Why Does New Imac Crashes Repeatedly

Jun 18, 2012

Just 2 days again I purchased a new imac from the apple store and installed my apple apps.  After shutting down the system overnight and back on the next morning it became slow to boot and then requested I reboot again.Once up and operating I opened Aperture and within 3 minutes it told me I had to reboot again.This continues through anything that I do.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: My 10.6 Crashes Repeatedly

Mar 8, 2012

New version just downloaded and has crashed approx 8 to 10 times. So I reloaded the iTunes 10.6 , rebooted and experienced the same behavior. Trashed the new version, so now I have no iTunes. Don't see any opportunity to reload older version except by doing a total system reload (Snow Leopard). No, I don't have Time Machine, I had one of those crummy AirPorts with 500GB HD, but it died due to complete lack of cooling (another subject, sorry). What a totally crap design that was.

Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Bootcamp Installation Repeatedly Crashes?

Sep 23, 2009

I am unable to install Windows XP using Boot Camp Assistant. On multiple attempts, the install process crashes in the middle with an error message that reads:

Press any key to boot from CD ..
Disk Error
Press any key to restart

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PowerPC :: Unexpected G4 Crashes Repeatedly

Jun 20, 2008

My iBook g4 has started to producing a grayed out screen and a message saying I need to hold down the power button to restart. I have all my documents backed up so the first thing I did was a clean install of Leopard. That has not stopped the problem. I have copied the info from the log the computer would like to send to Apple. Can anyone tell me what it means?

Fri Jun 20 11:54:02 2008
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x000AED04): "Uncorrectable machine check: pc = 0000000000BE2918, msr = 0000000000149030, dsisr = 42000000, dar = 000000001F3B8000
" " AsyncSrc = 0000000000000000, CoreFIR = 0000000000000000
" " L2FIR = 0000000000000000, BusFir = 0000000000000000
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
Backtrace: 0x0009B498 0x0009BE3C 0x00029DD8 0x000AED04 0x000AEF84 0x000B2A78
Proceeding back via exception chain: Exception state (sv=0x2a4a9a00)
PC=0x00BE2918; MSR=0x00149030; DAR=0x1F3B8000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x00BE2A00; R1=0x1E93FBA0; XCP=0x00000008 (0x200 - Machine check)
Backtrace: 0x00946170 0x00C3B5E0 0x00C3BF4C 0x00BDBEC4 0x00357748 0x003569AC 0x00356A60 0x000B05D4
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.4.1)@0x7a5000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOATAFamily(1.7.3f1)@0x932000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family(211.1)@0xbae000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.4.1)@0x7a5000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily(1.6.0)@0xb4d000
Exception state (sv=0x1e95a000)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version: 9D34
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.3.0: Fri May 23 00:51:20 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.18~1/RELEASE_PPC
System model name: PowerBook6,7

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OS X :: Snow Leopard (Installer Crashes Repeatedly)

Jun 13, 2009

I just downloaded the 10a380 build of snow leopard, and burned it using disk utility to a DL DVD. The burn completed successfully and the computer recognizes it. Every time I click on Install, it opens the installer and I press continue.. it says "Finding Disks" with a blue progression bar for about 30 seconds, and then exits the installer. I even rebooted the computer, holding down option, and when it gets to the screen with different partitions, the disk ejects itself. I have bootcamp with windows 7 installed if that makes any sort of difference.

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Applications :: IMovie9 Crashes Repeatedly When Accessing Movies In Aperture3?

Feb 21, 2010

I have just installed Aperture3 on my MacBookPro 10.6.2.

I imported my iPhoto library to Aperture.

I have hundreds of movies in Aperture from two Canon cameras.

When I open iMovie, it correctly points to Aperture3 and begins to reference the movies in Aperture.

One quarter of the way through this process, iMovie hangs and crashes.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Character Pallett Repeatedly Opens On Its Own And Crashes

May 14, 2012

Starting this morning I am being driven crazy by the Character Pallett launching unexpectedly on its own and then crashing almost immediately. Then it attempts to launch again, flashes briefly on screen, and crashes again. My crash log shows the same repeated process.[Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalI nconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: (index >= 0) && (index < [_itemArray count])'] It's pretty impossible to get anything done. I tried reinstalling OSX combo 1.6.8, but the installer would not see my startup drive as being eligable; I then reinstalled Snow Leopard 10.6 and attempted to update to 10.6.8 that way. But this attempt lead to an error that cancled the install. So now I am running 10,6, but with many apps that require 10.6.8. And the Character Pallett keeps poping up and then crashing even with 10.6. I'm beginning to think it may be a hardware problem, either ram or logic board issue; but I lack the diagnostic skills to figure it out. I thought of trying to launch the Character Pallett on purpose, but when I open the System Preferences and click the box that would place the Keybaord icon in the menu bar (which is the only way I know to get to the Character Pallett) the icon doesn't appear. The check mark doesn't even stick.

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IMac (Intel) :: Restoring Fails Repeatedly - OS X Mavericks 10.9.3

Jul 1, 2014

Every time my iMac restarts or boots up, it brings me to the OS X installer page since last night.

I have done the disk utility check and my hard drive is ok. I then tried restoring from network which stops half way and reboot. I have also tried restoring from Time Machine but it has also stopped and rebooted several times.

My iMac is currently running OS 10.9.3

21.5-inch iMac With the following configuration:

2.5GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5

4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB

500GB Serial ATA Drive

AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB GDDR5

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IMac PPC :: Safari Crashes At Certain Sites?

Apr 28, 2012

When newly launched  Safari 1.3.2 it launch fine but refuses to access any sites accept apples. It simply crashes with a dialog box asking to contact Apple ( to date no response ) The unit is an Imac 600MHZ with 1G of ram. The issue is a new one.  Have had no trouble in prior weeks accessing similar sites. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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Applications :: Handbrake Crashes On IMac Consistently?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a iMac and a Macbook (unibody before they became "pro"). Both are 2.4Ghz models with 4Gb of RAM. I think the iMac has a slower system bus, but they are pretty close otherwise.

I can rip DVDs and convert videos on the Macbook all day long without problems. But Handbrake always quits unexpectedly on the iMac. I have downloaded the latest version of Handbrake, uninstalled several times, and totally leave it alone while running Handbrake. Nothing prevents this from happening.

Does anyone know what could be causing this problem or another (free) program that will do what Handbrake does as easily? I officiate basketball and I have a lot of friends who are asking me about pulling clips from game DVDs. With Handbrake it is easy to rip the DVD and trim the clip using Quicktime.

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Safari :: Crashes On Start Since Two Days Ago On IMac?

Mar 19, 2012

For two days ago safari crashes on start. It has worked perfect until then. 

I tried to remove Safari but was not allowed to do so 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Digistor BluRay Drive Crashes IMac

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Digistor external BluRay burner to use with MakeMKV to rip BluRays to my Mac. Here's a link to the model info:[URL:...] It has worked fine with my iMac (2.8GHz Core Duo) except that, on occasion, it would fail to eject the disk. When this happened, I simply pulled the USB connection from the back of the drive (I use the dual-USB connection to maintain battery life after the single-USB connection failed to keep the battery charged), reconnected the cable and hit the eject button on the drive. No problems, just a minor effort to work around. However, now that I have upgraded to an i7 2.93GHz iMac, the same procedure as above will crash my Mac. The moment I reconnect the USB cable, the iMac goes black and won't restart. Instant death, no warning. It won't restart with the external drive connected, either after a crash as described, or even after a normal reboot or cold power up. The only way I can use the drive, is to boot the Mac with the USB cables disconnected from the Mac, and then connect the drive to the Mac after bootup. The "old" iMac was fully up-to-date, running Snow Leopard. There is no outward difference in the operating systems of either machine, yet this happens only on the new model.

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IMac :: Intel Core 2 Duo OS X 10.6.5 Completely Freezes And Crashes

Nov 24, 2010

I have a problem with my iMac 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (2 GB 667 MHz DDR 2 SDRAM), running OSX 10.6.5. OSX crashes and freezes all the time. Nothing works anymore. Sometimes it just freezes, and I can only move my cursor, but nothing reacts anymore. Sometimes the screen blacks (or sometimes blanks) out or shows the weird moving colours as shown on the photo I just took below: After restart, it often happens again and again. Then the iMac is fine for a couple of days, before it freezes again. Can anyone diagnose the problem from the info above?

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IMac :: Crashes Occasionally After Shutting Down Hard Drive

Dec 16, 2010

I have an iMac7.1 with Intel Core Duo, 2.8 GHz, 4GB Memory. I'ts crashing occasionally without any related program start or running, or at least I never found out any relation between software or operating system. I had these with the old tiger 10.4 system and it's continuing with Snow Leopard 10.6 - This is what happens: Just in the middle of my normal work (sometimes I don't even do anything at all), I recognize that the harddrive stops spinning (I can tell from recognizing that the low humming noise from the drive just goes away). After that, I can click on active window, but see the spinning beach ball. No matter how long I wait, this is not changing so that I have to turn off the iMac by holding the power key for a few seconds.

After reboot, all works fine. Yesterday I had another crash just a few minutes after reboot. But in most cases it works fine for another day or two until it crashes again. I already ran DiskUtility (no harddisk errors found) and tech tool deluxe without finding any problem. In old Tiger 10.4 I needed to run a disk repair after each crash (obviously due to shutting down the system using the power switch), since Snow Leopard I never had to use disk repair after reboot. Maybe anybody can give me a hint if there is something I can do about that. Apple care don't help me much, because I don't have an apple store nearby and I don't own a car to bring the machine in.

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Applications :: Quicktime Crashes When Opening AVI (Intel IMAc)

Apr 23, 2006

Everytime I open an AVI in Quicktime it crashes. If I try to open an AVI through iPhoto it tries to open Quicktime and then Quicktime crashes but iPhoto doesn't. When I try to import these AVI's into iMovie it crashes again, this time taking iMovie down with it.

I have the following codec installed in Quicktime:
DivX 6 (latest for Intel)

Now here is the really weird part. I used to have a PPC Powerbook up until last week and the AVI files I am now trying to play in Quicktime worked fine even without any plugins so this is really weaird. Even still, if I came across a file that Quicktime couldn't play it never bombed out on me, it just produced a green or black screen with just some sound. The AVI plays fine in VLC but I need to edit them in iMovie.

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IMac :: System Crashes Suddenly Like Power Failure

Sep 6, 2009

My IMac crashes sometimes very suddenly, like in a power failure. It doesn't force quit or shut down, it just goes like somebody pulled the plug. It's usually possible to start it up again after 30minutes or an hour. The plug and lead seem to be fine. I tested it on another mac. The obvious suspicion would be overheating, but how can that be caused so suddenly (and how can I fix it)? It's an IMac Intel core duo, 20", 2 ghz, 2gb ram from 2006. I'm running Mac OS X (10.4.11) 2006.

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IMac :: Safari Crashes (Bad Access For Exception Type)

Mar 21, 2010

So I was using Safari this afternoon, even though I usually use Firefox or Chrome. It crashed again on me and a box appeared that said it may be due to the WCIDEngine Plugin? When I read the problem details to send to Apple, it said "EXC_BAD_ACCESS for exception type, and then for exception codes it said "KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at (some numbers I'm not copying over). Worse yet, it reminded me that I've had 7 crashes since last report. I'm getting awfully tired of this crap. I run a PC that's on Windows 7 and it runs like a charm. I am seriously thinking about going back to it because I got my Mini with the expectation that it would work and most of the time it does, but it's little repetitive things like this that make me question it. I will add that I scrolled down the problem details list and it said that "Thread 0 Crashed" and then proceeded to list a number of things about symantec, like .com/symantec.WCIDEngine".

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IMac :: Play Game On Java, It Crashes The System?

Jul 1, 2010

i have had problems with my iMac, whenever i play the my game on Java, it crashes, yesterday it started out slow, happened like every 2 hours, but right now, when i get the error, only option to pull the plug, and then restart, and i open the game again and it happens within 5 mins, i made a video of what it looks like on youtube.(Btw, its lower half of the screen black, and the top is flickering)
I cant do anything anymore, i can pause the music by keyboard, which i couldnt do before on the older crashes from yesterday strange enough, and i can move the mouse, but i cant click anything or w/e.Cmd - alt - esc doesnt work either

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IMac (Intel) :: Intermittent Blue Squares That Crashes System

Aug 26, 2014

I'm running a late 2009 iMac, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8 GB memory with 27 inch ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 graphics card running 10.9.4 OSX.

I will get spontaneous crash of the system that causes small blue squares over the entire screen. The problem will resolve after 1-2 restarts. I ran the system diagnostic disk and found no problems on the long and short versions. It is an intermittent problem as the display and system are running fine now but daily will have the crash occur. Once the spots are present the computer will be frozen with no response to keys or mouse. 

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Burning Homemade Films Onto DVD Fails / Crashes

Sep 11, 2014

Sometimes when burning homemade films on to dvd it fails / crashes ...

iMac, iOS 7.0.1

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Mac Mini :: System Crashes When Idle / Getting Out Of Blue Crashes

Jul 11, 2009

I have a late 2009 Mac Mini with 8GB of OCZ 1333 RAM and an Intel X25-M 160GB SSD. Running 10.6 fully updated and installed from scratch.I have been getting out of the blue crashes while the system is most of the times idle. Can it be the RAM? It's reported fine as 8GB 1333 DDR under the system info. The Intel SSD runs latest firmware.

This is the log from the last crash which happened a little ago.

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 139426 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 01A96B0F-D497-443A-8E19-9111DF3604EE

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IMac :: Computer Crashes And Loses Hard Drive When Goes Into Sleep Mode?

Dec 21, 2009

I just had the original 300 GB hard drive fail in my aluminum 24" inch iMac running the latest update of Leopard. I wasn't able to save it using diskwarrior (diskwarrior said it was some sort of mechanical failure) but I was able to recover most of the data from it by booting from an external hard-drive.

So I went out and purchased a brand new Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB drive. The install went fine, it found the drive partitioned it and installed Leopard successful. Then is crashed and disappeared when I left it alone to run all the software updates. I came back and the computer was stuck on "Restart Required" after downloading all the updates. I went to hit restart now, and the system just hanged, wouldn't do anything. So I hard powered down the system and restarted it. It came up with nothing, just stuck on the White Screen of Death. So I plugged the external drive back in and booted from it. Mac OSX couldn't find the drive and diskwarrior would crash if I tried to run it. I tried to boot up from the OSX start-up disk and it couldn't find the drive either.

So I took the case apart and made sure all the connections were solid and the drive was mounted correctly. Everything looked fine so I plugged it in and it started up fine. Finished the updates and the iMac ran great.

So I thought maybe it was overheating, so I've installed smcfancontrol and started to monitor the temp of the drive. I also took the mac apart again and sucked out any dust in the fans or vents. The drive never goes over a 105 F, so it doesn't seem to be overheating.

However, this is where the problem is consistent: everytime the iMac goes into sleep mode, it crashes and the iMac is unable to find the hard-drive again. Unless I unplug it completely for 5 minutes or so. Once I unplug it, it finds the drive and operates like a champ.

I think maybe there's an issue powering the drive back on? Anyone have any ideas?

And my follow up posting later that day:


So I ran some tests just to see if was an overheat issue, hard drive malfunction, or sleep issue. I decided to start encoding a video, pulled up Word, Power Point, Excel, started downloading all 6000 mail messages off my server (I never delete my e-mail :-/), also started installing iLife 09, and pulled up a bunch of webpages in Firefox with multiple tabs.

However, I shut off all sleep mode options on the hard drive. I let it run for an hour and came back. Everything is fine, hard drive isn't locked up and smcfancontrol shows the hard drive running pretty hot (115 degrees) but not so hot I'm worried. So it's definitely something to do the hard drives going into sleep mode and not powering back on. It's also weird that I have to leave the computer completely unplugged for 10-15 minutes before the drive is recognized again.

So turning off sleep seems to be my work-around, however, this shouldn't be a long term solution. I'm worried that there is a bigger issue with the iMac, but I'm not sure what would cause this. I've been a PC guy for years, this was my first Mac, and honestly I don't know enough about the inner workings to narrow this down. I would assume this would have to do with the motherboard in some way? But I'm not sure how you would even test it.

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OS X Mavericks :: Frequent White Screen Crashes / Restart Freezes On IMac - 10.4.9

Aug 25, 2014

Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering   It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Crashes Get Kernel Panics When Keep In Sleep Mode For Hours

Jun 24, 2014

Recently, tried leaving my iMac in sleep mode for hours but it keeps crashing with those Crash Reports popping up when I click to wake it.  They mention Kernel Panics.(Also, been getting Kernel Panics randomly popping up when I start up at the desktop.  This is a 2010 iMac which I purchased refurbished not quite a year ago Already emailed seller with issues, think I might just return it as seems like hard drive is going.  , as to troubleshooting before I go this route?

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Mac Pro :: No Wake Up From Sleep Repeatedly

Nov 10, 2009

Preamble: My Quad 2.8 Mac Pro (Snow Leopard) repeatedly would not wake up from sleep. Apple Care had me reset the PRAM and maybe a couple of other things..(heck it was a couple of days ago...) and then they scheduled a repair tech to swap out the Radeon 2600 video card today. My question: If I want to have a back up video card on hand from now on, please advise model. Other than normal word processing, surfing, emailing,I only do basic photo editing with Photoshop Elements, and will be copying my 35 mm slide collection, so I don't need any that fancy, I imagine.

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IMac :: Extremely Loud Static Noise / System Crashes To Black Screen

Oct 13, 2009

Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).

It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).

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MacBook :: Is Okay To Repeatedly Shutdown / Restart

Sep 30, 2010

i am a teacher in a school where we have been told that every student must shut down each MacBook or iMac when finished. It is not unusual for 6-8 classes a day to do this. I have said putting the MacBooks to sleep would be better for them. Some of the laptops are taking 5 minutes to restart. Can't find data from Apple to support my concerns.

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Software :: Mac Keeps Freezing Repeatedly - Need To Restore?

Mar 5, 2010

I bought an Ibook G3 two weeks ago. Its got mac 10.4.11 on it. Its processor is 600 mhz, and its memory is 192 mb sdram. It worked fine when I got it. Basically it keeps freezing repeatedly, and nothing unfreezes it. When I do command option, escape. it either does nothing, or the screen goes completely haywire. Then sometimes when I restart it, the screen is completely black, and I have to restart it over and over again until the screen comes up again. Sometimes when it is running the screen goes haywire (meaning all of the colors turn into lines) and then it goes away. I know the battery is weakening and is about to go, but all this happens with or without the battery. I also tried removing all power sources and holding the power button for 60 seconds but that didn't work either.

So I called the company that sold it to me, and they told me I need to restore it and buy a disc of that version of mac. They said I must have downloaded something that didn't agree with it. But could that really make the screen go black? I really need a second opinion before I go ordering anything. Bc if I do, by the time I get the disc it will probably be too late to return it if it doesnt work. I have tried to get anything that I have downloaded removed,and it is still freezing. Is there any way to get straight to everything I have downloaded and trash it all without having to order the disc? I mean I've only had it two weeks. Most of the things I downloaded were from the apple website.

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OS X V10.4 :: Safari 4.1.3 Repeatedly Quits Unexpectedly?

Feb 4, 2012

This has happened to my laptop once before and I had to replace my hard drive. First of all I'm running Tiger 10.4.11 with Safari 4.1.3. Basically I'll just be online, using Safari and suddenly it "quits unexpectedly." There's no one thing that I do that makes this happen either. The same thing was happening a while back and it began happening more an more frequently until my computer wasn't running and I had to replace my hard drive. Now its happening again!

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Quicktime 7 Repeatedly Crashing After Several Reinstalls

Mar 12, 2012

I am having some serious issues with QT 7. It was originally working, then I added a number of new codecs/ plugins to the Library/Quicktime directory. These were taken from a friends mac whose QT7 was working fine. Then quicktime began not to work even after repairing disk permissions.I decided to totally remove QT 7 using AppCleaner, then repaired disk permissions again and reinstalled QT7.Now everytime I run QT7 it crashes after a second or so.I am fairly mac savvy and am capable of using terminal if needs be.  [code]

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.2 Ghz i7 Quad Core/4Gb RAM/750GB

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