I recently installed an AT&T 2Wire modem (both wireless and ethernet). It setup OK and the wireless network works perfectly with my wife's iPod Touch. For years I've also had and Airport Express with Airtunes that I use to send iTunes to my stereo. I opened up the Airport Network configure panel and tried to add the Airport network to the 2Wire network. After several minutes, I got a response that said it could not join the network. After that, my Airport network disappeared. It does not show up in the Airport Utility and it doesn't show up anywhere. I have the original CD that came with the Airport Express, but I can't reinstall the software because it requires OSX 10.3 and I have 10.4.11. How can I get the AE network back?
Ive become addicted to last.fm ever since i discovered the mobile scrobbler app for my iphone. Now that im addicted i need to get my fix while in other rooms. Anybody know if there is a way to stream last.fm over airtunes in OSX? running a mbp on 10.5.2 airport extreme and airport express hooked into home stereo system.
I have tried many permutations: different settings on the AirPort Express, different configurations of Ethernet cables and Wifi, you name it. In every case, there are at least occasional patches of silence lasting 0.5-5 seconds (playback does not pause during this silence). My findings: If the AirPort Express is not plugged into the Ethernet, but instead forced to use the Wifi coming out of my AirPort Extreme nearby, then the glitches are almost constant. It is so terrible, during five minutes of "playback" there might be thirty seconds of actual sound.
If the AirPort Express is plugged into the Ethernet, it doesn't matter whether my MacBook Pro is plugged in. There will be occasional glitches. At least some of these glitches are coming from the MacBook-end, because they sometimes coincide with Time Machine backups or processor-intensive tasks. What the hell? Is AirTunes just bad? Or is it my MacBook Pro, is it overloaded or does it have some errant process stepping on the AirTunes' toes?
My apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find a topic that answers my question - if there is one please let me know.
I would like to use my AE purely for remote speakers for itunes. This works fine if I select the AE as my network via Airport on my macbook, but then this means that I can't access my wireless modem and therefore the internet.
Any hints on how to select the AE purely for itunes and still be able to go only online?
I guess for the past few weeks, I wanna say since 10.5.3, the music I play through Airtunes has sounded crumby. Some distortion and crackling. I got a bit worried and thought it was maybe a HW issue, but tests and wavelengths turned out ok, and games/tv/movies had no issues. So I turned on Airfoil, to force all system sound through the AP Express and thus my sound system, and played songs back and forth, from iTunes and Airtines, to Quick Look/Quicktime and Airfoil. Lo and behold, Airtunes sounds nasty, Airfoil sounds perfectly fine.
I'm having trouble getting airtunes to play to my remote speakers. It worked as of this morning, but I moved the box to the other side of the room and added a printer. Ended up reseting the airport express. It's set up with a green light, but when I attempt to play music I get "An error occurred while connecting to the remote speaker.... An unknown error occurred (-3256)" etc.
I've upgraded the airport firmware, reset settings for AEBS and the express, restarted the computer, and now I am out of ideas.
So You like the Idea of being able to stream your music over wifi? but you don't want to pay 100$ for a aiport base station? and you have some "old" pc/macs sitting around?
I found the ultimate solution for you!
I tried to stream my music (use my old laptops as a wifi speaker station) for some time now, and I recently found Airfoil [URL] and it works GREAT!!! it even includes a video player which automaticly syncs the sound to the video(VERY usefull)
you only need The application, and another pc/mac, its really easy to set up, and you can not only stream iTunes music, but also any other sound on your mac!! I use it everyday, and I just wanted to share that, because i did not find any other solution!
I'm running airtunes from my laptop (wireless G) about no more then 12 feet away, theres a little lag when I change songs, at least a couple of seconds, If I get a wireless N- card will it make the in between noise go away, or at least become less noticeable?
I stream my iTunes library wirelessly to an Airport Express in the other room. A few months ago I had problems with it cutting out all the time. The music would just stop streaming and then a few minutes later would kick back in. The green light stayed on. I chalked up the problem to an old wireless router that was really starting to act up, so I upgraded to a Time Capsule with Airport for a seamless Apple network. Now I've got my iMac hooked up to my Time Capsule and the Airport Express in my wireless network and it is starting to cut out again.
Ultimately the reason I want it is that I plan to do a lot of travelling abroad next summer and my only truly portable device is an iPhone. Which has no network port. Most of the hotels I'm planning on staying in will have free wired network connections but no wifi at all (I have asked) so I'm hoping that I can use the Express to get connected with my phone. I've checked online and found a few other people doing this too and I'm happy with setting it up, though any anecdotes about success/failure would be interesting to add to my mental list.
Since it's not a cheap device I thought about using it at home when I'm not travelling, and came across the Airtunes feature. Ports permitting (have to check tonight) would this allow me to use my TV's built-in speakers to play my music in my living room or does it have to be a standalone? I only have some very tinny USB speakers with my computer so this could be a decent alternative to my current setup, which is streaming my library to my PS3. Any suggestions here again gratefully received.
Final question - I'm not that knowledgeable about wifi. Is anything in the pipeline which would make an Airport Express upgrade in the next ten months likely, or should I be find on the current model? I'm happy with the spec as is, I just don't want to buy it then find out that some brand new wifi technology reaches the mainstream in a couple of months' time and renders my purchase completely out of date. If the only boosts are likely to be cosmetic/price then I will go ahead and buy now to give me plenty of time to get used to it and take it on test runs on trips.
My third Airport Express in less than four years has just given up the ghost which has made me realise that they're very cheap, badly made pieces of crap. I'm currently borrowing my parents' Linksys Wifi router which has much greater range (covering my entire house - suddenly I can check emails on the loo!) and has also confirmed that all the internet problems I was having was in fact the APE and not my MacBook Pro or Snow Leopard.
So my question is: can I send my iTunes music from my MBP to my hi-fi over my wireless network without the need for an Airport Express?
My question is can you stream to a mac book pro and use it as a set of speakers?
I use itunes for music and is connected to my stereo through my apple TV, I also have another stereo and is directly connected to the computer, I play the music simultaneously but sometimes I would like to be able to also listen to it in my macbook pro while being controlled through the mac mini connected to the stereo. Basically I want to st up my mac book pro as another set of remote speakers.
I've been trying to get my airtunes express to stream sound through my home stereo with no luck. I am using a PC running my the airport express through a JVC receiver. Everything on the part of the Airport express seems to be connected correctly, I am able to log online and get a steady green light. I setup iTunes to allow for the living speakers to play but when iTunes tries to connect to the other speakers it doesn't seem to recognize them being available.
I've tried connecting it through both a digital optical connection and regular red/white audio cable connection to the back of the receiver. When using my itouch it syncs perfectly to my computer as I able to change the songs, and volume my computer is playing. When I try to select the living room speakers on my computer its grayed out an never seems to complete the connection process. When I connect to them on my itouch it connects but only sound comes out of the computer. I've made sure the volume is turned up on the master volume tab on iTunes. Do I need to do a hard reset?
I get annoyed by computer noises ruining my music experience now and then. So I thought "perfect idea, I'll use airtunes for my main speakers" (I have an AirPort Ex under me desk). That way, tunes come out the speakers, other noises come out of the iMac. Except when I want to watch a Movie...
I have read that if you buy an AirPort Express, you can plug in a pair of speakers and create a wireless speaker environment. Just curious if I could save the $99 and do it with the Ubuntu server. Can I plug in a pair of speakers into the server and have the MacBook's sounds play through them?
I have an Airport Extreme in my living room along with my surround sound speakers hooked up to my tv. Could I hook up my speakers to my Extreme instead of having to go out and buy an Airport Express?
Can i use my mac pro to play music through my macbook via wireless? for example. I have an apple tv... a mac pro and a macbook pro. I wish to play all the music from my macpro upstairs through apple Tv ( i have that working) and through a macbook pro hooked to a PA outside .... I am aware that i need to score airport express but dont have funds ATM. will the macbook pro accept a stream from another mac?
This is a pre airport express purchase question. Is airtunes software loaded on a computer, software in the airport express and is it included when you purchase an aiport express or is it software that is needed to be purchased seperately?
i wonder if anyone else has found this problem i just came across. I'm using my airport express to play my iTunes on some speakers, but the volume shortcuts on the keyboard don't control the volume for some reason. you have to open iTunes and use the slider. are the buttons for the computer speakers only?
I have AVG Firewall and I can't seem to figure out how to allow Airtunes and Airport Utility to get through. When I open Airport Utility, I can't find my Extreme or Express stations. When I open iTunes, I don't see an option for Airtunes. If I turn off the firewall, all is well.
almost everytime I use airtunes, somewhere in the middle of a song, the music will quit unexpectedly. sometimes the music will resume in a three-count, sometimes longer, sometimes not at all. When i look at itunes, it looks like the song is just paused - meaning the little diamond that shows where you are in the song in the display along the top isn't inching along anymore, however the actual PAUSE button on the upper left has not been selected (meaning there is not a PLAY arrow displayed. the double bar PAUSE button is still showing). I have tried:
stopping the song (clicking the PAUSE button) and then starting it again quitting itunes and restarting restarting my ibook (G4) unplugging my airport express and plugging it back in to reboot using the airport admin aplication completely unplugging EVERYTHING (modem, airport base station, airport extreme) and then slowly rebooting them all in order upgrading itunes to the current version
at first, I thought it was a problem with airtunes, like the signal got lost or something, but after looking at itunes and realizing the song isn't *going* anymore, i thought the problem was with the application. but I don't know. I've never experienced this if i use the computer speakers, but then again, I hardly ever use them so I really don't know that for sure. oh, and I bought my airport base station *after* the airport express, and I'm pretty sure this problem was happening when my "network" was just my ibook and the express. (my experience level: I'm a former PC'er. I'm fairly knowlegable, but more on the software end. I know *nothing* when it comes to mac hardware.
I'm quite happy with all the apple products. Yesterday I bought the airport, for the reason to play video's (MKV format) visualy on my MBP, while i send the sound thrue airport express (airport) to my remote speakers.
I feel I'm "tricked", because this is the reason why i bought the airtunes. Only to find out it -like it actually advertises- really only plays sound thrue itunes. I do not want to trick my files to have itunes be able to play the MKV. (Besides, even if they play, the sounds stays on the laptop, whether i click sounds to the airtunes or not..).
Is there a simple -FREE- way to do this? I feel scammed for using airfoil, since they charge money for this option
As much as I hoped i wouldn't be alone with this questions, i can find little info about this. I've searched the forum and couldnt find it, nor is there a clear answer thrue google)
I currently use my Airport Express as my wireless router. It's also plugged directly into my stereo so I can take advantage of AirTunes, which I love to do.
I was thinking of purchasing Time Capsule, but I suppose there's no way I can take advantage of it's 802.11n capabilities and continue to use AirTunes on my network?
My airtunes was randomly breaking when trying to stream to my Airport Express and AppleTV. The dreaded (-15000) unknown error message kept appearing. Through searches here and elsewhere, I found a solution that has worked for me. I have turned off IPv6. System Pref >> Network >>Advanced >> TCP/IP >> Configure IPv6: set it to "off". It was on "Automatically" prior to my change. This switch fixed my problem with the airtunes streaming. My question is: Will this prevent me from fully utilizing anything else that my require IPv6? I'm not familiar with what that might be, or why we even need it. From what I've read, it's likely something needed or utilized on a large network, but at home, it seems unnecessary. Am I missing something or will I regret having to turn it off?
I've had an Airport Express streaming music to my kitchen for a good year or so, and it's worked great until recently. Now it seems that 4-5 times per song, the music will cut out for a few seconds!
The only thing I can think of that's changed lately is I installed the latest version of iTunes and Apple TV software on products.
Is anyone else having such a problem lately, or does anyone have any advice on a fix?