Software :: Slow Internet/web Browsing Imac?

Feb 12, 2009

my imac duo core, 2ghz, 2gig ram started slowing down a few months ago. it is connected by airport extreme router. the airport signal shows half of what it used to be but nothing has changed from before. if fact i brought my macbook pro right next to it and that has full strength and fast browsing. speed tests at the same site shows 400kbs-800kbs for the i mac, and over 2mbs for the macbook pro. in the same location and 30 seconds apart. both are running os 10.5.6

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Software :: Slow Internet Browsing With OS 10.5.7?

Aug 3, 2009

Loading web pages on my Mac Dual G5 is painfully slow, maybe 5-10 seconds to load a popular website (like this one, e.g.).

I'm running Safari v. 3.2.3, but the problem occurs with other browsers like Firefox and Camino.

I also have a Macbook Pro connected by ethernet to same router (Airport), running Safari 4.0.2, and it's just as slow as the desktop Mac.

My ISP is cable and various speed tests show download/upload speeds of 20 Mbps/2 Mbps. I have a PC running Windows Vista on same LAN, connected to same router, and it browses blazingly fast. So the problem is not ISP or modem.

As a lifelong Mac user, I hate to say this, but I'm jealous of my PC!

What could be the issue(s) and fix?

PowePC G5: Dual 2.7 GHz G5; 4 GB DDR RAM; OS v. 10.5.7

Macbook Pro: 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3; 10.5.7

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MacBook :: Internet Really Slow/while Browsing Via Firefox?

Jun 28, 2009

not sure whats going on, when im browsing on firefox its goes really really slow, been doing it since thursday. any idea what i can do to figure out whats going on?

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Software :: Browsing The Internet On PowerBook G4 Is Incredibly Slow?

Feb 21, 2005

Browsing the internet on my PowerBook G4 is incredibly slow.

I have 3 browsers installed (Firefox, Safari and IE) and it's the same for all of them.

I'm on a 512k ADSL broadband connection and using the built in ethernet port. Browsing is slower than on 56k dial up! My housemate is connected via the same router to 2 different PCs and he has no problems.

Strangely, on my mac, email and ftp uploading don't seem especially slow.

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OS X :: Slow Internet Browsing / Safari Or Firefox Taking Long Time

Mar 4, 2009

I've had my MBP for about a year and recently I noticed that when I open Safari or Firefox it takes FOREVER to load a page.Even a small page like Google! I tried a reset for both browsers but that didn't help.I did some maintenance but no help there either.

This is my first Mac so I wanted to ask if I'm missing something.. should I be doing something maintenance-like that I'm not?

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IMac :: Running Slow When Using Internet

Jan 27, 2009

my imac has been running very slow lately and i don't know why. i'm not a man of great knowledge when it comes to computers and in fact this is my first imac i've ever had. (although i loved until now.....) i need to know what i can do to make it run faster. it seems to only be a problem when i'm on the internet although i could be wrong. (i know it is not just a connection issue because my ipod touch is running off my wireless much faster than my computer.

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IMac :: Internet Slow On New 2.8GHz?

Mar 16, 2009

Just picked up a 24" iMac on clearance and the Internet seems to hang up and just be a bit slower in general compared to my 4yr old MBP. I can't really get a cable to it so I'm using a Belkin N1 router. Is there anything I can do to see if it's the router or possibly the iMac?

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MacBook Pro :: Its Very Slow When Browsing?

Apr 5, 2012

The ISP was just out and tested my connection. Any other computers are reaching 15Mbps whereas my Mac is speed testing at 6Mbps (when I'm lucky). There is inconsistency, reaching 0.1Mbps up to 6Mbps. I cannot open up youtube--It defaults to an html layout. Videos don't buffer. I also cannot open up any graphic rich websites. It doesn't take very long for webpages to load but they automatically fail to load the images. It's not an airport issue because the same thing occurs when I'm hooked up to my ethernet cable.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Slow Internet Load Times?

Sep 23, 2010

I just upgrades my iMac to snow leopard. I did not see this problem right away but about a few weeks later. My computer is really, really slow when I surf the internet. But it is not slow consistently. Sometimes pages will load immediately and other times it will tell me I can't open the page due to the server not being found? I really don't know where to start looking for a problem.

Could I have a virus?

Could the Airport just be getting old and starting to fail?

Do I have too much info on the computer already and that is effecting something?

Could it be the Snow Leopard?

Could someone hacked into the modem and is jogging the bandwidth? ( I don't have the wifi locked but live in a pretty rural area)

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IMac :: Slow Internet - Download At 1.5mbps

Nov 18, 2010

I got a issue my internet is so slow it downloads iat 1.5mbps but i have 30/30 from my ISP. what to do? its connected straight to the Router from my ISP. I dont have a WI-FI ROuter. I do but i dont use it yet.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Internet Running Slow On IMac

Jun 19, 2012

My iMac internet has become so slow I tend not to use it much at all. An adjacent PC runs fine so it seems to be a software issue and is relatively recent.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Slow Web Browsing With Leopard On My Router?

Oct 28, 2008

Lately my web browsing has been really slow on my router. However, when I connect with different routers its not slow at all? Anybody have any idea? I'm using a Belkin54g router

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Web Browsing (other Net Functions Seems OK)?

Mar 1, 2012

I've been having intermittent web browsing problems with our mid-2009 MacBook Pro running Lion 10.7.2... our network has an AirPort Extreme with an AirPort Express being the booster router, and the problem seems to have been pretty much only limited to web browsing, that is, other activities like emails, VOIP phones (we use a program called Bria), Skype and iTunes sample streaming seem to have been pretty reliable... I've tried deleting my safari cache.db file as another thread in this forum suggested, and it's a bit too early to tell yet whether that has made a lasting difference, but if it doesn't, does anyone have any ideas about what else might be causing the problem? If it helps, an iPhone 4 on the same home network seems to have significantly better performance when using its web browser.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: Slow Internet (imac, 10.5.7, 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5, Memory 2GB DDR SDRAM)?

Aug 26, 2009

My internet is very slow! It's not the service as I have 2 other computers who run very fast on wireless. I just replaced the ethernet cable which didn't do anything. My computer itself isn't that slow although it isn't fast either. It's a imac, 10.5.7, 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5, memory 2GB DDR SDRAM.

I thought about switching it to wireless,I'm not sure as I don't see it on the top toolbar and I'm not sure how to set it up if my machine actually has it. Could my router be bad if my other computers are good?

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IMac PPC :: Speed Up Slow Internet Game Performance?

Mar 22, 2012

how do i speed up slow internet game performance

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Air :: Slow Web Browsing With 11.6 Base Model Air?

Dec 16, 2010

I received my 11.6 base model Air today. So far everything has rocked about it except for one thing: web surfing. When it loads up pages it jitters when I scroll or will lag on my input. I'm thinking this could either be my WiFi connection, which is my parent's and I'm not use to these speeds, or if the Air is just not that good for web work.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook To MacBook - Slow Browsing?

Dec 24, 2007

I just recently upgraded (or so i thought) from a Powerboook with OSX 10.3.9 to a new MacBook with Leopard.... Ever since the upgrade I have been experiencing slow browsing with both Firefox and Leopard. I was wondering if any other users had this problem and knew how to fix it?

Some things I experience are slow browsing, pages timing out, pages loading incorrectly, pictures not loading...

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OS X :: Hideously Slow Web-browsing With Airport Extreme?

Jan 25, 2008

I recently replaced my old Linksys router with an Airport Extreme Base Station. And as soon as I did, I began to experience hideously slow web browsing, with pages often taking minutes to load.

I ran various speedtests, but they were all normal.

The problem is browser independent (Safari, Firefox even tried old Camino), and was not fixed by clearing caches, cookies, etc...

After searching the forums and reading about other peoples' similar experiences, I disabled ip6 on my computer (MacPro - 10.4.5), but that didn't help.

I did a hard reset on the router, and on the cable modem. I updated the firmware on the AEBS. No differences. So I reinstalled my old linksys and everything's back to normal (except the wireless isn't as good and it can't seem to handle video chatting in iChat, which the AEBS does fine, so I want to get the AEBS working).

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MacBook Pro :: 1.25GHz PowerPC G4 Slow Web Browsing?

Mar 30, 2010

Title says it all really, just really slow when firing up safari, wasn't so slow a few weeks ago, not sure if the safari update killed it, or whether it is just the flashy websites killing the CPU, though the usage doesn't look too high, anyone got any other ideas what might be slowing it down, apart from those mentioned above?

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Hardware :: Ibook G4 Is Like Half Second Slow While Browsing?

Oct 30, 2008

I only use my ibook g4 for the internet, but even this is slow, like half second delay on the menus etc (FF3 & Safari). I have run Onyx and cleaned it, but it is still the same. it has 640mb memory on tiger with over 3.8gb of free space on the Hard drive.

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Software :: Browsing On Safari The Load Up Is Very Slow?

Oct 1, 2008

When I am browsing on Safari the load up is very slow

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Software :: Web Browsing Is Slow And Computer Hangs?

Sep 27, 2009

I've had my iMac for about a year, and since I first bought it, it hangs on at least 25% of the web page transitions, sometimes for as long as 20 or 30 seconds. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and it's become even worse. Doesn't matter if I use Safari or Firefox. Also, hanging affects my widgets (such as the weather Radar), but I never lose connection to Skype or Messenger. I've tried resetting both browsers, but I don't think it's a browser issue. It's connected via cable, not wireless. Also, I have my work laptop always connected at home and never have a problem with connectivity. I've lugged my computer to the Apple store.

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OS X :: After Browsing - Unable To Connect With Internet

Feb 23, 2010

Anyways, i used to have a Linksys wrt54g router. It was hooked up and had an SSID of linksys. Later replaced it with i think the wrt110n or whatever the 110 draft N model number is. This router was set up and the wrt54g taken down (no longer plugged in at all). The wrt110n has an SSID of hawkes, and everything works fine but after browsing for an hour or so I will loose internet connection.

When I click the airport icon in the status bar it tells me that I am connected to a network called "linksys". I have to then click to reconnect to hawkes which is the network that I should be on.

Now I'm not sure if there is someone else broadcasting an unencrypted wireless network with the SSID linksys and my mac is just trying to connect to it at times or if it is getting confused and trying to connect to an old network?

I'm wondering if anyone has had similar problems or if anyone knows how I could tell the airport utility to "forget" about old networks with the name linksys so it will stop trying to connect to them?

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IMac :: Internet Connection Slow - Taking Long To Take Pages

Sep 16, 2010

I recently bought a 27'' iMac (3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, OSX10.6.4) and all was fine and dandy until yesterday when my internet connection suddenly got very slow. It takes forever to load pages, if they load at all. The rest of the iMac is fine as before, which leads me to conclude this is an internet issue. I cleared the cache and browsing history in Google Chrome and no improvement. I tried using Safari and Firefox and they were slow too.

I also have a MacBookPro (2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OSX10.6.4), so I checked the internet speed on that and it was normal. Both MBP and iMac are connected via an Airport Express. I searched various forums and threads for a solution, but I know very little when it come to these things so I quickly got stuck in technical jargon. I've tried to change the DNS server settings (first to and, then to and but this has not helped.

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MacBook :: Fast Download Speed But Very Slow Browsing?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm not sure if many others have found this problem but my internet has been suffering recently.

I took a speed test on which stated that my download speed was 9.7mbps which is what I'm paying for, but still my browsing speed is ridiculously slow on all websites.

I've tried using firefox and chrome but they all seem to be having the same problem.

I am connected by ethernet as airport has full connection but can't seem to load anything. I have also tried to configure my ethernet connection manually as i read that this would help the issue.

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OS X :: Using Green Airport And IP Addy But No Internet Browsing?

Apr 1, 2009

i have a belkin g plus mimo router that i'm using to send internet to my iphone, powermac (via airport card), and an xp box (via ethernet)

my problem is that the powermac drops the internet connection sporadically. as in its still on the network with a router connection just not receiving internet data. it can also not be accessed remotely by the iphone while this is happening. almost like a false report of being on the network. network prefs show an green light and the proper ip addy, and both the iphone and xp box are still on the network and receiving internet. the only way i have found to remedy the problem is to turn off airport and then turn it back on from the menu bar. this is not accetable. only a temporary solution. especially since i like to access the network from the "outside" (ie other computers, or my iphone on the road). i have no idea what to do bout it. i don't even really understand what the underlying problem is

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Windows On Mac :: Wireless Detected / Internet Is Not Browsing?

Jul 21, 2009

I am using boot camp to have Windows XP on my macbook and I was able to run the internet on Windows with no problem untill yesterday, it keeps saying that the wireless signal is very good, but when i go to the explorer it just wont load anypage anymore, says to verify the connection, on my mac it's running perfectly, what could it be ?

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Freezing While Browsing Internet?

Jun 30, 2014

Almost daily, I will be in the middle of browsing the internet and pages will just stop loading. Following this, any already-opened application I click on will freeze, including Finder. If I try to open any new applications, the icon will bounce over and over in the Dock but never open. If I close my web browser and try to reopen it, it tells me that there is already a copy of the browser running and I cannot open another one. The only way to remedy this I have found is to hold down the power button and shut off the computer. Once I turn the computer back on, everything runs normally. I originally though it may have been my web browser (Google Chrome) so I recently switched to Firefox, and the problem still persists. It is extremely annoying.


MacBook Pro 15-inch, early 2011

Processor  2.2 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB

Software  OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)

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OS X :: WiFi Connection - Slow Browsing With Full Bars Signals

May 26, 2009

I'm back at my dad's place for the summer and I'm trying to connect to his house's wireless connection on my MacBook. It seems to connect okay when I type in our 10-digit password next to "WEP 40/128-bit hex" in the drop-down menu, but then even with full signal bars, it loads browser pages very slowly if ever, usually just giving me a timeout error and it's the same thing across all programs, my instant messenger takes forever to connect, WoW takes forever to connect, if ever, basically the internet I get from this connection is useless. It's odd because both my sisters have MacBooks and the internet works fine for them at my dad's house when they connect, and MY internet on my computer works perfectly when I'm using any WiFi but this one. By the way, the transmitter is a "D-Link 514 2.4GHz Wireless Router" and we're connected to cable internet.

* I have tried resetting the router and that didn't help.
* I have tried changing the channel, authentication method and password and that didn't help.
* I tried a DNS troubleshooting guide and it doesn't appear to be a problem with that.

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MacBook :: Latest Apple Update Made Web Browsing Slow

Jun 21, 2012

A coworker asked me to take a look at her Macbook because after the latest Apple update, browsing Yahoo and Google have become unbearably slow. What's weird is that it's only those two websites that are slowed.   

She has a 2008 Macbook with 4GB RAM running Snow Leopard  

I've tried the following:Reset SafariTried other browsersCheck/repair disk permissionsReset PRAMGot a new router and cable modem from Time WarnerUpgraded RAM to 4GB (had 1GB before) 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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