Software :: Safari Browser Font Now Super Bold?
Sep 10, 2009Since I installed Snow Leopard the bold font in Safari is now a rather ugly extra bold font. The rest of the type is still ok.
View 10 RepliesSince I installed Snow Leopard the bold font in Safari is now a rather ugly extra bold font. The rest of the type is still ok.
View 10 RepliesRecently replaced my internal hard drive and had to re-download and update everything... Forgot which version of Safari I had before with my OS X 10.4.11, so I got Safari v4.1.3... It works great, but I know the bold fonts were never THIS bold. Here is what I'm currently looking at:Â
I tried selecting "Never use font sizes smaller than 9", and I even tried "Empty Cache" as well as "Reset Safari...", but it's still ridiculously bold.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 13" Mid-2007
something went wrong and i only see a bold font for everything! can someone tell me what is wrong and i see it all bold?
View 3 Replies View Relatedthe font that my browser uses (FireFox) to display text has changed to MarkerFelt/FeltMarker.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just got some internet going again after having moved. I've had my new Octopus for a few weeks tho. So much to my surprise, I open up my gmail account and it's practically unintelligible. Some weird cartoon like font is my default font. As far as I can tell, all the default fonts are activated and all the settings point to the activated fonts, but this is driving me absolutely F__KING bonkers. Has anyone ever had this problem? Now to be fair, I did install some fonts from a semi questionable font disk a week or two ago, so maybe some rogue font has hijacked my web fonts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed some fonts in font book yesterday, and right after i did, the text in safari is messed up (see photo below) I already reset safari, and that didn't work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBoth claim to use Times 16, but there's a definite difference. How do I make them the same?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWeb pages open super slow (not just in Safari) on my imac OSX 10.6.8. I use a router and all other Apple devices work fine. Apple store says it's not my hardware. Comcast thinks it's not the DNS.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
This has been going on for a while. I can barely use safari due to the beachball.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am about to launch my website but am having trouble with my google font. For some reason when I scroll up and down or move the mouse over a word, the font gets light and pixel-y. Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this? It doesn't happen in older versions of Safari or in Firefox.
Info:PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Can I use Safari as my main web browser and Firefox when Safari isn't supported?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just want to let you know that I am really thankful for your help.
This is a 3-year old iMac version 10.4.11
I upgraded Safari as recommended a few days ago, and since then, Safari has not worked at all. At the same time, I was warned that my startup disk was full. Following the advice from some other mac help sites, I cleared the copies of my iTunes library to free space. I now have 6.72 Gigs of free space on my hard drive, but my computer is still running super slow. Just about every other thing I click on in Firefox gives me the rainbow wheel.
I ran Techtools and everything passed but the Directory Scan and Volume Structure.
As soon as a friend can loan me a hard drive, I was planning on backing up everything and re-installing. Is this the best thing to do, or is there something else to try first?
Some webpages are turning up with the same font. It's the font named Snell Roundhand. Error pages, eBay information pages... stuff like that. It will disregard my font selection and go with that one.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have set my zoom to default in safari and the font sizes in Preferences should be set to the default. In most websites I visit that have a navigation bar at the top, I can't read even read the word within the button. The font is abnormally large. When I use the zoom font only feature it doesn't change much. When I use the regular zoom commands, all the graphics zoom like normal, but any the font of any of the links remains huge. So large that a lot of websites are unusable b/c all the links run together. This issue is on an 10.7 using safari 5.1.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just upgraded to Snow Leopard. When I did this, it did something to the fonts displayed in Safari 5.1.7. When I go to a webpage (like someone's blog) the entire body of text is in a cursive font. I've tried emptying the cache, changing the fonts in the Preferences/Appearances tab in Safari, deleting the, and also deleting duplicate fonts in my Font Book.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My font has suddenly changed to this:I don't know how to change it back, or how it even got changed. I hope someone does though
View 7 Replies View RelatedA web dev client of mine was complaining about the site we built her, and sent over some screenshots. It appears her font size is about two sizes larger than "normal" in both Firefox and Safari. I had her reset it to normal in Firefox - no change, apparently the setting wasn't made in Firefox.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having issues on my Safari version 5.1.2 - the font sizes on many pages are very small, and I have no idea why as other websites will look fine. Â
Here's a screenshot showing an example of google: [URL]Â Â
I'm on Mac OS 10.6.8 Â
It's been driving me mad for a while now so I've been using Chrome instead, but I miss Safari!Â
My Safari browser keeps quitting when try to "fastforward" youtube clips. I am using Safari 5.0.2
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm on my first mac, bought last week. I'm using the new Safari 4 browser and its slow. Anyone else notice this? I'm an old firefox user but dont want to go back because I like the mouse pad gestures in safari.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Mac, and am wondering which browser is better.
View 17 Replies View Relatedi recently tried to enlarge the fonts and the contents of the web page in safari coz the default settings make it really hard for me to read.
this is what it looks like originally
The other night I pulled some fonts that I downloaded a few years ago off of my external hard drive and installed them one by one into Font Book to the User profile. Right after I finished this, I noticed that now about 80% of the text on pages in Safari now appeared as the Yahoo font, instead of what they used to be (I visit about 10 different sites on a regular basis, so there's probably a variety of fonts that normally appear, but now most things appear as the Yahoo font). I don't have any style sheet selected in the Safari preferences, and the font preferences are untouched from what they are when Safari is installed. Not only are a lot of sites now hard to read because of the mess that the Yahoo font around size 10 is, but its just flat out annoying to read that crazy font.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat is the default standard font size and type in Safari 5.1.7? What is the default fixed width size and type?
Mac OS X (10.7.4), OWC Mercury Elite Ext Drive
I have a late 2010 iMac - Lion 10.7.4 - Safari 5.1.7.Sure my eyes are crook (not good) these days, but my glasses work a treat.I run my screen at 2560x1440 which gives a beautiful picture, however some items appear small, this problem is amplified in Safari.In Safari preferences
Under "Appearance".What are the correct settings for standard and fixed-width font? I have the "Default encoding" set as Western (ISO Latin 1)Under "Advanced".In Universal Acess I have selected "Never use a font sizes smaller than - 18 What should it be? I often have to reduce that to 12 to make the fonts in many web pages unscramble and align correctly.
I stumbled on a website today informing me of ways to somewhat speed up Firefox and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to speed up Safari, which is the browser I use much more frequently. Any tips would be most excellent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having more problems with my new MAC than I ever did with any PC! I loaded new fonts onto my MAC today and now when I go into Safari and browse the internet, all of the fonts on any website I go into have been changed into some ridiculous font! Why would this happen and how do I restore the default font settings?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wonder if it has anything to do with enabling FileVault. Anyway, Everytime I logout, the default web browser keeps reverting to Safari, and the default Mail client reverts to Mail. I use Camino, Firefox and Thunderbird.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSometimes I will be using Safari, particularly on Facebook, and Safari will randomly start refreshing the pages repeatedly over and over again without me doing anything. Anyone else have this problem? Any way to keep it from happening again? The only way I can get it to stop is by quitting Safari completely.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have finally switched over and obviously still figuring things out.
Acer 5750-6677, Windows 7