Would the 1 GHZ model with Tiger and 1 GB of RAM run a 480P Hulu movie onto a 20" ACD old model full screen if I let the movie load for a whole day or so?
Hey guys, i got an old Powerbook that the whole family use to surf the net. I notice its been super slow lately. Ive never had a problem with this notebook, I've only done 2 reinstall in the time ive owned it. I recentluy did another one, and notice its still slow, loading websites is slow, cant watch movies on it. This is a notebook i use to do photoshop and illustrator work on.
Do you think its just its time? I think it could be the hard drive or memory, is there any type of diagnostic i can do to find out what the problem is?
I have a 12" PB and latelly became a nightmare with the stuck CDs. Usually it does not want to eject CDs/DVDs from companies but it handles fine virging cds/dvds. ?? Probably there is some formating in the industrial kind of CDs outside, who knows.just want to open this thread for people with the same problem.If the drive tries to eject but can't and end up mounting the CD again. Just take another CD and when you press eject again push that CD into the slot but just one third and you will see the stuck CD coming out with no problem as well.It seems there is a sensor or something that obviously does not work well. I inserted a virgin CD and the drive worked just fine and ejected later on, but a CD as the installer for my Linksys get stuck and some other softwares too.
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
I had codes for a movie to get from the itunes store. I started downloading them yesterday for 1 movie and the extras to that movie and it needed 20+ hrs for it to finish. Is that normal? I got 7 hrs to go with one download completed. I have a macbook pro if that matters.
Last week I downloaded the latest MAC OS and the latest Safari (beta) version as my Safari is extremely slow. Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem and it takes quite a long time to load pages from all sites that normally don't give any problems.
On my other computer (old Windows machine) this is working fine. This Windows computer as well as my MAC are connected via the same router to the internet, so that should not be the problem (I guess).
How can I find and solve the problem with the slow Safari?
I've had my macbook pro for about a month. Its everything you read about when you make the switch. Great build, screen, keyboard, stable, ease of use. Everything...except internet surfing. It's a big disappointment. I spend a lot of time waiting for pages to load..or getting the safari can't open message. (When I refresh this page I often will get the page to pop right up.)
I loaded a plug in recommended in the site "my first mac"...but no difference. I loaded firefox but get the same results. My 3 year old sempron dell inspiron and my wifes new Dell studio 17 both kick the macbook pro's butt in surfing so i don't believe its my home network. I have gone to the genius bar and they did some minor stuff but I have the same issues still.
I recently upgraded to Mac OS X Lepoard and got Adobe Creative Suite CS3 loaded on my Powerbook G4. Now it's taking a long time to start up. It starts up with the normal gray screen with the apple logo in the middle then the screen turns blue for a while then I finally see my desktop. It just seems that the blue screen is there for a long time at first.
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
My mates just got himself a g5 mac of ebay and brang it to me to help him get it working.Im no mac expert just use them at work and have a mac book, but no more than him on the subject so trying to help!In the product description of the item it said it just needed a start up disk to work, i have no start up disk for it so cant test this right now.Is this common with macs? im sure my book came working right away with out this trouble?
when i press the power button the led lights up and makes 'the mac on noise' and apears to be working, the display doesnt do anything and it sits there sounding on but doing nothing.is it possible that the machine has no os installed?has my mate been ripped off and paid for a broken mac?im out of my depth here, ta
I have a 4 month old iBook 12" 1.33/512/40/combo with the following problem. It went into sleep mode and never woke up. after complete reboot 1 long beep and silence. after taking the battery out and disconnect for about 4 hours I get the beep, but inbetween absolute nothing. Anyone has tips or a solution. there is no additional memory installed.
I am experiencing some problem whereby there isn't sound from the movie i play or the flash swf project i did... sometimes this happens. I tried rebooting it at times it's working but most of the time it's not. I can play my iTune and other sound with no problems at all. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
My PPC G5 computer is currently connected to two monitors via VGA adapters, and lately when I scroll any window on either of the two screens, or resize a window, I hear a faint clicking sound through my earphones. I also hear it when I load a new web page (using either Safari or Firefox). The images seem to click faintly when they load. I'm on Mac OS X version 10.5.8, on a Dual 2.5 GHz PowerPC G5 with 8GB DDR SDRAM.
Until yesterday, my iMac G3 slot is working fine, but today, I can't power it up. When I press the power button, the light just flash and then went off. I've opened it up to check the PRAM batt and also checked if there are any shorts on the logic board. All looked ok to me. The HDD is working fine and I supposed the power supply unit is fine too.
I am done with PCs as my PC died on me again....for the last time. I am a total and complete Mac newb and need an older Mac system, as I cant afford the new ones. I see the Power G4 being sold on Ebay all the time but with no operating system. My question is: How hard is to install the operating system if I were to purchase an older G4 and....the software....what should I buy? Where to purchase it? If I purchase an operating system off Ebay....how do you know it is for real and not a pirated copy? Take it easy on me guys....I am a newb with my first post. I had a guy off Craig's List who going to sell me a system...but never to be heard from again. Now....I like the looks of the old G4 and hope to learn more about them....to the point of owning one. I have read that the Power G4 is a nice machine and runs well.
I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 w/ 1GB of RAM and the stock 80GB HD. I've run this puppy pretty hard for a couple of years now, and it's lately started to lag a bit - perfectly natural. I was considering buying a new notebook but I've decided to wait until after Leopard comes. So my question is:
1) How do I determine the max RAM I can put in this machine? 2) Are there are specific specs I need to be concerned with when swapping out the Hard Drive? Any type, size limitations, speed limitations, etc.
I'd love a little input as to how I find out this info. I think instead of taking the notebook plunge now, I'm going to put a nice new hard drive in this one and possibly bump up the RAM a little more if it will take it.
So is the is Powerbook G4 802.11g or b? it is the 1.25GHz model. Also, one thing I don't understand regarding the airport extreme or any airport for that matter: isn't the maximum speed going to be completely determined by how much the cable provider, Comcast, pumps out?
If this is the case, how do I determine what my transfers and speeds are looking like specifically for Comcast? And, how would an airport extreme improve upon this or any other performance aspect in this regard?
Powerbook G4 (Ti-book) 667 mhz, 512 mb RAM. I finally after YEARS upgraded my OS (10.4.10), yay me! Just bought Adobe CS3 (for the new IMAC we have yet to buy), but I would like to install it on my Powerbook. SO, it it time to bump up to 1GB RAM. I was told it was tricky, and I should take it in to the apple store to install, but then I took a look under the keyboard, and it looks pretty simple. i have installed new RAM on a G5 tower, and this looks way easier. So, I am planning on buying the RAM either online or at FRY's, then installing it. BUT, I know I have to be careful of what type of RAM to buy. I found what I think will be good at [URL] but I will have to buy 2 (512's) as mine currently has 2 (256). I guess I just want to make sure I am not going about this the wrong way before I drop about $200 for RAM upgrade...
I have a 15' Powerbook G4 1.67, currently with 512 of ram....so i'm shopping for an upgrade, but not sure which specific type to go with. In my system profile it says i'm running..
Type: DDR SDRAM Speed: PC2700U-25330
And these are the types i've been seeing to choose from.
I just bought a used 12" powerbook G4 1.5ghz and I want to add some ram to max it at 1.25Gb. Did anyone try to use ddr400 instead of ddr333 on powerbooks? In theory it will run at 333 like in any pc, but is this flawless in powerbooks? Because ddr333 is expensive nowadays.
I know the powerbook is rather archaic now, but I'm trying to get a new Macbook and don't want to throw my old powerbook away. So.. I have a friend who wants to buy my old G4 Powerbook with 60GB capacity, 512 MB memory, 1.33 GHz cpu speed. It's extremely worn in, meaning, it won't last more than 20 minutes off the power cord, but someone could always replace that. So what would be a fair price to charge someone to take it off my hands?
I bought a powerbook G4. The ram is 512 mb but i want to upgrade that. Is it possible to place two 1gb cards in each slot. That i have a total of 2gb ram? Me was told that the max of the powerbook G4 is 1 gb. Is that true? And when it is true, is it smart to buy a total of 1gb for the powerbook g4? Or doesn't make that any difference?
I believe the hdd is dead so I need to find a replacement but I've no idea which cause there are 93487534231 kinds. Only thing I can really find via googling is that it has to be a 2.5" ATA but there are several different kinds of ATA hdds... so confusing. I was thinking this? [URL]
Does anyone know how to fix an issue with my G4 500 Altavec AGP desktop and IMAC G4 800 LAMPSHADE having same issue with both computers. When I try to view an apple movie trailer or When I go to Hulu to view a TV or Movie. The video is very choppy and slow. I have 2 ghz of memory and have had comcast out to check that the incoming signal is fast and it is. I have a 128 pro rage graphic card so that should be plenty to view video.
I thought I'd upgrade from 10.4.11 to 10.5.8, Leopard. All went well except now I can't load the print driver correctly to use all the printer facilities. Yes, I went to the Xerox site, downloaded the drivers then through System Preferences looked for the printer to add. Can't see anything that looks like a Xerox, nothing in Appletalk. Go to more printers and it gives me the option of HP IP Printing, two Epsons and a Canon under auto. So I look at Manual. I did get it to work manually by typing in the IP address, but that doesn't allow me to use any of the features of the printer, just the basic print. I did note that there is something under Windows in the System Preferences, but I'm loathe to fiddle with this until I know what I'm doing. I'm at my wits end. Otherwise it's back to Tiger on my backup which will cause other issues. G4 PowerPC, 1.5Ghz: 2GB DDR SDRAM
I have a charcoal iMac DV SE 500 which won't complete a proper start. The machine chimes and begins to start, and then clicks off again before anything can show on the screen. It won't start in Target Disk mode, and zapping the PRAM (starting with alt/apple/P/R, right?) has no effect. Does this sound like a dead PRAM battery, a dead 'Power/Analog' board, or a dead hard drive? Can anyone give me an idea of how much it would cost to fix, and recommend good, reliable, cheap UK repairers It's not worth much, but I have a friend who'd love it if it can be restored to life, and I'd like to get some of the files off it if it's not the drive.