Software :: Macbook Pro Can't Boot Up & Screen Display

Apr 23, 2008

model name: macbook pro 15"
model identifier: MacbookPro 1.1
CPU: 1.83G 512M memory,
boot room version: MBP11.0055.b08
SMC version 1.2F10

don't know what happen since few weeks ago. OS X Tiger can't boot up, (blue screen and only have a mouse icon) only can boot up at safe mode (shift + power) and the screen have a lot of red square (display problems). use the install disk reinstall OX tiger 10.4.5 still the same do hardware test everything OK / now update to tiger 10.4.11 still the smae problems. my macbook pro using only 1 year, and i heard the news about many macbook pro screen have display problems so far.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Boot Up Instead Display Gray Or Blue Screen

Jun 24, 2014

Last week my macbook pro started have gray or blue screen problem, it won't boot all the time I turn on,  instead I will turn into gray or blue screen and won't do anything else, the OS is to the latest version, and if it start normally it goes blue or gray screen everytime I use final cut pro, I mainly use this mac for editing videos, I try everything like safe mode, I even format the hard drive but the problem still there...

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MacBook Pro :: External Display Is Not Waking / Retina Display Flashes Through Different Screen Views

Sep 4, 2014

My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all. 

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: LED Display Screen Goes To Completely Dark / Bottom Side Of Screen Is Brighter

Jun 16, 2008

I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?

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MacBook :: Display Shuts Off After Boot?

Oct 3, 2010

Just as the title says I have a Macbook 2,1 (2.16 c2d) and after booting into osx the display shuts off. I can use the notebook as a desktop with an external monitor. Any ideas as to how i can fix this?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Display Light But Computer Does Not Boot

Aug 24, 2014

When I power the computer up, screen lights, but the computer does not boot up?

MacBook Pro, Can't check operating system

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MacBook Pro :: Display Flickers Upon Boot Up - Also Jiggles Up And Down Sometimes

Jun 5, 2014

My macbook pro (mid 2012) has started flickering badly upon boot-up. The display also jiggles up and down on occassion when loading web pages. I have upgraded to Mavericks and my MBP is usually hooked up to a large monitor.  Problem just started happening. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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MacBook Pro :: System Hangs At Apple Logo Boot Screen / RAM Not Allowing System To Boot

Jan 5, 2011

I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.

Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)

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MacBook Pro :: Comparing Display And Boot Time To Last Generation?

Apr 18, 2010

I will be purchasing the new Core i5 15" MBP in a few weeks and have been reading a lot of good things about it. With all the good things I see a few bad. I was wondering if anyone with the new MBP could answer these questions?

1. Is the Display better than the last generations? ( In particular the high res)
2. Someone said in another post boot time is slower than the 2009 C2D MBP? Can a few people confirm this?

I have read a few people say the new screens are less brighter than previous models and this has me very concerned? Of course I hope they actually turned up the brightness setting before making such claims.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Won't Boot Past Apple Screen & No CD Boot

Jun 11, 2007

I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.

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OS X :: How To Make Boot Camp OS Selection Default Boot Screen?

Sep 17, 2009

Is there a way to make the Boot Camp menu the default boot screen, as opposed to holding Alt? This is the latest SL release, if that matters.

I know this is possible in some manner, our networked iMacs all do it; they start up and give the option to boot OS X or Windows, with a countdown to boot the default OS. I'd just like the same thing to happen on my MBP.

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OS X Server :: Unable To Boot - Held On Boot Screen?

Aug 3, 2006

So I installed osx 10.4 server on a Power Mac G4 (white/blue)

Went throught the setup screens and did a complete reformat / install.

Just boots to the loader screen. (Where the mac face shows, followed by a question mark) and just cycles over and over.

I can put the DVD in at this point and restart the install.. I did go in and check the disk permissions and disk status and both passed.

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MacBook Pro :: 15" No Longer Recognizes Primary Display After Boot Camp/Linux Installation?

Mar 9, 2012

So my old 15" early 2006 Macbook Pro (1,1) no loger recognizes the primary display. I can use an external monitor just fine, but when I go into System Profiler, it's like my primary display disappeared. I reinstalled Snow Leopard, reset PRAM, NVRAM, repaired my permissions, tried to update my mac, but litterally nothing I have tried has worked. 

It started when I tried to install both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. After completing the Windows 7 installation, I restarted my computer and it just hung on the Apple logo. I could feel the fans begining to spin really fast and it felt like my laptop was on fire. I restarted my computer, let it cool down, and it hung at the Apple logo again. I rebooted it a final time, and nothing. Black screen. No backlight or image...nothing. 

MacBook Pro 15 inch, Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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Mac Pro :: Stuck At Gray Boot Screen - Boot XP

Apr 27, 2008

trying to boot in Leopard my Mac Pro will get the the gray loading screen with the "loading circle" and just sit there forever. Than after a bit it will just stop and the whole computer can shut itself down. I just installed the 8800gt upgrade kit last week, and have had no problems at all for the past week. The only thing that changed that may be related is the 8800GT XP Driver. I installed the latest beta driver for it under XP in boot camp because it wasn't working properly with the default boot camp drivers. So I can correctly boot in the XP via boot camp, but trying to boot in Leopard it just hangs at the gray loading screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Has A Bar On The Display?

Jun 30, 2012

Easiest way to descibe it is to link to this video of it happening. There is a 'bar', either black, white, static, or rainbow of colors.  See video 

Nothing I do seems to make it happen, just happens.  Seems to be when the Activity monitor is > 100% 


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Grey Line Screen On Screen Sharing Virtual Display?

Mar 10, 2012

Whenever I try to use Screen Sharing to control this one particular Mac Mini, and someone else is using the mini, and I pick "Connect to Virtual Display", I get dropped to a grey linen screen.  Like the login screen, but without a list of usernames or anything.  There it sits. Here is what I see in the console of the mac mini when I try and use a virtual display from the other machine: 

3/10/12 7:30:04.291 AM mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/Users/glados/Library/Saved Application State/' -- importing from backup path instead
3/10/12 7:34:01.706 AM [0x0-0x9009] System Preferences(148,0x7fff76017960) malloc: reference count underflow for 0x400440ce0, break on auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.


Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Display Screen On LCD TV With VGA Connection

Dec 8, 2010

I have my macbook connected to my new Dynex HDTV via a VGA cord. My macbook recognizes the display and I have the displays set to mirror but nothing is showing up on my monitor. What do I need to do?

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MacBook :: Display Brightness - Screen Go Dim After Sometimes

Oct 10, 2009

Recently, after about 5 minutes of use (not sitting idle), my MacBook's screen will go very dim. I hit the buttons on the keyboard to take the brightness all the way up, but it doesn't get much brighter and there's only one thing that I can do to make the screen go brighter: I go into System Preferences and click Display. The second I click that, the brightness returns without me doing anything in the Display section, so after Display comes up, I just close it out and the screen brightness is fine for a while. It seems to do this after the lid has been closed for a while and then starts dimming again after opening the lid and using it for about 5 minutes. Is there a way to fix the auto-dim mode without disabling it? MacBook (white) is running Leopard 10.5.8 with all the latest updates.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen And Display Off Center

Mar 24, 2010

Running Leopard 10.5.8, 15" MacBook Pro with an additional Apple Display. Plugged into projector � the resolution/display went bonkers/everything was thrown off-center The resolutions are accurate for both screen and display Software is kept updated/Repaired permissions The screen and display are off-center by about 2 inches in width and and 1 inch in height I can move about the screens to bring my dock and/or menu bars into view, but they are no longer fitting into the confines of the screen/display

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MacBook :: Can't Get Adobe To Display On Screen

Mar 8, 2012

Cant get adobe to display on screen! 

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MacBook :: Display What's On It Screen Onto TV Through Apple TV?

May 10, 2012

I want to show streaming videos from my computer on my tv using my apple TV.  I'm only aware of "mirroring" through my ipad and iphone. I know how to stream music and photos through itunes.  How can I show my computer screen on my tv?

MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: My Screen Looks Bigger Than My Display

Jun 3, 2012

I have a Macbook pro 2010, Lion OS. It has been working good until I conected the computer to a TV. I´m conecting my computer, frecuently, to some televisions. The last time I did that the configuration of my screen changed a little bit. The screen looks bigger than my display and I can´t see the hole screen at the same time, I have to move the arrow with the trackpad in order to see some corner of the computer. I tried to fixed going to the display preferences

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Display Sleep With Screen Saver?

Sep 22, 2010

I wanted to use a screen saver which is a cool clock since I do not have any alarm clock or anything in my room, and being that my MBP is always on, why not make it a clock when im not using it? I was wondering if it would be detrimental to my screen if I never let the display sleep and leave the black and white clock screen saver on all the time? Would it really make THAT much of a difference to the life of my screen?

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MacBook Pro :: External Display - Can I Toggle Screen On And Off

Oct 13, 2010

My Dell u2711 is my primary display. Sometimes I wake up the macbook out of sleep mode and forget to have the lid shut. Consequently the Macbook screen comes on as well. Everything is working as it should but I am curious is there a quick way to switch the Macbook display on and off with the setup I have described?

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MacBook Pro :: Using Migration Assistant Without Screen Display

Dec 6, 2010

I just bought a new MacBook Pro because my other computer pretty much died, in that the screen can no longer be seen. The guy at the store told me it was probably a bad cable running from the computer to the monitor. Anyways, I am trying to get stuff off of my old computer with migration assistant. Right now, I cannot even see if my old computer is logged in, connected to the internet, or anything. In trying to using the network migration assistant, it prompts me to right in a set of numbers to connect with my old computer. How can I do that when I cannot see the screen? Would it work if I bought a cable to connect the two, therefore not requiring me to put in a password or numbers in my old computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Rotating Screen Display Via Software

Jul 30, 2008

I am shooting a film using a 35mm adapter, which flips the image upside down. I'll be capturing directly to laptop. Is there any software solution (Nvidia video card) to flip the screen? Or is there capture software that can flip the image? I know you can flip in post, but we are using the Macbook Pro as a sort of makeshift video monitor, as well as capture device, to get accurate focus and to make camera work easier.

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MacBook :: Display On New - Circle In The Middle Of Screen

Mar 22, 2010

I recently just purchased a new macbook less than a week ago. This is also my first mac that I have ever owned. I just noticed today that when I turn the brightness all the way down, or when I go away from my computer and my screen turns black that there is a circle in the middle of my screen which I can still see what is going on in the background. Its not like its bright but you can still notice it.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Calibrate MPB Screen With Cinema Display

Apr 23, 2010

I just got the brand new 15" MBP with high res screen, and it is paired with the 24" cinema display.

First thing I noticed is the colors are way off between the two monitors and it is very annoying....I have tried calibrating both with no results, they just have way different profiles to be able to match them.

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MacBook Pro :: Older Mac's Display Dim Before Screen Sleep

Jun 20, 2010

Is there a way on the older MacBooks to make the display fade down to the low setting before it sleeps? On my Pro right now, it just snaps down. Does anyone know of an application or something?

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MacBook Pro :: Odd Line Appear On Black Screen Display

Jul 8, 2010

I have a core i7 MBP with the high res display, and when the display is showing black, a horizontal green line appears on the screen. It is only visible when the screen is showing black or another very very dark color, and the line is not visible with the screen off. It isnt something on the screen, as rubbing it does not affect it at all. I cannot post a screenshot of it, because it does not appear in the screenshot (it does on my screen, because the line is there physically, but on other monitors it is not visible).

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