I have the last update of safari in macbook pro but I can't attach any files on any website or mails but in another browser like chrome ..etc., I can attach files.
OS is Snow Leopard, Safari is 5.1.2 Since migrating to a hand-me-down MacBook (black) I can't attach files to messages in Hotmail. I click the attachments link, and nothing happens. Works fine in Firefox, b.t.w.
Safari won't let me select multiple files to attach to an email. I can attach more than one file, but I have to attach them one at a time. Is there a setting I need to change or something??
I have been receiving email from my friend with *.wmv files attach. However,I cannot play them on my MacBook Pro.How and with What program will play these files?
This has been going on lately with my computer. When I attempt to attach or search for a file to upload online, the colorful wheel of death spins and my Safari does not respond. I have to force quit Safari. I am unable to attach or upload anything because of this. I can search the web fine and everything else is okay.Â
I ask for forgiveness since now if I'm posting something that already exists and I couldn't find, but I wasn't able to find any helpful resource to fix my problem. I've always used Mail and I like it. I have three addresses, one of the provider, the other two belongs to my personal domain. They've always worked fine. Since two months they suddenly stopped to send e-mails. The error says there's a problem with smtp server. I tried to change smtp settings, I've edited mail settings, tried to set up another account and tried to download another app for mail: always the same problem. My mother, that has a mac too and an e-mail account with our provider, doesn't have any problem. So I tried to copy those settings on my MacBook Pro.. nothing.
Is there anyway to sync the Mac Mail app and Yahoo! SBC Global server with each other? Like on the iPad, you can move files and such, and it syncs with the server. Can I do the same with my imac?
Running OS X (10.9.3) and Safari 7.0.4. Can't print pdf files from Safari and sometimes can't download them either (error says they are corrupted) but I can download from a windows laptop. I found something online about disabling a pdf plug-in, but it was for Lion, so not sure if it's still the correct fix. Also, how to uninstall a plug-in unless you provide exact locations of where the plug-ins are stored.
I am running Safari 5.1.4 on a Lion MacBook Pro (latest version of Lion), but for some reason it won't play mp3 files - it always ends up downloading them.However, if I try the same web page with the same mp3 files on, say, Chrome, they play just fine.
How can I take 2 clips one with a women talking about her father and the other one is a shot with her and her father and I want to make one clip with the sound of the women talking and to see the women and her father. In imovie 09 it cab be done?
now and again my western digital 1Tb external hardrive will pop up and it will let me access it but then it will just go off saying that i did not eject it properly. i have not ejected it as all of my work is on there that i work from. ive tried taking it out and waiting for abit and putting it back in ive tried restarting the mac but nothing comes up. ive tried seeing if it has detected the hardrive by going to ABOUT MY MAC - MORE INFO an then USB when i do this it does not load up to show me the infomation so i have to force quit it. ive tried my hardrive in lots of other computers an it works like a dream in everyone of them.
I have often created pdf files and attached them to email. Today I created a letter and made it a pdf. everytime I attach it to an email it becomes the body of the email. No other pdfs do this.
when i use my mac mini desk top, i am not able to attach file to my mails when i am using hotmail. i do not have the same problem using other computer, windows or other mac product. so i know it is the problem of the mac mini. i just started having this problem last couple of months, before that, everything was normal.
I have been searching the internet high and low over the last couple of days to try and find some sort of device to attach my new 5.1 surround sound to my MBP 13". The speakers have front, rear and center/subwoofer inputs, which are 3.5mm jacks. At the moment all i can get is the subwoofer and 2 other speakers working at once. I understand that some of the content of my laptop wont be in 5.1 surround sound, but I'd still like that to be played through all of the speakers not just 2. So basically here's a list of the features I really want:
*Firewire or USB connection *Output to my speakers *Possibly an audio input for a guitar (not very important) *The ability to play stereo in all of my speakers Do I need to change/download anything on my mac to be able to output 5.1 in for example a DVD that I am playing etc?
i am new to mac and have a new desk top. I can not attach or send attachments in mail...no problem receiving them. I am using my aol and gmail accounts in mail. If go directly to gmail i have no problems sending attachments.
My MacBook pro's hard drive is VERY nearly full. Can I use attach an external hard drive, move my pictures onto it and use it as my main location for photos?
I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inc, 500 GB, i5, OS X Lion, 2 days ago and this is my first Mac .I cant see my external disk (Philips), Samsung Galaxy S by using USB ports (i tried both USB enterances, but not working). I checked my Hardware by Apple Hardware Test (extended test done) and it says 'No trouble found'I checked Utilities and USB devices are not written in the list, only 500 GB SATA disk shown. I uploaded MacFuse-Tuxera and ntfs-3g-2010 softwares for using USB devices but i cant solve the problem too... My USB devices are not shown in desktop and utilities lists  How can i solve this problem, my devices work in Windows 7 - PC as usual, but in Macbook Pro, they dont work, please support me. I dont think that it can be hardware problem, Mac is new and devices are ok. Operating systems are different only.Â