Software :: Saving Clips From IMovie To Desktop Possible?
Jul 20, 2008
I was wondering if there was a way to take clips that I am importing to IMovie 4.0.1 from a Panasonic DV102D to my desktop or hard drive or any other location other than IMovie. I ask because I am running out of space and need a permanent solution to that problem.
I want to do this with VLC. I'm use the streaming wizard and the help files say to input the start and stop times in seconds. Why wouldn't I use the counter on the video? When I tried to pick a start and stop in seconds it didn't seem to have any bearing on the real time counter on the video I had just played. It did save the video, albeit in a lower quality of .mpg.
1: How do I retain full video and audio quality? (I don't care about file size, only quality.) 2: How do I save everything, for example, from minute 10 to minute 11? You'd think that would be 600 to 660 in seconds but it didn't look like that when I played it. Also the counter started at 11 hours.
These days there are many video on the internet, How can I get a video into IMovie? I am running a macbook pro, system 10.4.11 , safari browser and IMovie.
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I've been having an issue with the latest iMovie and it's Trailers feature. When I've added the clips and play it through, after the majority of clips there's a slight pause before the transition to the next clip. It's noticeable and annoying.
I've tried with clips from various sources and resolutions but it doesn't seem yo make any difference.
If I switch clips around and keep playing and switching, it'll eventually play with no problems.
How can I take 2 clips one with a women talking about her father and the other one is a shot with her and her father and I want to make one clip with the sound of the women talking and to see the women and her father. In imovie 09 it cab be done?
Recently I decided it'd be fun to put together a movie and while I've slowly been getting used to IMovie HD (first time using it 'properly'), I still haven't been able to "master" it yet. I was wondering whether it's possible to resize some of the clips I have? Some of the clips are different sizes and my intention is to publish the movie on something like YouTube or similar. I don't know if YouTube does this automatically? I don't remember it like that.
I don't want to have varying sizes of the clips when I send it to my friends, either, so. Can I resize the clips so they're all the same size? Can I do that in iMovie HD, or anything else on my Mac? Or do I have to download another piece of software to do this? Also, I'm not looking to spend any money on a professional editing program so please bear that in mind. The movies are in Quicktime MPEG-4 format if that's helpful.
I want to import some clips into iMovie (not from a camera, but a file) and it just won't work! The programme goes through all the steps, but in the end there is no file in iMovie; it just says 'No matching video'. I've checked the folder where clips should go (movie events --> eventx) and the clips have been moved to there, so why won't it show up in iMovie? It's driving me mad! Do the clips have to be a certain length (i remember that in iMovie 04 they had to be under 9minutes) or do they have to be a certain format? [I've been using .avi files.]
I am editing my video clips and I want to be able to speed up some of the parts. But I don't see a way to do it. Do you have any idea how I can speed up the clips?
After you have downloaded say 10 movie clips from a video camera into I- Movie, is there a way to connect 2 or more of the clips and make it into one clip? When making movies every time you pause the video camera it creates a different clip. If you pause it 15 times at the same event you download 15 clips which in turn you have to create a button for each clip in I- DVD. I would like to combine some of them to somewhat fewer.
I'm using a rather old version of iMovie (iMovie 3, actually) and this old dinosaur is having trouble uploading some clips I took of my screen using the trial version of Screen Record 2. I used it once before (Same program, same file format and everything!) and it worked fine, but now all of the sudden it won't accept the files.
An error Message pops up after spending however long it took to upload the file Error During Import The file could not be imported: (-47) The movie also works fine in Quicktime player.
Importing videos from my camera into iMovie works fine and dandy until I hit a certain clip. From that clip on, all the movies I try to import have no audio. However, when I click "Show In Finder" on these clips that have no audio and play them in Quicktime, they have audio! So then I re-imported these videos into iMovie, and it worked! They had sound! Is this really what I'm going have to do every time I try to import my videos from my camera? Import, show in finder, RE-import?
I use iMovie frequently for copying VHS tapes of our travels. Suddenly it quit showing ther clips. The video shows up on the screen but no clips. Hence I can't make a vidoe for burning onto DVD.
Ok so I have my project in iMovie 09. I select a portion of the project, hit clip adjustments so I can speed it up, and then it just reselects the entire clip. Is there any way I just get a part of a clip and speed it up once it is my project?
After unsuccessfully trying to troubleshoot some problems for my dad from half way round the world I thought I had better ask for some help!
He has a Canon digital camera and a Sony he uses for underwater shots. He imports all of the pics and movies from both cameras into iPhoto, and the movies from both cameras play fine out of iPhoto.
Recently he has decided to start editing them in iMovie 8, and here comes the bit where I'm not 100% sure what he has been doing, but I'll try to explain as best I can. When he first opened iMovie it imported all of the movies out of iPhoto that he had taken with the Canon, but not those from the Sony. If he tries to import them manually then when he finds the file in Finder it is greyed out so he can't select it for import. The files have the extension .mpeg, which I got him to change to mp4 in case it was something as simple as that, but no luck.
Is this something to do with Sony using a proprietary MPEG encoding? I thought that if it playe din one iLife app it would play in any of them, but it seems not!
I am trying to edit a Video for a friend using imovie 09. Every time i exit and reopen imovie this happends it is not saving the edits i am doing to my project. This never happened before on leopard.
I have been editing compound clips and when I get half way through i notice early clips in the timeline are missing. So if there is clips ABCD in a connected clip, it will be now AC and the other clips are now gone. I've pressed undo until i saw when they were deleted and it seems when i'm selecting clips later in the timeline it selects earlier clips and deletes them with the clips i want to delete. This is causing a major headache as it seems to be random, I can't replicate it on demand, but it happens eventually in ever compound clip I create. I haven't noticed it while editing a project.
I know this is probably a basic question but I'm still getting the hang of things here. I have a jpg photo I received on an email. I dragged the file onto my desktop and now want to save it in my iPhoto 09 library. I've tried dragging it, importing it but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. When I place it into iPhoto it comes up as a new event. I drag that event into the existing event I want my photo stored in. It asks me if I want to merge events and I say Yes and the photo is now in my existing event along with about twenty others. Ok so far. But when I do a right click "show file" on my new photo it just lists that photo. When I do the same to any other photo in that event it shows all the photos.
I have recently started learning to how to use FCE. I've got quite far with my first project and am at the point where I want to move some clips around the timeline. I do want to move clips inbetween other clips, rearranging their order, not deleting them. But whenever I drag a clip to fit splice in between two other clips, it just deletes whats underneath.
Can I import clips to FCP X at 180 degrees rather than flipping the clips individually once they are imported? I have about 300 clips all recorded upside down and i am looking for an easy solution.
I have 2 gigs of stuff on my desktop. Its not going to slowdown my mac will it? I keep my mac on all the time so start-up time is no concern if thats even a concern cause i remember back in my pc days reading you should keep your desktop clean for fast load up. I also found some script that hides all the stuff on my desktop so it looks empty and i access my desktop files through Finder if that makes any dif.
I have a problem with the Desktop pictures. Other users (not administrators) cannot save their own desktop picture. At each log in it defaults to original picture (before Lion installation).
I have changed my download directory to Downloads, but Firefox is still saving temporary files for helper apps (e.g. PDFs) on the Desktop! Does anyone know a work around for this? My nice clean desktop is filling up with junk!
A few days ago, I tried to open iTunes, and I got an error message that iTunes could not open because of error 13024. I tried to open skype, and I had an error message that it couldn't open as well.
Confused, I decided to restart the computer. When I got to the login screen, I entered my password and hit enter. The login wondow closed, but the login screen (the purple space picture) remained. I waited and waited, but it still remained. The cursor wasn't showing that the mac was working on it.
Frustrated after trying and retrying to restart the computer and login with no success, I started pushing random buttons dejectedly on the keyboard. When I hit the play/pause button, and iTunes started opening. The same errror message came up, but with it came the top iTunes bar, complete with the little apple symbol in the top right hand corner.
With that, I was able to open firefox, pages, and other recent items. But I can't open finder, and the dock is still gone.
Other issues that have come with this: history items don't save on firefox, copy & paste doesn't work for any programs, i can't sage changes I've made to existing pages documents.
I should note that my startup disk is full. I was in the miiddle of finding files I didn't need to delete when this all happened. I've tried deleting files through the "open..." function in pages, with no luck. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the issue.
i have a macbook pro. i've looked through a lot of tutorials on youtube and apple support but i wasn't able to find the answer i was looking for.
my question is
how do i import a video on my desktop to the application imovie 09?
i started to work on my killer intro vid and the rest of the vid happen to be on my desktop. however, when i attempt to drag the video to imovie09, it bounce right off.
if there is nothing i can do, would it be possible to use the isight cam from imovie09 to make a video? i am not talking about making a video about myself. it actually pertains to an object ill be holding and talking about it. the only struggle is turning the object and holding it up. i know it can be better done with an actually camcorder but is there another way with the isight app on my computer?