Software :: Mac OS 10.1.5 - Adequate Browser Compatible?
Aug 20, 2007
I have an older iMac at home (my first mac) that still runs great with 10.1.5. I sat down to clean up files and programs on the system over the weekend, blah blah, but I realized that it only has Internet Explorer 5.1, I haven't used that computer, nor IE in ages, and here on my Mac at work I use Firefox, which I love. IE 5.1 is slow, jumbled, and so on on my home Mac. I've tried downloading and installing Firefox 2.0 but I guess my OS is a little ancient for it because it didn't work. Any suggestions for an adequate browser that's compatible? I found somewhere that IE stopped providing updates for 10.1.5... was that correct? Is there not a mac update for 10.1.5? Also, do you have any suggestions to assist me in getting my iMac back to speed? Its still a great system, but is there something out there that'll help me clean it up a little? I researched a little on the net but found next to nothing. I'd much rather trust you guys.
I'm new to Photoshop and planning on purchasing the education discount version with a new MacBook Pro 2.26GHz. I plan on upgrading the memory to 4GB and the hardrive to 360GB @ 7200rpm. Is the 2.56GHz processor worth the extra $300? I know the memory and hardrive will be about $140 if I get the 2.26GHz version. Will I notice a big difference between the 2.56GHz and the 2.26GHz?
My daughter is entering college this fall and will need to use Adobe Creativity series including photoshop,illustrator and indesign. Will the Apple MacBook (Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 13" display) be sufficient to run this software without problems? Would the Macbook be adequate if connect to a larger external monitor?
My sytem is OSX 10.3.9 for the moment I'm running FireFox and Safari, but Safari crashes quite often and wont open a lot of pages. I want to keep Firefox ( but want another browser to back it up.
I personally am using chrome for mac nowdays in snow leopard. Why? Safari has gone into idiot mode with flash, safari adlblock no longer works (in 64bit) and it seems to take too much memory at times, which my 2GB system cant handle Firefox is so-last-generation. After using safari and chrome firefox seems miles slower at almost everything. I do however use it for its excellent addons So, which browser are you primarily using nowadays? (snow leopard or otherwise?)
Don't know where to put this? but as I have a mini and have asked questions here will ask again. I'm not that interested in Netflix etc or games but would like to watch other type movies say life Lifetime etc. and had thought if I got a DVD player with WiFi it would work but no so from my son, I need something with a browser. My TV is an older model Sony Grand Wega KDF-42WE with coax, composite video, s video, component video and 1 HDMI connections. What can I use?
I made a simple test by opening same webpages with firefox and safari.facebook, gmail, apple start page and an internet activity monitor safari was using 270 mb of memory versus 170 of firefox... on a clean reboot...before after using safari for a while.. kept the open pages and reopened them in firefox.. it was safari 550 mb vs. firefox 250 mb
i've used PC all my life but i'm switching to a Mac hopefully by the end of this year so i've been searching the internet looking at the minor differences (i.e. alt on windows is cmd on a mac) but there's one thing i was wondering about but i can't find it. in windows, when you're in the web browser and not typing anything, you can hit the backspace key and it functions as the back button. i used this keyboard shortcut a lot and i was just wondering if you can do this on a mac as well.
I have a Macbook 13' Leopard today i faced a problem and its that i can't browse the net on any browser i have Opera Firefox and Safari ALL don't work and i can't even open google so now am using some dirty pc i can use Aduim Skype Lastfm iTunes etc.. but i can't use the net on any browser and to open google once it took me around 20 minute with constant refreshing of the page
I have an iMac running OS X 10.5.5 and recently signed up for ATT DSL. Part of the installation is having the ATT Yahoo home page. It seems ATT email uses different versions of their email depending on what browser launches the email app. I know this because we also have an iBook running OS X 10.4.11 and the latest Safari for Tiger as well as Camino and depending on which browser we are using we get a different looking page. The one presented to Safari on 10.4.11 looks to be an older version with less functionality. So, my question - any experience with Camino running under 10.5.5? Any reason not to? Any suggestions for other browsers?
iCloud says set browser to 100%. I have Safari, not Google Chrome. I've searched and don't know where to find it.P.S. I have no tools bar. I see no wrench that people have been mentioning.
I have a MacBook 10.4 and I would like to update my Firefox and Safari Browsers, but I get error messages stating that I need 10.7 or higher. Is there a way to update browsers on an older Mac?
My MBA is giving me a startup blue screen now and it never gets out of it. Based on what I read, this seems to indicate that the hd is gone. I'm thinking about replacing it with a SSD HD.
I am wondering which SSD is the correct choice to go with. I can spend around 250USD for the SSD and I want it to be compatible with OSX. I read some forums about trim and garbage collection but I am not sure which models come with those features and which one of them are supported by OSX.
Well I have done the upgrade twice now to try & fix the problems I am having. I use the app mail a lot as I'm sure most of us do. But whenever I open Mail in 10.6.6 it say's it is not compatible with my operating system. I will most likely bump it back to 10.6.4 but I was wondering if their is any download from apple that could fix this. The app store is alright I can definitely live without it but no with out my Mail.
Just a heads up to all fellow Mac users that Channel 4 On Demand is now available to us. It's been a while in coming, but that means for anyone in the UK the 4 main channels are all available for catch-up online for Mac users.
I have an Intel OS X 10.5 iMac and just recently tried to install Maya 7. As you probably already know, It doesn't work. I found out after a long morning of phone calls and emails. So I am wondering if I can install Windows XP with bootcamp and solve my problems?
I'm planning on buying an external hard drive soon. I browsed through the forums and I saw a couple threads discussion about external HDs. My question is, is there an external HD that you can read/write on a Mac AND a PC? I know formatting to FAT32 is one way of doing it, but I was just wondering if there are any HDs out there that doesn't need formatting for you to be able to read/write on a Mac and a PC.
I am looking for a compatible PCI 802.11n wireless NIC to put in my Mac Pro. I have seen an internal module that is 802.11n and has to be screwed in, but it'll be quicker to throw in a PCI card. Are there any I can buy at any big box electronic store or should I just go and find the internal, screw-in card?
My boss just bought me a macbook pro for work, and told me to look into getting a bigger monitor or maybe a TV. I'm not that savy on electronics and this will be my first mac. Any recommendations would be great.
I am using safari and It doesnt always crash. But it will crash on certain sites like youtube and facebook (the only reason to have internet... haha) and it will sometimes crash on gmail. it will load fine on google though. I read that I needed to run a disk utility repair on the permissions and I have.
I recently arrived at college and when you join the wifi network (and through ethernet) you have to register your computer. I did this at orientation and everything worked fine. Once I got here I had to reregister (maybe they reset something in the system, so I don't think its a big deal but youre supposed to only have to register every 12 months).
I believe what happened is I opened Safari and I registered over Wifi and ethernet. And then nothing would load while I was on wifi, but Skype would work (but I've noticed that the Pandora One app won't load, but I'm not going to worry about that, at least for now. I can use the website).
So after like an hour chatting with tech support, resetting Safari, restarting, trying Chrome, I go in to the library where tech support is.