Power Mac G5 :: Flashing "?" Alternating With Mac Icon On Display
Nov 20, 2007
I turned on my G5 for the 1st time and the only thing that shows on the monitor is a small folder in the center of the screen with a question mark "?" in the middle alternating back and forth with the Mac icon every couple seconds. There is no indication the keyboard or mouse are able to function although both are hooked up properly.
On the screen of my powerbook is a flashing question mark alternating with a face.my powerbook is unusable. In disk utility on my installation disk my hard drive does not appear in the window there and the repair disk tab is dimmed. Would that indicate that my hard drive is kaput?
Yesterday my G5 (Dual G5 2 Gig, 10.4.1 OS) hung up while running illustrator 7, did an escape quit. Now the computer will not restart - a hard drive icon appeared with a flashing question mark. Ran the apple restore disk and the all hard ware pieces checked out fine. When I tried to reinstall the OS it does not open past the install icon. Startup utility does not find the one and only hard drive.
I have a 24inch aluminum iMac running the latest versions of Snow leopard. It's a little over 2 years old. I can turn my computer on and all is fine, I can keep it running for hours on end and nothing is a problem. However, the moment I turn it off or perform a restart I get the flashing folder icon? It takes about 2 hours before I can boot the computer up again.
I've tried the following:Resetting PRAM and VRAM Resetting the start up disk information through system preferences Pulling an individual RAM module, booting up then trying the same with other RAM module (to check to see whether I have some dodgy RAM)
At first I thought it must be the hard drive, but why can I run my computer with no problems at all. I had it running for 2 days, and not a problem! But, the minute I turn it off, that's it, you can forget booting it up for at least another hour.
My computer seemed locked up, nothing would open. I had to force quiy everthing. I tried to normally shut it down and it wouldnt shut down. I held the on off power switch. When I tried to turn it back on It stays tuck on the white screen with a flashing folder icon with a question mark in it . Has my hard drive gone bad?
I dropped my MacBook from a fairly low height the other day. Now when it boots up, the Flashing Folder-? Icon pops up. bummer. I've read around and tried everything I can find to try. I've read over posts such as: [URL]. Nothing works. My only problem is that I can't get it to boot the DVD startup disk at all. Everything I try ends with the disk being kicked out of the drive, or spinning for a while and then doing nothing.
I have tried numerous times to restart my macbook pro to get to the startup manager. And even when holding down the option key, it will just take me back to the flashing file with a question mark in it.
My old PPC G5 has the front LED (white) flahing three times - I've looked at the various notes about the poddibility of this being a RAM issue, I've checked out the slots, cleaned them and the RAM sticks too, all to no effect. After being switched on for a while, the fans come on and I have a Hovercraft under my desk!
My PPC G5 Mac Power Pro has been working fine, on one startup recently the screen didn't come on, the keyboard and mouse did not pass the startup test and the white light flashes three times. After a while the fans go into hovercraft mode! I've reseated the RAm and checked all other cards.
I was working with a Power Mac G5 when this strange thing happened. I had pulled the CD drive from the machine to test out a problem with a new Mac Book computer(door wouldn't open on eject command). Discovered that that we had a wiring problem (I was using the bottom connector not the top). So I go and put the drive back into the Power Mac, turn it on & the only thing on my screen is a small square icon with a picture of the North & South American hemispheres on it, flashing. Can anyone enlighten me as to what just happen & what I can do to fix it?
Information: Mac G5 Dual 2.5 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.6) 2.5 GB Ram
I searched the entire internet for this solution. I realize it has been posted but the symptoms were note entirely the same. I have a 1.6 g5. One night it was running awfully slow. I shut it down and didn't touch it for the weekend. When I came home the finder/? Thing flashes. Unlike some of the others, mine never boots and I don't have my discs to run the utility. Does this seem like a hard drive problem or am I looking at apples infamous logic board failure?
After the computer goes to sleep it will not wake. It has a rapid flashing white power button. It took four tries just to get it started again. Started after supllemental upgrade.
Info: Mac Pro 2x2.8 Quad, 8G ram, Mac OS X (10.7), Acer 24 inch, 300, 500,2x 1000 GB drives, 2TB backup
I have an old macbookpro which doesn't have a good battery. last night it shut off because I didn't have the power chord attached. now I can't power it up. the light on the power chord flashes (slowly) between red and green.
im having strange display issues with my powermac g5 its constantly flashing an refreshing the display every now and then after it wakes from sleep. similar to the way it would refresh if you change the screen res.
I installed several system updates on my 2007 iMac last night, running OS 10.7, and today I can only get a black screen with a flashing white power light when I try to start up. My computer will neither start up nor completely shut down, and my wired keyboard won't communicate either.
When I turn on my Powerbook G4 (1.5 GHz) 15" a little Earth icon flashes about 15x. Then a small question mark flashes followed by the Mac smiley face icon. They alternate flashing about a dozen times or so. My computer then goes to the grey-on-grey Apple logo screen, then to the password login screen. I enter password and successfully get to my desktop, HOWEVER:
(1)the font on my menu bar seems to have changed. No big deal? (2)The menu bar is incomplete as I'm missing my internet signal indicator (3)My dock is completely gone. Cannot find it anywhere. (4)I have desktop icons but cannot left click on any of them. When I do I just get a long blank white colored rectangle. When I roll cursor over it it turns blue. Still blank though! (5)This is the same with the menu bar. When I click on anything (Finder, File, Edit, View, etc) the drop down menu is just blank empty space
This morning my girlfriend booted up the MP and it froze when she tried to log on. A short time after freezing she was able to bring up the Dashboard but then the computer display went wild flashing like a strobe light. Ever heard of this?
My brother has a second gen, 800Mhz eMac (the one that could be overclocked to 1.33Ghz - the earlier PC133 ram model). Since about 1.5 mths ago, when he powers it on, sometimes it will not power on, and other times it will give three beeps (diagnostic pages say bad RAM) and a flashing power/sleep light in unison with the beeps. Did this vintage suffer bad caps? I recall that it was only the 1.25Ghz model that had bad caps, but I could be wrong.
I have an EMac G4 that has a number of problems, It is a 1.25gz. Sometimes it will boot to a blue, blank screen, on holding down the alt key I see the boot drive and I can start up (10.4os) but will go to the blue screen again. When it does start up properly, which it does for no apparent reason, there are little dash shaped spots on the screen and a flashing horizontal flicker. I ran fsck and disk utility and installed a fresh version of 10.4 to no avail. I do not have the original disks so cannot run hardware test. The computer falls under the Apple emac screen repair but they will not accept it because it is out of the three year time limit, very frustrating and unfair.
I had a bad power surge (USB hub that was plugged into the back of the display had the wrong power cord plugged in... very stupid mistake I know!!) take out my 23" Cinema Display. The display shows no sign of life (no power light, etc) and the brick has been tested and is OK. My local service place says that they will have to send the display back to Apple which means a minimum of $400 for repair so I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue that they resolved successfully? The service place suggested that Apple would replace the logic board but is there any way to test to see if this is the main issue? I have seen logic boards sold separately online but would be hesitant to buy it without know that this would fix this issue.
As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports
I have a question about using dual displays with my new macbook. The basic issue is this:
1: plug in second display and setup dual monitor support to use the external hi-res display and the macbook's display (no problem here).
2: drag windows to the external display and resize to use (no problems here either).
3. Power down and disconnect the external display.
4. Start up the macbook without the external display and try and open up a program that I was using previously on the external display. The problem is that it is resized and positioned for the external display and is now off the screen of my macbook display and I can't directly get to the title bar to move it or the resize corner to resize it.
I recently took my macbook in to an Apple Store and was told my hard drive may be gone. Before I took it in it was working fine except for the Mail, I was unable to send mail. Now when I try and turn computer on an alternating folder with a ? mark keeps on toggling off and on on screen.