PowerPC :: Tiger Leopard On 2.5 G5/not Showing Dual Processors?
Feb 13, 2009
I recently upgraded my powermac G5 dual 2.5ghz from tiger to leopard and for some reason it is no longer showing "dual" under "about this mac." In addition, under "more info" where it says number of cpu's it only says "1." Is there any way to fix this- is there a way to look in the bios and confirm that both processors are working correctly?
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Mar 30, 2008
I've tried the 4 CD and single DVD retail versions of 10.4 on my G5 and all crash at the apple logo screen.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro that came with Leopard. I am wondering if it is possible for me to shrink my Leopard partition and then install Tiger on a second partition. I have seen a similar thread about starting with Tiger and then adding a Leopard partition, but I want to go the other way around.
Also, is it possible for me to do this without having to reinstall Leopard, such as making a partition with Boot Camp and then tweaking it with the Disk Utility in the Tiger installer?
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Dec 3, 2009
I just ordered a new iMac and I'll be upgrading from a 1GHz TiBook with Tiger on it. I have some important music software that I'm not 100% sure will work with Snow Leopard, but my understanding is that it's already ok for Universal Binary. So I had the thought that maybe I could put Tiger on the iMac and dual boot. I've never dealt with a dual-boot system before, other than a couple times when I played around with Classic Mode when I still had Jaguar and/or Panther.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a G5 with a Tiger startup disk. I installed the HD from my retired MBP (with Leopard) into my G5 as a second hard drive. When I boot from Tiger, I can access the files on my Leopard disk, but not vice versa. I called Apple and they said it's most likely because the Leopard disk has a Laptop configuration, therefor it wouldn't look for another hard drive connected via sata. So my question is, how can I go about getting Leopard to look for another hard drive via sata? Is there an available driver?
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May 18, 2008
Since I do development, I want to keep my iMac G5 at 10.4.11 (Tiger) while having 10.5.2 (Leopard) on an external drive for booting and customer support (in the meantime anyways - at some point, I may move the internal to Leopard and keep a version of Tiger on the external drive for customer support).Sounds none too difficult to achieve this. Attach external drive, insert installation CD, and follow instructions.
One thing that alludes me is the best way to make the applications available on the external Leopard boot. Can I just run them from the internal drive or will they need to be copied/installed on the external as well? Any really clear and useful resources on this type of thing?
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Feb 28, 2009
How do I install a dual boot with tiger on the internal Hard disk and leopard on the external usb/firewire hard disk.
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Jul 11, 2008
I have a powermac g4 AGP (single 450mhz processor). will this computer support dual processors, such as a dual 500mhz? If so, which processors from which computer model(s) can i use? like can i put a dual 500 from a Gigabit Ethernet mac in the AGP mac?
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Jun 15, 2012
Mac pro with dual processors not recognizing my SD card.
power mac G5, Mac OS X (10.3.9)
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Mar 18, 2009
Does anyone know if the logic board is the same for all current dual nehalem processors offered by Apple? Or does the dual 2.26GHz quad have a different logic board than the dual 2.93GHz quad?
It seems like if they have the same logic board you could buy the dual 2.26GHz now and down the road you could buy the dual 2.93GHz chips (when they aren't $2,600 more) and just replace the dual 2.26GHz chips. Maybe it's not that easy, but if it is it seems like a great alternative to buying the top machine right now. Does anyone know if this is possible??
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Apr 13, 2010
I am a bit puzzled about my new MacBook Pro. I got the i5 but I have read online that these are actually dual core processors. What is the difference between the Core 2 Duo and the new i5s then?
Also I have a 27" iMac with i7 Processor, those are quad-core, any difference in processing power besides the clock speed?
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Jan 11, 2008
I have an Emac. I'm angry because the Ipods don't work with Panther. I don't think it's worth upgrading the OS, but if I was, which one would I want? Mine is 1Ghz and 768 MB so it meets the requirements for 10.5, but would it run better with 10.4?
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Jan 15, 2008
I've got a ibook 1.2 ghz w/ 1.25 gigs of ram. I'm going to be using it for school. Just some word processing, email/internet, and music. It came with panther and it has the latest updates.. Is it worth it to get Tiger for it? Will I notice a huge difference? Things are alright now, but I'm used to my MBP zipping through everything. I know it won't ever be as zippy as the MBP, but will Tiger make a huge difference?
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Jan 20, 2010
I recently bought an iBook with a 1.33 GHz processor, 1 GB of ram, and a 60 GB hard drive. It's still 3 to 8 days until it gets delivered, but I was doing some thinking, and couldn't decide between Tiger and Leopard. It comes with Tiger and iLife (not sure what version of iLife). My brother has a Leopard install disk that he says he'll lend me if I want to install it. I am leaning toward Leopard, but only because it has a nicer GUI, in my opinion at least. I'll probably use Tiger on it for a week before deciding to whether upgrade or not.
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May 2, 2010
If I purchase a used iBook with Mac OS X Tiger installed, can I purchase a Leopard disc and install it on the iBook?
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Jan 28, 2010
I have an iMac G5 17" with 2GHz PowerPC G5 processor , originally had 512 MB RAM and has been upgraded to 2Gb RAM. The HD has been erased apart from the Tiger OS. I assume there is now 1Gb RAM in each slot ... not sure if the original 512 MB was split between two slots or if it was all in one slot. Have been using OS Tiger 10.4 up until now.
Recently I bought a RETAIL edition of Leopard 10.5.1 to install ( the one with the big X on the front) but after 10 minutes of the installation got the message "Install Failed ... Source Media Disc damaged" . I previously tried another Leopard installation disc and got the same message. I think it's unlikely that both installation discs are damaged; they are both new and came from reputable sources. I can reinstall Tiger without any problems. I have tried erasing the HD volume using Disc Utilities at the initial install stage but still get the same message .
A colleague has now advised me there have been problems with some iMac G5 machines with upgraded RAM when trying to install Leopard ... the Leopard installation disc does not like upgraded RAM.
Before I try and source some RAM to the original spec. ie 512MB, and then try again with Leopard, can anyone advise me if it might be worth taking out just one of the existing 1 Gb RAM modules ( I assume there are two there, I dont know for sure because the upgrade was done by a Mac Repair Shop ) and then trying the Leopard Install with just 1Gb RAM ? Or do I need to go back to the original 512Mb module(s) ?
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Nov 4, 2010
ive got a Imac 17inch 1.0ghz with 215mb ddr ram. anyways, as Sheepy suggested, i upgraded her to a nice speedy 500GB 7200 Sata drive and dropped 1.5gb ram into her...... but lets take a step back. when i got her, she was full of dust and had tiger on her.. no dramas, tiger is good. anyways, i wanted to do a reinstall of tiger, and so grabbed my tiger retail disk and started her up, no dramas there either, ran disk util, repartitioned (the old disk) and started to install. the install never finished and then it just rebooted after about 80% through... The reboot came to the disk flashing with the osx face and a question mark. I try a few more times, with the same result, and also with Leopard, also with the same result, but the leopard install actually tells me after about 80% that "Install failed" try again? anyways, so i think its a shagged optical drive. i have a few lying around and i need to get in there anyways to upgrade the hard drive. installing the HD and the new Optical drive went fine, all works well.. and while i was there also installed 500mb ddr400 stick in the main memory non user slot. close her up, checked the heatsink matchup spots and there dry as a nuns nasty.. theres no paste on them, but kinda like a pad.. (which isnt even sticky either) anyways, i stick em back together (without) cleaning the pad stuff nor with applying any paste and boot her up. I insert the leopard disk to istall and it all goes fine, i re-partition the newspeedy 7200rpm sata disk and start the install. and again.... gets to about 90% and reboots. flashing smily face with alternating question mark.
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Dec 23, 2010
A friend of mine gave me her old iBook G4 so I can fix it. Something was wrong with it (half the applications are missing, spotlight reindexes every time it restarts etc). So I'm just gonna reinstall everything from the ground up. My question is though, should I install Tiger again or would Leopard be better? The only thing I am afraid of is that Leopard would slow down the iBook since it's an older Laptop. Here are the specs:
iBook G4 (PowerBook6,7)
CPU: 1.33GHz - PowerPC G4 (1.5)
512MB Ram
ATI Mobility Radeon 9550
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Jan 5, 2011
I was recently given 2 Powermac G5's,one of them works but the case itself looks like it was dropped out of a window,it is a 2.0DP and the second is a 1.8DP that isn't working but the case is nearly perfect.Would there be an issue with swapping the 2.0 into the 1.8?
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Jun 24, 2008
I was recently given a non working G5 dual 2.5ghz machine. It is a quad core machine with the Delphi liquid cooling system. After some investigating I found it had a coolant leak. All the fans and lights come on as well as the bootup �chime�. I think (hoping) that the motherboard and power supply are still good. My question is this:
Can I use different processors on this motherboard? Lets say a dual 2.5ghz non-quad core processor assembly. Am I making sense? I am very new to the Mac world and would appreciate any help on this issue.
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Oct 20, 2006
As you read this im haveing a terrible time on a sawtooth 400 that was hit by lighning in a storm and is now plauged with freezeing problems.So regretting to turn back to windows i made a quick steal of ebay for a dual 500 g4 + a super drive that burns dvds at 16x!! Im not no power user by anymeans i chat with adium x and use safari and do an occasinal bittorrent (legal of course) but the orignal problem with the g4 400 before the lighning struck it was VERRY SLOW! and I HATE waiting and it thought because of the dual prossesers it would move it along (and Low End Mac says pick a dual 500 over a single 700) so tell me if im gunna need to upgrade it.
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Nov 27, 2010
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
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Jul 31, 2009
Do all macs that ship right now use 64-bit ready processors? I am assuming the new iMac I just bought a week ago will be able to take advantage of the new 64-bit kernel and rewritten applications? A wikipedia entry in the snow leopard article kinda threw me off, said that dual core processors are 32-bit?
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Sep 26, 2010
I have an Imac 17" Intel Core 2 Duo (5,1) 2ghz late 2006 model. Just recently the superdrive has perished for what ever reason & I have read that some times if you reinstall the original operating discs that came with the computer, the superdrive may or may not come back to life.
Leopard 10.5.8 with all the updates is the current set up on the imac & I want to put Tiger 10.4.7 back on it. So I'm connecting the Imac to my Mac pro 15.4" (late 2007 model - 2.2ghz 4gb ram intel core 2 duo) via firewire & use the Imac as a target disk. I put the install disc into my mac pro with the imac connected, power down - reboot holding 'C' to boot up the Tiger install disc. The apple logo & spinning wheel appear, but then the screen darkens & a 'You must turn off your computer or hold the power switch for a few seconds appears'
Now I've tried resetting the PRAM,NVRAM & SMC also decreasing the amount of RAM there is in the laptop.But the error is always the same? However if I put leopard 10.5.6 disc in that starts ok, snow leopard 10.6 that starts ok too. But tiger 10.4.7 & leopard 10.5.1 won't start at all? How can I get Tiger 10.4.7 back onto the imac using my mac pro?
Yes the only other way is to replace the superdrive, but I'm not in a position to get it replaced at the minute & if reinstalling the original operating discs rejuvenates the old superdrive, then there's no point.
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Feb 9, 2010
Aperture 3 runs as a 64-bit application on Mac OS X Snow Leopard on Macs with Intel Core 2 Duo processors.Does that mean that Aperture 3 won't run as a 64-bit app under OSX.6 on quad-core machines (like the top-of-the-line i5 iMac)? They can't be serious!
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Nov 24, 2009
I like eMacs but the G5 looks sooo nice. I know I probably won't be able to use any for very long but whatever. What is the best?
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Nov 20, 2008
I just bought an iMac G5 off ebay and today I tried to use the Tiger install dvd because the previous owner had deleted software like textedit, etc.
Anyway, I put the disc in and clicked on Install Mac OS X, then clicking restart. once the iMac shuts down and begins to restart, as it is on the grey screen you can hear the disc being read, then as the background goes a different shade of grey and the Apple logo appears, a minute or so passes and then the iMac begins making a lot of noise. I went away for 10 minutes, came back and it was still doing the same thing.
So I'm basically looking for help because I really want to erase and reinstall everything.
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.
I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.
I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.
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Oct 20, 2008
I curently have 10.3.9 with a PowerPC G4 dual w/ 1.25 processors and 2 gig of ram. I want the highest upgrade I can get that will be compatibe with my software which is:
Quark 6.5
Acrobat 7.1
Acrobat Distiller 7.0
Illustrator CS1
Photoshop CS1
Microsoft Office (don't know what version but I've had it for years)
I really can't afford to go buy all the software again and I don't want my system to crash. Any suggestions?
This upgrade is mostly spawned due to the recent purchase of a new iPod Nano... Not supported by my current OS! Man, I didn't read the requirements, shame on me. However, the dang thing will work on my kid's PC w/ XP Pro. I only got the Nano cause it's mac - he wanted the Zune that ONLY works w/ PC.
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Apr 30, 2009
I was just wondering about Snow Leopard. Back in June (I think), last year - Steve Jobs said something about harnessing the 'hidden energy' of graphics processors in Snow Leopard. Which sounds really interesting. But, was this in reference to nVidia graphics CUDA extension or will Snow Leopard also take advantage of Mac's running non-nVidia / CUDA graphics processors?
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