PowerPC :: Right Upgrade DVD For G5
Apr 18, 2009
Scored a Power mac G5 1.6Ghz for FREE, it was going into the dumpster at work! I've been jonesing for a Mac to play with iWEB 09, so I've figured out I need the upgraded OS. Did I order the right thing? MAC OS X 10.5.4-MEDIA SET. I gather this is the 1st G5, seems to run nicely, any suggested upgrades? I'd like to run entourage an office as well as IWeb?
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Jul 25, 2008
Does anyone know the exact name and part numbers for Wireless upgrade kits for the following machines:
G5 Dual 2.0 ghz - (main board has 8 slots for RAM upgrade)
Mac Pro Quad 3.0ghz
I've been searching around in circles trying to find this out and I'm just getting no where!
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Oct 20, 2008
I curently have 10.3.9 with a PowerPC G4 dual w/ 1.25 processors and 2 gig of ram. I want the highest upgrade I can get that will be compatibe with my software which is:
Quark 6.5
Acrobat 7.1
Acrobat Distiller 7.0
Illustrator CS1
Photoshop CS1
Microsoft Office (don't know what version but I've had it for years)
I really can't afford to go buy all the software again and I don't want my system to crash. Any suggestions?
This upgrade is mostly spawned due to the recent purchase of a new iPod Nano... Not supported by my current OS! Man, I didn't read the requirements, shame on me. However, the dang thing will work on my kid's PC w/ XP Pro. I only got the Nano cause it's mac - he wanted the Zune that ONLY works w/ PC.
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Dec 15, 2010
I have a few questions about upgrading my mac in order to use the new iPod touch 4th gen (requires 10.5 or later).
First, here's what I'm working with:
I have a PPC G4, dual processor 1.25 GHZ, 80GB HD, 768mb RAM, running Tiger 10.4.11. I use CS2 for freelance graphic design (and very occasionally Quark 4 on OS 9). I have 2 external hard drives backing up my system, storing personal files, photos, music, etc. Yes, I've got an oldie, but it's been cranking out loyally over the years with tune ups and TLC, and I need it to live on a while longer.
1. Can I upgrade to Leopard 10.5 (not snow leopard) and still use my CS2 programs? From what little information I've been able to find, the answer is most likely yes, but with quirks and decreased speed... which I can deal with. I simply cannot afford a new mac (nor the software upgrades required once that happens), so I need to work with what I've got.
If the answer is yes, then...
2) are there any other updates in between 10.4.11 and 10.5 that I will have to purchase before upgrading to 10.5?
3) Also, since I will have to upgrade to a minimum 1GB RAM, can anyone please suggest a good site to buy it from? There seems to be a million options out there. I know that I should really have more RAM anyhow with what software I am using.
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Jun 4, 2007
I'm new around here, and am looking for some advice! I have a G4 Powerbook, which I love. Sadly it's hard drive just died, and I need to get a new one. My HD was originally 80 gigs, but I'm thinking I'll get a bigger one this time around. I'm thinking 200GB, if I can. I won't be upgrading until next month (as I'm abroad right now) though I assume I should buy the hardware as soon as I can, since I know the older a machine gets the more expensive it's parts become.
Are there any specific brands/stores that I should especially consider? I'm also hoping to buy more RAM (I have 1GB now, and I THINK the most I can get on my laptop is 1.5GB, can anyone please clarify?) If anyone could suggest any other ways I'd be able to soup up my laptop, I'd be very grateful if you could share them for me! If I'm leaving out any specs that I need, just let me know.
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Sep 19, 2010
My buddy just gave me a B/W PowerMac G3 with a Sonnet Tech G4 1GHz upgrade kit and OS X 10.4.10.
I've been wanting to setup a proxy to bypass the content filters on the WiFi networks I find on the road. For instance, I can't go to the iPhone Dev Team website with the network I'm currently on.
Do the parts exist to also turn it into a Gigabit +Draft N router? It would sure be nice to kill two birds with one stone.
I don't know anything about setting all of this up, how would I go about it?
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Feb 4, 2007
I have the Power Mac G5 Dual Processor 2.0 GHZ, with 3 GB of RAM, but I would like to upgrade but this model only has four slot, not 8. On the logic board, I can see little holes where the other 4 slots are meant to be, but obviously they aren't there. Is there any way to upgrade this G5 so it has 8 slots, rather than 4? I haven't found anything about this on the Apple Discussions, or MacRumors.
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May 25, 2007
Ok so I have quite an updated G3 BW/400:
2 x 80gb HD's
Radeon 7000 64mb GPU
1 gb RAM
Big TV to watch downloads on.
I am still not absolutely satisfied with the playback and have read that a final bottleneck is the PCI bus (66mHz) and that I can upgrade this to 133mHz.
I am interested in doing this but I want to understand it a bit better. Is the bottleneck the data transferred from the Hard drive or the motherboard to the GPU?
Also, I am looking for suggestions on what to buy. 100mHz or 133mHz or what?
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Jan 1, 2008
It has been wiped clean, back to OS 9, Power Mac AGP Graphics, firewire slot.
I want to give it to my bro for net use, itunes, word processing and basic stuff.
what would be the best way to go about upgrading? Should i do leopard or and older os X? will I need more ram (256) and i believe it is 500 mhz, would that be good?
like I said, it's just for basic stuff but I was wondering if these machines still work good.
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Jan 26, 2008
Ive purchased a used emac from a friend. 800Mhz, 256MB, 60GB HD, SuperDrive. Nice little machine for the kids. It has OSX 10.2 (Jaguar). I would like to upgrade it to Tiger. (wont support Leopard). My plan was to take my iBook license of Tiger, install it on the eMac, and then purchase Leopard license for my iBook. Would like to know if this is legit.
To see if this was viable, I tried to install Tiger on the eMac with the install DVD that came with my iBook. It starts up the install process, and the says that it cannot be installed on this machine.
Im not trying to circumvent anything. If possible to buy leopard for iBook and use it�s existing license on eMac that would be great.
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Mar 4, 2008
I am a student who is currently starting to work on some at home projects with cartoon animation (Toon Boom) and Video Editing (Final Cut/After Effects). I have a Dual 2.0 G5 with 1G Ram. Would there be a significant advantage in upgrading to a Dual 2.8 Mac Pro? I could probably get 700-800 dollars for the current computer so, would dropping 2000 on a new tower give me a huge boost in performance? (Money is kind of an issue but not if the difference is staggering.) Or should I just upgrade the RAM on my current tower, be happy with what I have and quit jabbering?
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May 18, 2009
How do i Upgrade my powerbook?
Machine Model:PowerBook G4 17"
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB
L3 Cache (per CPU):1 MB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.6.2f1
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Oct 2, 2010
I've been a PC user for many many years, but have had a G4 Sawtooth for about 3 years now, its only a 400Mhz model, but I have just placed a 533Mhz G4 in there, and apparently I need to use a dip switch? I just got a standard sized dip switch, so thats not a problem, I was wondering two things:
1. If anyone has a Sonnet for sale instead of using the G4
2. If you can offer up some advice on the easiest way for my G4 to recognise the new 533 CPU?
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Aug 30, 2006
I have a 17" PowerBook G4 1gHz with 1gb of ram currently installed (2x512). Technically this is the maximum ram for this computer according to Apple. I have heard I can upgrade to 2gb (2x1gb) and the reason for the limitation in the original spec was the 1gb ram stick for PowerBooks did not exist when the computer was released.
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Oct 16, 2006
first off is it even possible and/or worth it? I have an old powerbook 500 and it's kind of beat up and i was thinkink of selling it but why not try to upgrade it to a Intel mac (if i can) and if i can where can i get some parts?
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Sep 7, 2007
I've upgraded my HD two days ago. Today my PB suddenly turned off and won't turn back on. All the connectors are in the right places and nothing looks wrong inside. I have no idea what's happened.
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Sep 27, 2007
currently i'm running a powerbook g4 1.67, and its starting to slow down on me. I have tons of pics and music and i have been faced with the predicament of either upgrading the RAM or just shelling out the extra money for a new computer. I run a lot of of my music programs on there as well (ie. Reason, ProTools) So what would you do? A few Mac people have told me to just upgrade the the ram and you'll see a huge difference and i'd be happy.
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Oct 25, 2007
I have a powerbook g4 15", and its the lower resolution model. I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade the current display in the computer to the one that was introduced later that year that was brighter and 960x1440
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Feb 20, 2008
I have an old PowerBook G4/TiBook 1Ghz and want to erase everything on the drive to start over with a newer operating system (it is currently running on 10.3.9). What is latest OS that can run on this old baby and how do I erase everything and start from scratch?
Here's the Hardware Overview:
Machine Model:PowerBook G4 15"
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB
L3 Cache (per CPU):1 MB
Memory:512 MB
Bus Speed:133 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.5.3f2
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Jul 10, 2008
looking to upgrade my Tangerine Ibook with this HD [URL]
and this Ram [URL]
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Jan 7, 2009
I really want a new MBP to replace my aging G5 but I can't quite afford it yet. Maybe by the end of the year.
In the meantime, I was thinking about doing some upgrades to try and get me through the rest of the year. RAM is pretty cheap, but what about a new video card?
I have a G5 single 1.8GHz (2.25 GB of memory) with a GeForce FX 5200 AGP card. I'm mostly concerned with CS3 and video playback.
Here's my options:
ATI Radeon 9600 from Other World Computing?
A card from eBay? (I've heard good things about applemacanix)
A PC card and flash it? (Though I'd have to find a PC friend to do it, as I don't have another computer.)
Or do nothing and limp along until I get that MBP?
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Feb 6, 2009
i have a blue and white g3. it has a slow 400mhz processor and 640mb ram. i would like to upgrade this machine to something i can use for daily tasks. websurfing, music, videos, etc.i was thinking motherboard and processor from a g4 or g5?
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Mar 2, 2009
i recently bought a used imac g5 1.8ghz version 10.3.5.
is there any way i can change the processor to an intel processor as i cant seem to upgrade my os (and a lot of other programs) running on the current version.
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May 30, 2009
I currently have a G5 Power Mac Dual 1.8Ghz with 3GB Ram and 9600 Pro Graphic Card.
It will cost me about ?180 to upgrade to 4GB Ram with the Geforce 7800 GS Graphic Card.
Sell my G5 and upgrade to a G5 Dual 2.5 or 2.7Ghz for about the same ?180 cost.
If anyone knows which one will best please let me know.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a power mac g4 (Power Mac G4 350Mhz (Yikes, PCI graphics) (M7826LL/A) And i want to upgrade its processor to a 1.0 ghz can someone tell me where to buy one.?
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Jul 30, 2009
I am a lifetime Mac owner, but I am really pissed at Apple for not allowing the new version of Final Cut Studio to run on a G5, only on Intel processors. I have had my Quad G5 for 3 1/2 years and I don't want to buy a new computer. So here is my question: Is there anyway to upgrade my G5 to an Intel processor? or is there anyway to get the new FC Studio to run on my G5?
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Aug 20, 2009
Not so newbie here but I recently broke out this older unit for downstairs and it's kinda sluggish with the 10.4.11 upgrade. iPhoto, etc. I want to install 2gb of ram and am unsure if the Kingston 184 pin units will work in these. (Kingston 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 333 (PC 2700) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model KVR333X64C25K2/2G)
Next question if this is the correct memory is to locate better instructions for installing the "deeper in" (some call it upper, some call it lower) slot. [URL] has some instructions but I have to question anyone who starts off by using a wool blanket to lay the unit on! (static doncha know!).......
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Nov 21, 2009
I have a iBook G4 that is currently running OS X Ver 10.3.2. It has an 800Mhz Power PC processor with 256MB of RAM.Does anyone know if I can upgrade from 10.3.2 to Tiger or Leopard?
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Jan 25, 2010
I was wondering what is the max memory that I can put on my iBook G4. My G4 (12 inch) has 128 MB DDR SDRAM soldered in place and has a 800 MHz PowerPC G4 Processor. I was wondering what is the most memory I could install and what is recommended? Also I am only running Mac OS X Version 10.4.11. Is it possible for me to update to 10.5 or higher? Sometimes when running videos on google video or youtube it gets choppy and lags what fixes this problem. A message pops up about quicktime not up to date but I try and do a software update and it says that my software is up to date could this be because of the older software?
Hardware Overview:
Machine Name:iBook G4
Machine Model:PowerBook6,3
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:800 MHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB
Memory:256 MB
Bus Speed:133 MHz
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Oct 18, 2006
I need to add another hard drive to my dads Dual 1.0 PowerMac G4. how large of a hard drive can i add easily to this machine? its running Tiger.
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