PowerPC :: Would You Trust This IBook
Jun 9, 2008
I just bought a used iBook G4 1.33GHz on eBay from a seller that offers a 30 day return policy. It came today and upon boot i don't get the classic "boot sound," but instead a somewhat garbled burping-like sound.
However, the iBook seems to function fine otherwise. It's a bit slow and "hesitant" running Leopard, but it's running the stock 512MB of memory so I'd expect that from it until I stick a 1GB stick in there. Also, the regular speakers work fine once the computer is booted up, so I'm guessing the "boot sound" plays on something analogous to a PC Speaker in a non-Mac PC.
The casing looks good and no defects on the screen, the bottom does get pretty hot, but I think that's usual behavior from a G4 iBook, right?
So, what does everyone think? I'm hesitant to make a stink over the stupid "boot sound" speaker, particularly since it might be easy enough to replace (and it's supposed to still be under AppleCare anyway, so it may just be a trip to the local Apple store to get a fix anyway.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
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Oct 20, 2006
My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.
Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^
Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.
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Jun 6, 2010
I downloaded the Pollux app ([URL]) and loved it. It worked really well during the trial and I want to buy it. However, I'm very paranoid using my credit card over the internet. Have any of you purchased this app and are the developers trustworthy?
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Apr 5, 2007
My iBook G4 power supply failed and I'm awaiting a replacement. In the mean time, can I use the power supply from my iBook G3 with the iBook G4?
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Jul 13, 2008
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
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Apr 19, 2009
I just bought a parts ibook from ebay, but I managed to fix it, except there was no hard drive. I currently have a 6 GB HD in it with OS X.3.9 on it, but I want tiger. I have the tiger family pack, so I have a license for it. It only has a CD-ROM drive, so I am wondering if I can buy a 40 GB HD, and clone the one from my G4 onto it.
ibook G3- 500 MHZ
192 MB RAM
currently has 6 GB HD
ibook G4- 1064 MHZ
1.25 GB RAM
Combo drive
40 GB HD
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May 8, 2012
I have just bought a Trust 1000Va UPS device. Just want to double check that it is compatible with an iMac (intel based) before I plug it in..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 8, 2009
I am using 3.0.10 with Leopard 10.5.7. The way the older versions of Firefox worked was if you saved a password to the keychain and then return to the webesite at some future time, it would automatically display the user ID and PW in the login fields of the site.
But now I find you have to type the first character of the user ID in order for it to display the rest of it. I find that a pain in the neck. Can anyone tell me how to get it to work the old way? Either with terminal or an add-on I can trust? If I am not mistaken, there is a way to enter an area in FF that displays a long list of unix defaults that you can change.
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Jul 20, 2006
So, I'll spare you guys the details, haha, but I am stuck trying to decide between getting an iMac Intel or a MacBook Pro for my home use computer. What would be the advantages of one over the other? I just really love the fact that a MacBook Pro would be portable yet powerful. And yes, I have this iBook for portability to school and such, but if I want to do extensive work on the couch, I could bring a MBP vs. an iMac. What do you all think? Are too laptops redundant?
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Dec 17, 2006
are these two LCDs swappable? Can I stick a G3 iBook Screen into a G4? I have no idea and I'd like to have some idea.
does the hinge and everything line up, too?
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Apr 27, 2007
Will an iBook G3 keyboard ([URL]) work on an iBook G4?
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Mar 31, 2009
Can it work? I found the part I need in my closet from an iBG3 and if it worked that'd just be great.
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Jun 1, 2014
I frequently encounter this totally blocking problem when attempting to authorize changes to Certificate Trust Settings.
This occurs when A dialog is presented when app such as Mail encounters a certificate whose identity is unknown.You choose to show details and select the option to "Always trust (server) when connecting to…"Click ConnectA System authorization dialog appears and immediately hangsin Activity Monitor, "SecurityAgent" is shown as not responding.
At this point there is no legitimate way to shut down or restart the Mac other than forcing a power down, since (presumably) SecurityAgent is involved in the normal shutdown process.
After restarting, when the process happens again, I am able to successfully authorize the certificate. It only occurs if the computer has been up and running for a while (hours? days?)
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 18, 2009
Will the restore and AHT discs from a 1.2 GHz 12" iBook work in a 1 GHz 12" iBook? All I am interested in is the AHT.
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Nov 11, 2010
So im a new mac user and had a question about battery life. i did all the things apple says to insure a longer life such as calibration of the battery, using it at half brightness, turning off blue tooth, half volume etc. but i notice that when i plug out my charger it will estimate time remaining as 8 hours or so but like 2 minute later it will go down to 6 hours and fluctuate between 5-8 throughout the time using it. what gives?
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Nov 9, 2008
It just came to my mind that at some storage place of mine, I have an old special edition (grey) iBook that i bought in 1999, if I remember correctly. Can't look it up right now, but I think it had one USB port, one ethernet port, a CD-ROM drive, and it was running OS9.
Is anyone of you still using old iBooks, and what for? Would a version (which?) of OS X run, or would you suggest staying with OS9? Kind of sad to have it just laying around - it was amazing, back in the days.
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Sep 4, 2010
Just purchased a iBook G4 1.33 Ghz, 512 MB of Ram running Leopard. I must certainly plan on upgrading ram but I am wondering how bad will the deafault specs be with leopard?
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Nov 22, 2010
I had my iBook G4 a few years ago, and since I was about eleven when I had it, I'm not sure I always took the best care of it, but it's always worked pretty much fine up until about a week ago. It's started shutting down randomly. It also sometimes randomly goes to sleep in the middle of things. In particular, it doesn't seem to like starting up, or the internet, especially if I'm on youtube. I've tried a PMU reset, as it worked once before when my laptop wouldn't start up, but it hasn't worked properly. It's worked from anywhere from a minute from the time I start up again, to about a day or two at most, but it always seems to shut down again.
I really don't know what else to do with it... and I don't understand how computers work at all.
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Jan 2, 2011
Yesterday I was on facebook when my ibook g4 went black and turned off. There wasn't any beeping/flashing or anything but it won't turn on. When I press the little button on the battery 5 yellow lights light up so I guess the battery's fine but the laptop itself just died. If i can't get it fixed mum won't buy me a new one and i'll just have to deal with it.
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Mar 30, 2006
I remember hearing about it on a website, is there any rough tutorials to go about this? Don't ask me why I want to do it, my friend said it can't be done, and I just want to show him up. he also thinks macs are dumb, so hes not so smart in the brain.
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Jul 1, 2006
I have a iBook and would like to get a webcam to work with MSN Messenger for Mac 5.1.1. Unfortunately my budget does not stretch to an iSight. Can someone advise on a compatible webcam that would work with Tiger and MSN Messenger.
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Aug 25, 2006
A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, my Ibook 12" started turning off by itself.
At first it would turn on again, I was able to check the HD with the Disk Utility, which reported a fault in the HD. Then after a few times it wouldn't turn on anymore. I couldn't hear the chimes sound and the fan (or HD) would start running pretty fast.
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Aug 26, 2006
I bought an indigo ibook clamshell 366 on ebay. Looks great but has no software. Can someone tell me best way to get OS 9.2.2 and/or OS 10 (.2 or .3) on this machine. Will any of the restore cds I see for sale work on this, or do I need other retail versions. I can put this on a network with my mac mini if that will help install.
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Nov 19, 2006
My iBook G4 is dead (can't turn it on, get power, anything - RIP, iBook) and I've already ordered a new MacBook. However, a CD is stuck in the disk drive and I can't get it out...Any ideas on how to manually do this?
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Nov 22, 2006
I was playing some old freeware games for Mac OS 9 and was playing lemmings when my Clamshell iBook just turned off and now I get the Blinking folder with question mark. I made a live CD of ubuntu where it's talking to the harddrive but the iBook won't boot to OS X so i am trying to figure why.
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Dec 26, 2006
I've already RMA'd the first 1gb stick back to Crucial, and now I'm on the second. Sometimes the system boots, sometimes it hangs at a blank screen until I hold the power button down long enough to turn it off. But when I CAN actually get up and running, "About This Mac" reports that I only have the onboard 512mb. System Profiler says my singular expansion slot as empty! Yes, I've tried re-seating it-- many times. To no avail. I'm also positive the module is as far into the slot as it can go. And I find it hard to believe that Crucial would send me two faulty sticks in a row. Unfortunately, due to my built-in 512mb, I can't boot off the Crucial ram alone.
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Jan 2, 2007
I have a 12" 1.33Ghz iBook G4 that does not respond when I try to turn it on. Every now and then I can hear the hard drives spin up but after that nothing happens. I've tried to make sure the problem wasn't being caused by my AC adaptor and battery and they seem to be fine. I even tried to remove my third party Crucial 1GB stick of RAM and it still won't work. Is there anything else I can try before I head over to the nearest Apple store?
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Jan 7, 2007
I pulled a 256mb stick out of the girlfriend's dead PC laptop and it fits in my 14" iBook G4 and when I originally put it in, "About this Mac" said I had 768mb, meaning it recognized the new RAM, now its about three weeks later and "About this Mac" says its 512mb again. So, I pulled the RAM out, put it back in, it recognized it for about a day and now its back to saying 512mb.I know when you buy RAM new, it comes with a CD(usually) to scan your computer, so is that the problem and if so, is there a download of the software online?
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Feb 2, 2007
I have a long-running problem with my iBook (G4 1.33Ghz).
Basically, every so often it locks up and makes repetitive ticking noises as if the HDD is searching for something. Applications freeze and I get the rainbow beachball for up to a few minutes before normal service is resumed.
Once this happens, it keeps happening on and off until I restart the computer.
I don't know what triggers the problem, sometimes the iBook will run fine for days or a week with no trouble, then something will set t off again.
I've tried everything I can think of to fix this short of a full reformat/reinstall.
I'd like to upgrade to a MacBook soon, but for now I have to live with this... Any ideas?
If I can't fix it, I'm hoping 10.5 will do the trick...
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