Software :: Replacing Internal Hdd Powerbook - Which Interface To Select
May 10, 2009
i've been trying to find an online site to buy a replacement internal hard drive for my powerbook g4 15.2" 512k 1.5ghz. i think newegg has what i want but i don't know which one is compatible.
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Jun 23, 2010
is anyone using their MBPs internal audio interface to convert and record audio into ProTools, Logic, or Record...?
if so how does it sound?
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Nov 7, 2007
Just this AM my G5 slowed down in the middle of a job, I restarted and that was it. Dead HD. I call apple care and took it to the apple store where they suggested I buy and install a new HD.
So, I'm thinking I'll buy a Maxtor 300 MG.
The question(s): The instructions on replacing the drive (from apple support) say to make sure and buy an ATA that is 3.9 wide if adding an internal HD but it doesn't say what to buy when replacing.
Do I buy SATA? If so, will it fit (they're 3.5 wide). Do I need to buy anything else? Will my old G5 have any trouble with the new HD?
Power Mac G5 1.6 ghz
Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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May 27, 2008
I have a 12" powerbook g4 that has fallen off the couch or ottoman many times, mostly because roommates never seem to realize that if you catch a cord on your foot that you probably shouldn't continue to walk. This is also because of the inferior non-magsafe charger. This ends up with the powerbook to land right onto the charger and bend the **** out of the male end. In fact I just received my 4th charger and now it doesn't work, I have a multi-meter so I know the charger has juice, but the computer isn't charging. Any advice before I bite the dust and totally dismantle this beautiful machine and place a new DC-in board into it?
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm having a MAJOR difficulty with my Powerbook G4 17" (1.67GHz) after replacing the Hard Disk...
I replaced the hard disk with a new 250GB one, and after putting everything back in place I put the OSX install CD in the harddrive and tried to turn the computer wouldn't turn on so I left it for about 10 minutes. When I came back I tried again and it worked this time, and booted into the Open Firmware... then it suddenly turned off again. Then, about 2 minutes later again, it turned on again, and it went into the OSX installer. I partitioned the hard drive and was about to start the installation process, but before I could press the install button the computer turned off again. Now it has been like this for over 2 hours and refuses to turn on at all. I have tried resetting the PRAM but it makes no difference. I've tried taking out the battery and all sorts of things but nothing works. I'm at my wits end now
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Dec 27, 2010
i need to clone and replace my internal hard drive. it's 150 GB and almost full, so I'm replacing it with a Seagate 500 GB so I can upgrade from Os x 10.4 to Snow Leopard, and generally have TONS more space
I'm attempting to do the cloning in Disk Utility- I've got the new internal hard drive connected via USB right now, however when i select it as the destination, the 'Restore' option remains greyed out...
I imagine I need to format my hard drive, however I impulsively clicked 'New Image' and it began creating a disk image of the new hard drive...
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Jun 22, 2008
Could really use some advice on a PowerBook problem! Unfortunately the PowerBook in question (12" G4) belongs to my mum who lives a fair distance away, so I've not been able to do any 'hands on' diagnostics. Basically she was using the machine yesterday when it randomly started emitting a high pitched squeaking/scratching sound (she described it as screaming though, bless). She called me and I asked her to turn it off - gave it a couple of minutes and asked her to try turning it on again. When she did the computer immediately started making the same noises (even before the startup 'bong' sound). Today one of her friends who is a little tech savvy took a look at it, and figured it must be the hard drive. Fortunately he was able to retrieve all of the important data from the computer whilst enduring ear-splitting screeching.
1. Does it sound like the problem really is the hard drive? It does to me, though I'm not an expert - however would hate to waste money on a replacement drive to find out that wasn't the problem in the first place.
2. Is it worth replacing the drive? Any idea how much it would cost to replace the disk? Is it something that could be done by myself, or would we need to find a specialist repair person to do it? Would it likely be more cost effective to get a new laptop?
The money issue is pretty key as she's in something of a tight spot at the moment, so trying to find the cheapest solution that will get her computer working again asap. As she lives in a rural area and is housebound her laptop is very much a lifeline for her, so would be good to get it sorted.
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Feb 14, 2012
I need to replace the hard drive to my iMac 1.8 GHz, PPC G5. Would an external drive be too slow to run the OS? If I do replace the internal drive with another internal model, proper dimensions/specs for this model iMac? I've been given various, conflicting information. Do I need to use a 1.5 GB/S drive or can I get a faster drive? It is hard to find a 1.5 GB/S drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 5, 2008
I was given a free G3 Pismo Powerbook. DOA and traced to dead internal battery. Successfully replaced and the unit is now alive except I have determined the video chip is toast. Everything works except display to all output types is shot - bad colour, vertical lines, huge cursor etc.
Lots of logic boards available on ebay for about $30. This would make a decent starter computer for my young boys.
I'm looking for good instructions to replace the board.
Pismo Bronze Keyboard
G3, 400 Mhz
512 MB ram
10 GB drive
DVD ROM optical drive
2 USB + 2 firewire 400 + S video + RGB
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Oct 12, 2008
My hard drive was going out on my older G4 Imac so I took it out and replaced with a new drive. Prior to removing the older defective drive I backed everything up on an external drive.
*I assumed I could just format the new drive and then reinstall the original OSX disks and then drag over the backup files and live happily ever after!
Problem #1: mac starts up but flashes a question mark. I insert the backup/restore disks that came with the computer (6 gray discs). This is not correct I see.
Problem #2: I am not 100% the drive I have is the right one (see below for all details). I may need a different connector? I ran the diagnostic cd that came with it and the new hard drive shows up and it says it's OK. NO other problems on the test.
Problem #3: I think the drive will/can only access 128GB of the new 200GB hard drive? if so, does this mean it will not work without an card or it will just not see/read the other storage?
Problem #4: Are the restore disks NOT the OS to reinstall? or was this on the internal hard drive already from the factory pre-loaded?
Someone said I would have to have someone make me a bootable OSX install and connect via external drive to start and then format the new drive and then re-install the OS somehow. I have been racking my brain trying all options and researching online all weekend!!
*Please let me know what the options are to fix this situation.
G4 iMac
Power PC M8535LL/A
800 Mhz.
512 MB.SD Ram
OSX 10.4.11
Original Drive:
4D060H3 60GB
5400 2mb.
New drive:
3.5" ATA/100 EIDE
7200 RPM 8Mb.
*includes Ultra ATA interface cable
(ASSY, ATA133,ROHS cable)
Pre-Installed MacOS: 9.2.2 & X 10.1.2 Maximum Mac OS: X 10.4.11
Details:This system cannot run versions of MacOS X more recent than 10.4.11. Mac OS 9 Support: Boot/Classic Mode
Details:This model is capable of booting in MacOS 9 and using MacOS 9 applications within the Mac OS X "Classic" environment.
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Jul 20, 2009
On my mac mini I get a printer window which allows me to select duplex printing. On my powerbook G4 I get a menu with far fewer options. THis has not always been so, I used to get the same window and options with both computers. If upgrades to OSX have caused this how can I get round the problem
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Apr 25, 2012
I use a MacBook Pro and until today the sound worked fine. All of a sudden the sound doesn't work, having checked the sound settings there is no option to select internal speakers the only available option is 'Optical digital out port'.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 5, 2006
Well, the hdd in my powerbook has finally died. Won't be recognized in disk utility, and when it was, it wouldn't repair or even verify. I kept getting the invalid node structure error. My AppleCare subscription has also expired about 2 months ago.
So, I went online and found the following web site about opening up the Powerbook 15" (Aluminum) and how to go about replacing things in it:[URL]
Then, I went to tiger direct and found this hard drive to put in it:[URL]
What do you guys think? Is it really worth it?
What hard drive do you recommend I use?
Is this better than going and getting it done?
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Apr 8, 2012
I have a mid-2009 MacBook Pro 17" computer. I bought a 750gb Hitachi drive in an upgrade kit from OWC. I have formatted it and now using Carbon Copy Cloner am making a copy of the internal 500gb drive. I am not very familiar with Mac OS X drive partitions. When Carbon Copy Cloner copies the 500gb partition from my Pro, will it leave the other 250gb or will I need to use Disk Utility or somethng else to format the remaining space? I would like to put the 750gb in the Pro moving the current 500gb into the external housing if possible.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 28, 2008
I have a 12" Powerbook G4 running 10.3.9 Panther. I am having problem booting my computer from a Firewire HD. I have done a search in the forum but cannot get a definite and/or successul solution. Forum moderators and my respected macrumor fellows, please feel free to direct me to a specific link if you find the questions redundant.Recently, I have had the HD making terrible noise and several days ago, the computer cannot boot at all. When I pushed the power button, the screen shows a folder in the middle with a Mac face and switches to a question mark back and forth. However, it just gets stuck at that stage. I suspected that I have a HD problem and wanted to boot from my clone Firewire HD. Unfortunately, the computer will not boot with Firewire HD either.
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Jan 20, 2004
This may appear to be a hardware issue, but I'm of the opinion that it will prove to be a software problem, so I'd appreciate it if the topic was left here. Over the past couple of days I've had problems with getting the internal speakers on my 1.33ghz PB to work while I've been logged into my user area (the only user area on the computer). When the computer is initially booted up I hear the usual boing! but once I'm signed in I can't get any sound out of the speakers. I've been to 'Sound' in System Preferences and checked that all of the settings are correct and that Mute isn't selected, and everything appears to be ok. I've also tried inserting a movie DVD to see if this changes anything, but the DVD starts a plays the video, but still no sound.
I haven't dropped the computer, or spilt water on it, so I would think it is almost definitely a software issue (backed up by the fact that I get the initial BOING!! sound). I never play the speakers at full volume so I would very much doubt that they'd be shot either. I've tried shutting down and restarting the computer, but this does not always fix the problem. A perfect example of how erratic the problem is that when I booted the computer around 10 minutes ago there was no sound - tried playing music in iTunes and nothing... I've just started iTunes and wahey - music playing through the speakers! Also, last night while playing a DVD, the sound was perfect for a good 20 minutes or so, but then all sound from the speakers was lost and only the video was running.
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Jun 23, 2014
My PowerBook G4 (Ti, 867MHz) just decided it didn't want to boot today...Â
The PowerBook has been asleep and not used for a few weeks. I woke it up last week for a few minutes to try and print out a document. It restarted just fine after installing the printer driver. Then it went back asleep until today.
I decided I had better shut it down as it has been sleeping a lot. It's shut down for about 5 minutes when I boot it back up to find it stuck at the Apple logo with the (spinning) spinner. What I tried to do to solve the problem:
1. Booted into Terminal mode (command-s) and typed exit so I could see the boot log. It appears to attempt to boot yet repeatedly prints:
> localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/[92]: Login Window Application Started -- Threaded auth
> localhost loginwindow[92]: _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
[Code] ....
2. Booted into Terminal again, and mounted the volume. I was able to do ls to list the file contents - so I CAN get to my files. It's not a disk issue. Then I ran fsck -fy. It reported the disk as OK.
3. Rebooted and reset PRAM. No change
4. Reset NVRAM. No change.
5. Popped in the Leopard install disc and restarted. Booted into Leopard disc.
6. Tried to repair permissions from Leopard disc - it just hung and I had to cancel the process.
7. Verified disk from Leopard disc. Reported as OK.
8. Clicked the next button on the install screen. Tried to install. "You don't have enough space"... The skimpy 40GB HD is so packed with stuff that it can't install. And my external HD won't connect to it, it never shows up. Not like I can move off anything anyway as it won't boot...Â
I CANNOT format the HD. I have stuff on there I can't lose. Does the Terminal recognize and mount USB devices so I can copy from the Terminal? If not I guess I could delete some apps and Xcode and stuff, maybe the System folder...Â
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Apr 30, 2008
First off, is this even possible? I can't figure out if my internal wireless "card" is a removable piece like it was on the iBooks of the same generation. I know that wireless G was standard on the Alum Powerbooks, but does that mean it was soldered in somehow? When I replaced my HD last year I don't recall seeing one...
If it wasn't soldered, and it's a replaceable card, does anyone make a compatible N card that I can drop in it's place? Times are changing and both my house and my work will have N routers, and I would like to take advantage.
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Mar 15, 2007
I just recently installed an internal seagate ultra ata 100 80gb hd into my powerbook g4 (the old one crashed beyond use). I hear the drive spinning when I boot up the computer. However after the computer boots up with the original boot disk that came with the computer and I try to format it using disk utilities, it does NOT recognize my hard drive (e.g. the hard drive doesn't come up on the list of drives to fix).
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Jun 29, 2014
I want to get one of those hard disk 'holders' that allows you to plug an internal-type hard disk into the USB or Firewire port of another laptop. I want to know if they need to be specific to the type of hard disk/laptop or if they're more of a one-size-fits-all type of thing. The hard disk is a solid state type that I installed in a mid-2010 model MacBook which has now failed. I want to connect it to a 2005-model PowerBook G4. Can this be done and what do i need to buy to do it?
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May 22, 2007
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
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Nov 15, 2006
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
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Jun 29, 2014
How can I transfer files to powerbook 540c
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Nov 10, 2007
I want to keep my applications etc on one internal HD and use my second internal HD as a back up.I am a graphic designer, and i have been backing up to an external LACIE Porche 160 Gig firewire HD. This has worked fine, but...My second internal HD (112 gig?) is still loaded with 10.3 and has adobe CS2 on it along with some other crap that I no longer need.I have loaded Adobe CS3 on my primary drive and have all the files I need on that one...What is the best way to set up my second HD as a "slave" drive to improve the performance of my G5 dual 2 Ghz??Will there be any issues now that I loaded Leopard on the primary HD?
Power PC G5 Tower 2 Ghz dual processor (2004?) with two internal hard drives
Mac OS X (10.5)
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Jun 29, 2014
I recently purchased a new SSD and would like to input that into my MBP 2012. If I have a partition on my external HDD that contains the carbon copy of my MBP, am I able to clone it into my SSD after I have installed it in the MBP through the USB?Â
Internal HDD --> External HDD
Place internal HDD into optibay, and place SSD into the harddisk slot
Connect External HDD via USB to MBP
CarbonCopy to new SSD via USB from External HDD
Format Internal HDDÂ
Will this work?
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Jul 14, 2009
I have searched the forums and also the internet to find out how to uninstall the HUD interface mod. I have this mod on a few things. I would like to uninstall this mod, but really just don't know how?
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Jul 31, 2009
Let's say I have my computer connected via Ethernet and WiFi at the same time. Is there any way to see which connection is the one that's actually being used, short of installing iftop?
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Aug 24, 2008
I am a new iMac owner and am dealing with a big lack of Mac software knowledge. From what I have pieced together ShapeShifter is what I am looking for, but it doesnt work on 10.5. Need to customize my iMac?
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Nov 4, 2008
I subscribed for a year to MobileMe. I like the benefits of it, but the online interface is possibly the worst I have ever used. Is there any way to use a basic HTML form instead of the current one? What are some alternatives?
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Jan 7, 2009
I want to know if it's possible to play on my xbox by the osx interface. Actually, I plugged it with my vga MS cable but my samsung SyncMaster 2443bw did not show me right the 1920 by 1080 (1080p). The image hidded the side because the image are oversized by a full screen zooming. So, Can I plug with my x360 on my Mac Pro to have a 1080p. I tried the elgato hybrid but there is only a rca plug & s-video so no Full HD.
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