PowerPC :: How To Establish IBook G4 Wireless Internet Connection
Dec 22, 2009
Since I am no longer at school, I'm wondering how to get rid of the school connection?
I'm not too sure about networks, too. Once I get rid of the school connection, will I be able to connect to any wireless connection automatically or do I need to join up to a company like this one:
Well I'm here at college and my iBook keeps giving me connection errors when trying to connect to the wireless network. It works fine at my house but it only works occasionally here at school. I'm not sure what the problem is but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I could try to fix this issue.
I have an iBook with OS 9.2 and my internet provider doesn't support anything less than OS 10.0. Can someone guide me through the steps of configuring Airport for home wireless use? Alternately, is there a manual somewhere that would provide the necessary info.
I have been a mac user since 2006. Yesterday, I purchased an iBook G4 for my father, who I have converted from Windows to Macintosh. We are 99% satisfied. Everything works great except the wireless internet. Whenever the computer shuts off or goes to sleep, we have a difficult time re-connecting to the wireless internet. After five minutes of clicking on the wireless signal (at the top of the screen) and turning it on and off, we are able to get on. Once we connect, it does not seem to disconnect.
I've just purchased a Power Mac G4 desktop type of computer from a friend of mine. I've asked around and I was told it wasn't able to connect to a wireless internet connection inside of my house.
I just got a new MacBook Pro, but my wife uses my old 1.25GHz Alum. PowerBook. My MB pro flies, but unfortunately, the wireless ethernet on my old PB is slow as hell. I've got 11+GB of free space left on my hard drive and Safari or Firefox are the only applications I have open. I also have a cable internet connection with wireless through my 1st Gen Airport Express, yet it's still slow.
Why can't iTunes establish a connection when it is plugged in? How can I transfer pictures and music if it refuses to connect.I have restarted, checked date and time formats, updated all software, etc.The MacBook connects fine with my iPad through iTunes.
I have Logitech MX5500 bluetooth keyboard and mouse connect to my Air via Steermouse.
Past week, the bluetooth is acting weird. When waking from sleep mode, sometimes they connect, most of the time, they won�t. I click on the bluetooth logo to manually connect, but the bluetooth option pop up 30 seconds later, not instantly.
I had to restart my Air to re-establish the connection. Anyone else encounter similar issue?
I've tried doing things with proxy. I've tried resetting Safari. I've tried doing things with cookies. I've tried disabling extensions. Next step is to try throwing my laptop out the window. This only started happening yesterday and there is no issues with other sites. It's not my internet connection. I can't get to Facebook by direct URL or through google or through links in my history. Macbook Pro bought in 2012 with Mountain Loin.
I have been having this problem for a while. It happens every now and then, sometimes more often too. Sometimes at random times, when I try to access https websites in Safari such as Internet banking, signing in into eBay etc, it has an error.
It says "Safari can't open the page because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server signin.ebay.com.au". To resolve this problem I always have to turn off my Airport and then turn it back on. See screenshot - [URL]
I've also tried opening it in Firefox and it also doesn't work. In Firefox, the error is "Data Transfer Interrupted: The connection to signin.ebay.com.au has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred." See screenshot - [URL]
I have been experiencing severe drops of my internet connection in OSX. I have tried different routers and multiple computers in the house but it's clearly my MBP that randomly looses its internet connection (WLAN stays connected). It's getting really frustrating. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
I've been having issues with my wireless. I use my home wireless network as my primary internet connection. I've noticed that I'll be using it without any problems, and then suddenly I notice pages arent loading (or if i'm playing WoW, huge lag spike.) The only way to get it going normal again is to turn the airport off and back on, and let it reconnect. Sometimes that fixes it for the rest of the day, other times I have to do that every 30 minutes. It just depends. I found [URL] but that doesn't seem to be the issue at hand, because my signal never drops, the connection just dies. Anyway of a fix? It's a pain in the ass to have to always turn my wifi on and off.
I can hook up and get wireless internet on OS X easy no problems. XP I can also hook up and get internet easily on XP. The problem is, all of a sudden it will cut out and stop working after awhile, then I have to select and repair my connection to get it to work again. I know its super vague but thats all I got.
I've got a Mac Pro and a Linksys Wireless N Router. I've got my cable modem hooked up at the moment directly to my Mac Pro. I was wondering if there was a way to share my internet connection on my other connection to the router? In other words, internet comes into the Mac Pro, shares with the wireless router, which broadcasts it to a third computer.
Basically I've tried googling this problem ever since I first received my mac. Found threads, found solutions but none of them worked for me. What I'm running: Macbook 13" Version 10.6.4 2.26GHz intel core 2 duo
The setup: I'll try to explain as much as possible. #1 ISP: Telia #2 I have a Netgear "box" which is basically for extra internet cords to be plugged into. #3 This box, is plugged into another Netgear box (for internet cords as well) which is connected to our Modem, which is Zyxel. (Sorry, I don't have the exact models off the top of my head. If they are needed, yell at me and I'll find out the exact models.)
Quick Information about the problem: It's only the wireless that doesn't work. Well, some times. At first it worked, then it didn't (for just a few hours) then it did for a day. Then it didn't for and you get it. But it hasn't worked for months now. The actual problem: Connection Time Out. I enter the password and it 'loads' for a bit, and then gives me this error. [URL]
Trying to get Mac to connect to the internet video D-Link router. When I click on my wireless the box that comes up shows a place to enter a password and I do so but the connect button is not active only the cancel button is active? Did find another box that gives about 6 choices of connection types this is geek to me. In the list of wireless connections there is one unsecured and it does connect to it.
I am using Windows right now. I never realized this but my download speed is supposed to be 768 Kbps. Though when I download something my speed is between 70 - 90 Kbps. Is this normal? I ran many virus scans and I am clean.Is there something that is slowing it down? I am also using wireless connection.
I just bought my MacBook Pro 13.3 inch and it is amazing. I just have one problem. The net is running very slow on wireless. I have a NetGear router that has always had PCs. It works fine through Ethernet.
I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.
I have a new (June 09 model) 15" MacBook Pro, 2.66 GHz and I'm experiencing frequent (every 3-5 minute) drop outs on my wireless internet connection, but only when I'm running Mac OS X-- my Windows Vista Ultimate partition is operating flawlessly. After Googling, I have come to the conclusion that this is extremely common in MBPro's since there is such a saturation of search results?
Background on the wireless networks used: - home: 128-bit WEP-open - work: WPA2-Enterprise
Again, I haven't experienced a single disconnect when running the following: - Vista - wireless - Vista - wired - Mac OS X - wired
At home I have about four laptops and one desktop computers. All of them use a wireless connection to connect to the internet. Sometimes, one of my siblings is downloading something huge or is downloading torrents or what not and it cripples the speed for the rest of us.
I also can't see if someone has managed to crack my WEP password and is using my connection (a neighbor or someone). Is there freeware that tells me who is connected to my network and how much traffic or data they are using?
My Internet has just been upgraded from 2MB/s to 10MB/s. To confirm the upgrade I have used [URL:...] to test my upload/download speeds with Firefox and Safari. I have 2 computers on my network which consists of a cable modem connected to a white airport base station with 128 bit WEP encryption in 802.11 b/g compatible mode. The 2 computers are a dual 2.8 ghz MacPro which is wired directly into the Airport base station by Ethernet and an iMac 1.83 Intel core 2 duo. The much faster MacPro only achieves a download speed of 5.5MB/s over its wired connection while the slower iMac achieves 9.8MB/s - very close to the advertised speed over its wireless connection. These are consistent speeds not one offs so I am wondering why the difference? The MacPro is my main machine so I'd like to have the best speed possible on that. What can I try?
I searched the forum and couldn't really find anybody with this same situation. But anyways, me and my roommate both own Time Capsules, and both want to be able to connect to our own capsules, but we are obviously sharing the same internet connection. Is it possible to just plug the modem into one of the capsules, and then just plug the other capsule into that capsule? This way would there be two seperate networks that we could individually connect to and sync with?
I have a new MacBook Pro and use it at work. I need to have it connected to the internet (wireless) even when it's closed or I lose the connection and have to log in again when I re-open it... can that be done?
Recently I have been having issues loading internet content. When I try to load almost any website, my internet browser acts like it is searching for my wireless router and can't find it. However, when I use my PSP to connect to the internet from the same spot, it works perfectly fine. The PSP usually says there is a 70% connection, which is better than it has ever been. My router and laptop are on the same floor only a room away.
I have other people in my house that share the router: 6 computers; 4 are laptops that are used more often than the 2 desktops, 4 iPod Touches; 2 of which are never used. I had everyone turn off Bluetooth on all devices since none of us use that feature and that didn't help all.
I honestly don't know what the problem is, but if I had to make a guess, it would be all of the things that our devices can connect to with AirPort. There is Motorola, 2WIRE017, 2WIRE160, 2WIRE417, 2WIRE730, MartinWirelessRouter, NorzWireless, NETGEAR, schooly, and stackdaddy. I think all of these wireless connections are disrupting one another, which is what I thought was causing the problem. The only one I ever care to connect to is Motorola, so is there a way to prevent my computer from even recognizing anything else?
my friend is maybe going to buy an ibook g4 and it seems like the guy whos selling it doesnt have a airport card inside, Since it says add a card, so since he doesnt wanna spend much more for an airport card i told him about usb wireless. So my question is does he have to get a certian usb wireless device or can he just go down to the store and get any ordinary one for pc's?