Software :: PowerBook G4 17" 1.33 GHZ Booting Into Open Firmware
Dec 8, 2008
I have a PowerBook G4 17" 1.33 GHZ machine running OSX 10.5.5 that's booting either with a black screen or into open firmware. Any idea how I can reflash the firmware and if so, where I can download the file?
I've just set up an Open Firmware Password for the first time. My understanding is that this would prevent booting the Mac from another volume (i.e. an OS X install DVD). After setting up the password and rebooting my machine, I decided to test things out by inserting my OS X install DVD and selecting it from the "Startup Disk" preference pane. Lo and behold, it rebooted from the DVD without asking for the password.
Are there any known compatibiity issues with booting from an OS 10.6.x drive after installing EFI Firmware Update 2.5?I am running Lion (10.7.3) on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2010) but have held off installing the firmware update because being able to boot from a 10.6.x backup drive is more important right now than internet-based Lion recovery. If there's no issue booting 10.6.x (and running apps), then I will go ahead and install the firmware update, otherwise I'll wait awhile longer.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently attempted to install the most recent firmware and security updates for mac os x 10.5.8 on my macbook pro 17 inch (purchased about 14 months ago). Computer asked me to reboot, i did, it then gave me instructions for firmware updates.
The screen went dark, and it did its thing, and I returned 10 minutes later. The computer had not rebooted.I pressed the startup key and it gave a long beep. Screen remained dark. Some minutes later it ran the boot cycle, but booted into windows (i have dual boot set up). I can only get into windows now.
My PowerBook G4 will not boot up. It stays in this state of trying to boot up. Everything comes up...all the icons, but you continually have the little spinning gear icon and the screen flashing like it's trying to complete the start up, but it never does.
It boots to BSD (Command Line Interface) instead of OS X (GUI Aqua)
This Video shows more
Please note that the screen on the PowerBook is broke so I can only use it connected to an external monitor
When I try to reinstall the system, the picture does not get pushed across to the external monitor meaning I can not see what I am doing and thus can not reinstall
I'm having a problem with my Powerbook G4. I kind of screwed up my drivers because I was an idiot and tried to get some Intel drivers to work on the computer through some cheat thing and now my computer won't boot up. I have an install disk but when I try to reinstall it keeps saying that I need Mac OSX Install Disk 2. I never had to use disk 2 before and I never had one to begin with.
I know very very little about computer parts and things like that, but I hope to have provided enough information. When I boot up, both plugged into the power cord, and on battery, the powerbook will reach a white screen with an apple logo in the center. There also is a rotating disk below the apple logo. It will then shortly power down. I made a visit to the genius bar, and they told me something was wrong. I was like DUH!!! They said for $320 it would all be fixed, but I was hoping to be able to find out what was going wrong with it. Sadly I don't have the start-up disk that came with the laptop .
I am trying to do a clean install of OSX 10.5 on my old powerbook G4 15". I am using a 10.5 image file on my external. I partitioned the external using GUID, and restored the image file onto the external. (this method works when installing on intel macs). Unfortunately, I cannot boot 10.5 using this method on my powerbook. Is it because i am using a firewire 800 cable? Should I be booting it using a firewire 400? I know that PPC macs cannot boot using usb, so i am stumped.
during startup, my powerbook will shutdown during the gray screen I've tried booting from an external drive. It goes to a gray screen without an apple logo.I've tried putting it in Target disk mode (to get my files off). But it won't mount on my desktop.Also tried resseting the pram as apple's troubleshooting suggested. nothing differen
Here's the rundown: my uncle gave me a pristine Powerbook G4 Titanium edition. Good computer, 15.5" screen, definitely worth keeping. He wiped the thing clean before giving it to me. The problem is the internal CD drive is super flaky and won't take an bootable CD well. It took my Tiger bootable once or twice and bonked out during the installation. Now, I can't get anything. BUT, I have a nice external firewire 400 CD/DVD drive. I hit option and can see the disc, but the PB won't take it. Also, of course I hit C on startup to try and load from the CD. Hasn't taken since the first few tries.
My MAC powerbook was working fine yesterday! I shut it down last night and when I tried to boot it up this morning I get: the booting "sound" and the grey screen after which the screen turns to black and in the top left-hand corner
My PowerBook G4(500MHz) is no longer booting. I ran Norton and it displayed "keys out of order" errors and could not fix. Is there a version of Disk Warrior, fsck or otherwise that might help this situation?
I've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
I'm a new Mac user for about 6 months now. I bought a used PowerBook G4 15" 1.25 ghz notebook that was in good condition. It was well cared for by the previous owner. Only thing she had done was update the ram to 2 gigs.Recently I began to notice it running slower, programs were freezing and Garage Band couldn't run as many tracks. I installed recommended software updates before it started to get slower and I thought maybe that was the problem.So I attempted to do a fresh swipe of the hard drive and start from nothing. I saved some files and then tried to run the software installation cd. It didn't really help at all. I can't remember the error but it wouldn't let me reinstall OS X even when I held "c" when starting up. At one point I must have clicked run in target mode because I booted it up and it showed an unfamiliar screen. Then I restarted it once again and saw on Disk Utility that S.M.A.R.T. said something about hard drive failure.
Here is the situation. I have a 12 in Powerbook G4 with OS X. About a week ago I downloaded a security update and once it was downloaded it asked to either restart or shut down the computer. I clicked restart. It shut down and then turned back on but only got to the Apple symbol with the small grey spinning wheel beneath and wouldn't finish booting up past that. I tried turning it on while holding down the option button and it went to the hard disk screen and clicked the right arrow but it still didn't get past that screen.
My G4 powerbook has been saying recently that the start up disk is full, so i tried to empty some stuff off it. But not long after this when i tried booting it up the normal happens at first ie the t'ing' start up sound and the apple sign with the little timer going round but it does nothing else, it just carries on going round. I have tried re setting it and looked on help sites like this to try and override it etc but nothing seems to work!
I recently purchased a sort of beat up 1.5GHz 12" PowerBook G4, top of the line, and it arrived today. It boots up normally when the apple appears, then it shows the blue screen and then the mouse turns into a spinning wheel. Also, when I move the cursor, a second cursor from the same spot stays in the top-left corner. The PowerBook will only work normally as a headless server (powers on, lid closed), unless booted in safe mode. Another issue is the screen. The seller said there were lines going up and down the screen, but it varies depending on what is displayed on the screen. If the screen is grey or in target-disk mode, they do not appear, but on the 10.5 standard desktop pic, it changes pattern. The lines can be seen here: [URL]
I have a iMac G3. I can't make it boot from the CD to install the OS. Keep pressing the C key, but no luck. How can I edit it in open firmware to make it boot from the CD? Or, is there another option to install the OS from a different Mac? I have Mac OS X installed on a PC.
So, I'm still having trouble with the MacBook I posted about here. It kernel panics even more frequently now, a month later, about once every 30 minutes. I'm running 10.5.8 now (no Snow Leopard for me!).
Anyway, the problem I'm posting about is that I can't boot into Open Firmware. It works fine just booting straight through to OS X (except about a third of the time I start up it kernel panics right after the Apple logo appears) but it won't boot into Open Firmware. I hold down Command-Option-O-F to no avail and it just won't go. (I'm trying to do reset-all to see if that helps any.)
I tried booting into Open Firmware successfully on my other Mac so it's nothing I'm doing, this MacBook obviously has some serious issues.
I'd rather not have to take this computer to the Apple Store again - every time I do they just reinstall the system/replace the hard drive and don't take me seriously when I say the problem is not with software. (Plus the warranty on this machine is up now and I'm trying to avoid paying hundreds of dollars!)
Anyone know what the issue could be? i really need a new computer hahaha...
Oh! I also tried booting into Open Firmware by holding down the power button continuously as suggested here... the on/off light blinked 3-4 times, the computer made a really long beep (like I was trying to do a firmware update), then started as normally. So I don't think that worked either lol.
I have a dual 1.8 PPC G5 power mac that I bought used about a year ago. It came with OS 10.5 preloaded but the only discs I have for it are the original system disks(10.3). I've got it hooked up to a HP 19 LCD via DVI. The other day I tried to boot into open firmware using the command-option-O-F start up command. Well, something happened cause OS X never came up, but nothing else did either. The screen just stayed blank, the fans starting ramping up and just got gradually louder and louder. I tried entering mac-boot via the keyboard thinking that maybe I was in OF even though I couldn't see anything on screen, but nothing changed.
I tried to download the lastes version of open firmware, but it is incompatible with the version of my computer. Don't tell me to use a disk I got with my computer, that would be for a Macbook Pro, not a Macbook, which is what I have. Please tell me if you can find a link to a firmware password program for Mac OSX 10.6.8, or if you have another way of installing a firmware password.
After using Open Firmware Update my G4 went into a crazy circle. At first, it was impossible to start up, and when it was possible, just for a couple of seconds, and then the translucent screen asking you to restart the computer pressing for a few seconds the start up button.
Info: Quadra 605, G4 Desktop, IMac 500, eMac, iMac G5 PPC, iMac G5 Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I have the Open Firmware Password enabled, which prevents my machine from booting into Safe Mode when I hold the shift key at startup (as expected). As a result, if I want to use Safe Mode I have to boot up from my install DVD, disable the password and then reboot. Very time consuming! I just read about a way to boot into Safe Mode:
(at [URL=""]Apple Support[/URL)] by entering the following terminal command: sudo nvram boot-args="-x"
I'm a little hesitant to test it out in case I run into some sort of Open Firmware/Safe Mode conflict.
DEFAULT CATCH!, code=300 at SRR0: 5555554 SRR1: 40003030
typing 'mac-boot' gets me to a white screen with black lines all down it. It just hangs there.
I tried zapping the PRAM but it didn't help. The hard drive has been making those *click click* 'I'm about to die' sounds for a while. I'm assuming its the hard disk . I have another iBook with a failed logic board I can take the HD out of but in case its not I don't want to take it apart just yet.
I just picked up an old eMac today that I'm trying to get it working. The problem is the open firmware password is set, and I have no idea what it is. If the open firmware password is set, it prevents you from doing anything without it including booting from a CD and zapping the PRAM. I changed the ram, removed the internal battery and hit the PMU reset button expecting this to clear the password, but it didn't work. Removing the internal battery did reset the system clock to 1/1/1904, but didn't change anything else.
Also aside from the practical question about resetting the password, I'm suddenly left wondering where the system stores the open firmware password. If it isn't stored on the hard drive, and it doesn't depend on the internal battery, then how is it saved? Just for clarification I have no idea who the original owner was or where it came from. So there is no chance of just finding the correct password.