OS X V10.7 :: IMovie Crashes Upon Startup After Installing Lion
Mar 20, 2012
I recently installed Lion from a download. I was able to open iMovie three times to realize none of my previous movies showed up. Now, a week later, iMove crashes upon starting it. I do not have a disk to reload from, and the update manager tells me I am up to date on all my software.
On my Macbook pro, it starts up, "optimizes movies" and then 5 seconds later crashes. It has never done this before which is why it must have something to do with the recent update (installed in the last week)
Recently had repeated kernel panics and replaced an SSD with the original SATA HD and did a fresh install. Upgraded to 10.9.4 and machine ran fine for a month. Meanwhile I returned the SSD and a replacement was sent. Carbon Copy cloned a back up of the SYS HD onto the new SSD and replaced the SATA with the new SSD. Twice have had crashes on boot, shuts down, reboots and then successfully loads. I have an ATI Radeon R380 pci card in the extra PCI slot running to an external RAID. Reading the report it appears as if there might be a conflict with the ATI software. I re-installed the software and successfully booted, machine ran fine for a day. Next day on start-up, crash and reboot, successfully loads. This is the report it generates.
I have had my Mac Book Pro in and out of the apple store about 5 times now. iMovie will crash CONSTANTLY!!! They replaced the RAM and Logicboard which fixed the problem for about a week. I cannot seem to figure out how to delete the iMovie preferences. Cant fint the com.apple.iMovieApp.plist file anywhere trust me, its not on my computer. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled iMovie. The scrubbing in the editing will stop working and the video will freeze and it crashes 100% of the time when previewing the project in fullscreen. I have sent literally 1000 crash reports to apple which I find useless because nobody has any record of them, not the Apple store, not Apple support, not Steve Jobs.
Console, which was running fine ever since I had my MBP now, crashes every time I try to load it. Is it possible to reinstall it? The following is a snippet of the crash report which is automatically sent to Apple.
Since the last software update my iTunes no longer runs when I click the icon on my dock or in the Applications folder. It crashes after about 10-20 seconds and never displays a window. I've pasted the log below. If I run iTunes from the command line it opens. I get a complaint about a Quartz visualizer plugin not being for the correct architecture, but otherwise it runs totally fine. If I have clicked on the icon that makes iTunes not open before I run it from the command line it does verify/check my library which takes a little while, but otherwise once that is done all is well.
Does anyone else have the issue where Google chrome crashes as soon as you open it? This seemed to start happening after the last Lion update. Not sure why.
I have a late 2008 Aluminium Unibody MacBook (5,1) and installed 10.7.3 via software update without problems. But when I turned the machine on next morning, Wi-Fi was disabled and could not be activated via the menu bar control or network pref pane. After a couple of reboots--two, if I remember correctly--the MacBook booted up with Wi-Fi active and connected (I use a Fritz!Box 7390 WLAN router with both 2,4 and 5 GHz networks, connecting via 5 GHz by default).
I did then repair disk permissions and re-applied the Combo update. No cure, obviously. Same again this morning - no Wi-Fi on startup first, connection just after a couple of reboots. Wi-Fi hardware (Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 , firmware always shows up in the system profile, it's just that it's disabled first.
I have made a fairly large Imovie with .jpeg, .mov and .mp4 . When I go to share with idvd or finalize, imovie keeps crashing. I am desparate to resolve, b/c I have to get this dvd sent out for duplication asap. below is the log. I have over 200G of memory?Here is my crash log
I can't get the iMovie to import photos from iPhoto without crashing just a few minutes into loading. Anyone know what I should do besides restart my computer (that doesn't help the problem).
I can't launch iMovie '08. When I try to run the app, the icon appears on the dock, but no screen or message error is shown. It just hangs, and I must do "force quit". This only happens with my user, as I've tested with other users on the same machine and iMovie seems to be running OK. I've cleaned my user cache in order to solve any problem with that, but it didn't work at all. I have installed the last actualization (iMovie 7.1.4). I doesn't seem to be an interference with iPhoto, as other users have experienced, since I've deleted com.apple.iPhoto.plist and the problem still persists.
I closed down iTunes and opened it back up to discover that it wouldn't open anymore. I tried removing the library file, thinking it might have become corrupted somehow, and iTunes would sort of half-open, but not for long. And then when I'd try to open it up again, it would crash.
At this stage, I could get it to briefly open every time by removing all the library files every time, but then it would recreate them, and when it close/crash (and it would do this every time fairly quickly), it would once again not open at all unless I removed the library files.
I've been experiencing crashes when using iMovie '09, as well as most of the applications I use on a daily basis. My Finder has been crashing a lot as well after I installed iLife. This occurs a couple of times a day, and the error reports give the exception codes "KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at ... " and other variants of that. What is causing this? How can I fix it?
I feel like some crashes are due to the fact that I need more memory but I don't know about all the others.
I've searched everywhere for a solution and I've had it before on another Mac, but can't remember how I solved it. Hope someone recalls the solution for this issue. Please don't suggest updating to 10.5, I'm not investing in a copy just for this old PPC G4 1.2Ghz iBook with a dead Firewire port (another famous iBook flaw).
Problem - Every time I launch Network from the Go menu, it momentarily shows (just a flash) the window and immediately crashes and disappears. Repeated efforts to launch does nothing.
I've deleted the appropriate prefs from the Library and still failure.
I've had Mac's since my IIsi in '91 and currently the proud owner of MacBook Pro, iPhone and iMac which is just 18 months old.2 days ago I switched the machine off (iMac) and it hasn't been fully back on since. Each time I start it it automatically goes into soft boot mode. As the small bar moves across the screen it stops after about 1 centimetre (.4 of an inch) and simply whines and shuts down. I've tried the old tricks of holding down 'c' and 'd'. On one of the attempts I did reach the desktop and managed to run disk utility which said there were no problems. However, once I rebooted it simply carried on doing the same. I also managed to run Techtool deluxe which comes with the Apple Extended Warranty. Unfortunately it's not fully compatiable with OSX Lion so didn't run properly.
I've not known a Mac to be so knackered before. I have tried the command-R scenario but I don't think reloading Lion OSX is the cure for what appears to be a serious problem. When I shut down the iMac on Thursday I had Acrobat and Photoshop open, also iTunes and Mail. I generally use Facetime these days but on Thursday (I haven't used my Skype account for 18 months) I did install the latest version of Skype as someone required a Skype call with me. The software installed okay and I had the conversation with the person though the camera feature didn't work my end. I do wonder whether installing the Skype software has done something to the iMac. However, I don't see that it would stop it starting up completely!
Info: iMac 3GHz Core i3 MBPro 15" late '08 iphone 3GS 32GB, Mac OS X (10.6)
I have an old macbook, its about 5 years old, one of the first aluminum models.
It has always served me well but now it has broken.
When I try and start it up it shows the grey loading screen, I see the little stripes rotating, to show that something is loading and then... it turns off.
I am a newbie here, so if you've discussed this elsewhere, please let me know.
I just bought Photoshop Elements 6.0 and installed with no problems. However, when I started it up, it immediately crashed. It did this several times. I started to look in preferences files, plists, etc. and could not find anything that might be the culprit.
I recently upgraded to Tiger and started using Safari 3.1.1. It was working great for a few weeks until I installed a 3rd party add-on. Safari now crashes upon startup within about 7 seconds. I removed all files that this add-on had installed and I tried re-installing Safari 3 and even tried to install Safari 2 to see if that would work, but no go. If I click on anything it will start beachballng until it crashes. I was wondering if someone could give me a list of all the files that have anything to do directly with Safari so that I can delete them all and reinstall. Also, if there is anyone who would be willing to look at a crash report for me to try to figure out what is wrong.
I just installed Windows XP SP2 on my iMac and when I tried installing the Boot Camp disk my computer crashes in a blue screen then immediately restarts.