Software :: Mac PowerBook G4 Will Not StartUp?
Feb 3, 2009
My two year old Mac PowerBook G4 will not start up. It will turn on but it never loads past the gray screen with the apple logo adn circle loading thingy. it probably has a technical term but I have no idea what it is. Do you know what may be wrong with my computer or how I could fix it?
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Apr 8, 2007
When i turn on my G4 i get past the grey apple screen,then when it gets to the startup screen(blue background with the white box with Mac OS X written and the progress meter bar below), the meter bar fills up slowly then when full, it just stays on that screen with the meter still full(with the usual flowing blue bar style).
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Dec 2, 2006
during startup, my powerbook will shutdown during the gray screen I've tried booting from an external drive. It goes to a gray screen without an apple logo.I've tried putting it in Target disk mode (to get my files off). But it won't mount on my desktop.Also tried resseting the pram as apple's troubleshooting suggested. nothing differen
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Feb 10, 2008
to make a long story short, my first gen 17" G4 PB had its trackpad/power button cable severed a year ago, forcing me to remove the battery and memory door each time I need to start up. It's been kernel panicking a lot in the last few months, but always restarts fine. Tonight, on startup, it could not find the HD, and the logo shifted from happy mac to question mark and back. Is my HD toast? I know the comp is totally doomed and will be getting a new MBP when they come out (if they come out...), but I had wanted to keep the Powerbook in order to do a firewire transfer of files to the new MBP I get. Can this be fixed? Can the HD be mounted in an enclosure?
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Dec 23, 2008
The sound on my 17" G4 Powerbook does not seem to be working any longer. I know there are some similar threads but I think my problem is slightly different because I get sound on startup (the startup chime) then when Leopard loads it seems to be dead.
When I press the volume keys (F4/F5) I see the volume indicator increase/decrease but I do not hear an alert sound.
When I go into System Preferences/Sound, "Internal Speakers" is grayed out under "Sound effects" but "Internal Speakers" shows up under the Output tab.
When I plug in headphones, I get no sound.
I've tried resetting the PRAM and open firmware.
I've tried creating a new user and the new user also has no sound.
I've tried repairing permissions, running disk warrior while booted from another drive, and a disk repair in disk utility, as well as fsck-fy and also clearing the cache files with applejack.
I am runnign Leopard on this machine, version 10.5.6.
I though it was a fried/disconnected sound card or a logic board issue until I realized that the startup chime was playing just fine.
Also, whenever I press the volume keys, I get the following error in system.log
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Nov 6, 2010
Hi, just wondering if anyone could give me some diagnostic tips with a very unhappy powerbook. I�ve tried the Apple support pages, but they didn�t do the job so I thought I�d look for some helpful experts � I will be immensely grateful if you could help me figure out what�s wrong.
It�s a G4 Power book, running OS 10.4. It suddenly froze on me one day, so I held down the power button to reboot and it hasn�t worked since. One thing that I guess could be relevant is that it was pretty much out of disc space � it had flashed up the warning a few times in recent days and I was in progress of doing a clean up when it went.
What I�ve tried so far:
Normal power up:
Result: Chime, apple logo and spinning logo appear. Stays that way for 4 mins, until screen goes darker grey and �You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.� message appears.
Safe boot (with progress status) � power up holding shift-command-v:
Result: Chime, apple logo appears, nothing else. Stays like this for ~30 mins until I give up and power down.Reseting PRAM and NVRAM � power up holding command-option-p-r
Result: Chime, then restarts and second chime, then does exactly the same as the normal power up.
Next step recommended by the Apple Support site is to start directly from the OSX installation disc � but my powerbook already has a CD inserted which I am unable to eject.
Any tips � how can I eject? Could the safe reboot take more than 30 mins (bearing in mind it didn�t give me any progress indication)? Anything else I should try?
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a PowerBook g4 that when i tried to run system restore disk, it does not show my hard drive as an option to mount to.
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Jun 20, 2014
My Powebook G4 12" (model A1010) during its start-up phase remains stuck on the "initial gray screen" without displaying the apple logo. However, I can access the system through the console provided by Open Firmware.
I would like to ask you what could be the problem and where such problem may reside (hard drives, memory, main board, etc).
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Nov 15, 2006
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
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Jun 29, 2014
How can I transfer files to powerbook 540c
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Oct 15, 2008
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
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Sep 11, 2014
on startup, macbook pro showed flashing gray folder with question mark, but no startup. After several retries, now shows circle with diagonal diameter, and still no startup. worked fine yesterday.
MacBook Pro
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May 7, 2012
I have Black MacBook with 10.7.3 in it when i press alt/option while starting the laptop the startup manager wont come and OS X boots.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2012
I am attempting to select a different startup volume. I restarted my Mac Pro while holding the Option key. The Startup Manager screen never appearded for me to make a selection. I have two bootable volumes on separate internal disks available. I see them displayed in Disk Utilities.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 19, 2012
6 month old MBP 15", been running 100% fine, plugged it into a projector the other day and it auto changed the screen resolution. I unplugged the device, went into settings and changed my screen resolution back to it's factory size as well as command & the minus key to make sure I wasn't zoomed in on anything.
I then did a system update for the following; Airport utility, Safari, Ricoh Printer, Digital Camera Raw, java, Itunes.
Restarted the computer as the updates had finished, then when turning back on the loading screen with the grey background, apple symbol and rotating loading symbol was zoomed in as much as the resolution would allow. So i restarted a couple more times, still the same thing - every time i turn the computer on the loading screen is massivly zoomed in, once it's done loading and moves to the log in screen it is fine.
I've tried plugging into the projecter again and editing my settings, that did nothing. It's like because i updated while the settings where wonky it's saved it somehow?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Only on loading screen!
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Apr 5, 2007
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
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May 28, 2012
How do I clean my start up disk for more space? I have I cloud but don't really use it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 1, 2009
I have the Powerbook Ti 15"
- 1GHz PowerPC G4 processor
- 60GB hard drive
- Mac OS X 10.4.11
It still works great!
What's the latest OS i can get for it? And, what else can I max out?
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Jan 11, 2009
Today my Powerbook fell to the floor from about 2 feet up.
At first all seemed OK, but I then noticed that Safari wouldn't start up, so i went to reboot to see if this would resolve the issue.
Anyway, upon turning the powerbook back on, it is going no further than the very first screen of the light grey background, with dark grey Apple logo in the centre of the screen, accompanied a few seconds later by the revolving "please wait" icon (apologies if this icon has a technical term - unfortunately i don't know what it's called!), and it just stays like that, without getting to the blue login screen.
I have tried going into Single User and Verbose modes to see if i can boot up that way, but no joy.
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Nov 22, 2006
I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 w/ 1GB of RAM and the stock 80GB HD. I've run this puppy pretty hard for a couple of years now, and it's lately started to lag a bit - perfectly natural. I was considering buying a new notebook but I've decided to wait until after Leopard comes. So my question is:
1) How do I determine the max RAM I can put in this machine?
2) Are there are specific specs I need to be concerned with when swapping out the Hard Drive? Any type, size limitations, speed limitations, etc.
I'd love a little input as to how I find out this info. I think instead of taking the notebook plunge now, I'm going to put a nice new hard drive in this one and possibly bump up the RAM a little more if it will take it.
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Mar 14, 2007
So is the is Powerbook G4 802.11g or b? it is the 1.25GHz model. Also, one thing I don't understand regarding the airport extreme or any airport for that matter: isn't the maximum speed going to be completely determined by how much the cable provider, Comcast, pumps out?
If this is the case, how do I determine what my transfers and speeds are looking like specifically for Comcast? And, how would an airport extreme improve upon this or any other performance aspect in this regard?
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Jul 18, 2007
Powerbook G4 (Ti-book) 667 mhz, 512 mb RAM. I finally after YEARS upgraded my OS (10.4.10), yay me! Just bought Adobe CS3 (for the new IMAC we have yet to buy), but I would like to install it on my Powerbook. SO, it it time to bump up to 1GB RAM. I was told it was tricky, and I should take it in to the apple store to install, but then I took a look under the keyboard, and it looks pretty simple. i have installed new RAM on a G5 tower, and this looks way easier. So, I am planning on buying the RAM either online or at FRY's, then installing it. BUT, I know I have to be careful of what type of RAM to buy. I found what I think will be good at [URL] but I will have to buy 2 (512's) as mine currently has 2 (256). I guess I just want to make sure I am not going about this the wrong way before I drop about $200 for RAM upgrade...
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a 15' Powerbook G4 1.67, currently with 512 of i'm shopping for an upgrade, but not sure which specific type to go with. In my system profile it says i'm running..
Speed: PC2700U-25330
And these are the types i've been seeing to choose from.
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9676LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9677LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz Double Layer DDR2 (M9969LL/A) Memory
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Feb 13, 2008
I was waiting a lot for the update of the new Mac OS X Leopard, because blogs said that it was a very good update with a lot of impovements.
But after the update installed, my Mac restarted twice, and it stayed for ever in the gray page with the Apple and the little circle rotating on the bottom.
It never turned on. I sent it to see if they can fix it and if they can recover all my information. I'm still waiting.
If someone has any information about this issue please let me know.
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Sep 3, 2008
I just bought a used 12" powerbook G4 1.5ghz and I want to add some ram to max it at 1.25Gb. Did anyone try to use ddr400 instead of ddr333 on powerbooks? In theory it will run at 333 like in any pc, but is this flawless in powerbooks? Because ddr333 is expensive nowadays.
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Sep 6, 2008
I know the powerbook is rather archaic now, but I'm trying to get a new Macbook and don't want to throw my old powerbook away. So.. I have a friend who wants to buy my old G4 Powerbook with 60GB capacity, 512 MB memory, 1.33 GHz cpu speed. It's extremely worn in, meaning, it won't last more than 20 minutes off the power cord, but someone could always replace that. So what would be a fair price to charge someone to take it off my hands?
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Jul 22, 2009
I bought a powerbook G4. The ram is 512 mb but i want to upgrade that. Is it possible to place two 1gb cards in each slot. That i have a total of 2gb ram? Me was told that the max of the powerbook G4 is 1 gb. Is that true? And when it is true, is it smart to buy a total of 1gb for the powerbook g4? Or doesn't make that any difference?
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Aug 9, 2009
I believe the hdd is dead so I need to find a replacement but I've no idea which cause there are 93487534231 kinds. Only thing I can really find via googling is that it has to be a 2.5" ATA but there are several different kinds of ATA hdds... so confusing. I was thinking this? [URL]
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a 2005 Powerbook and it does not turn on. The power charger when plugged in is solid green but the battery is empty.The power charger remains green even when I take the battery out and plug it directly to the wall outlet.I also have a replacement battery that is fully charged but it still does not power on.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have a Powerbook G4 that I bought used a year ago. It has worked perfectly with no problems at all. Yesterday it started going to sleep randomly during use. It would wake up when the space bar is pressed and be fine for a while. This was happening every 10 - 15 minutes. Since yesterday it has gotten worse and worse, happening more and more often, and now it won't even stay awake long enough to click on something. Any ideas of what could be wrong??? I'm sorry I don't know what operating system or anything, I'm not all that Mac savvy.
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