into the USB on the front of the Mac, the keypress is detected just fine. The weird part is that the way I have it set up now (with the keyboard connecting through the monitor) used to work without a problem to get to the OS load screen. I recently had to reinstall OSX because of a hard drive failure and ever since, it's not detecting. It's annoying to have to unplug/replug my keyboard, just to boot in windows.
I have no problem using my wired keyboard to boot into Windows using boot camp. but when I use the Apple Bluetooth keyboard, holding down the option button when powering up does not work. Anyone else have this problem?
I am running Windows 7 X64 on a 2010 MBP 15". Bootcamp would work for awhile but then would crash anytime I installed software or rebooted. Usually just reinstalling it worked but now everytime I start windows I get the error.
I downloaded windows 7 ISO to put on my macbook. I put it onto virtual box and the product key doesn't work because ISO only works if you have a previous windows system.
In Bot Camp I'm running the Windows 7 beta and I have just recently been getting a message popping up so often saying that the Spooler Subsystem App has stopped working. Whats this about? Can I fox this or stop it saying?
I'm trying to share the internet connection on my windows vista partition. Until now it has been fine, but all of a sudden, yesterday, it stopped working. iPhone and mac both show self assigned IPs. I tried resetting and setting up a new ad hoc network and checked settings to make sure internet sharing was enabled, but still the mac and iPhone are not given their own IPs.
When I started using Firefox with my macbook, If I mispelled a word, It shows a red line under it, and I would double click it and it give me a list of words to choose from. Now it doesnt do this and just gives me the regular right click window.
I'm about to install Windows Vista Ultimate (boot camp), but I don't know if I should choose the 32 or 64 bit version.
I'm talking about my unibody MBP 2,8ghz 4GB RAM.
I know only the 64bit can use all 4gigs of RAM installed, but maybe there are some other things I should know about too?
A while ago, a list was posted here with all software compatible with Vista x64 (but I can't find it again unfortunately) Can anyone post a link to that list too?
im about to install xp, i tried before and got a few errors.. tried again with another option (NTFS i believe) and it worked untill i installed a GFX driver and it messed up
not sure if it had to do with the NTFS or FAT options i chose.. - i plan to make a 50gb partition this time round, what option shall i choose?
Quicklook has stopped workingon my MacBook Pro OS 10.6.8. Pressing the space bar on a file yields nothing. Is there a way to update or reset it so it starts working again?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..
This is retarted. According to Apple when I got my new Macbook Pro, I shouldnt have any problem installing Windows that unfor tunately I need to run AutoCAD. I choose Bootcamp to use all the resources of my MAC. It didnt let me install it but did it with Fusion. How retarded is that. OEM disk SP2.Then I got to Apple store and explain the problem. Dude over there says it should work. Exchange my Macbook for a brand new one and lets try again.Now I cant even load the same disk with Fusion. I go back to the store to buy a case and ask the question again. Now the answer is...Bootcamp wont accept an OEM Windows disk unless you get a copy which was never use.
I have been connecting wirelessly to the same router for about 4 months now, using DHCP, and having the settings on the automatic connection. I left the computer on, but closed, so sleeping, for about two days. When i opened it, the battery did not yet run out but the internet has not connected since.
I have full connection in internet connect to my network. Status says connected. If I have the IPv4 using DHCP, the status says that i am connected but my computer have a self-assigned IP adress. When I put in the IP manually, the Network setting give me a green light on airport and says that I am connected to the network thru airport. Needless to say, no browsers (Firefox, Safari, Netscape, or Internet Explorer) have been able to connect to the internet.
I have tried running Disk Utility for any errors, but there have been no changes.
Powerbook G4 1.67 GHz PowerPC 512 DDR SDRAM v. 10.4.11
I was working on some home work in window Xp and I got the BSOD!!!well I lost my work, but there was a back up that god, know this happened while i was scrolling my mouse, and playing music in itunes as the computer stopped itunes stopped and crashed, Strange?I got a Screen shot of the screen and I'll post it, if any one has a suggestion to help stop this then by all means please help me I suck at windows
I created a Boot Camp Partition (an entire drive, actually) and installed XP. The install went off without a hitch ... Except, having rebooted to Mac OS X (10.6.1) there is no way to boot Windows again. Going to Preferences->Boot Disk shows no Book Camp bootable drive.
I use to be able to select the vista partition to restart into from the configuration pages in leopard on my macbook pro, but now my bootcamp partition is missing. I have to hold the option button to manually select the windows partition and then load into windows. Some setting somewhere must be lost. Does anyone know how to restore it?
I've used the bootcamp assistant to create a 200 GB partition for Windows. I installled windows 7 x64 on this partition, everything is going well so far. I'm able to press the option key after installation and run windows and perform some updates (note, I couldn't install the required software IN windows from the snow leopard disk, let's hope this is not the source of my problem).
Everything went well so I booted back to OSX and I noticed that I needed some more partitions, so I've split my Macintosh HD further into a Media and a School partition. I didn't touch the windows partition though.
After experiencing (before) with hackintosh computers I know that i have to rewrite the boot configuration of the harddrive. Because now I'm not seeing the Windows HD anymore while holding the option key at startup and therefore unable to boot into Windows anymore. Even parallels can't discover the Windows partition.
I've tried repairing permissions, and nothing. I've tried to use the repair option on the Windows 7 disk which states it can't be done.
What can I do? Do I have to repartition it again in an different order (bootcamp states that it can only create a Windows partition if there's only 1 partition in the harddrive, so it's logical to repartition the drive after bootcamp created the Windows HD or even after the installation of Windows itself). Perhaps I need to rewrite the boot config of the mac, which I don't have a clue about.
Being 64 bit windows is not an issue, because it worked at first (before repartitioning)
This morning, On my Macbook Pro, I was able to use the option-tab shortcut to cycle through windows within an application. This afternoon, when I do the same keystroke, I just get a tab character. Or I cycle through the links on a website. The option key is working, as I can use other keyboard shortcuts. I even plugged in an external keyboard and it is responding to the option key. But the shortcut option-tab appears to no longer be working.
I have the fear that I accidentally pressed some weird key combination without realizing it that remaps the key for accessibility purposes. I've looked around the system preferences and I can't see anything that would reassign the combo. Does anyone have an idea of what happened?
Have just bought a new aluminium wired keyboard for my 17" iMac Core 2, running Leopard. This is a real sweet keyboard and I love it. One problem though, I cannot boot into windows. Seems the Option key does not work during the boot process.
If I search files in my local server using "File->Find" in Finder, zero item are showing. Search option is not working for local servers. Here, I didn't use Spotlight option for searching. Since, In Spotlight option, there is no option to search files in "Servers".
Everytime I need to reboot windows 7 running on boot camp, it will disable the option key so i am FORCED to boot into OSX. Only after a reboot from OSX or holding the power button will it let me use the option key again.
Is it possible to set fusion to start windows when i turn the mac on without having to put in passwords ect. this way, i can turn the mac on, and when i come back both operating systems will be running.