OS X :: Can't Browse The Net On Any Browser?
Sep 29, 2009
I have a Macbook 13' Leopard today i faced a problem and its that i can't browse the net on any browser i have Opera Firefox and Safari ALL don't work and i can't even open google so now am using some dirty pc i can use Aduim Skype Lastfm iTunes etc.. but i can't use the net on any browser and to open google once it took me around 20 minute with constant refreshing of the page
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Feb 14, 2009
I'm trying to browse my Intranet (with Firefox and Safari) using the NetBIOS server name, for example, server-x, but when I type [URL] into Firefox I get an error (Firefox can't find the server at server-x). If I type the server IP address I can browse it well and if I use the smbutil lookup server-x command I get the correct IP over Terminal. Is there a way to browse that correctly in MacOS?
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Sep 4, 2009
Ever since I upgraded to 10.6 (clean install from Leopard), Ive noticed a strange but irritating issue here, it happens with several sites but here is an example:
MBP: Safari and Firefox: I cannot browse to [URL:...]
MBP: Parallels running XP: no problems going to [URL:..]
ok.. my old XP laptop as a last resort: no problems at all.
So what could be happening here, and what could I do about it. Tried rebooting my Macbook Pro 15" and AEBS and ADSL router.
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Apr 29, 2012
if i was given a voucher or something i dont want the software and have no need to use it.
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May 20, 2012
why cant i download the virtual dj home app!
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2012
I cannot browse by name to certain web sites like google, yahoo. I can browse to others. This is true of both Safari and Firefox. I can, however put the ip address I get by doing a ping on the same machine into the browser and go straight there. By virtue of it being both browsers, I have ruled out the application. By virtue of being able to ping, I have ruled out dns name resolution. It's just the browser that can't get there.Â
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Aug 19, 2006
My macbook just turns off for no reason. I am just browsing the internet and then it turns off. This usually happens a little after I wake it up but sometimes it happens at random (like 5 mins ago). Sometimes when it turns off I try to turn it back on but it just turns off after a couple of minutes again. I thought it was the ram but I ran Remember and all tests passes.
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Dec 23, 2008
This is a switcher question What I miss in Leopard is the ability to open one photo in Finder and then clicking next/previous to access other photos located in the same directory. I know that I can select all the photos I want to view and open them in Preview but I don't like this. In some cases I just dont know in advance all the photos I want to view. The Coverflow browsing is not large enough to view he photos. In Windows, the image preview could do this as well as the Picasa's preview. Is that somehow possible in OSX?
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a macbook aluminum 2.4 ghz processor. I bought the mac in March, and the wireless has always worked fine. I came to school in september and we had to connect to the schools wireless and for the first 3 weeks it worked fine. Now everytime I try to connect it will say im connected but give me the self assigned Ip address stuff. Now I can connect and it sais I'm connected and I can go to my main schools webpage and browse on that but when I try to go to a website such as google it will say it is connecting to the Cisco authentication page that we have to sign into like once a week and it will stop trying to connect to that page and safari sais it can't connect to the internet.
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Nov 17, 2009
So on my Mac Pro, when I get into my NAS (linux based), the files take like 3 seconds to actually appear in the window after I click on the share. On my Windows 7 machine, that is next to the mac, on the same switch, takes not even a second, it's instant. I have always had an issue that the Mac is slow when browsing network shares. Even if it's another Mac.
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Apr 8, 2012
I work IT and recently switched a user from a PC laptop to a 13" MBP.
When at home our users connect to our VPN in order to access particular work websites. For some reason though this user is unable to browse to one particular work site from her MacBook. When she types in the address she gets taken to a generic D-Link page saying that the web address cannot be found.Â
I know she's connected to our VPN when trying on the Macbook because she sent me a screen cap of our intranet site. But for some reason the MacBook and her dlink router are just not getting along. Â
The reason I say this is for two reasons...
1) I gave her back her old PC laptop to test, just got an email from her saying she was able to access the site with no problem.
2) I took her MacBook home with me this weekend, fired up the VPN and successfully browsed to the site. I currently have like 200 other Mac users and none of them have had this issue.Â
Is ther anything in OSX 10.6.8 that can be set to allow or limit router traffic? Since the PC has no problems accessing the site I have to assume that it's a setting on the Mac.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 10, 2014
Is it ok to browse while your mac is repairing permissions?
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Jan 16, 2008
can you please tell me how to preview small thumbnails when i browse .ai(illustrator) or .eps files on mac leopard ?
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Mar 13, 2010
When I set parental controls to automatically prevent access to adult web content, it also seems to be causing a problem with access to gmail, ebay, and some other websites. However, instead of getting the "oops!" message you get when you try to access an adult website, the page says, "Failed to open page. Safari can't find the server." When I change parental controls to allow all web content, the problem goes away. When I change it back, it comes back, so I'm sure it's the parental control setting.
I've already tried adding ebay, gmail, etc, to the list of allowed websites in parental controls, but it has not worked. How can I fix this problem?
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Apr 21, 2012
I just installed a fresh copy of Lion OSX on my iMac. I used the Migration Assistant to restore my last backup, but can't "see" the Time Machine. As I have the time machine folder inside another folder in an external hd (external drive:iomegabackup/backups.backupdb), is this the reason? Should I put in the root ? I tried to copy the TM folder (228Gb) to the root of another external hd, but after a long wait of "preparing to copy x items" I get a message that I have not enough space, and I have about 641Gb of free space.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 24, 2012
I have a weird problem when i try to connect to the internet with my MBP. I run on Lion (10.7.4) and it the problem appeared a few days ago, internet was working before. So here's the deal : Airport is working fine, and when I check my network settings and ask for a diagnostic, the assistant tells me i AM connected to the internet and claims it works alright. But when I open Safari or Chrome, I can't go on any site, because each time it says the operation timed out. My family has others computers connected to the same modem and they all have a working connection.
I tried entering manually the address to check if it was a simple DNS problem but it isn't. I tried restarting the modem and my computer, turning Airport on and off, deleting all the network datas my computer had saved to set up this network as a new one, adding a new location, renewing the DHCP lease.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 11, 2010
Anyone know if there is an application that can easily browse windows/samba shares? Finder works okay, but I find it annoying that I have to mount everything in order to get to it. One thing I miss in Windows is being able to type / hostname somewhere and getting to the share. Now I have to open finder, open the network dialog box, type in the hostname and wait for it to connect. It'd be great if there was another application that would allow me to quickly browse to all these shares.
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Feb 18, 2009
Sorry I know there are ways like using mac drive to do tis but it wouldn't work on my windows. I want to be able to browse my Mac hard drive while using Boot Camp, I have Windows 7 installed on Boot Camp.
Is this possible?
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Apr 6, 2009
So to preface my problem let me just say that ive got my own macbook which works on the same wireless network with no faults at all, so i assume its not an error with the networking hardware. For xmas i bought my parents a macbook, recently (not sure how recently as theyve only just told me its happening) they can be browsing the web then all of a sudden the internet takes ages to load, it stalls on 'trying to connect' for a long time (40+ for each web page).
Ive tried using firefox and the same thing happens so it looks like its not safari specific, during this time i cannot ping google.com through a terminal either or if i can the response time is unbelievably slow. Now, ive tried disabling ipv6, ive set the dns servers to opendns and none of this has fixed it. if i click on the airport utility and turn it off and the back on it fixes the problem for a short period of time before it happens again.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have only been a Mac user for about six months now but there is a problem I can't figure out (maybe it can't be done). Is there anyway when you are browsing files within Finder (or viewing a picture in Preview) that you can select a photo and have it immediately become your desktop background. I know in Windows I was always able to do this by just right clicking on the file and set background was an option. The only way I've found to set the background on my Mac is to right click on the desktop and then choose the "Change the Desktop Background" option and do it there. I can also do it within iPhoto or Picasa. But quite often I'm just browsing through my files in Finder and I run across a picture I'd like to use for my background. Surely if you can do it in Windows you can do it somehow in Mac OS.
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Aug 11, 2009
When I moved in there was a USB ADSL modem so I replaced it with a Belkin 54g modem router. I followed the belkin set-up cd and have a network up and running. Initially I could connect and browse wirelessly without problems. Then I got a few "timeouts" when trying to connect, that seemed to go away but now I connect with the password, full signal shows for a couple of seconds then it seems to disconnect and I can't browse wirelessly. All through this there have been no internet problems if I go 'wired' with the ethernet cable.
Is there anything I can try? When attempting to use wirelessly I've been in the same room as the router, no more than a couple of meters away. Is it a problem of G routers instead of having N?
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Apr 21, 2010
Is there any way I can safely browse the internet on my Mac using an unsecured wireless network? I know people do it all the time now and I'm wondering if there are any precautions I can take like when I'm paying bills for buying something online with my credit card?
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May 31, 2010
I want to wipe my system and only restore certain files to keep my system uncluttered and fresh. I use Time Machine so I thought I don't have anything to do now that everything is backed up. Someone told me once that Time Machine files can only be accessed by the user that created them (me). If I wipe my hard drive, that user will no longer exist. When I reinstall OS X, it will be a new user, so would that new user still be able to easily access and copy back the files from the Time Machine drive onto the internal drive?
I know there's a feature called "Browse other Time Machine Disks" but I don't know if that allows me to do anything I want and whether it will conflict with the new system. I also know about Migration Assistant but I don't want to use such automatic methods since I'm afraid it will restore problems from my old system. So in short, will I be able to easily get my files back one by one (not "all or nothing" like with Migration Assistant) from Time Machine when I will have my clean, freshly reinstalled OS X, with possibly a different username? Or does this only work if I type in the exact same user name as I am using now?
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Jul 22, 2010
i have an imac 21' with OS 10.5 leopard and all the updates installed and everything is supposed to be running smoothly.and i use the iStat pro to track everything. a week ago, i noticed something really strange. something is downloading on my computer and eating all the bandwidth to the extent i can't even browse the internet. i quit all the programs running but still it was not faltering. the only thing that seemed to work is to turn off airport and turning it on again, is there any other way to know what is doing that to me and how to stop it. i read somewhere about littlesnitch but it did not help me. any suggesstions on what does this and how to manage it?
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May 16, 2008
I am using my mac powerbook G4, OS X VERSION 10.4.11 in a windows workgroup environment. All was working well and I was able to see all the windows PCs in the workgroup "CCIL" and access their shares. On checking I noticed that the workgroup name IN THE DIRECTORY ACCESS UTILITY was set back to the default entry "workgroup". I changed this back to "CCIL".
I am still not able to see any PCs on the network and the Network icon in Finder is not effective any more.Unable to understand this problem.How do I debug?
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Apr 15, 2012
On my Macbook pro i can connect and browse the internet at home but when i connect to another wifi network i can't browse even tho i am connected to the network. I think it may be a little setting that I changed by accident..
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Sep 4, 2014
My dad's iMac was stolen this weekend and am now trying to restore his iPhoto Library from Time Machine backup.Â
The Mavericks iMac was dutifully backed up over the network to a Mavericks OSX Server Mac Pro Time Machine Server's Drobo for months. I am now attempting to restore the iPhoto library at the Finder level to a Mavericks Macbook Pro.Â
I have connected to the server's backup disk via Finder and see his "Alan's iMac" listed there without the red minus circle. I then click on the Time Machine icon in the Menu bar and hold down the option key and select "browse other backup disks". I then select "Alan's iMac" and then Time Machine starts up, but it is not showing his files prior to Tuesday, the day I setup the Macbook Pro.Â
I need to be able to access iPhoto Library from August 30th which came from his now stolen iMac in order to restore to the Macbook Pro.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 8,1, 16gb ram, 2.3 I5, Intel HD3000
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Nov 30, 2014
Whenever I open a site, another site automatically opens- like MacKeeper or some online shopping site. How do I avoid this?
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Sep 25, 2006
I am looking for a good FTP client. I have tried several and none give m what i need. I would like the client to be slip in half, one side to brows the server im connected to and the other to browse my computer. then all i have to do is drag it to the other side to DL it or UL it.There has to be one out there, I have looked but cant find one.
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Mar 29, 2009
I've set up my Netgear DGN2000 router in bridge mode to accommodate 4 machines to connect to the internet through a PPPoE broadband connection. The mac connects through airport.
All the PC's in the setup can browse without problems.
The mac however can only log into certain secure websites (like facebook, online forums, online banking ext) but then no further browsing is possible. MSN can also not log on. Other websites seems to work just fine.
I'm running OS x 10.4.11, Firefox 3.0.8, Safari 3.0.4.
Steps I have already taken to try and solve the problem is:
Adjusted the MTU value (ranging fro 1500 to 1300) of the router and Mac airport.
Setup up the ISP DNS server ip on the router and / or Mac airport connection. I also tried certain "open" DNS ips.
Cleared the Mac DNS cache
Cleared the browser history and cookies.
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