I have been searching high and low for a alternative heatsink for a dual 1Ghz G4 CPU. I just got this chip off Ebay, but by dual heatsink, that works with a dual 533Mhz, won't fit. And I can't find anyone who is selling just the heatsink.
my video card went out on one of my G4 towers. [URL] The card that was in it was an Nvidia GeForce 2 MX and it ran Leopard 10.5.8 pretty nicely. I figured I might as well get a better card and see if it runs smoother. Can I put an Nvidia GeForce 4 MX in, or do I even want to? I want a good video card, preferably with an ADC connector as I still use my original monitor.
I have been viewing the forums for the past few months and have finally joined MacRumors as I have purchased an ibook G3 (first mac). I love it to death, it is so portable and even runs like a champ considering it is almost 4 years old. The ibook has a 800MHZ G3 processor along with maxed out ram at 640MB. Anyway I am planing on buying an TV before school starts up again and would like to encode my dvds to h.264. I was wondering if my computer can handle this task. BTW I would need to buy a dvd drive for my computer along with an external HDD. My other option is to buy a friends Powermac G4 with dual 1GHZ processors(he is selling it at $250) it already has a dvd drive and two 200GB HDD so that will save me ~ 150. As I am new to macs and would like to know if the Powermac will significantly make a difference in encoding times or should I just stick with my ibook and save the $100?
Wondering if it makes sense to sell my QS dual 1ghz and get a Mac Mini C2D or upgrade the QS with a faster video card (Ati 9800 pro, about $120 on ebay). The QS already has a fast HD and 1.5gb ram. Looks like either option would be about the same price. I won't need to upgrade either Mac in the future, it will be the home Mac (A new Mac Pro after 1/15 will be my main Mac at work).
I am about to acquire a dual 1ghz MDD powermac g4 and was thinking of turning it into my main work computer. I do graphic design and own licenses to both cs2 and cs3. I also have retail versions of tiger and leopard. My question is what combination would be reasonable with this machine and if its reasonable using hardware this old for print design. I am not pro or a demanding user, but I do a fair amount illustrator, photoshop, and indesign work.
File sizes almost always well under 100mb. Right now I am using a Macbook Pro and I am aware that its much faster than this Power Mac, but I really would appreciate something I can have multiple hds in. It has 1gb of ram, and a radeon 9600 video card. Its also the non firewire 800 version. (2002)
My G4 recently will not boot. I get the chime, it starts to boot, but almost never completes before I get the "you must restart you Mac" screen.I have the correct hardware test disc. I started using that two days ago. It still has not completed testing the logic board and the system is unresponsive. I guess that means the board is fried?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), G4 Quicksilver, 1Ghz dual processor
I got a Powerbook G4 12" from my cousin, and the hinge was all beat up. The screen wouldnt work, although it did turn on fine(fan running and HD clicking). So we took it apart, and found a broken wire in the hinge, and replaced it, and now it works. But, after using it for a while, the fan was on full blast, and wouldnt turn down. Since it was still apart, we took off the top, and the HD and heatsink were encredibly hot(i probably would have burned my finger if I kept it there long enough). I know that it will get a bit hot, but nothing should be running at that temperature. What could cause this?
I have 512mb ram which works fairly well but am thinking of upgrading to 2 gigs before i upgrade to leopard have you experienced any significant speed gains?
I have a 17" PowerBook G4 1gHz with 1gb of ram currently installed (2x512). Technically this is the maximum ram for this computer according to Apple. I have heard I can upgrade to 2gb (2x1gb) and the reason for the limitation in the original spec was the 1gb ram stick for PowerBooks did not exist when the computer was released.
I have no sound, and the volume buttons don't work. When I turn the system on I get the "bong" but after that I can't seem to get anything. In system settings, it says there is no audio output device.
I running a 400MHz sawtooth Family #M5183 my friend gave me with a 40 gig hard drive running OSX 10.3.9. I just picked up at the swap meet a Qwicksilver Model No.M849 PNG4 1GHZ DP/2M CACHE/512MB SDRAM? 80GB HD DVD-R/CDRW/Nv17 DUAL/56k MDM/GIGE it is missing the HD from under the superdrive can I just plug in the HD from my Sawtooth and run her? She still has the HD in the bottom its a 80 gig IBM Deskstar. When I opened my Sawtooth I found that there is a Seagate Cheetah model#*ST118202LW* Its not even plugged in!!! How many gigs is it and can i run it for more space? I have three 512 cards for memory. Can I use the video card from the sawtooth to run a second monitor? If this all works whats the newest operating system I can run? As soon as I get the money I am going to swap the processor and bring her up to speed. I am a singer/songwriter on a budget trying to put my studio together,I run live sound and make Hand Drums.I'm not a computer tech by no means but I do ok running a mouse to get a good sound. If you are going to tell me to wrap machine in tin foil and put it in the freezer PLEASE don't waste my time!!!!! I just want to build my machine correctly and not f@#$ anything up.
So my Pismo died shortly after I added an addtional 133Mhz 256MB RAM module to it. Don't know if the daughter card CPU connector socket is no longer making excellent contact, or I just static electricity shorted it (RAM transfered to new TiBook works just fine, so probably something more serious like logic board or PS gradually dying was what lead to kernal panics and finally only booting up to chime sound and black screen)...but long story short after lots of searching/troublshooting, I got a used 'dealer refurbished' 1Ghz TiBook from Wegener Media. Cost more than a alum PB, but it's the fastest dual boot (yes, I know, but I still want OS9.2 bootability) laptop in Apple's line. Only problem when I received the system, I did Apple Profile on it, and found no Airport Card installed. Sent an email to Wegener and got a reply that there were at least 9 different configurations of 1Ghz Tibooks, and that Airport Cards where a "CTO (configure to order) optional, not stock, item"...in Wegener's words.
I've recently purchased a broken 1GHz Alum PowerBook G4 12", and the display isn't working. I have a total of two 12" PowerBook displays, and I've tested both. They've worked perfectly fine. Then I've tried reseting the PMU and PRAM, no luck, but they've attempted to work. Tried the Mini-DVI to VGA adapter with my display, still no luck. The keyboard, optical drive, and hard drive works as if it was booting, and there was always a clear chime, even when I've reset the PRAM and PMU (the beep sound when PRAM also attempted). I've inserted a Leopard install disk, and it sounded like it was working perfectly fine. Hopefully it's not a motherboard issue
I might be purchasing a 30 inch cinema display and currently have a mid-2009 unibody MBP. I know I need the cable to power it, but do I need to drop the 100 dollars for the apple one or are their any alternatives?
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
My former, babied, 400mhz overclocked by Daystar to 550mhz Titanium Powerbook has a fried logic board. Can I put a the old low resolution Tibook screen on a 1ghz Tibook body with a higher resolution screen?
Would it just power on at the lower resolution or is this just idiotic?
I would ask this in the Software section but they don't seem to help me out. Whatever, I just want to import/ lightly edit some videos but iLife '08 is the only version I have which means that iMovie doesn't support my G4.
I am insanely annoyed and disappointed with the way Apple shook me with the notification "This app cannot be run since the PowerPC is no longer supported."I was trying to take one of those tests which we run through a CD and a full length test is programmed in a Flash or alike program.How do I do that? This is has made me think of withdrawing from Apple instruments. It makes life harder day by day.
I have a regular USB keyboard, not a mac one, so is there a button I can press to open my CD drive? I clicked F1-12 and nothing. Airport extreme card - Ive been reading posts on forums about the eMac and they said the regular Airport card isn't made anymore but the extreme is. Naturally, I was hoping my mac would require the latter so I could easily run out and buy one at an apple store. Unfortunately I found out they don't make the airport extreme anymore either. It's available on amazon and ebay, I know. BUT....does anyone know anything else I can use besides the airport extreme? I want to get hooked up to the internet before Monday so I can use AIM in my room and do some work over the weekend. Anything that I could find at Best Buy or some other store? Or even any alternative ways of getting the internet to work wirelessly (even just temporarily while I wait for the card to come in)? I've been googling a lot but google always want to change my "emac" to "imac" .
CD Drive - I have a regular USB keyboard, not a mac one, so is there a button I can press to open my CD drive? I clicked F1-12 and nothing.
Airport extreme card - I've been reading posts on forums about the eMac and they said the regular Airport card isn't made anymore but the extreme is. Naturally, I was hoping my mac would require the latter so I could easily run out and buy one at an apple store. Unfortunately I found out they don't make the airport extreme anymore either. It's available on amazon and ebay, I know.
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.
I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.
I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.
I curently have 10.3.9 with a PowerPC G4 dual w/ 1.25 processors and 2 gig of ram. I want the highest upgrade I can get that will be compatibe with my software which is:
Quark 6.5 Acrobat 7.1 Acrobat Distiller 7.0 Illustrator CS1 Photoshop CS1 Microsoft Office (don't know what version but I've had it for years)
I really can't afford to go buy all the software again and I don't want my system to crash. Any suggestions?
This upgrade is mostly spawned due to the recent purchase of a new iPod Nano... Not supported by my current OS! Man, I didn't read the requirements, shame on me. However, the dang thing will work on my kid's PC w/ XP Pro. I only got the Nano cause it's mac - he wanted the Zune that ONLY works w/ PC.
When I was doing an upgrade to my mac mini I lost a clip ( it fell off) that I believe was the emi heatsink clip right by the battery. where does this go and how important is it?
I'm trying to fix the blank screen but I don't want to use any heat. I found this method. This is the only one I found that didn't use a blow torch or such. [URL] Do any of you know where I can get a heatsink like that or if just the fins are available anywhere? I'm not sure what to search for when I do it online and I tried different variations but all the heatsinks I find have fans. I don't want to spend more than I have to since I don't need the fan. I also don't really want to buy online unless I can't find it in a retailer.
I've been noticing quite a difference in the temperatures of the two so just now I tried something. Running 4 threads of yes > /dev/null for 10 minutes now, I have a CPU temp of 202F and a CPU Heatsink temp of 128F. Thats a difference of 74F now either the heatsink is losing 74F faster than it can build it or something is wrong with the transfer between the two.
For the past couple of weeks I've noticed that my old white macbook is running hot, and browsing has been kind of slow. I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the processes, but Heatsink A is reading -1. Should I just pull the machine apart and see if something isn't connected anymore? I installed a 7200 RPM HD a few months ago, but this problem is more recent.
Looking to buy a used G5. Dude said he upgraded a G5 1.8 to a Dual 2.0... Is that even possible and if so what limitations or problems could the machine have. Said he replaced the whole motherboard.
I'm finally upgrading my iBook, but I'm slightly confused on which type of RAM to buy. According to my System profiler, I would need SO-DIMM SDRAM type with PC133 speed. I can find the SO-DIMM SDRAM, but the speeds are not matching (PC2700 and PC5300).