My aging G4 Quicksilver is still very operable yet have had mysterious problems with mouse tracking, USB ports not being recognized and now the machine wants to shut off after being asleep for some time. Someone suggested that it could be a voltage regulation problem, but service personnel have not been able to duplicate the problem with a bench test. In short, when I have a startup problem (the startup button will start to glow, at startup and then the light goes out and the machine fails to boot) or if I find the machine turned off after I left it to sleep at night or a few hours during the day, I will open the case and shut it. This little nudge seems to be a temperary fix. Nervous it does make me that my time is short with this trusty box.
I hadn't been using sleep mode on my iMac G5 for a while (but it always worked previously to me setting it to "never"), and now yesterday when I turned the sleep mode back on, it has decided it wants to shut down instead of sleep. But it's not a nice just powers itself off, as if it was unplugged. It always boots back up with no problems.
Whenever i put mac macbook pro to sleep, it only stays sleeping for about half an hour and then wakes itself up. It does it whether i close the screen or manually put it to sleep. When its awake, the system is running but the screen is dark unless i click a button.
I have an old Dell CRT I'm using currently with my iBook and I want to know how I can just use the display and close the iBook when at my desk without the computer sleeping. Currently if I try waking the computer with the keyboard or mouse, it wakes up for about five seconds before going back to sleep. Is there any way around this or do i just have to keep the iBook Open?
My friend is using a Power Mac G5 and it will not shut down. When shut down is selected, it gets to a blue screen with the rotating progress wheel, or whatever, that is seen on start up. It will stick to this screen until the computer is forced off by holding down the power button. Also, occasionally, when the computer is powered on, the fan runs at full speed and nothing happens until it is forced off and turned on again. I'm guessing these two issues might be related. Any suggestions on what to do? We have tried unplugging all USB devices.
I have a PowerMac G4 that isn't saving the settings when I shut the computer down. I think it might be the battery on the mobo, but I'm not totally sure. does anyone know of any other reason why it would do that or confirm my suspicions?
everytime i shut down the computer it resets everything. takes off all the music i added in itunes ( still has firefox that i added in the finder though but i had to re-install it). i'm thinking the person who sold it to me did something to clean the machine when it was sold.
this is probably something easy but i'm not too computer savvy.
I have one of the 20" iMac G5's covered by the warranty extension for the intermittent shutdown problem. The problem is that I am out of the country, and where I am has very unreliable Apple service. It would be gone for weeks and weeks. I am considering flying back home to get my computer repaired. The computer shuts down multiple times a day without warning.
What are the chances I can find an AASP in the DC area who can do the repair in a day or two. I have read that the repair is only a power supply swap and can be done in 15 minutes. What do y'all think?
My other option is to just buy a new computer and worry about repairing this one in a year or two, which is a $2,000 hassle.
My PowerBook G4 15" alu 1.25 ghz locked up out of nowhere the other night (while only running firefox). Couldn't even force quit, so after a long wait I manually shut it down. Then I couldn't get it going again. I pulled the battery, let it sit overnight, and then it started up, only to freeze up again in 30 minutes. Same routine yesterday (though it lasted an hour or so).
I live in Germany and the only Apple store is hours away. And of course my Apple Care is expired. I've zapped the PRAM, reset the PMU, ran first aid on disk utilities (everything came back OK), but I'm freaking out. This thing is seriously important to me, and I can't afford to replace it. I've read plenty of speculation that it could be the logic board, or that it's locking up from overheating, or maybe the hard drive is going bad (though the tests come back OK).
My powerbook will not start up all the way. It suddenly went off yesterday and did not give any noticeable warning. I left it alone after trying to start it up several times. I tried again today and had the same problem. I will here the motor for a few seconds and then nothing. Also, it did come on twice, went off both times when titled the entire laptop up. So, if I tilt it at anytime it automatically shut off.
I was using my eMac today (700MHz, 40GB HD, OS 10.4 Tiger) and it just shut down. It was unplugged for over an hour and nothing happens when I press the power button at all. I just got a Mac mini today so I have a nice new Mac to work on now . But is the eMac done or is it just like the PRAM just locked up?
With my Powerbook, whenever I shut the screen the computer goes to sleep. I was under the impression that (unlike the ibook) this is not supposed to happen? Is there a way to set the powerbook so that it only goes to sleep when i explicitly tell it to (i.e. the option in the Apple menu), so that for example when I shut the screen I can still have it hooked up to external speakers/TV/the network?
I bought an ibook a little while ago because I wanted a small, simple notebook and I love my home iMac. I found one for a good price on eBay and when it arrived everything seemed ok. I wanted to re-install the OS and set everything to my specifications because I was having a little trouble with some of the apps. Anyway, I went through the lengthy re-install and just as it finished counting down the seconds to completion, it shut down. I thought it might be in sleep mode because the little white light was on, so I hit a key and the light went off but nothing happened. Nothing on the screen, no HD noise, nothing. I'm at a loss because I really don't know much at all about hardware or software, which is why I liked the user-friendly Mac so much. The only thing that tells me it's getting power is the little green light at the power connector. I tried a PMU reset (there's no reset button on my model so it was a button combo of shift-ctrl-option-power I think) but that didn't do anything.
So I've done all I can find on the internet on helping my broken computer. It used to have the noisy fan issue and then it would shut off. Now after being off for 12 hours, it may shut off in 2 minutes, maybe in 30. I have reset the SMU by unplugging for 10 seconds and then plugging in while simultaneously holding the power button, then turning it on. Ive also reset the PRAM, but it still seems to shut off. Is it a bad power supply? I dont ever hear the fans blowing hard anymore.
If anyone has basic things to do, I'm all ears. I know last step is probably just reinstall OSX.
i bought an emac that was previously used in a school. i changed all the settings on the computer to my own and when i shut it down and turned it back on, the settings were restored to the original. i've heard that schools use programs to make this happen so it doesn't save anything on their computers but i'm not sure of the name of the application or how to get rid of it.
I'm using a B&W Power Mac G3 with 512MB RAM and OS X Tiger for a SMB file server (with 5 users) and a USB printer server. Everything is working good, but I have a problem.
It doesn't have a monitor or keyboard/mouse attached normally (I can configure it via VNC). The problem is that I would like to be able to turn the machine off when it's not needed (like at night sometimes, days when I won't be home, etc.). I would like to just hit the power button and have it turn off, however it puts it to sleep instead.
Normally, sleep would be fine, except on the B&W, the fans still run, just the HDs shut off, so it's still noisy as heck.
Is there a way to make the power button shut it off? If not, any other easy methods of shutting it off you can think of? Via VNC won't cut it, as my dad needs to be able to turn it on (not a problem) or off as well.
I am getting a pop up "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?".
The one we get, if pressed the power button to switch it off?. The problem is not consistent and mostly I get if left inactive for some time(random). I have run the hardware test(installer DVD and pressing D) without any issue found.
I have santa rosa 2.6 mbp with recent firmware update running Leopard 10.5.7.
It seems since then MBP will not always sleep when told to via screen menu in top left, it hangs on a bluey grey screen instead of transitioning to normal black power/lights out screen for sleep mode.
Only way to fix is by holding power button down..
There is an old thread about same problem but with no solid conclusions as to why so i though i would see if anyone has any new ideas as to why this is happening?
Ever since I reinstalled 10.5 last January, my MBP (early 2008) refuses to sleep automatically - it works fine if I direct it to sleep manually or close the lid. I had hoped that 10.6 would fix this issue, but it has not. All the settings are correct under System Preferences, so I have no clue what is going on.
I have been using my Black 2006 MacBook religiously like this:
1. Startup in the morning around 9:00 am,
2. sleep wake sleep wake wash rinse and repeat the whole day till...
3. Around 11:00 pm a full shutdown at night.
Then a full repeat of 1, 2, and 3, everyday for the past 2 years +.
I have a new idea, because I have a serious routine I go thru, setting up my work environment, that takes about 45 minutes to an hour every day in the morning after step 1 above. The new idea is simple, I want to leave the MacBook running, in sleep mode of course, over night. Leave it all setup and just resume where I left off instead of starting up every morning.
Does anyone have any experience running like this? I shutdown every night and I haven't had 1 problem with my MacBook. I just don't want to have any problems. I think that this style of workflow won't be any stress, but with this setup I would never shutdown or restart unless I seriously have too. Restarting just wouldn't happen... it's just I think of my machines as alive, and I feel like it would suck if it never got that refresh feeling of never shutting down and being completely off for a 8 hours.
Lately, I have something popping up in my Dock for a very short amount of time. I can't see what icon it is because it's already gone. I know it's there, because space is being made for in the Dock.
Is there any way to find out in some log what this could be?
Also, mac os x does not want to stay asleep. I put it to sleep before turning in myself and every morning the screen is fully lit.
I am always concerned about unauthorised access by third parties.
I have the display set to sleep after 5 minutes, but the screen saver comes on, even at the login screen. I have the screen saver set to never. I also noticed that the display is not fully sleeping. When i flash my desk lamp on the screen i can still see the login window very faintly.
Has anyone experienced this with their 27 inch ACD?
I need a cheap way to video/audio/ record on my iMac somehow...
I have sleep apnea-- and have spent thousands of dollars and years to determine the effectiveness of one sleep apnea apparatus after another to lessen my throat collapsing and me choking at night.
I can't afford a 375.00 home test -- or even an 85.00 oximeter report all the time.
I heard of someone using a video camera to photograph themselves at night to show their MD what was going on.
Is there a way I can plug in my iMac 17" screen with the Intel Core Processor (1.83 GHz) pointed at me while I sleep so I can get me on a video conference-- or imovie-- or just record the sound somehow... Ideally--- if something can just record me for 7 hours in semi darkness-- and then I can run it on fast forward to see when I have the cessation of breath-- that I can email to my MD.
I am a new MBA Owner, not even a week only yet but like everyone I'm confused how I lived before without this thing, it goes everywhere with me! My post pertains to power management. I have been taking the AIR with me everywhere but just closing the lid and stowing it instead of turning the machine off. My question is how long will the AIR last in Standby mode? I understand it depends on how much you use it on a daily basis but do some users charge it in the morning and just pop it open throughout the day like a cell phone? Do some users actually turn the machine off each time?
UPS: CYBER POWER CP1500LCD, USB plugged directly into MP, using OS X Energy Saver prefpane (no 3rd party programs)
Everything is fine when the MP is awake and running normally.
But if I sleep it, then kill power to the circuit the UPS is on, it won't wake up. If I unplug and replug the USB cable, it causes the MP to wake and the warning about power failure pops up.
Any ideas? It's not a crisis as the MP will sleep on battery for quite a while... but I'd still prefer it to wake and shutdown gracefully.
How can I remotely wake a sleeping Mac? For example, if I have .mac/Mobile-Me "Back to My Mac" set up on my home iMac and work MacBook, and I am on the road, is there a way for me to wake the sleeping iMac remotely, either via "Back to My Mac", or a Terminal command?
I have a 2.2 15.4" MBP which will not sleep upon closure of the lid as of today. I just picked it up today from the Apple store where the full top was replaced due to a display problem. Searching here and on other forums, I found a number of people with this symptom, but with different causes. The computer sleeps normally when set from the apple menu. I tried resetting the PRAM. no change. I ran a small magnet along the right side of the screen with no effect. When I run the magnet down the right side of the computer, the computer sleeps when the magnet passes around the bottom of the speaker grill and awakens when I remove the magnet. It would seem that the sensor in the base is functioning. Is the top only a magnet? How likely that there could be no magnet or a misaligned magnet in the the top panel? Compounding the issue is that I had replaced the hard drive after I bought the computer, so when I returned it for service I put the original back in. When I picked up the computer I turned it on and off to check it out. Then I reinstalled the larger drive. It was only after this that I experienced the sleep issue, however I never tested the sleep when I picked it up from the store. My thought is that since running the magnet along the bottom case causes the computer to sleep that my opening the case for the hard drive exchange isn't the problem, unless it's possible that the reed can move in the bottom case and is misaligned there.....