Software :: Reinstalling Mac OS X - Process Keeps Restarting

Jul 8, 2008

I am trying to reinstall Mac OS X with the CDs supplied with my Mac Book, but when I put in cd #2, the installation process restarts when it gets to iWeb. It just keeps restarting. I followed all the directions with the software.

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OS X :: Re Fsck-hfs Process At Start Up - How To Disable Speed Up Process

Sep 21, 2009

I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.

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OS X :: Good Process Explorer Equivalent - Monitor Process CPU And RAM

Feb 26, 2010

I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).

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OS X :: Mac Keeps Restarting At Boot?

Jul 21, 2009

Today my Mac was running fine and I rebooted. When it came to the bootup (gray screen) screen, it was there for about 1 minute and it keeps restarting.

I popped the Mac OS X DVD in and am repairing permissions as I type this. It says 44 minutes remaining. There is a long list of permission issues. Could this fix the problem?
I also tried a Disk Repair, but it said that Macintosh HD is OK.

I really don't want to do an Archive and Install (hopefully the permissions repair will work). But if I do, will this fix it? Will it keep all my files? Settings?

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OS X :: Mac Keeps Restarting And Won't Startup

Feb 6, 2010

My macbook keeps restarting after the chimes. I forgot my password so I tried to "hack" a new admin account by putting it in single user mode and then entering the command : /sbin/mount -uw / and when I entered the 2nd command : rm /var/db/.applesetupdone it didn't work. When I tried to restart my MAC it kept going to the start up screen and just keeps on restarting over and over again.

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OS X :: Mac Keeps On Randomly Restarting?

Jun 15, 2010

The restart always occurs when I am browsing and interacting with ebay on any browser (tested on FireFox, Safari, and Chrome with a restart occurring in all 3) The screen slowly gets covered by a light grey over layer and displays a message telling me that there has been a problem and that I need to hold down the power button to restart my macbook. this has been happening to me for the past 3 weeks and I can't stand it anymore.

Any suggestion on how I might be able to find a solution to the issue? Also, has this happened to anyone else out there? I am running Snow Leopard 10.6 on a 2009 macbook.

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MacBook :: The Computer Just Keeps Restarting?

May 20, 2009

When I put in the original OEM leopard discs that came with my new macbook, the computer just keeps restarting. Any ideas? I thought these were recovery discs?

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OS X :: Software Updates Without Restarting?

Mar 13, 2010

Before Snow Leopard, I could just force quit a Software Update after it was done to avoid restarting. Now Apple makes it so I can't even use my computer while it is being updated. How does one keep Software Update in check?

Treating me like a dumb computer user makes me seriously consider switching to Linux. I want my freedom back!

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MacBook Pro :: Freezing - Now Restarting?

Jun 21, 2010

My MBP has been freezing over the past few weeks. When the computer freezes, the mouse gets hypersensitive, then it will be unresponsive to everything. The screen then goes black. One of three things then happen. One, I manually shut the computer down by holding the power button. Two, same as one except I get a Kernel Panic text file on my desktop when it loads back up (this only has happened once), or three, the computer restarts itself. It once from while I was playing Call of Duty 4, and once right after I had quit it. However, I had SMC fan set high whenever I play it, my computer is on a cooling stand and there's an desktop fan right next to it blowing over and under it. Could overheating still be a problem?

My MBP is late 2008 refurb, 2.53ghz, 9600 w/ 512 vram, 5400 rmp hard drive, 4gb Apple ram. Freezing has happened under both 9600 and 9400 cards.

The 9600 and hard drive have both been replaced by Apple in the past few months due to other freezing issues (the 9600 was defective, but when it froze I would get screen artifacts and the mouse would still move neither of those things happen now).

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OS X :: System Always Needs Restarting Just To Get To Desktop?

Jul 18, 2010

i turn on my iMac it either freezes and the screen is all white or all blue. I have to try doing safe boot everytime i want to use it. While doing safe boot its not always sucessful, would have to do it 3 to 5 times until i get to the actual desktop.

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Software :: Mac G5 2.5 Dual Not Restarting?

Aug 13, 2009

Mac G5 2.5 Dual Not Restarting

My G5 2.5 dual, runs all day with no problems, if I shut it down for any reason, I have to wait 15-20 mins before I can restart it. If I start before this period then the machine chime but then hangs and does nothing else, nothing is displayed on the screen. If I wait the 15-20 mins the machine continues to work all with no problems.

The machine is clean inside and the fans run as normal.

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Turning Off And Restarting By Itself?

Apr 9, 2012

My iMac keeps turning off and restarting by itself. 

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Mac Pro :: Restarting On It's Own On Initial Start Ups?

Apr 26, 2012

I don't keep my computer on 24/7. Lately, when I start it up, it restarts on it's own. Sometimes, it seems to get through with the initial start up but shuts down & restarts after about a minute. Sometimes, however, it doesn't even finish the boot up process when this happens. This usually will happen over & over again a many times. The only short term solution I've found, is to unplug my computer, then restart it after a minute or so. This has not permanently fixed this problem however, because the next time I shut off, it happens again.

mac pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: 10.6.8 Random Restarting - How To Stop It

Jun 4, 2012

I own a MacPro, running OS X 10.6.8. Several weeks ago it began to restart on its own, right after I turned it on. I ignored the issue and continued to work with it for several weeks.  Suddenly yesterday it began to behave funky again, to the point where I cannot work with it at all. I turned on the computer, and few minutes later, it restarted on its own for several times. The point where it restarts is random, sometime in the sing in section (when you place the password) or while I work on some program. I was trying to run DiskWarrior, and the machine restarted on its own again! 

I am also using part of this Mac as a PC, so I tried restarting on PC to see if its only on the MAC side, but it didn't make it through, it restart again before the windows icon appeared. Then after several restarts on the Mac side, an error message appeared, on the grey screen before the apple icon appears. It is all writen in code and it says something like: panic (cpu 0 caller 8x2aaf41): Machine check at .... (the picture is in my iPod but I don't know how to bring it into my computer). By searching this forum, I read I could try by reseting the PRAM and NVRAM, but I wonder what the consequences are when doing this. And if I try reinstalling the software, would I still be able to keep the PC side intact? Cause I still need to access the PC side as it is? I was able to run a backup for the Mac yesterday, but I couldn't for the PC.  

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MacBook :: My Pro 15" Keeps Restarting

Jun 27, 2012

Ive just bought the new Mac book Pro 15" that was released a couple of weeks ago and it suddenly freezes and the restarts, it's done this four times, ive only had it for a week.

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)

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MacBook Pro :: Restarting Instead Of Shutting Down

Jun 22, 2014

Why would my MBP restart when I try to shut down?

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OS :: Reformatting And Reinstalling Mac OS X

Oct 30, 2010

following the issues I had with not being able to install ANYTHING or do any software updates, i've decided to reformat and reinstall Mac OSX. First problem, when I boot from disc, it allows me to select language then says 'Mac OS X cannot be installed on this computer' so I completely format the hard drive and try again. No luck. Same message. WHY can't the Mac OS X be installed on this computer?!

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OS X :: Reinstalling Without Disc 2?

Apr 10, 2009

I wanted to reinstall my operating system (I have OSX 10.5.2) so I backed up a few things and began my re installation. I installed fine but didn't ask me to insert my Mac OS X Install Disc 2. I got through it alright and now I have a working OS. So I'm not sure what all Disc 2 does for me, but I know i'm missing garage band and honestly thats the program I use the most. So does anyone else have any information about this (i.e. it happened to you, you know what all is on disc 2, or you know what i need to do to have it ask for disc 2)

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MacBook Pro :: Reinstalling OS X On SSD

Aug 6, 2009

I need to reinstall OSX on my X25-M. I was curious if anyone had experience doing this. What I really want to know is once I boot off the cd and go into Disk Utility, should I: Just create new partition, Erase, Erase and zero out.

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OS X :: Reinstalling Os X To Macbook Pro ?

Sep 30, 2009

I was having problems with my macbook pro and decided to reformat it and reinstall os x and boot it off my time machine back up from my MacPro.

The main problem I've had is that I couldn't find my original installation discs (the macbook pro was bought in April 2008), I used my friends OS X disc (from his computer which was about 2 years older) and it seemed to install ok until I realised that the sound is gone, airport is gone and all the keys have different shortcuts to their original ones.

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OS X :: Formatting And Reinstalling OSX?

Feb 9, 2010

I've been getting slowness, beachballs, and overheating/loud fans over the last few weeks. It feels like it's getting worse by the day. I want to reinstall and get a fresh start. (Btw, I was on Leopard and upgraded to SL...I'm hoping a fresh SL will clear up most of my problems.)

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Power Mac :: Reinstalling OS 10.4 On Old G5?

Apr 18, 2012

I want to do a fresh install of the OS on my old G5 because I giving it to a friend , is there anything I need to know ? So my old files and passwords deleted before I give it away ?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reinstalling It On Mac Pro?

Jun 12, 2012

I've been having problems with speed on my Mac Pro for a while.  Today, I tried to boot up and every time it booted, it just froze! I've used Diskawrrior and diask utility on it. Disk Utility says it's fine. Disk Warrior finds to files at the root that can't be accessed. I've run DiskWarrior about 5 times. Each time it tells me that it has fixed the problem but my Mac still freezes or won't boot up. I try Disk Warrior again and it finds the same problem.

I've tried to reinstall Lion but it tells me that the volume is used for Time Macine backups (it isn't) and won't lert me reinstall backups.  I've asked Time Machine (which I get to by starting up using the option key) to show me the backups on my hard drive and it tells me that there aren't any. I try to reinstall Lion and It tells me again that my volume is being used for time machine backups. I'm stuck and have no idea what to do next.

4 core, Mac OS X (10.5.2), 5 gigs ram

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Windows On Mac :: XP Side Of BootCamp Keeps Restarting

Oct 23, 2008

My computer was running extremely slow and seemed to be freezing, so I restarted and now it is restarting and coming to the screen that says Windows didn't shut don properly and asks if I want to run in safe mode, normal, at last known good configuration. I have tried every option, but it looks like it is restarting properly, then it powers off and back on to the same screen over and over again. It briefly shows the blue screen of death, but not long enough to even read it; it just flashes, then goes on to restarting. The Mac side seems to be working fine, but I have a lot of Windows programs I need to use, so I need my Windows side to work as well.

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Windows On Mac :: Loading XP And Froze When Restarting

Jan 27, 2009

I was loading windows xp home addition on my macbook pro and it froze when restarting. Now when I start the computer it just pulls up a black screen that says press any button to restart, but pressing the buttons does nothing.

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OS X :: Bluetooth Mouse Not Found On Restarting Mac Pro

Jul 20, 2009

For some time now I have been using a logitech V270 bluetooth mouse with my Mac Pro which has a bluetooth 2.0 card installed. All works fine except that when I restart my Mac Pro the mouse is generally not automatically detected and I get the 'bluetooth mouse setup' screen with the message 'there isn't a mouse connected'. I then need to press the reset button on the mouse and go through the usual connection procedure. I wonder How I can get this set up so that the Mac Pro automatically connects.

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MacBook Pro :: New 17'' MBP Makes Odd Sounds When Restarting

Sep 13, 2009

I bought a new 17 inch MBP tonight. When it started up, it made a very odd sound that was similar to a CD/DVD being processed or ejected.I thought maybe it was a one time thing, but since restarting it a few times, it's made the same sound each time.Is this normal? I've never heard it before. It's like there's a CD or DVD in there, but of course there isn't.

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OS X :: Mac Pro Keeps Restarting - Swapped It For NVIDIA GeForce GT 120

Oct 22, 2009

I am fairly new to macs and I am having a problem, my Mac Pro keeps restarting. I had a quadro FX 4800 video card on it, but it apperently was useless for gaming ( had problems with all the games i tried), so i swapped it for a NVIDIA GeForce GT 120. I was instructed that once the card was put in i would just have to start up the Mac and download the drivers. But every time i try to start up it just keeps teling me over and over the mac has to restart. Is there some way to fix this? Would having the Mac dual booted with Windows vista ultimate be a contributing fact to this problem, as that starts up but the display is weird and the graphics card doesnt seem to be registered on the system.

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OS X :: Trying To Reinstall Leopard On MacBook - Keeps Restarting

Jun 16, 2010

I misplaced my recovery disk so im using my leopard cd when I put in osx it prompts to restart the computer. Once I do that it keeps rebooting over and over it has a grey screen but here the mac reboot sound. Once I take out the leopard cd then it reboots up normally.

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OS X :: Imac Keeps Restarting On Its Own - Damage Files

Jul 12, 2010

after having my imac for almost 3 yrs im having problems just after being online for 5 to 10 minutes it RESTARTS on its own and it keeps doing it unless i shut it down some days it work fine and some it don't or it will work half way through the day. went to the disk utility and did everything and it didn't find a problem so what can it be. someone mention something to be bout the POWER SUPPLY, AND ANOTHER SAY ITS PROBABLY OVER HEATING. when i put the disk in it at start up and press *D* to run that test it NEVER FINISH it restarts. also found damage files what are they?

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