Software :: Recording My Voice On My IBook G4 Or EMac?
May 22, 2008
Is it possible to record my voice directly to a file on my iBook G4 or eMac so that I can then make a CD to playback later using the software that is original to the machine? I do have Garageband, do I have to buy a recording program?
I have an Olympus voice recorder that said it would work on my Mac but it doesn't. So I use it on a pc. But my iTunes is on my Mac and I'd really like to get a recording off of the recorder and into iTunes. I tried mailing the recording from a pc, opening and downloading it on my Mac but it comes up as garbled text.
I'm planning on adding how to videos to my site (flash) so that its easier for my customer to understand how to use a page. Ie instead of trying to explain common things in a FAQ I would have a video actually showing them. Ideally I'll be able to record my actions on screen and my voice as I describe what I'm doing. I'm willing to pay for the app, but just not that much ie less than $100. Now I don't need an all in one, for instance if there is a free app to do screen recording and another free app that can record my voice and another to merge them together I'm fine with that. I understand that free is free and I have to deal with some of the headaches. Any advice as to what software I would need. A quick google for mac screen recording brings a bunch of results.
I'd like to record some guitar tracks into this free trial version of Deck 3.5Le. I heard about the "imic" and wondered if that would be a good source to input my sounds.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to set up a little studio, i'd be happy to hear them.
I don't want to get too crazy, keeping it simple, on the cheaper side but I'd still like to get some good, decent recording.
I'm looking for advice on studio/multitrack software and usb audio line input devices and any other helpful
info. My mac is this: ibook 600 640MB 20G HD
OS 10.1.5(soon to be Jaguar in one week)
ps-i'm not really messin w/ the MIDI, just electric guitar, and acoustic/electric guitar and some bass guitar, maybe a drum machine (if my buddy lets me borrow it).
My iBook G3 has a black screen (hard drive ok). How can I hook up my eMac to us as the monitor for the iBook? I don't want to run the iBook in target mode, but use it as the primary computer.
I downloaded the Samantha (same as Siri) voice just for fun. I don't use voice over, and I was just using it for fun. Now I realize it was almost half a gig of hard drive space. Oops. Is there any way for me to delete this new voice on my Mac?
I have tried to migrate hardrive content from the emac to our imac with no luck. We still need to get eveything off the emac. What is the best way to do this? Take the hard drive out and then what?
We have a macbook in the same situation if you can answer that one too.
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I can't seem to figure out this confusion. I was visiting my friend when her mac told her that she needed to charge her computer. I mean literally a voice said she was low on power. Now I have looked all over my mac and I can't figure out how to do this. I really want to hear voices!
how, no idea how it happened, but I got a weird voice that came on and drives me nuts by telling me each menu item the cursor passes over. I have searched thru the manual and help and can only find information about voice recognition. How do I turn off the voice?
I'm looking for a voice changer, price really isn't an issue, but free/cheap would be preferred. I'm looking for a program that COMPLETELY changes the voice, not just add effects like Garage Band does. I did download the demo of Voice Candy, but none of those voices sound human.
i've been using skype and it was working perfectly but i don't know whats going on .. no one can hear my voice !! although when i use the movie maker i can record my voice
I'm not sure how it got turned on in the first place, but the voice over feature on my iMac is driving me crazy! It says something everytime I click something on my computer Here are the things I've tried:
1. ReBooting (hoping that it will reset itself somehow).
2. Went through the Voice Over Utility and tried to turn it off, but couldn't figure out how.
3. Someone told me to trash the Voice Over Utility so I did that, but it didn't fix it...
I'm running Mac OSX Tiger on a white intel iMac. Is there any way to turn off the voice over utility?
I'm not sure what key function I hit by accident but everytime I use my keyboard my Mac repeats my keyboard action back to in one of those annoying computerized voices. Anyone know how I can turn this off/remove this function?
I have recorded a voice interview and is wondering if there is a quick way to type these recording out? maybe something that analyse the recording file or something that type when you speak?
I just installed Growl ( using it with Evernote ) and noticed it has Speech announcements ( rather then the little box that pops up on screen) Is there a way to some how set it to where when my iCal appts or reminders pop up on screen from iCal to have it go thru Growl or something? So that way i can get speech reminders? I am new to Mac so not sure how anything really works but i did search a little on Google and i think it can be done, just dont technically know how...
I just updated to Safari 5.1.4 and now Gmail and Google Voice don't function properly. The buttons run away from my mouse and almost nothing is clickable. I
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
voice over has stopped working. If I go into system preferences, speech and ask it to play, it crashes and there is no sound for the installed voices. I've tried restarting, disc repair and disc permissions repair. If i go into voice-over utility everything works though. There are no announcements and it wont speak selected text. Im using OSX 10.7.3