Since LION's installation and as a consequence the upgrade of QT player to release 10.1 I am not able to read any . MOV from my Canon Camera.I can perfectly watch it in iMovie or Aperture.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Quick Time Player 10.1
have in the past few weeks uprgraded from tiger to leopard.Everything has been ok but i think i might have deleted some vital part of Quicktime player when i tried to clean up.I only realised this when i decided to get Quicktime player pro which i have paid for and have the key..I have tried to download quicktime from apple support website and just about any other website for that matter but zero.zilch.Installer takes me through the process but i get no player.
I have tried to remove all components of quicktime but to no avail.the download intalls but goes nowhere.Have tried to maybe 'jumpstart' it by double clicking quicktime time movies but there is just nothing going on.
Model Name:PowerBook G4 15" Model Identifier:PowerBook5,8 Processor Name:PowerPC G4 (1.5) Processor Speed:1.67 GHz Number Of CPUs:1 L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB Memory:2 GB Bus Speed:167 MHz Boot ROM Version:4.9.5f3
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
I own a Macbook Pro and today I realised that it wasn't reading any DVDs. It has read them before in the past but it won't now.
Whenever I put the DVD in it waits for a while making it's regular sounds and after about a minute it ejects it, doesn't even read the disc or anything.
My QuickTime player us not playing .avi files and says I need a codec I can't play no .avi files on QuickTime. How could I fix this because I want to play these files with QuickTime.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
Lately I have received quite a few e-mails with various attachments that seem to require something other than quicktime to open. In most cases i get a message that says "Quicktime unable to read format" or words to that effect. Just wondering what other downloads there are out there that enable you to read more of the different formats.
My MacBook Pro is amazing and all but when I try to watch or open an .avi file it tells me this:Yes I did click on the "Tell Me More" button and downloaded the Dvix Plugin but after all the trouble of downloading everything the .avi files still don't play.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
how to open several avi. movie files I have downloaded onto my Mac (version 10.5). First, I tried to open them just simply on QuickTime player, but a got a 'this is not a movie file' error message, so I Google'd and found advice telling me to download VLC in order to open avi files to QuickTime player. So, I downloaded VLC and tried to open one of the files with that - except when it opened on VLC there was no video and only the audio sped up really fast (you know, where they sound like chipmunks xD) and then it stopped. So, baffled, I then tried to open it again on QuickTime, but got that error message again *
So I Google'd a bit more, and found advice telling me to download DivX Player, which should open/play avi files - so, I d/w'd it.... but alas, the files wouldn't play audio or video, it didn't seem to show up.
I've looked on the info when it's opened on VLC, and it describes the streams (not sure what these are) as having both mpga and mpgv codecs.... so do I need to download a program that can open these files? Is there a codec program I need still?
Can not play WMV files after downloading Flipmac4 wmv player. Can preview the files but then if I want to view them properly I have to download more SW from a US SW site?
I've used to play .sdp files on Quicktime Player 10.0 on Snow Leopard.
After I've updated to Lion, Quictime Player got updated to 10.1 and it no longer recognizes .sdp files. It gives an error message with "Quicktime Player cannot open files in the " 1.0 Presentation" format."Â
The same sdp file plays well on Windows version of QuickTime Player, and if I boot to Snow Leopard, it works on QT Player 10.0. Is there a way to fix this problem and let the QuickTime Player recognize the .sdp files again?Â
I've been googling for and app that would let me convert real media files to format that would let me burn them to dvd and play on a dvd player and that can also be played in quicktime. A free app maybe?
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
Info: quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
I have a sony camcorder dcr-sx40 and my macbook pro is unable to read the video files. what I need to up grade or download to read them. The files are reading from my camcorder as .MPG files. I never have any problem downloading WMP.
I have the latest QT and OSX software. I also have Perian installed. I upgraded my Flip4Mac to version recently and now my QT will not play wmv files and sometimes it will not play mov files. I've never had trouble with QT before and have learned through online research that there has been an issue with a 3ivx codec that comes with Divx that everyone says to remove from the System/library/quicktime folder. I checked, and I didn't have that particular codec listed. I DO, however, have ALL of these codecs listed in my QT folder:Â
This seems like a lot of codecs, many of which I am unsure about. Could ANY of these be causing my wmv files (or my Flip4Mac) to be corrupt and unable to work?Â
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
I installed Perian and the xvid codec but still cannot play all AVI videos in QT. Not really a problem since I have VLC. However it would be nice to be able to play AVI files in QT as well
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Intel iMac 4GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk
I am starting a new thread because I am unable to play mov files in QuickTime X.  This includes previously downloaded movie trailers from apple, mov files downloaded in itunes, mov files filmed on my iPhone or even files created from hd camcorder files. I am alo unable to play embedded QuickTime movies on the apple homepage, or play move trailers such as: [URL]Neither does the "download" option work. However if I force the files to play with QuickTime 7 or vlc, they play fine. If I use Firefox the embedded videos play ok, but in the example of trying to download the movie trailers still doesn't work.Â
I'm a longtime PC user who just got a macbook. I copied all my picture files to my macbook and opened up iPhoto. I used the "Import to Library" option to load all my pictures. I noticed that iPhoto copied all my photos to a Photo Library file under the Pictures folder.
Why does iPhoto make copies of the pictures and store them in a separate "file"? This makes it confusing because I have all the pictures that I originally copied but then when I'm in iPhoto, the program is actually accessing the pictures from this separate location.
- Is iPhoto not able to just read files from a normal folder structure?
- How do I manage/organize individual picture files if I'm not within iPhoto?
- How do I burn picture files to a CD/DVD if I can't see the individual pictures when not in iPhoto?
I have a problem with downloading files on my OSX partition. When using firefox/opera/safari to download a file, I often get an error "the source file could not be read, please try again later or contact system administrator" (Firefox) the other browsers just stop.
I tried repairing disk and permission repair, but no luck. Does anyone of you guys experienced similar problem or know how I can fix this? please let me know.
I recently had to create a new user, copy all apps and files to same, and then reinstall MS Office 2004 for Mac. I use a mini, 2gig Ram, and Leopard (10.5.6)OS. All my old office files have become "read only" and I cann ot modify and save w/o renaming. Is there a "blanket" way to change the Permissions to "read & write" for all my Office files? Idid not see a similar item in the FAQ's......
Also, when I open an Office application, I get the following message: "An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework library". How do I fix that?
Anyone have a problem playing wmv files using flip4mac on quicktime x. Ever since I installed SL, I'm having problems fast forwarding and rewinding in flip4mac. Anyone else have this problem or workaround?
On my iMovie, mov video files doesn't work it shows up as a white screen also on my quicktime. But mpg files works prefectly on my imovie. Can someone help me find a codec or a mov a mpg converter for Mac OS X 10.3.9?
The drive in my G5 tower will read/write commercial or blank CDs and will read/write blank DVDs, however, it will not read most commercial DVDs. When I insert them it tries to read it then after a few seconds it just spits them back out. Occasionally commercial DVDs will read and mount fine, but this seems to be rare.
When I play a DVD movie, everything is fine for about an hour and then the drive says that it cannot "Read the Disc". I have had the problem with 6 different DVD's so I don't think the media is the problem.
I can't open quicktime player. I just downloaded the newest free version from the apple site. When I click open it says "could not open because the specified format is not supported" I think that is a problem with what opens it? Everything is set to open with Textedit, I don't remember how or why. How can I get quicktime to open?
What's this control in QT Player X? Sometimes it appears when I'm using QT Player, but it never sticks around long enough for me to see what it is or what it does. How can I reliably get it to appear, and what does it do?