OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep Macbook Pro From Sleeping When Lid Closes?
Apr 6, 2012Can´t find the option anywhere, neither an old trend in the forums.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Can´t find the option anywhere, neither an old trend in the forums.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Whenever i put mac macbook pro to sleep, it only stays sleeping for about half an hour and then wakes itself up. It does it whether i close the screen or manually put it to sleep. When its awake, the system is running but the screen is dark unless i click a button.
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imac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
My Finder basically crashes. When I open it, it briefly goes to Macintosh HD, then closes on its own
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
after installing lion - yummy soup closes un-expectedly, Is there a cure
this is what pops up
Process: Safari [255]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier: com.apple.Safari
Version: 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)
Build Info: WebBrowser-75345503~2
why safari closes itself in my macbook?
I just bought a 13 inch MBP yesterday. I know macbooks are supposed to sleep when the lid is closed by default. But a few times when I opened the lid, the computer had appeared to turn completely off. The indicator light on the front was steady when the lid was closed, not blinking like I believe it is supposed to be when sleeping.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi did not set this on btt but im able to do it. its annoying cuz i keep accidentally closing apps! is something wrong with my mbp?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I'm on my Mac-book Pro, I always get these pop up windows (like, the ones with the yellow triangle and exclamation mark). But before I can even read them, they close by themselves—they pop up for, like, less than a second and then close. It's kind of annoying, and I don't know if I should be worried about them or not... I would like to know what they say, but that's not going to happen apparently.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI click on check for updates, it scans, find them... then gives the options of show details, not now, or continue, I hit continue, it starts to load them up, then at the end it says error and closes out.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm running Mavericks on my late 2013 MacBook Pro. When I try to access a shared computer on my network, the Finder window closes as soon as I click on the computer I want to access. File sharing is turned on on the target computers, both iMacs, one is running Mavericks and the other is running Mountain Lion. The iMacs can access the MacBook Pro and each other without a problem. Firewall is not on on the iMac. Is there a setting I am missing
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I can't open the computer to top sites any longer. Freezes up and then Safari closes with an error message
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.1
I am a new MBA Owner, not even a week only yet but like everyone I'm confused how I lived before without this thing, it goes everywhere with me! My post pertains to power management. I have been taking the AIR with me everywhere but just closing the lid and stowing it instead of turning the machine off. My question is how long will the AIR last in Standby mode? I understand it depends on how much you use it on a daily basis but do some users charge it in the morning and just pop it open throughout the day like a cell phone? Do some users actually turn the machine off each time?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a 2.2 15.4" MBP which will not sleep upon closure of the lid as of today. I just picked it up today from the Apple store where the full top was replaced due to a display problem. Searching here and on other forums, I found a number of people with this symptom, but with different causes. The computer sleeps normally when set from the apple menu. I tried resetting the PRAM. no change. I ran a small magnet along the right side of the screen with no effect. When I run the magnet down the right side of the computer, the computer sleeps when the magnet passes around the bottom of the speaker grill and awakens when I remove the magnet. It would seem that the sensor in the base is functioning. Is the top only a magnet? How likely that there could be no magnet or a misaligned magnet in the the top panel? Compounding the issue is that I had replaced the hard drive after I bought the computer, so when I returned it for service I put the original back in. When I picked up the computer I turned it on and off to check it out. Then I reinstalled the larger drive. It was only after this that I experienced the sleep issue, however I never tested the sleep when I picked it up from the store. My thought is that since running the magnet along the bottom case causes the computer to sleep that my opening the case for the hard drive exchange isn't the problem, unless it's possible that the reed can move in the bottom case and is misaligned there.....
View 4 Replies View RelatedNoticed that my new MBP with 10.6.1 wasn't going to "sleep" after the time specified in System Preferences -> Energy Saver -> Computer Sleep. Closing the lid or choosing 'sleep' from the apple menu worked fine. After playing with it a while, I _think_ I might have narrowed down the issue:
First, a couple of questions to see if the problem I'm seeing is only my own, or a common issue.
If you are having the problem, is your MBP unibody? with SD slot or expresscard slot?
Are you using the Apple factory HDD or an aftermarket one?
How I fixed the issue: I had the option selected on the same preference pane to "Put the hard disk to sleep when possible." If I unchecked this item, the machine would sleep after the specified time of inactivity (Actually, it would take about 30 seconds longer while the machine wrote the memory contents to the HDD.)
If you had the problem, does this fix it for you? If you did NOT have the problem, does checking this box create the problem for you?
I'm having a strange problem with my MacBook Pro. I just began using it with a second display (with the lid open, of course), and ever since I started doing that, my laptop will intermittently not sleep when I close the lid (while it's disconnected from the display). What happens is that I close the lid and the Apple logo becomes dark, indicating that the display is off. The white light on the front stays on, however, and then, suddenly the Apple logo on the lid will light up again. After this, one of two things can happen. Most of the time, the screen and the computer both go to sleep after about 30-45 seconds. Sometimes, however, it seems to get stuck with both the display and computer on. This concerns me because I travel a lot, and I worry that the computer will overheat in the bag if I put it in while it hasn't gone to sleep.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 256 GB SSD, 2010 Model
I am running the Software OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) and have a macbook air, 13 inch, mid 2012.
I am in no way an advanced user of this computer only used for browsing internet and some college work
Recently i have noticed a small niggling problem, that my mac is shutting down when left idle for a time, instead of going to sleep like it always used to do.
Now when i come back from being away i have to restart it up and at times have lost windows ive been working on.
I tried to alter some of the settings in the Power saving option but it doesnt have anything related to the shutting down of the computer. I used to be able to close the lid and it went to sleep but now i think its shutting the laptop down too.
Obviously the quick start up time on the mac, and the option to put it to sleep means this isnt a massive deal but i was just wondering how to fix?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I know you have to download Insomnia to always keep it on, whether you close the lid or not, but I thought that you could close the lid when it's connected to a display (new Toshiba 37" 1080p LCD), it doesn't go to sleep. Where is the setting for this so I can prevent this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got one of the original Alu MBs and since SL its started an annoying habit. A lot of the time, whether on battery or power, instead of just going to sleep, it goes in to hibernate mode. It doesn't matter how long the machine is left for before trying to wake, or how much battery is remaining. I seem to remember this was a problem with the machine just after launch as well, but OS X updates fixed the problem. Now its back.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBasically my i5 15" MBP will run the battery right down till it switches off without sleeping. Then it will have to be charged till it switches on again, and it boots up fresh.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI returned my 17 i7 MBP for a 15 i7, I have been torn between the 2. My question is the 15 battery seems to drain alot while sleeping. last night I was around maybe 40% and went to bed and now its 0%. coconut battery says 100% health. The 17 did not drain that much over night.
I will check it out tonight just to make sure I was right re the charge before bed.
I calibrated it last week.
Any thoughts? both 15 and 17 should get the same battery time?
My laptop is a new to me MBP everthing seems to be working great but I noticed it will not wake up after sleeping for more than 5 mins or so. I can hear a faint fan noise but the screen does not come on and no tap, click or swipe will wake it up. I've got to hold down the power button and wait awhile to get back up and running. I can provide more info, I'd say I'm half literate when it comes to computers.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mid 2010 i5
I make an SMC-Update in July. At this time, when close my book i lost in a time of 10 hours 25-40 % battery!
Before i install the update, i only charge my battery every 2-3 weeks. Since this update every 2 days.
What can i do?? I make an Smc reset, install Mavericks again, install yosemite....
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a MBP i7. I'm pretty sure I was able to charge the iPhone when my macbook sleeping both on battery and plugged in. But now I can only do that when it's plugged in. Any suggestion how can I charge the iPhone with the macbook sleeping on its battery?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my Macbook Air 11" was plugged in all night, was using it this morning plugged in. Battery was at 100%. Unplugged it but left it closed all day (7am to 4pm)opened up up and battery indicator says 9% is gone and it's busy charging away now. I have noticed this over a few days now.
Thats a little harsh no? It's supposed to last 30 days or whatever when its sleeping but it won't last a week at this rate.
Yesterday I was watching a film from an external hdisk with VSL program.I had connected my Macbook pro to my LCd tv with a DVI/HDMI cable.When the film finished i went to another room to do something and when i came back the monitor and the tv were black . I pressed the esc key but nothing.I pressed the power button off and on again but nothing.The mac is sleeping.I disconnected the battery but nothing.
My Macbookpro is three years old and this is the first time that i have a problem.I tested a lot of combination of keys ,something like the ctrl+alt+del in PC but nothing.
I have noticed that my battery seems to be draining fast while the macbook is sleeping.
Its a blackbook, core duo, 2gb ram.. According to iStat Pro my health is 92% and the cycle count is 102.
Earlier today the battery was at 80% i just opened the mac up to write a email and closed it right back.. about 3 hours later the battery dropped down to 76%..
Seems kind of hight 4% for 3hours.
I purchased a Macbook Air 2011 in December. It came with Lion preinstalled and it is up-to-date. Sometimes I experience excessive battery drains when the computer is asleep (lid closed), i.e. 40%-50% battery charge gone overnight.
This is not an expected behavior. The battery seems to perform well when the system is running, i.e. it last for 5-6 or more hours, so I think the problem is with the sleep mode. How can I diagnose sleep problems? Is this due to WiFi or running programs?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How can I prevent my MacBook Pro to turn into sleeping mode when playing music on it with Itunes?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)