After doing the superdrive update 2.1 on my macbookpro the drive stopped working. I have tried all the numerous fixes posted on the web. Nothing works. Among other things, I flashed the drive and it now shows as set to all regions, but still doesn't work. Region X cannot change the region either.
Is there any useful news about this widespread problem?
why I get this message when trying to burn photos on to high quality discs."The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed. The disc drive didn’t respond properly and can’t recover or retry." I have just managed to burn some others photos perfectly fine.
So about 6 months ago, my powerbook g4 1.67's drive just starting spitting out any disc you put in. It would take them, whir around for a bit, then eject. It seemed like it had just died pretty much. Today, on a whim, I decided to try a disc in the drive, and it works! Apple repair had given it up for dead, so why do you think it came back?
My dictionary is synced to my spotlight, so when I type in a word, it defines it. But now it doesn't. It also loads only a few icons of the files I'm searching. I have MacBook. (2008)
I have a 2 year old MacBook Pro and the superdrive has stopped working, it won't take discs in as if there is one already inside but iTunes or the dvd player doesn't recognise that there is a disc inside and if there is it can't be ejected, I have tried shutting down and restarting while holding down the trackpad, as recommended on some forums but that has done nothing. It might be a huge coincidence but the drive was working fine before I installed lion?
What's the best way to uninstall this Snow Leopard beast? I've backup files in Time Machine but I'm not sure of what system folders and/or files should be restored.
out of the blue about 3 months ago my MacBook(version10.4.11) started refusing to recognize my home wireless. the problem has now reached the point where it AT TIMES will display that the wireless newtwork is on in the toolbar yet the computer will not jump onto the internet. Now it has reached the point where it won't even show that it sees the wireless in the toolbar. I have reloaded all passwords , checked the Verizon wirelss set up, reloaded firefox , checked all firewalls. The wierd thing is that my kids macbook is fine. Mine is the one with the problem.I checked all my settingts to correspond/copy hers and they do. Have zapped pram too. It works fine EVERYWHERE else but home.
I have an iMac Core 2 Duo running Snow Leopard V10.6.3 with 4 GB RAM... I've seen the threads regarding the inability to "Empty Trash" and the error code. When I open the Trash window, it is empty. When I place a single item into Trash, there is one item seen in the window. When I Empty Trash, there are then six items being deleted. If I place three items into Trash, then eight items are deleted... etc., etc. What are those weird ghostly five items??
Starting about 4 months ago my 3 year-old 2.0GHz Core Duo MacBook's wireless started to not work very well. What was happening is that after starting the computer or waking it from sleep, it was able to connect to my network, but after about 5 seconds it would lose the signal despite being physically very close to the router without anything to block the signal. The problem progressively got worse, and at its worst it was only able to connect about 1 in 10 times. Either it wouldn't find the network at all, or it would find it but couldn't connect because "The connection timed out" or something like that.
I never bothered fixing the problem because my Mac was having a bunch of other issues at the time, so I was just going to fix them all by doing a fresh install of Snow Leopard once it came out.
So 3 days ago I did a fresh install of Snow Leopard (I formatted the harddrive then did a fresh install, not an archive and install). Unfortunately, it only kinda helped the wireless problem: I can now connect half the time rather than 1 in 10 times like it used to be.
I'm quite sure my network isn't the problem because everyone that has used my network in the recent past (which has been about 10 different PCs, Macs, and iPhones) hasn't had any problems. FYI, I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router.
Suddenly my Wacom Bamboo Fun isn't working properly. The pen works fine but the mouse is eratic and wants to open everything it touches. The clickers don't seem to work and it seems to be clicking on everything on its own.I downloaded the most recent software and it hasn't changed anything. I have Leopard on a Mac Powerbook Pro.
I've got a macbook pro unibody and basically of the two usb ports. The lower one is working fine but the top one is acting a bit funny. If I put my mouse or graphics tablet in there it doesn't work but if I put my phone or usb drive in there they work perfectly.
After re-installing Lion I've had this very annoying issue with tap-to-click on the trackpad of my MBP. While it seems to work most of the time, I often have to move the cursor away from the button or click on a window as if to make it active in orer for the click to work. A similar problem is occuring in MS Word when I'm going through the spell check process - I have to sometimes click "ignore" multiple times or click somewhere else in that window for the click to register.
I have a macbook pro running 10.6.8 & the cap lock turns on when I press the 2nd bracket key. The cap lock stays on until I press the 2nd bracket key again. It will not turn on when I press the cap lock key or shift cap lock key. I tried resetting all shortcuts in system preferences & rebooting the computer, but it is still the same. I can't use the 2nd bracket key now
YouTube not working properly with Safari. Flash Player and Safari are both up to date. When launching a video on YT the video loads slowly and is very jerky. Evertything works fine with Firefox.
It seems that there is some problems with USB 3 hard drives.I have a NewerTechnology Voyager Q.The drive mounts to the rMBP, but I recieve lots of errors when trying to access the content on it.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a Canon LBP6000 laser printer. I downloaded the Yosemite driver from Canon after updating to Yosemite, and the printer worked up until a few days ago. Now, I can't print. The printer status monitor says "printing" with a status bar, but nothing happens.
I have tried remedies such as deleting all printer drivers, deleting the printer, resetting the printer system, restarting the computer, reinstalling the printer, resetting PRAM, updating to 10.10.1. Nothing has worked so far. It was working fine a few days ago!
I'm on a 2008 MacBook OS X 10.10.1.
Info: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHZ, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, Superdrive, GeForce 9400 256MB VRAM
I own an 11-inch Mid-2011 MacBook Air. The internal camera flickers on and off and occasionally shuts down completely. Before recent OX update, it didn't come on at all.
After Mavericks Update 10.9.4 sleep mode are not working properly.My Mac Pro goes to sleep but after a amount of time (sometimes minutes, sometimes seconds)the Mac awakes with black screen (monitors in sleep, the mac not). Pressing mouse or keyboard button awakes my monitors. Previews of 10.9.4 nor in earlier releases..Reseting the NVRAM/PRAM doesn't solve my problems.
My System:
MacPro5,1 Xenon 3.00 GHz Quad-Core 48GB DDR3 ECC RAM (4x 16GB) Apple GeForce GT120 512MB (Slot 1) with Monitor #2 on HDMI EVGA GeForce GTX580 Classified 3GB (Slot 2) with Monitor #1 on HDMI (plus extra internal PSU in DVD-Tray) AirPort Extreme incl. BT Mighty Mouse USB + Magic Mouse BT + Alu Keyboard USB OS X Mavericks 10.9.4
I just got a new Intel Core i7 Mac and installed MPlayer OSX Extended (Rev 13) on my computer. After installing it, it needed to "update it's font cache" and after doing this, it asked "whether or not to check for updates automatically". However, after I made my choice, the application unexpectedly quit. I tried doing this again several time to no avail. After resetting my computer again multiple times, and reinstalling the application, I finally got the MPlayer Rev 13 to open and play videos. Normally, when I open an application on the dock, the icon "jumps" and then the application opens. However, whenever I open the MPlayer app, it "jumps" and pauses and finishes the jump. Furthermore, whenever I try to go fullscreen (by clicking the screen twice), nothing happens. I have read online that there have been some cases where the borders blacken, but the video stays the same size, but in my case, nothing happens at all.
Well just installed XP on my boot camp partition. Here is my issue:1. The trackpad doesn't seem to be working properly. It's showing under device manager fine but the 2 finger right-click option isn't working. 2. Is the keyboard supposed to be backlit in XP?3. The sound buttons on the keyboard are not working (f11-f12)
Ordered from eBay Graphics Card Upgare (Ati Radeon x1900xt / Part# 102A5202752 000006) for my new Mac Pro (early 2008). It came in white box with Apple logos. Attached and powered it but I get only "No Signal" on my monitors (LCD: Eizo FlexScan S2401W and Samsung SyncMaster 225BW). Tried different cables: DVI-D Single-link, DVI-D dual, DVI-I Dual and VGA+Apple DVI-adaptor - no effect.
It seems like the new card isn't recognized properly?
Right i've had my white macbook for a few months now, its at 91 cycles and 99% health... this morning i turn it on and the health has dropped to 86% !? any idea why this has happened, and if theres any way i can get it back up.
I just got a mac book pro and I transferred all my applications from my old g4 but handbrake doesn't work the same or doesn't at all. It takes very long to scan and it doesn't let me rip. I tried the same dvd on my old g4 and it worked just fine so it's not the dvd.
I have had my Mac Pro for a few years now, and I rewired the bluetooth module when I first got it. I then had Airport installed about 3 months ago, and had to rewire it again because the "geniuses" at Apple didn't know the wires were labeled incorrectly. I just moved my computer downstairs and my Apple Bluetooth keyboard is not working correctly. It lags, repeats letters, etc. Upstairs on one desk, it worked fine. Down here, on a different desk, It's acting up. My keyboard is on the left middle of the desk, and the computer is on the floor on the right side. Total distance is less than three feet, with a file drawer inbetween. It works if I put it in my lap, but not on the desk. I just opened it up to check the wires again, and they are tight, and right.
I have had inquisitor installed and working for months with no problems. For no apparent reason it has stopped working properly. In that it only shows one link "local" and when clicking on this nothing happens. I had downloaded release 58 and Safari is 3.2.1.