OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Back Up Hard Drive?

May 18, 2012

I have been unable to back up my hard drive after I installed the latest version download of Lion.  How can I make it work?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Back Up Blu-Rays To A Hard Drive

Apr 11, 2012

I would like to back up my Blu-Rays to a hard drive in some kind of .iso or similar format, potentially for viewing through a player such as VLC.  They are all mine and bought legally, but I have a few Region A Blu-Rays in my collection (which is mostly Region B).  My question thus has two points: 

Is there a good program for ripping Blu-Rays into either an .iso --type format or some kind of Video.TS -type file structure?

Can anyone recommend a good external Blu-Ray drive for my Macbook, preferably that plays discs from all regions (or at least A and B)? 

13" Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Back Up With Time Machine To A Previously Used Hard Drive?

Feb 24, 2012

I've just replaced an old MacBook Pro with a new one and used Time Machine to get the new MBP set up.  All is well and it looks like my new computer is a mirror of the old (tested for a week now).  If I turn on Time Machine with the new MBP using the same hardrive as the former, will the files remain and be accessible? Presently, I can only access the old files by going into the hard drive through Finder and even then, most are locked. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Receive An Error While Trying To Partition Hard-drive Back To One?

Apr 5, 2012

I have messed around with using bootcamp and and disk utlity to create partitions for Ubuntu. I decided to erase the extra partition and give all the space back to my macintosh HD. I go to the partition tab in disk utility and drag the macintosh box to fill the whole box and then hit apply. After a few moments I then recieve the error saying: "Partition failed with the error: Couldn’t modify partition map because file system verification failed." I ran a verfiy disk on my macintosh hd and then recieve these errors:

Invalid volume file count
(It should be 545026 instead of 544821)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 140857 instead of 140673)


Error: This disk needs to be repaired using the Recovery HD. Restart your computer, holding down the Command key and the R key until you see the Apple logo. When the Mac OS X Utilities window appears, choose Disk Utility. I then command R while boot and repair the drive. Tried resizing the partition again and same error. I have spent some time googling what people have done but find this problem occuring with alot of people upgrading to Lion or something. I'm on a 2011-late macbook pro that came with lion. I have tried things such as doing the Lion restore and booting in command S and typing fsck -fy for a repair. Nothing work.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Macbook Pro late 2011

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sharing Permissions - Unable To Attach Hard Drive?

Jul 15, 2012

I just bought a new 27" 3.4GHz i7 iMac to replace my agin iMac running Snow Leopard. Every time I turn the sharing on so that I can access the iMac and the attached hard drives from my other computer all the permissions explode to in infix able stse where I have to flatten the drive and reinstall Lion.  I've spent hours on the phone with Apple, troubleshooting, running bits of code in the terminal all with the same result which is the permission going ****** (including bad .kext files) Any ideas out there or should I just go for a replacement iMac?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Unable To Eject External Hard Drive?

Sep 8, 2014

I am having problems ejecting the external hard drive that I use to back up my laptop.  It is a 2012 MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion OSX 10.8.5.  My external hard drive is a WD 2 TB My Book Studio.  I use it to back up my laptop with Time Machine.  Every time I try to eject my disk now I am told that "The disk (Diskname) wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it."  I have tried some solutions like to stop Spotlight from indexing the disk and to try and turn off TimeMachine, but neither of these worked.  The only thing that has worked so far is to log out of my user name and log back in with a guest user and eject it from there.  This takes up a lot of time and is ultimately not really a sustainable way of working on my computer. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Power Mac :: Back Up Hard Drive To An External Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2012

I need to back up hard drive to an external hard drive. How can I do this automactically? 

Powermac g5

Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Hardware :: Recover Data From Dead Lacie Hard Drive / Unable To Mount Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2009

Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.

Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.

Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.

I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Working / Logic Board Unable To Communicate With Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2009

My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.

The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?

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OS X :: Unable To View Hard Drive - Hard Drive Not Appearing In Device Menu

Sep 9, 2009

I know this is going to be an incredibly easy fix, but I can't find it. The Hard Drive on my new iMac is not appearing on my desktop, nor is it appearing in the "Device" menu in Finder.

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OS X :: How To Back Up Hard Drive

May 26, 2010

more specifically, how should i back up my data, seeing that i have one 350 gb external hard drive and two boots i want to keep. it's a bit long so stay with me.

about seven months ago, i purchased a new 320 gb internal hard drive, which i installed snow leopard on fresh. i then removed the 80 gb internal hard drive that came with the macbook which had tiger (never snow leopard). on my external, i have two partitions as of right now, one with the superduper! clone of tiger, and the other of random data i want to keep. the other day, i noticed that it's been a while since i last backed up my computer, and i would like to do it again, but i'm debating how to do it, and plus, i thought i was going to get a second external hard drive by this point, but that's not going to happen for a while at least.

i have two options i'm debating (i'll take suggestions from others as well). all the solutions have my 10.4 backup still around and 10.6 being backed up.

1. bring back my first internal, copy the 10.4 backup to that internal and store it away, and use the external as a time machine only.

pros: i don't need 10.4 around much, but it insures that it's there in case i need it (but 10.6 has worked well for me in seven months).

issues: i would have to use a screwdriver every time i want to access 10.4, concerned if 10.4 would boot on it's own due to the nature of this backup.

2. put the extra data over to 10.6 and have the backup containing 10.6 and the extra data, with 10.4 remaining on the external hard drive.

pros: can easily boot to 10.4 if need be.

issues: less space to back up 10.6 as i'm lagging on 10.4.

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MacBook :: Unable To Locate My Hard Drive / Unable To Rename Or Create Partition

Jan 7, 2009

After my macbook hard drive kindly failed on me, I ordered a new Seagate Momentus 5400.5, 320gb hard drive. I popped that sucker in this afternoon and began to start up my macbook with the OS X disc 1. Everything was going smoothly, except that it can't find the hard drive. It is recognized under my disk utility, but when I click to partition it, select options, select GUID, click 'OK', I can neither Name it 'Macintosh HD' or do anything else.

I can't proceed with anything because when it asks me to select a HD, the HD does not show up. Again, everything works except that the hard drive is not found. I pulled the hard drive out. Made sure the screws were alright. Made sure everything was all snuggly, and yet it still won't work.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Wont Go Back In?

Jan 2, 2010

I woke up this morning to find my 13" macbook starting up with a flashing file and ? mark. After reading up and trying everything i could with no luck I thought maybe i should try to place in a new HDD i had. The new HDD i had lying around was the same specs, same brand that I took out of my PS3. After sliding it in still with no luck i decided to place the old one back in to take it to apple but the HDD wont slide back in, it gets half way in then feels like it is getting stuck, if i apply some pressure I can get it in 98% of the way but not enough to place the metal bracket back on that covers the HDD and the RAM. Any one know what the issue is or how i can fix this issue please?

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MacBook :: New Hard Drive Can't Use Back Up?

Mar 7, 2012

I got a new harddrive and had to use my computer before I could restore my back up on my external hard drive. My computer is telling me I need to reinstall os x so it can prompt me to plug n my external but I don't have the disk anymore


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OS X V10.4 :: Can't Back Up To External Hard Drive

Jun 16, 2012

I'm trying to use a lacie 500GB to back up my imac 10.4 prior to upgrading. Shop said i should use the Firewire 800, but my computer doesn't have a port which fits.  I am using the firewire 400 but every time i try and use the lacie set up assistant the error message i get says the application installer quit unexpectedly.I have a imac 0s x version 10.4.11 with intel core 2 duo.

Info:iMac, iOS 4.1

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OS X :: Won't Work With External Hard Drive For Back Up

Sep 4, 2010

My iMac is slowing down and I wanted to upgrade the RAM and upgrade to Snow Leopard from Tiger. Here are the specs:
Version 10.4.11
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

I want to back it up before I upgrade to Snow Leopard. What external hard drive do you recommend? The only things that I want to put on it are my pictures from iPhoto and music from iTunes. I have 12GBs of music and 1,109 pictures in iPhoto. Also, how do I go about getting these things onto the external hard drive? Will it mount on the desktop and then I just drag my files into it?

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OS X :: Ejected Internal Hard Drive - How To Get Back

May 1, 2009

I have a Mac Pro with two internal hard drives. I accidentally ejected one of them. Now I'm having trouble finding how to turn it back on or whatever.

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OS X :: Getting Back Disk0s3 Hard Drive Space?

Oct 25, 2009

Does anyone know how to get back the disk0s3 hard drive space? (The one I used for Windows XP to dual-boot.) I want back the extra hard drive space. And does anyone know how to get back more hard drive space? I seem to have only 25.91 GB.

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OS X :: How To Transfer FC Studio From Back-up Hard Drive

Feb 23, 2010

I erased and reinstalled my entire system but beforehand I backed-up on a hard drive using time machine. I have FCS 2 academic version and no longer have the discs and want to bring it back on.Instead of migrating all the apps from my hard drive, is there a way to transfer just my FCS applications?

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Hardware :: Back Up Partitioned Hard Drive?

Jun 10, 2010

I just got a 500 gb external hard drive to back up my 500 gb hdd on my mbp. I know i can back up everything in osx by using time machine. but 70 gb of my hard drive is for windows xp. How would i back this up on the same external drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Merge The Hard Drive Back Into 1?

Apr 3, 2012

I have a Mac pro and i wanted to partition my hard drive to put windows on it, i have managed to partition it but know cant find a windows disc,How do i merge the hard drive back into 1?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Back Up Unhealthy Hard Drive

Sep 8, 2014

My MacBook pro will start up but it will not boot up, I've tried many different things and they have all failed. I took my MacBook to a computer store and they told me that my hard drive is unhealthy and needs to be repaired. Is there any way of getting  my data off of my hard drive ?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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MacBook Air :: How To Back Up Hard Drive Online

Jun 20, 2014

My macbook air keeps glitching. Everytime I start it up, I get a folder with a question mark blinking and i can't get into login in page. After turning on and off about 800 times, I got to my login in page. Ive read i can slip the hard drive out and slip it back in and it will be fine, but I just don't feel good about unscrewing the bottom and exploring my computer. Apparently it has something to do with the hard drive being fried, but obviously it isn't if i can log in one time out of many. 

So obviously I want to back it up. (It's 11:24 at night).However, I need an external hard drive. Can't drive anywhere at night and grab one. Can't leave my computer on all night either. Is there an alternative way I can back it up until tomorrow? A way I could back it up online? I have programs on my computer i need back up that I don't have the disc to anymore, so its very important I preserve them.  

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Applications :: External Hard Drive Set Up To Back Up My System

Sep 19, 2008

I have an Iomega UltraMax 750Gb External Hard Drive set up to back up my MacBook Pro. Time Machine uses this hard drive perfectly with no problems. However whenever I want to use the drive to move files around with XP the drive does not show up in my computer. XP recognizes the connection of the hard drive and shows the name of the hard drive connected to the computer when you look at the USB BUSes but still it is not in My Computer. I have everything up to date. I have even partitioned the External Hard Drive so part of it wasn't even touched by Time Machine. Is this a problem with Time Machine formatting my external hard drive to work only for Mac

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OS X :: Getting Hard Drive Space Back On Windows Partition?

Jul 15, 2009

I really need to free up space on the windows partition of my Mac so that I can install certain software I need in order to complete a project due really soon. What would be the best way to accomplish this (I'd rather not increase the partition w/ a third party app)? I was thinking the best is to eliminate unnecessary files that I am pretty certain were installed as part of the Vista install so that I can recover as much HDD space on the windows partition as possible, but don't know what I can eliminate safely? Can someone please offer some ideas and very basic steps of where to find any of the items you reference?

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OS X :: Back Up To Hard-disc-drive On Extreme In Tiger?

Sep 3, 2009

Ok, this is the setup: got an external hard drive hooked up to an airport extreme via USB. I have a macbook that's a few years old with the intel core duo processor and running OS 10.4.11.

I want to be able to see/backup to this hard drive wirelessly from my macbook while on my home network. Basically, everything I've found online makes it look like I have to have my extreme on an 802.11n connection or whatever, which my macbook isn't capable of (intel core duo processor), right? The reason I say this is that all the instructions on how to turn this on circle around options that I don't see in my airport admin utility program.

So is this possible, or am I gonna have to get a new macbook before I can do this. If I get leopard or snow leopard would I be able to do this with time machine, or do I need to be able to do 802.11n for that, too?

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OS X :: Ask Time Machine To Back Up External Hard Drive?

Dec 25, 2009

Time Machine is backing up my internal 1Mac hard drive fine to an external drive ("backup ext drive"). I have another external hard drive attached to the Mac that I would also like to back up to the back-up ext drive. I've looked around on Time Machine as best I can but can't find any place that lists drives to be backed up, so I can tell Time Machine to back it up, also. I have found a list in Time Machine of drives I can back up to. That list shows both external drives. But of course, I want to back this one up, not use it as a back up drive. Should be something simple I'm missing. I've seen a lot in the forum about issues backing up external ard drives via Airport Express (or Extreme), but though I have Airport Express, both external drives (back up ext drive and the one to be backed up) are directly connected to the iMac, so I'm not trying to use Airport for this.

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MacBook Pro :: 13 For New One - Wipe Hard Drive And Back Up Itunes?

Apr 13, 2010

i am sending back my new mbp for the new one. how do i wipe the hard drive and back up my itunes?

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Slow Down Than Spin Back Up?

Jun 7, 2010

Last night, after a few hours of using it (from 100% to about 8%), I tried turning off the computer for the night. After the dock and everything else disappeared, I got a spinning beach ball of death. The computer wouldn't turn off for at least 15 minutes. I had to do press the power button for 5 seconds to get it to turn off. I restarted it this morning and it seems to be working fine for now, but I'm scared of turning it off again.

Here's what I know: while the beach ball was happening, my wallpaper was still on the screen, the trackpad worked, but the brightness and volumes didn't, so I'm guessing I was logged out and no files were corrupted.

During the beach ball, the hard drive would slow down, then spin back up. I waited until it had slowed down a bit to do the hard reboot. I have to say that I reset the PRAM yesterday morning, thinking it might be good because I changed the hard drive to the Momentus XT last week and I read that you should reset it when you change hardware inside the machine. I did that before the crash, so when it crashed, it was the first time I tried to turn the machine off since resetting the PRAM, could that matter?

This morning, I went to disk utility and repaired permissions, there were probably a few hundred bad permissions, but Mac OS fixed them. I also tried verification, but it was alright. I then ran the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything went great.

What should I do? I already have a charger problem and a �screen is too blue whichever way I set it� problem. Do I have a lemon here?

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Hardware :: Put All Files Folders And OS Back On The New Hard Drive?

Jul 28, 2009

I was just wondering, I'm thinking of purchasing a PowerMac G4, but it's got a 40gb harddrive, which is a bit on the small side for me. So I was just wondering, does any harddrive work with a mac? Or do you have to by an apple certified one? And also, if i back up the 40gb, can I just put all my files folders and OS back on the new harddrive?

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