Final Cut Pro X :: Editing Compound Clips - Earlier Clips On Timeline Missing
Jun 20, 2014
I have been editing compound clips and when I get half way through i notice early clips in the timeline are missing. So if there is clips ABCD in a connected clip, it will be now AC and the other clips are now gone. I've pressed undo until i saw when they were deleted and it seems when i'm selecting clips later in the timeline it selects earlier clips and deletes them with the clips i want to delete. This is causing a major headache as it seems to be random, I can't replicate it on demand, but it happens eventually in ever compound clip I create. I haven't noticed it while editing a project.
After transferring my projects, and then events (separately) to my external hard drive, everything worked after relinking media except for all of my compound clips and multicam clips.
I do not know where to locate them in Finder, nor how to get them back. When I tried transferring my events and projects back to my internal hard drive, they still were not there.
Everything was fine before with Final Cut Pro X (Version 10.0.8) but now it is seriously hindering my work.
Is there any way to synchronize clips from the timeline? I understand that there is a way to synchronize from the Project Library but it makes more sense for me to sync from the timeline. If there just isn't a way to sync from timeline, is there a way to put all the clips from the timeline into the Project Library so I can do it there?
I have been using pluralize but wanted to see if I can skip all those extra steps of exporting and importing.I also wanted to see how effective the sync feature is in FCPX 10.1.2
I was editing in FCPX and all of a sudden a few clips in my timeline went black. What I mean by that is when I played them back, they were completely black. It was like the footage had gone missing. You name it, I tried all of the obvious things to do from here on in; I replaced and re-timed the footage with a fresh I/O grab from the clips panel. I tried reimporting the clip. I tried re-linking to the source file. I tried re-creating optimised media. Nothing worked. The only thing that worked was transcoding the footage in a different problem with a different filename and then reimporting and then replacing that with the black clip.
I have a project where I have applied a vignette to multiple clips(70+) in the timeline. When I added the effect I first applied it to a single clip, adjusted some of the parameters until I was happy and then copied and pasted the effect onto all the clips.
I was happy until I came back to the project and didn't like the amount of vignette I used. how to adjust the vignette on all clips at once? If I adjust the vignette on one of the clips, copy and then paste attributes it pastes the whole effect onto the rest of the clips and 'doubles' the effect as it where. I just want to paste the adjustment I have made.
Info: Final Cut Pro X, iOS 7.0.4, 2013 iMac 27-Inch
Recently my event clips and timeline clips have turned grey and no video imagery shows unless I pass the cursor over the individual clip. I was close to finishing this project and it plays in the viewer but making adjustments etc seems impossible. FCP is updated and I have restart the computer several times. I have used FCP for 3 years and have never had this problem.
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Can I import clips to FCP X at 180 degrees rather than flipping the clips individually once they are imported? I have about 300 clips all recorded upside down and i am looking for an easy solution.
Despite preference trashes and restarts and permission repairs and pram zaps I cannot get rid of this issue:
Every time I relaunch FCP there is a series of 12 clips in my project--same 12 clips--that show up in the browser with the dreaded red window telling me "camera missing." For some reason Relink Files isn't working but was does work is just opening the Import window and navigate to where the parent files are and, magically, the thumbnails for those clips start to appear in the browser again. I don't even have to tell it to do anything. They just relink.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), APERTURE 3.5.1, FCPX 10.1.3
I have recently started learning to how to use FCE. I've got quite far with my first project and am at the point where I want to move some clips around the timeline. I do want to move clips inbetween other clips, rearranging their order, not deleting them. But whenever I drag a clip to fit splice in between two other clips, it just deletes whats underneath.
I am looking for software advice for editing my web cam videos. I tried using iMovie, but I think that it is too complicated for my needs. I'd like something that would allow me to click and drag images or type text directly onto the video within a few minutes. Not interested in editing lighting or sound.
In FCP 7 you could right click and choose 'Close Gap' or something very similar. What's the short cut for closing the gap between two clips, rather than manually dragging each one?
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
I'm working on a large edit with footage imported into FCPX from a SonyXDcam. Three clips have audio that is out of sync. The others are all fine. What happened to those three and how do I fix it?
Some clips became unlinked. I go to link them ... and am stopped dead by the NEW Library Icon (with all it's internal folders no longer seemingly accessible). I know the file is in there - if I do a search in Finder for the missing media, it takes me right to where it is.
When I do a relink, stopped dead in my tracks by the new format. How do I access the folders hidden in the new Project Library to relink my clips with their original media?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is there an easy way to simple delete all filters from a selection of clips?
If I select multiple clips and then delete the filter, it only deletes it from the one single clip where the playhead is, the others are untouched.
If I make a cog standard clip, and then copy those attributes and paste it to the other clips as suggested it doesn't 'reset' those it merely dumps more filters on top or leaves the current ones untouched?
Do I really have to go in and select and delete one single filter off every single clip? There's a bunch of about 65 still frames I need to do this from and I can't bear the though of that.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
How to view two clips at the same time with 50 % transparent each (end of one clip and the starting of the next clip in time line) so that one overlapping the other, both can be seen. This is to merge two clips, so that I can stop at the correct frame of the first clip and start at the appropriate frame of the next clip.
3 days ago I opened FCE to work on some video, and every single captured clip in any project I open simply appears as a gray screen with no audio or image. All clip info like names, in/out markers, etc is still there. I have not had any problems in the past couple years with the program, and have not made any changes to it or my computer recently.
I have a multicam clip and when I open it in the Angle Editor, I can't move any of the clips. They just snap back to where they were. For whatever reason, FCP X really fudged up the "auto" syncing of these clips and I have to move them around and sync manually.
What's the secret? I can press , and . to nudge left and right but grabbing them and dragging them down the timeline isn't working.
I have a Mac Pro, 2 x 2.66 GHZ 6-Core Intel Xeon machine with 24 GB of 1333 MHZ DDR3 memory.
I have both miniDV videotapes recorded on camcorders as well as on JVC recorder. I also have S-VHS videotapes recorded on the JVC recorder (which is a dual recorder, with the miniDV deck on the left and S-VHS deck on the right)
Whenever I try to import video from either deck (or from a Canon Elura camcorder) into FCP X, I get thousands of separate clips ranging from a few tenths of a second in length to 20 seconds or so in length. When these clips are loaded into the timeline, there is a video and audio stutter whenever the playback cursor crosses between adjacent clips, indicating that a frame or two or more has been dropped. Making a compound clip is no luck, the stuttering due to dropped frames persists. This makes it completely impossible to edit since no clip is long enough to be usable.
The dropped frames seem to be due to the program, not the cameras, tape deck or videotapes since the problem occurs across all camera platforms as well as the two videotape formats. It's as if FCP X has a hair trigger in identifying some variance in frame rates that it judges to be a dropped frame, and immediately terminates the import of that little clip and goes on to the next import, only to repeat the same process THOUSANDS OF TIMES. The problem persists whether I record imports to my SSD startup disk, to my internal RAID, or to peripheral disks.
This did not happen in previous versions of FCP using the exact same video equipment and tape formats but a different computer. There seems to be no way to tell FCP X to ignore any variation of time code and I'm concerned that this problem will render my current equipment and videotapes worthless.
I have old large projects with a lot of b roll I will not use again and want to delete each unused clip. What is the best way to delete these safely. I can go into the library, show package contents and delete the clips there, but will that upset the library. And is there a way to delete just the parts of the clips that are unused? So If I have a 30s clip, have used 5s and want to delete the rest of the clip around the 5s, is that possible? Trying to recover some drive space to save buying a new media drive....
I can import only selected portions of video clips from my iPhone5. At present I have to import the full length of the video clip into the event and in so doing, I am unable to 'weed' out unrequired segments. Is editing the video clip in the iPhone itself the only option one has or is there any other way of doing it during the import process itself?
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), garage band, FCPX:10.0.9 version
I need to strip the audio off of a few ProRes files with the end product being ProRes files; easy enough to do but don't want to degrade the quality of the original video (via any compression etc). If I just hit File/Share/Master File with the video-without-audio on the timeline, otherwise untouched, will it create an original-quality ProRes file essentially the original video without the audio?
after color balancing a clip I get a flickering border on top and bottom of my clips, visible in timeline and also after rendering. It's easy to see in this clip (starts around 15 seconds in): URL....
If I remove the color balance it will go away. I wonder if it has to do with the source clip being in 1080i instead of p. The preceding clip is also color balanced but is in 1080p. It's less noticeable but sometimes still there when other color correction is invoked. I'm using a late 2013 Haswell 27 in iMac with 8gb ram.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Failures to import movie clips from Sony AX100 4K camcorder into FCP10.1.1 or iMovie 10.0.3. Clips are not recognized or rejected by either program.
Same problem with several downloaded "XAVCHD to ProRes 4.2.2" conversion programs and Sony's "playmemories home" Seems to me that the file names are suspect to internal Mac firewalls?
My computer: iMac 27 late 2012, OS X 10.9.3, 3.4 GHz Intel Core 17, FCP10.1 and iMovie 10.0.3
How to get xavchd files straight or converted to ProRes 4.2.2 into FCP or converted to AICinto iMovie?
Talking about wild audio tracks not directly related to video clips.
I find I want to attach a particular audio clip to a different video clip (given that without tracks it has to be attached to SOMETHING). Is there a way to move an audio clips affiliation to an alternate video clip? Especially without having to drag it out of place to do so?
Which leads to another question: is there any way to freeze an audio clip in place?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After I create Compound Clip, I open the Inspector Window to see the location of where this clip is residing. But it just states (in the Inspector Window) under Location is (Multiple Files).
Is the CC just acting as a pointer to the files that I created the CC with ... or am I just not looking at the correct location / information?
These days there are many video on the internet, How can I get a video into IMovie? I am running a macbook pro, system 10.4.11 , safari browser and IMovie.
I'm not entirely sure which might be the correct forum for this question, not sure if i have the right spot but, goes..If someone can't be of help, please direct me to the correct forum.
I do a lot of media conversion from various formats using QT, VLC Player, Video Converter for Mac, Cleaner, Mpeg Streamclip, Sorenson Squeeze, Visual Hub, etc
Quite often i still run into (PC created) .avi clips that simply WILL NOT export/convert with SOUND, they will only PLAY with sound on the VLC Player but cannot seem to be converted into any kind of format WITH sound. I'm assuming this is some kind of codec issue but since i only know the clip as an .avi (and some AVI's convert fine including Divx and Xvid, others don't) and have no known way of analyzing the clip i don't know how to convert it.