MacBook Pro :: 13" Fast Enough To Edit HD AVCHD Video And RAW Pictures?
Sep 15, 2009
Is the CPU in the 13" MBP fast enough to do a reasonable job of editing HD video (AVCHD) and RAW images? I want to burn the edited video to Blu-Ray. The RAW images will be manipulated using Lightroom. It will be connected to a 24" external display so the screen size on the laptop itself is no issue. I'm concerned about cpu and gpu power.
Can I edit HD 1080i/p video in AVCHD on MacMini - i5 2,3 GHz, 500 GB, 2GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 in iMovie? Will it be stable and useable? I need it for home use only so do not mind about waiting to render/ compile DVD etc. I might need to upgrade RAM to 4 or 8GB, but is the CPU & GPU good enough?
I just loaded VLC (32/64 bits Intel Mac ,2.0.1) on my 13.3" Core i7 Air with 256GB SSD and it does not play my 1080p60 video smooth like on my PC using VLC on Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Is there another free player for AVCHD MTS2 1080p60 video that might work better in Lion ? I also tried MPlayerX and the 1080p60 video looks smooth but audio is out of sync. I hope Mountain Lion comes with Quicktime that supports AVCHD MTS2 1080p60 video files from my two year old Panasonic TM700 camcorder.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Core i7 , 256GB
I'm debating whether to go with the Imac of the Mac pro to do some amateur photo and video editing with my new Canon HF 11 HD camcorder. I have NEVER worked with video before and I'm a little nervous pulling the trigger after visiting several Apple stores. I've heard some nightmares about editing high definition video in the AVCHD format. I guess I'm asking this is editing with AVCHD possible with an IMAC? Are the new 24inch IMACs going to be power enough? Would you recommend a powerful Mac Pro instead? Do you see any issues with the AVCHD format?
I have an iMac with the Radeon 2600 graphics (I think it's about a year old). I'm looking for a video editing package (or at minimum playback package) that uses video processing to decode the AVCHD files (.mts in my case). I've demo'd a couple packages which I was told did not use GPU support and of course they brought my machine to a standstill and the video clips as well. I realize I can translate them to MP4 or something instead but I then have to manage the original clips vs the outputs. I'd at least like to have something that catalogs the files and keeps meta-data so they're organized since my Canon camcorder seems to reuse file names. realize Adobe's package has native editing but even on that one, I'm not sure it uses the GPU. I believe the 2600 has AVCHD support. I think it says AVC H.264 which I think is what I'd need assuming there existed such a package.
iMac running OSX 10.9.4 on a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 27" with 16G RAM and 1TB HD. I have gone though the list of controls on the slideshow menu to no avail. I have pictures of our vacation to New York that are light hearted, but I also have pictures of the Ground Zero and 911 Commemorative Museums that I would like to change the theme music to a Mozart dirge and then back to other songs that better represent what the pictures are about.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 27" iMac, 2TB Buffalo external HD,
I just bought the new Canon 5D Mark II, a still camera that shoots 1080i HD video. I was thinking about buying the new MacBook white with the faster graphics card and wanted to find out if it will handle HD editing?
When I look at the thumbnails in finder, I press enter to look at the picture. And I scroll down to look at the other pictures. I want to move or delete the images when I look at them this way.
I want to buy one, but I am not sure if it's abilities are limited. I know if I go with the MBP then I can for sure but if I can just do what I need with the regular MB I wanna do that. I wanna be able to video edit movies that I make. Generally 1-2 hours in length. I don't really need to be able to do special effects or whatever. What specs would be good for this? Also, I have never owned a Mac before. What software should I buy with it in order to do this?
I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with imovie 09 running sluggish and crashing with the MBP 13"? With what I have, what can I do to better my experience with video editing? Would increasing my ram from 2GB to 4GB make a significant difference?
Concerning The Difference Between A Hd 7200 And 5400. Saw In Some Webs Tests Comparing The 2 Hard Drives.. wd, hitachi, seagate. But They Are Always Based On Simple Tests When U Cannot Notice The Real Difference Between 7200 Vs 5400...and That Really Make Confused The People. The Difference Are Huge When Working N Digital Audio,video,3d..and So On..rather Than Office,copy A File,internet..and ********s Like That. In Logic Audio Pro U Can Perform With Up 10 Tracks More In 7200 Than In 5400,above All With The New 16 Mb/3 Final Cut U Can Render Fluidly And Faster With A 7200 Than A 5400. Now,yes the Hard Drivers Get A Bit (just A Bit) More Noisy..gain More Temperature And In Some Cases Vibrate More. This Is The Truth. But In Other Hand,the Issues With 500 Hd 7200/5400..are Unfortunately Real. If U Got A Mbp (mid-09 Or Even Late 08),avoid Hard Drives With G-force P. At Least. Please Write Your Experiences Here Or Anywhere In This Forum,we Need Each Other.
I'm considering whether to buy a 13" base model (except 4gb RAM) or a 13" ultimate (2.13/4/256), which is stocked by my local Apple Store. The base model would be fine for what I do now (Pages, Safari, Mail, Skype, Netflix streaming). But I'm thinking of getting into video editing in the next year. A reviewer on Amazon wrote this about the 13" base model with 2gb RAM: "I've edited HD video on the unit (no problems), (though exporting is obviously much slower than on my imac, as to be expected, but editing and working on the footage was pretty much the same, it's only in exporting where you realize the machine is slower). If you do a lot of video work, or you render out animations a lot, you can use this machine to do your work, and your desktop to handle the heavy processing. Just store your files on a usb flash drive and xfer to your desktop to handle the render. I plan [more tests with] iphoto and imovie, (I want to try out the new features) as well as my regular workflow (lightroom / cs5) and final cut.".....
Created a movie in imovie and I finalized it and put it in a usb. Now I need to go back and edit the video again but I can't find it! How can I put it back on imovie so that I can keep editing it? I have the full movie in iphoto but I need it to be in pieces where i can edit each clip like before. The file that it is in has a hazard sign on the front of it? I'm not sure what that means...
I need to edit together some video footage. I was going to digitize the footage on a PC (using adobe premiere) then edit it with Final Cut Express. I haven't purchased Final Cut Express yet, I'll only purchase it if I know it will work with footage digitized from a PC, does anyone here know if it's possible to use or import windows footage in to FCE? It will be saved as DV Avi files (I guess).
I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx. I haven't had any problem until today. For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import.
Got 6GB RAM on 2009 2.66 Mac Pro with 4870. The upcoming 5870 is $450. 12 GB (3x4GB) is $320 and 16 GB (4x4GB) is $425, and finally 24 GB (3x8GB) is $820. Which purchase or combo of purchase is best for video edit on Final Cut Pro? BTW, any additional benefits of getting the 5870? Gaming would be better (I game a little; X-Plane & Call of Duty), but wouldn't some apps off load to the GPU to make the CPU faster, though I don't know what those apps would be. I could run 2 displays with 5870 with ease, not sure if the 4870 can handle 2 displays.
I have a mac book and run Mac os x 10.5.7. I have some personal files containing client's financial data that I PERMANENTLY want to delete. That is - delete so that they can never ever be recovered. I am aware of 'Secure Empty Trash' but does this ensure that they can never be retrieved?
I'll be doing my first project in iMovie this weekend; I'm borrowing a Sony Handycam to film a school play. Because my Macbook doesn't have a firewire port, I'm planning to use my friend's iMac to import the footage onto my external hard drive (ie select the hard drive from the pop-up menu on the import sheet as recommended here. Once the footage is on my external hard drive will I have to do the editing on the iMac, or can I edit it in my Macbook? The 2nd option is preferable as I can then do the editing at home instead of at my friend's place. If that's possible, how do I import it into the macbook? And also, my friend's iMac has iMovie '08, I have '09 - does that matter?
I used to watch streaming video podcasts in iTunes and they would popup in a separate quicktime-type window. Since a recent update streaming podcasts appear in a non-adjustable window over iTunes and I am no longer able to select which portion of the podcast I would like to view. This is irritating.
I've looked through the settings and can't find anything that fixes this.
This is 10.6.2 on a Macbook Pro (Spring 2009?), with iTunes 9.
I have Canon HD Camcorder that I use to record family events, sappy stuff, etc. I haven't purchased Final Cut (mostly because I don't know how to use it), so I use iMovie to edit the video footage. I'm sick of having to "down-convert" the footage to get it onto a DVD so others can view it, so I'm looking to buy an external Blu-Ray burner (external because I have a newish Macbook). It looks like I have three choices at this point: LG (model BE06LU11), LaCie (d2), or Buffalo Technology. Has anyone tried (and been successful) at accomplishing what I'm trying to do, and if so, with which burner?
So recently my iMovie started acting up and when I try to edit a video is crashes and sends me an error report. I have tried opening it several times this weekend, this is bad news since I run a YouTube channel and iMovie is where I do my video editing.
I'm importing 720p HD video from my new digicam, a Panasonic DMC-ZS3. After importing the video into iMovie, the speed of replay is way too fast (2-3x normal speed). I think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm downloading 720p and somehow the progressive scan is confusing iMovie: [URL]
I really want to be able to connect video recorder to imac and be able to edit footage and make more presentable then burn DVDs. What cables and or software do I need?
my Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 is crashing when I try to edit a simple 2 minute video clip.I have been doing a web video series for over 2 months now uploading videos every day - with no problems using this same workflow but now I am stuck and have a deadline coming up in 24 hours.
I shoot with a Sony EX-3 camera using SxS cards which create XDCAM-EX files and I bring these into FCP via a Sony SxS external Thunderbolt reader, edit and share to Facebook. I have an orange LaCie Thunderbolt drive that store my Library and Project files. I have done this 70+ days in a row w/ zero problems. Now, any time I try to get tomorrow's video ready, FCP crashes
I re-start FCP, my Mac (I use a new MacBook Pro that works seamlessly).I run latest Mavericks OS.The only different thing that happened otherwise is I got some TuneUpMyMac freeware on my Mac when I restart which I never chose to get and cannot delete this because it doesn't show up and I am concerned it is a virus that is messing up FCP
I'm trying to burn some DVDs. I first burned in Finder and found out the hard way that that makes terrible quality data disc DVDs. Then I tried on iDVD, and at first it said it would only take 3 hours to burn a 1 1/2 hour movie on Professional Quality, so I was happy. But as it was encoding, it jumped to 16+ hours! So I tried again with only high quality, and it still said 8 hours, and now after 10 hours is still encoding. So, I need something else that's faster. I also need something relatively easy to learn/use. It may sound like I know what I'm talking about kind of, but I really don't and I just barely figured iDVD out. I still want it to convert into DVD quality discs (and good quality - I just got a new HDTV and would even like to try burning HD or Blu-ray discs). And I need it to be free.
So, my needs are: