Software :: W97M.Marker.D Virus - How To Remove This Virus
Jul 14, 2008
is attached to word documents. a friend rid it from my husbands resume which he was trying to upload to monster. there doesn't seem to be a program to get rid of it on a mac. so everythng i open just gets infected on my 3 machines. other than taking it to a pc and running the program my friend had, is there a (program) that will allow me to get rid of it? i know it doesn't affect my machine but pcs will not take these docs. I don't work in word, just use it to open client documents and copy into quark.
After some trouble with sending word documents trough Entourage I discovered that my boss' Macbook with OS x 10.4 and Word 97 has a W97.Marker virus problem. Identified this to [URL] and ClamXav.
Every new word document I create on this computer will be created with the Markervirus in the document as a default. I thought this was impossible since supposedly the Marker virus was meant to be PC only thing.
Furthermore, although this problem started exactly two weeks ago ClamXav is identifying the virus in a large number of older files as well. Can the Marker really infect 'dormant' files that are not in use? And moreover, is there a way to 'cleanse' the older infected word documents?
While on the internet i just got a notice saying that my computer is infected. Mac ran a scan and the finder popped up showing the number of trojans in my HD, Local Disk, etc.
I opened finder recently and in the "Shared" column on the left, there was a network I didn't recognize. It has the name of a website on it that I've never been to. When I click "Get info," it doesn't tell me anything. When i try to drag it to the trash, it says it can't be deleted. It's clearly some kind of virus, and it really worries me. Obviously I don't want to open it because I'm worried that would make things worse.
My girlfriend downloaded a bunch of programs and I noticed her Windows installation was a lot slower than when it was fresh. She has an antivirus program called "Uniblue RegistryBooster" and I was wondering if that was a reputable antivirus program or something malicious.
So, the last few times I've logged into Facebook, several IM chats open up with me having send a couple of my contacts spam. I'm using a mac so I know I haven't installed anything weird, what could it be? I changed my password but I'll see if it continues.
I ma new to Mac and think i might have a virus. every time i select a web page the machine opens various other web pages. How can i check and remove a virus?
Sophos found a PC virus in the attachment to a spam email. I trashed the email, and thought that I had gotten rid of the virus. Sophos tells me, however, that the attachment/virus still exists in the Time Machine back-up of my mail.
How do I remove a specific file (such as an email and attachment) in Time Machine?
So I downloaded an app from this site but I can't seem to find it, is it possible that I've contracted a phishing virus, if so what are the steps i should take to remove it? [URL]
You hear a lot of people saying that mac's don't get viruses, but is it 100% true? Have any of you lot out there ever had any viruses on your mac? I haven't.
Running Mac OS X 10.6.2 Since this past Sunday I have had problems with Gmail--unending chat boxes, freezes Safari. Downloaded Firfox which at first was great, would run Gmail, but now is slow and sometimes does not finish loading pages, error message was "missing(*)" . Is there a known Gmail virus out their? Gmail is useless when it comes to support.
I know this is probably an age-old question but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the internet. Are there any real threats out there for my Mac OS X or is installing an anti-virus just a wiste of time, money and memory? Should I be concerned about passing on viruses through e-mail or USB stick to my colleagues or friends who use Windows? If so, which anti-virus should I use? Is there any real competition between anti-viruses out there?
Do Macs does not have Virus/ Trojan issues? Is it really that you don't need to buy an anti-virus? I know, it's a PC culture but what about a person surfing the net all the time (or like me who doesn't switch-off the net connection unless there is power supply issues)
I recently got a Macbook. I love it so far, I've had it for less than a week. I had been using it at my mom's (she uses on of those Timemachine things. They double as a wireless router right?)Anyways that was working great. Now I'm at my dad's where the computers (PCs) have had histories of viruses, worms, and other bad stuff; this is mainly cause my dad and step family are idiots about downloads and aren't very responsible.
Anyways, I was just browsing the internet today - no weird sites that would be fairly dangerous - and a message popped up saying that I could be infected! I was feeling safe just the other day learning that Macs are very safe from computer viruses and stuff. A windows message popped up to notify me (which is really strange because I had only installed Windows office on this Macbook). But I'm thinking that its a fake message and instead some sort of trojan horse. Could it have come through the wireless network to reach this Mac? I dunno what happened, but I'm scared because this Mac is new and I would really like it to not screw up.
But if it does, I got this Mac through my university, so I have support and a warranty, so I could get this replaced if it got really bad right?
I plan on getting a Mac soon and i know that you don't need virus protection but I heard there still are some nasty viruses out there so what's the best program for it?
So I was Leopard gets older and Apple eventually stops updating the security features, will there be more need to go out and buy a program like Norton Antivirus for mac? We mac users take pride in NOT having to have antivirus programs like the PC market, but is it advisable?
I'm wondering if I should buy Norton for mac (only $50, which I thought was reasonable,) to install on my PM G5. What are your guys' thoughts?
i think my Macbook has a virus I have people telling me that they are getting alot of emails from me what should i do? i changed my password on my email and i deleted all of my emails and restarted my computer?
I'm sure this is posted somewhere but is there a download to get rid of this virus?Pretty sure I have it on my Mac. While on Safari, it will quit unexpectedly due to plugin.
When I checked my inbox yesterday morning I had several mailer daemon failure notiices. It appeared that during the night my email system had sent out an email to addressess in my address book that I had not used in a long time, a few of which were no longer active emil accounts hence the failure notice. The emil that was sent apears to people as being sent by me and is directing people to a web site. I immediatley updated with the latest apple updates & there were a few old ones that I had missed.  Does this mean my computer has a vius? Or has it been hijacked in some way? Also has the time now come to install some form of third party anti-virus/spyware software?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.8)