Power Mac G5 :: Fastest Card For Early 2005
Dec 5, 2007
Since I updated to Leopard, some of my video and slideshow programs are lagging on screen. I have done a pretty good search on the forums here, but am getting some contradicting info. What is the fastest video card for my early 2005 G5 dual 2.0 with AGP 8x slot? ATI RADEON X800 Mac Edition Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra (what is the difference between the NVIDIA and the BFG cards?) I have an ATI Radeon 9650 with 256MB one single link and one dual link DVI. The ATI RADEON X800 Mac Edition has one ADC and one dual link DVI? Do both of those ports support a 30" Cinema HD display? My 9650 only supports one and it is in the 2nd port so it is annoying having my 23" be my main monitor and the 30" be the secondary.
G5 Dual 2.0 (early 2005) 3GB RAM ATI Radeon 9650 30" and 23" Cinema HD, Macbook Pro 2 GB RAM
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Jun 21, 2012
i fell into an early powermac g5 2.0ghz. the processor runs fine for what i need but id like more memory than the 4gb allowed. ive found some reasonably priced 2.3 processors on ebay and such and was wondering if i can swap them out and put 2gb of memory in each slot to bump up to 8gb allowed with the stock 2.3ghz machine? or am i just stuck where im at? the processors on ebay are complete units, so i would just be swaping out the whole set, no soldering etc.
PowerBook, PowerBook G5 2.0 Early 2005
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Mar 13, 2012
Airport Extreme card and early '05 Power Mac G5 2.7 GHz.I bought the card on Ebay, an antenna was not included. Does the card require the antenna for this model of Power Mac?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.7 GHz early '05
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Dec 27, 2010
I am having serious issues with my Apple PowerPC G5.. Its the 2.5 Dual Processor version of early 2005 running os x 10.5.8, i have installed; 2x500gb hds along with 4.5gb of ram... Ok now heres the problem, yesterday i came across an app called "CHUD" this apparantly was developed to help speed up an OS X system, so i downlaoded and began to install the parts to the app suite, after installing 1 or 2 of the CHUD apps i came to Reggie SE, i doubled clicked on the install then my G5 decided to freeze, completley! I tried Force Quit and nothing happended, the system would not respond what so ever, so i left it for 30mins or so to see if it would figure itself out and it didnt so i had no alternative but to cut the power and reboot....
Now, after reboot, my G5 will boot up to the User login dialogue, once i enter my password the dialogue accepts my password and dissapears (astho it is logging into my account) but then the screen turns Blue and the system returns to the Username & Password dialogue box..... Also the fans within my system begin to speed up and dont stop for a while, almost sounds like my G5 Tower is about to take off!
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Aug 10, 2009
I move into my new place next week and find that the only source of internet will have to be through a wireless router. So now I am need of a Airport card. I have a 2005 iMac G5 (the generation right before the built-in iSight). I know that I need a Airport Extreme Card and an antenna, but I was wondering if somebody could fill me in on the exact part numbers I need for iMac. I've seen lots of different airport cards and do not want to buy the wrong one. If anyone can help me, that would be great.
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May 1, 2012
Does anyone know where I can obtain a AHT for this Mac? (Power Mac G5 late 2005 ). From what I've read, I seem to need the 2.5.2 version.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Dual 2Ghz, 60GB HHD, 4GB DDR SDRAM
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a PowerMac G5 with the first motherboard that is out of order, and another PowerMac
G5 Late 2005
with 2x2.0GHZ
Mounting the powersupply from the 2004 on the 2005 is the powersuply compatible or not?
EDIT: I looked on Mactracker and compared the two:
Max Watts in the first is 604W and 450W on the late 2005.
I want to put a powersuply from a G5 2004 (604W ) on a G5 2005 that had a 450W powersuply is this possible ?
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Mar 5, 2012
I inherited a PowerPC G5 Quad Processor (2005?) with 2 video cards and PowerPC G5 dual processor. The hard drives have no OS on them so I'm investigating which OS will run on them. I would really like to put Lion on them, but I'll use whatever will work.
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Jul 13, 2010
ive searched around a lot and only found topics talking about the AGP PM (which the x800xt sounds like its the best card) but iam looking for the best card for the Quad 2.5 DC DP.
Ive got an older NV silencer also hanging around from an old gpu fan swap, so thats available for the upgrade aswell.
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Feb 26, 2012
I have an early 08 Mac Pro with an Nvidia 8800 GT and 10 gigs of ram. I want to upgrade for video editing as well as gaming. I game in PC as well. Is it true I have to buy official Mac video cards? That would be easier right, rather then dealing with flashing the cards and etc? Would the Ati 5770 be good enough or should I splurge for the 5870? Is the 5870 that much better that it's worth the extra 200 dollars? What do you guys think, since my comp is kinda old would the 5770 be a big enough jump? Also, is it easy to install these cards? Do I need tools? For bootcamp, how do I install the drivers for windows 7? Do I download and install the Ati drivers before I put the card in?
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Jun 6, 2008
Is Mac Pro 2008 's airport card died? or logic board problem? Mac Pro suddenly show airport card is not installed at menu bar, the system profile also can not find out my airport card?
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Apr 6, 2009
I recently just purchased one of the early 2008 Mac Pro Desktops, model number MA970LL/A and am trying to upgrade the video card in it. It comes standard with an ATI Radeon HD 2600 xt, and I would like to upgrade to an ATI Radeon HD 4870. I don't know that it will work though, I know that the NVIDEA that comes standard in the early 2009 Mac Pro does not work in the early 2008 Model. Does anyone have any information on this or know if that will work?
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Dec 19, 2009
i got a MacPro 09 8 Cores and has no power, i tried taking it down to minimum configuration, I suspect the backboard to be the culprit. I'm an Apple Tech and work at a service center, I already ordered Power Supply and backboard.
Ive been reading that I can use a flathead screw driver to turn on computer by shorting two pads on the board.. i checked the service manual and says nothing on how to jump it, but that u can.. has anybody tried jumping the Mac Pro through the Pads?
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Jun 23, 2012
My MacBook Pro 15' Early 2011 model's SD Card slot stopped working after the 10.7.4 supplemental upgrade. I "zapped" (or reset) the PRAM and reset the SMC, and it worked for a minute but can't get it to work again. Its still under it 1 year manufacture warranty and was wondering if this would be, Apple Phone Support or an Apple Store Genius.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2011
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Jul 1, 2012
Will a Mid 2007 imac power supply work in a early 2008 imac.
iMac, iOS 5
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May 29, 2012
a friend recently gave me a g5 power mac that had some issues, and the failure was described as intermittant. The machine supposedly would work properly when booted and start freezing up after time, but if turned on the next day it would work properly for some time. I assumed it was an overheating issue, but apperently there is more to the picture. I have tried booting the machine quite a few times and the display always reads no signal. The machine sounds as if it were booting normally, but there is not output. At first I assumed it was my display cable, which was a DVI-D single link, however the DVI-D dual link cable leads to the same result. Is it nessicary to have a DVI-I cable? None of the error LEDs light up on the motherboard. After doing some hunting I haven't found anyone with the same issue, but I am wondering if I should assume the graphics card is dead. What steps do I need to take to isolate a graphics card failure in a power mac g5?
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Oct 8, 2007
I hav" a "late 2004" G5 2.0 dual processor. To upgrade graphics card, I find many require a power supply splitter. Do I have a molex 4-pin connector? I can't see the location inside the box.
G5 dual 2.0, 2.5Gb
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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May 15, 2012
I have an old power mac and want to get it online if possible .Does anyone know if ots possible to install an airport card into it and get online that way ?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 26, 2007
I have a great G5 Dual Processor, and would like to add a PCI-X card to give me more Firewire connections. I have been all over the internet and made a lot of phone calls, but no one seems to have a clue as to where such a beast may be found. If not, are there any work-arounds?
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Run several Macs at work & home
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Oct 5, 2007
Have a powermac g5 tower w/o an airport card. It looks like it is a hassle to put in a airport card. I have free wireless in a new apartment and want to access it. Is there a cheaper way than getting a card placed and having the "board replaced" as well. Help line said it would cost several hundred dollars to upgrade this machine!
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a USB2 PCI card in my G4, and any devices plugged into it (mainly my iPod Shuffle) become unresponsive after a few minutes. For instance, I will be copying songs to my iPod, and halfway through, the copying process will drag to a halt. Burning CDs to a USB2 CD-RW often fail because the burn cannot complete. I have tried two different brands of USB2 cards with the same result.
PowerMac G4 350 MHz AGP
Mac OS X (10.3.9)
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Jan 29, 2008
,A friend just recently purchased a NVIDIA Video Card and went to install it in his new Mac Pro but could not find a source to hook up additional power to the card. He called Apple and they weren't able to tell him how to connect to the Mac power supply.
Does the motherboard provide the necessary power so that he doesn't need to hook up the extra power cable to the card or does he need a booster cable etc?
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May 17, 2009
I just installed 8GB in a early 2009 2.66 Quad (I know I'll lose triple channel) but now it looks like there is a red LED on the daughter board that blinks when the power button is pressed. It also blinks for a second when the computer shuts down.
If you have a surge protector, I know there are two red LEDs on the mother board that blink when the surge protector is switched on (right under the optical drive). I think those are normal since it's been that way from the very beginning. But I don't ever remember seeing the red LED on the daughter board light up when the power button is pressed. The LED is just left of the large heatsink, and it is not part of the LEDs associated with the RAM or Riser.
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Nov 1, 2009
My eMac is now wired up to my home network, and i was wondering will the Apple Airport card fit my G5?
Any ideas?
Dual G5 2Ghz 4GB Radeon 9600 128mb WD 160GB Seagate 500GB - N4100+(2.8TB Raid5)
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
- eMac 1Ghz + 1.25Ghz - linux satellite box - xBox 360 - Emprex ME1 + 5pcs
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm selling the ATI 4870 that came with my BTO 2009 Mac Pro. I assume the cables go with the card (otherwise it's useless) correct?
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm referring to this thread here:
There's 2 images that are missing so I'm a bit confused. It seems pretty basic but I have to ask just to make sure. The cables that came with my card looks exactly like the image in the post. It has 2 inputs PER cable. With the molex split, I'm guessing I plug only 1 in per cable, so does that mean the other input is left hanging with no connection? Is there a specific input on the cable that I use? I notice there's only 3 colors with yellow and black leading to different holes and the brown one leading to the same hole. It seems so basic, but so confused without the 2 missing pictures.
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Feb 25, 2012
I inherited a Mac G5, Powermac 8,5 and I would like to connect it to my wireless router. I cannot seem to find exact info for this system. It does not have an built in capabilities.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 22, 2012
so apparently my G5 needs a video card. I was not booting and wouldn't shut down. I reinstalled tiger but no difference. it will boot in safemode but I get lines across the display. they are in "groups of three" small squiggly lines.
Apple store says they think its video card but they will not support it because its "vintage"... I guess "computer years" are similar to dog years the card it came with is GeForce 6800 Ultra with 256mb ram. OWC has a Radeon 5770 with 1G of ram for 270.00 but this card is not compatible with my machine. it says it needs 10.6 or later... but I cannot upgrade the OS cuz leopard requires Intel processor.
so my question is, if a 1G card is 270.00... one that is compatible with my machine should be less I would think? also, even If I could find a compatible 1G card, I think it would be like having a Ferrari and only using 1st gear you know? cuz I would be bottle necked at the processors.. I would think? so what is compatible with the G5 but more ram than the current 256mb?
G5 Power Mac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2x 2.6Ghz DCPs, 8GB Ram, 4+TB storage Acer X243W
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May 6, 2012
I bought a Referb 09 Mac Pro. I purchased a Gigabyte HD Radeon 6850. The Power cable that came with that card is obviously for a PC.I just need to know what cable I need and where I can get it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
I have a g5 which will not connect to my monitor as my monitor is adc and the g5 has 2 dvi connections its a 1.8ghz single processor g5 with 2gb memory. My friend has a dual processor mac with a dead hard drive and he says I can swap the video card as his has one dvi and one adc connection. He says its a nvidia card but he's not sure what one (came new on the g5 dual). Will this card work in my g5? Will save me getting an adaptor (expensive) or a new monitor.
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