Mac Pro :: Get Rid Of Recent Virus?
Apr 12, 2012
I'm sure this is posted somewhere but is there a download to get rid of this virus?Pretty sure I have it on my Mac. While on Safari, it will quit unexpectedly due to plugin.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 14, 2008
is attached to word documents. a friend rid it from my husbands resume which he was trying to upload to monster. there doesn't seem to be a program to get rid of it on a mac. so everythng i open just gets infected on my 3 machines. other than taking it to a pc and running the program my friend had, is there a (program) that will allow me to get rid of it? i know it doesn't affect my machine but pcs will not take these docs. I don't work in word, just use it to open client documents and copy into quark.
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Apr 5, 2012
Is Virus barrier x6 any good for virus protection?
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Dec 1, 2010
My girlfriend downloaded a bunch of programs and I noticed her Windows installation was a lot slower than when it was fresh. She has an antivirus program called "Uniblue RegistryBooster" and I was wondering if that was a reputable antivirus program or something malicious.
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Oct 11, 2010
Can some one explain the prompt delete recent searches, and what happens it you click yes? How can I undo this.
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Sep 14, 2009
this is going to sound silly and I hope I can explain it correctly, but when you click on the Macintosh HD icon and the window opens up, there is a list on the left side of the window. Down towards the bottom of this list, there is a folder titled: "Search For". Is there any way of clearing the Today, Yesterday, Past Week, All Images, All Movies and All Documents folders without actually deleting the files from my Mac?
I recently upgraded to OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.1 and now Onyx does not work for me.
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Mar 17, 2010
deleting a recent contact ie. someone not in your address book.
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Apr 24, 2012
if this is in the wrong section, I couldnt find a specific board to ask this  I do like the twitter app for the mac but just one I would like to change..The twitter app for the iOS when you bring it up it starts about 50 or so tweets (or about 1 hours worth) down and you gradually make your way up to the top and most recent Â
But when I do it for the mac app it just starts at the top and most recent - This might seem a crazy thing to ask but is there a way or another twitter client which starts about halfway down and i can gradually make my way up to the top and most recentÂ
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 Ghz Intel Core i5, 4GB DDR RAM
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Apr 25, 2012
How can i determine what the most recent os my iMac will run?
Processor 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Currently running Version 10.5.8Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 13, 2011
I have my work portfolio on iWeb, and a few other sites and am about to start another site, and wanted to check something: I read somewhere about there not being recent updates for iWeb, and wanted to make sure that nothing drastic is changing, basically that iWeb is still going strong and will be around for a good long time. .
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Aug 25, 2009
I have had such instability issues with Firefox lately that I have temporarily switched to Safari. I started noticing this on 1.5, but has only gotten worse on 3.5, including 3.5.2. Here is a list of observations:
1. On my Mac, if Firefox is idle for a good time, say a number of hours, it tends to become very sluggish, sometimes even locking up.
2. I used to sleep my system overnight, and 90% of the mornings, Firefox would be locked up.
3. About 50% of the time after sleeping the system overnight, my whole system would be locked up. If not locked up, then the whole system would be very sluggish until I force quit Firefox.
4. I temporarily solved all of these "sleep-overnight" issues by making sure Firefox was shut down before sleeping the system. After doing this, the system just wakes up immediately and works well, like it did some time ago, before the Firefox issues.
5. My son using Vista is reporting the same set of things, in that Firefox locks up itself, and it locks up his whole system, requiring a system reboot. So similar, but worse (yeah, Windows, I know).
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Oct 5, 2009
I thought an update to Snow Leopard would sort this, but no luck. My "Open Recent" lists in every single app are always blank, even though I have opened docs using them. I have fiddled about in Preferences > Appearance > Number of Recent Items, changing it from 10 to 15 to 0 back to 15, but no luck. It's ALWAYS blank. I've not found anyone with a similar problem who's managed to sort it.
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Dec 11, 2009
After updating earlier this week with the EFL Processor update and the Superdrive update, each time I bring my MBP out of hibernate or log on the CD drive starts to run like it trying to load a disc.
But there is no disc inside to cause the drive to think its loaded. It will do this 3 or 4 times before giving up. The noise is annoying especially when at the library studying for finals.
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Mar 30, 2010
I assume this must have to do with my recent software update (installed today)
Now, when I open my email and many web pages - notably google, it seems as if the default viewing font has changed.. even the text on the "submit" buttons and things like that has changed...
and whats worse is the new font is barely legible. I don't have any idea what has happened or how to fix it... can someone please help, this is really annoying!
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May 6, 2010
I remember reading somewhere that a new updated was released a few days after the MBP's that everybody should download if you bought one.
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Aug 2, 2010
My Win XP box blew last week and we're looking for a computer replacement. Was thinking of iMac higher end i3 21.5" model (due to physical space limitations). This desktop will be used for typical home computer tasks (re: email, internet, minor photos, minor video, minor music, minor web caming, etc. etc.). NO Games - kids have gamining machines for that. If wondering, we have a Windows HP Laptop as well. We use it for portability. Thus, Windows Only applications (like Tax Program) will be used on it. 95% of the time, this desktop is used by my kids - age 9 - 17. Wife does email on it.
For the folks who recently switched from Windows to Apple (re: iMac or MBP), would you do it again?
Note: I've had my fill of Window/Apple comparisons (re Chev vs BMW comparisons). I'm also an MCSE - so I know the Windows platforms better then many. Just want to know if the you'd pick the iMac/MBP platform again?
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Mar 26, 2012
I installed iTunes 10.6 a few days ago. Ever since then, iTunes will run until I try to sync any of my devices. I have tried sync'ing iPad, different generations/typs of iPod and iPhone. They all cause the app to quit "unexpectedly". I can play music from iTunes on my computer - it just fails when connecting to a device via the USB port or wi-fi. I reinstalled iTunes today.
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2012
I can't install the most recent flash-player on my mac. Its a 7 year old powerbook. What can i do?
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 9, 2012
In an effort to free up space on my HD I noticed that within the Itunes there are, what seems to be, every version of every app I have for IOS. I manually deleted them (close to 9GB). Is there some way to tell iTunes not to keep old versions of apps when updated versions come out?Â
15 MBP CD, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jun 25, 2012
I was prompted to install updates, it was the Thunderbolt Update and Application Loader. Both must be somewhat recent as I applied some updates a week ago. When the system rebooted it stuck on the gray screen. The apple logo never even comes on the screen. I have tried Safe Mode etc. but it never even makes it to the Apple logo. System has been running fine and normally boots in just a few seconds.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
Recently I've been having issues syncing iPhoto albums to my iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It results in an error such as "The <device> cannot be synced. The disk could not be read from or written to."This usually is during the import phase of the process despite me deleting all the photos in my device, therefore nothing to import.The AppleTV (Gen 1) is somewhat more descriptive by explicitly stating "iTunes cannot sync to the Apple TV <ATV name> because of a problem on your computer. The disk could not be read from or written to.". I'm inclined to think this only started happening with the latest version of the iPhoto 9.3 with Aperture 3.3.1 integration. Meanwhile my iTunes is 10.6.3.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 18, 2009
Ran Software Update on mother's iMac (20"/2.0GHZ/1GB/250GB - at least 200GB free, running 10.4). Many updates (Safari, Flash, Security Update, whose number I did not get...). Message that one update could not be installed, did not say which one. Computer will no start up (grey screen).
Started up from Disk 1, repaired Permissions, ran Disk Repair, which indicated no repairs needed. Removed only peripheral (ADSL modem) & ran Safe Boot; it stalls. Last four lines are.
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Dec 9, 2010
I accidentally deleted my recent call list. Can I retore it?
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Dec 10, 2010
I did the latest firmware update few days ago and went through that series of boots. It's a shame on me that I didn't jog down the ROM revision info before the update. According to the this link:
The FM Rev should be MBA31.0061.B01 after the update.
My MBA 13 is still read MBA31.0061.B00 after I thought I did the update. Does that mean the update didn't go through?
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Jan 4, 2011
My wife has a Macbook (2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - Mid 2007) that has become painfully slow. We brought it into the Apple store just before her Apple Care expired and they replaced her hard drive, as they said there were some issues with it. I maxed out her RAM last night to 2GB (and yes, the machine is recognizing the RAM just fine). I also upgraded to Snow Leopard this morning. Other than that, there hasn't been any work done to the computer. She uses it for very low intensity things and doesn't do much more than surf the internet and load photos into iPhoto. That said, the HD only has about 5GB of free space. Now I know it is nearly impossible to diagnose any problems with the machine through a message board like this, but I am wondering if anyone can offer any insight into the most common reasons a not-too-old computer with a new HD, 2GB of RAM, and the most recent OS would be incredibly slow.
I keep her Activity Monitor open in the dock so she can see how much of her memory is being used, and it's kind of interesting to see. Upon start up (with the new memory installed) about 3/4 of it is free. After opening just about any program it shoots down to about half free, and similarly, upon opening another program (it doesn't seem to matter which one) she has about 1/4 of her memory free. Of course, closing down the programs free up some of the memory, but it doesn't seem to get back to that 3/4 that were there upon start up. I usually have a decent grasp on what is going on with a computer, but when it comes to something like this I don't really know where to turn (especially without Apple Care to eat the cost of a fix). So, anyone have any thoughts on what I should do to get the machine running at a relatively quick pace again?
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Nov 17, 2007
I just saw this terminal script dock tip from [URL] where your recent Applications or Recent Documents among other "Recent" choices show up as a stack, which I thought was perfect because I could finally show my recent documents, which I couldn't do before due to smart folders not working with stacks. The only problem now is that the most inane file types show up there, such as iChat files and prefPanes, so I was wondering if anybody knew of script that would allow for you to exclude those doc types from showing up in recent documents.
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Dec 27, 2008
I have a MacBook Pro running Tiger. After installing the most recent update, I find that Safari keeps crashing every time I open a new tab. I've tried cleaning out my plug ins and history.plist, but it hasn't helped.
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Sep 18, 2009
I received my new 24" iMac a few days ago, and have spent the last few days setting it up and getting acquainted with the new features.
I purchased a MyBook Studio 1TB drive to use with Time Machine, as it sounded like a good way to keep everything backed up.
Everything seemed to be working well, until I started flicking through some of my folders in TM. I noticed that the files I had added an hour or so earlier hadn't backed up. I had just recently set an exclusion on a single folder, so decided to try removing it. TM then backed a few GB of files up.
I decided to add some test files to a folder, and run TM again. Again, it didn't back the new files up.
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Nov 29, 2009
I sent my Macbook to the Genius repair, I could take snapshots and they would find their own space on the desktop. Now they go over the Macintosh HD icon. Same with whenever I insert a dvd, it goes over the HD icon. It's annoying because they all pile up on top of the HD icon.
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Aug 18, 2010
Im having my first ever problem with a Mac, bummer! I have tried Googling an answer, but didn't find anything specific enough for my situation.Last night I installed the SL Graphics Update, hoping to be able to run Starcraft 2 on a higher setting.
Anyways, I installed it, and now the computer wont boot. It is stuck on the gray screen with the spinning symbol. It appears to be installing the software update, since it shows a gray progress bar, but then once that finishes, it just stays on the gray screen with the spinning symbol and goes nowhere after that.
I have a Macbook Pro available to use, if I need to target the disk. Not sure how to do that though, just found that idea in my google search.
I have no problem just being able to grab my important data off of it, and starting on a fresh install. I just dont want to lose my huge library of pictures and music.
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