OS X V10.7 Lion :: Where Are The Software Update Files Located
Jun 12, 2012
I am trying to figure out where the files are located that are downloaded when you go through the "Software Update" function of OS X. I updated the software on my MacBook Pro this morning and I need to update the same files on my iMac and would prefer to copy the files from the MacBook to the iMac but I don't know where they are located, if anywhere ....Â
Yes, I could d/l them again on the other machine but I live out in the middle of nowhere and have satellite internet service, which if you aren't familiar, satellite internet is marginally better than dialup - at least compared to "city" internet options. The other issue, besides speed, is data allotment, I only get 475 mbytes in a 24 hour period with an exception from between 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM - during that time there isn't a bandwidth restriction. So, I can get up at 2:00 AM and start the d/l and go back to bed but I'd rather just copy them from one computer to the other, if that is possible.Â
13" Macbook Pro i5, iMac i3 27", Mac OS X (10.6.7), Airport Extreme (2) and Airport Express (3)
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Aug 31, 2014
IMac is not booting up and I need to copy all content before reinstalling operating system. I have connected iMac to MacBook via FireWire and can see the hard rive. I have copied important files, but need to copy files in trash as well. I can not find the root to the trash on the dock when going into users or anywhere else. How do I copy files from trash across to the laptop without being able to get them out of the trash from the dock?
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Dec 12, 2010
Ok so yesterday I logged into my account on my computer and clicked itunes to open it. Instead of going to my library it said It cannot find my music library and told me to locate it. I clicked "Locate" and it went to my finder. We have had an external drive for the the past 6 months and I had been storing all my itunes on the external drive AND on the normal hard drive. So when I clicked the locate button, I chose the itunes library in my external library. Now my library is setup like it was about 2 years ago, complete with ipod nano games, playlist, and songs I have deleted. when I click a song to play it says "Cannot locate file." If i go into the finder and find the normal hard drive, and go into itunes media, I can double click the songs and play the songs in itunes. So I have no idea why all this happened but Is the only way to get all my songs back, to delete all the songs that cannot be l0 located and drag my whole library thats stored on my normal hard drive into itunes?
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Mar 7, 2005
however I am new to Mac's so cut me a break. Where are the Program Files located? The actual files that make up the program?
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Jul 9, 2009
First the hardware: MacBook 3,1 Santa Rose Intel 2.20 Ghz SATA: FUJITSU MHY2160BH 149.05 GB Journaled HFS+ I recently reinstalled OS X, and before doing so I used Disk Utility of the install disc to earse the HD (the security option i chose was "don't erase data") I want to recover some files from my old user (Music & Picutres folder in home) so I got Disc Rescue II and did a scan. DSII found the folders so how do I go about restoring them? Will I need an external drive that is atleast the same size as the files I want to recover? I have over 40GB of music but only a 8GB thumb drive.. Will it be possible for me to get my files back?
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Nov 29, 2010
Recently I was organizing my files and I moved some items I downloaded with uTorrent from my generic "Downloads" folder to the specific folder that I wanted to organize the file in. Now I would like to seed those files but the torrent file can no longer locate them on my computer. I'm looking for a way to modify the directory that the torrent file looks for the downloaded file in, but I can't find a way to change that. In "Preferences", I even changed the default download location to the folder that the files I want to seed are in, but that hasn't helped.
I had this problem with 4 files that I moved, and in attempting to get it to recognize the new location of the files, I failed and actually ended up redownloading the files through the bittorrent swarm. I would like to avoid doing this for the remaining two files and for other files in the future because this particular tracker keeps tabs on upload and download ratios. The files are not copyrighted and are freely available and endorsed to be torrented, so there are no legal concerns.
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Jul 13, 2009
I've been wondering, if there is a way to hide files that are not located in "User/Username/...." in Terminal?
The command I use to hide the files for example is: chflag hidden ~/Desktop/*
However, if I the file/folder I want to hide is not in 'User/Username..." I will not be able to hide it... So how do you change it so that you can hide the folders that are not located in "User/Username"?
Also, I've ran into a problem!
My "Username" that one that has an house icon is missing when I access it from Machintosh HD --> Users Folder.
I guessed that it was hidden somehow but not too long ago it was in the User folder... So I typed in "defaults write com.apple.finder ShowAllFiles True" and I found a bunch of weird files on my Desktop and my Machintosh HD... and I found the Username house icon... I do not know what I did in terminal that hid it.
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Jun 13, 2010
How do I remove the Gilms Safari plugin? Where are the files located so I can delete them?
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Apr 8, 2012
Once side effect of Lion's new file storage system (automatic saving, versioning, etc.) is that sometimes I'm just not sure where a file is located when I pull it from the Open Recent list. Yes, there are occasions when the Open Recent list isn't determining the location of the file I'm about to load. Before, I could simply choose File | Save As... and the file dialog would show me where the file was located. But Save As is now gone. Is there any way to tell where a file is located, say, once I've loaded it in Keynote or Page via Open Recent?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 6GB
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Apr 28, 2012
where is the applications folder located
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May 15, 2012
I'm having trouble opening Panasonic GH2 raw (.rw2) files after 10.7.4 update. I cannot view them in quick view or open them in Preview.I verfied on a another Mac running 10.7.3 - works fine; and then immediately after 10.7.4 update it does not work.
MBP, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Apr 7, 2012
why don't java security update show up in software update? macbook pro with mac os lion
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Feb 8, 2012
I updated with the latest Lion patch yesterday and since then Entourage has either hung or taken a very long time to update from our 2003 Exchange server (I have MS Office 2011 but as you're probably aware, there are issues integrating with a 2003 Exchange server). how this might be fixed, short of updating both our 2003 Windows Server to Windows Server 2008 x64 and Exchange to 2010 so I (the only Mac user out of 85 staff) can use Outlook 2011?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 7, 2012
My wife macbook pro os 10.7 don't show the java security update in software update
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May 10, 2012
Started the 10.7.4 install, and it halted. Turned my Mac off, started it back up, and apparently the 10.7.4 update didn't install, but it has caused the Mail function to not work AT ALL - I get a long error report that is auto sent to Apple.Â
I downloaded Lion from the Apple store, but have my Snow Leopard disk. How do I go about re-installing Mail?Â
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
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Mar 24, 2012
"Software Update can't connect to the Update Server" - so I can't even check to see if updates are available.This has been going on for sometime. For a while if I created a new admin account and used that it would work, but not today.Tried creating a new admin account but to no avail.
I clcik on the Apple Icon, (top left hand side of screen), click on SOFTWARE UPDATE, it runs for a split second, then: [URL]after which I check my internet connect to see that it's fine. (And I attempt to run SU with nothing else using the internet). [URL] I've checked the forum and found a few people with the same problem. I've tried deleting PLISTs and using DNS address, [URL], but still cannot get it to work. I still have my old G4 Power running OS 10.5.8 connected to the same modem (Netcomm NB6PLus4w Modem which has 4 ports) as my Mac Mini, and it runs Software Update without any issues. So it's not my internet connection and it's not the Apple server, so it's something about the Mac Mini that's not right.
Mac-Mini 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - OS 10.7.2 - 8GB 1067MHz DDR3 Memory.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Netcomm NB6PLus4w Modem
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Mar 26, 2008
Can anyone tell me where the Autofill database is located? Every time I use Autofill it has my name mispelled and I want to change it. Also is there a keyboard shortcut to Autofill instead of clicking on Edit then Autofill?
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Jan 22, 2009
When I first turned on my computer, it had me take a user picture for my login in OSX. It's a really good picture of my friends and myself. I was wondering where this picture is located so I can get a bigger version.
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Nov 29, 2009
I'm trying to find my Safari bookmarks, where can I find them in my OS?
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Jun 22, 2010
In Snow Leopard where is the photo located on my Mac that I see when I open my Account? I would enjoy replacing that photo that is currently in my Address Book.
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Apr 10, 2012
When I try to update my mac i get the following error:Â
"A network error has occurred. Check your Internet connection, and then try again." Â
This has been happening for over a week now. Looking at the Console I get the error:Â
"4/10/12 8:03:54.398 AM Software Update: Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.) (NSURLErrorDomain code -3001)"Â
I've verified and repiared disk permissions a couple of times and restarted the system with no success.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
I just bought my MacBook Pro and installed the updates... however, when I try to update my iTunes (since it says version 10.6.3 is available) but when it's almost done I get a message stating it can't be installed because the "update cannot be verified". How do I upgrade my MacBook to the latest iTunes?
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 4, 2008
I hope this is the correct area to post this . . .
Anyway, I was wondering where the RAID Drive icon is located in Leopard, as it is showing up with the standard HDD icon for me.
I know this has no importance other that visual appeal, but I care for some reason.
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Aug 31, 2009
Where is the airport card located on G4 tower?
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May 18, 2012
In my system preferences > iCloud on my MacBook it has a check next to that app, but when I open the app on my iPhone it can't locate it...is there a way to install the app on my MacBook as well? I can't find where it is if so...Â
iPhone 4S
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Sep 12, 2014
Where is the User folder located? I am trying to fix an iPhoto problem and need to go to User/Library/references folder. Users is hidden now.
iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iOS 6.0.2
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Jun 2, 2014
I know that 10.1 uses libraries and events etc are all inside, but I can't find PORJECTS.  I was working on a project that is 90 minutes long but I only wanted to export 60 minutes so I delted the last 30 minutes to COMMAND Z after export which has worked many many times, but the disck ejected by mistake right after the export so i had to restart and FCXP autosaves the projects so now it only opens the 60 minutes and not the 90 minutes I have worked on.Â
So where is the backup projects so I can either copy the older poject before crash or restore it?Â
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May 10, 2009
Just imported a few images, and I don't know where they are located on the computer. I would like to know where they are so I can drag them into my photo folder.
Also, my phone camera supports geo-tagging. I have a bunch of pictures I took with geotagging on, and it works fine on the phone. On iPhotos though, only a very little portion of these pictures appear in the "Places" section. If I find a picture in iPhoto and hit the info button and hit location, it doesn't show up on the map, even though it works just fine on my phone (C905). Why doesn't it work properly?
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Jun 6, 2009
I have 2 partitions on my MacBook drive. One is OS X Leopard, and the other is a Windows XP Bootcamp Partition (FAT32). When I made the Bootcamp partition, I cloned up my OS X partition to a USB drive (using Carbon Copy Cloner), replaced the OS X partition with the clone (to defragment it), and then partitioned it using Bootcamp. I decided I wanted a larger Windows XP Bootcamp Partition, and so I removed the partition using Bootcamp, recloned and replaced the OS X partition with the recloned backup (to defragment it, once again), and then used Bootcamp again to partition it, this time with a larger partition size. The first time I partitioned it, everything worked great. Ever since the second time, though, when I hold option during startup to change boot volumes, the volume that once said "Macintosh HD" now says "EFI Boot." Also, my OS X partition is no longer the default partition, and when I lookt at the Startup Disk in the System Preferences, my OS X partition is not listed among them. This is the same when I look at the "Startup Disk" preferences on the Windows XP partition, using the Boot Camp application, and when I click "Startup in Mac OS X," I get the error: "Could Not Locate Mac OS X Volume."
I had been ignoring the problem, simply holding option on startup and choosing the "EFI Boot" volume. This was working fine until today, when I finally came around to updating OS X. I ran Software Update, which told me I had to restart my computer. When I did, it went through the whole updating progress bar screen for a while, and then restarted the computer. When the computer restarted, it restarted in Windows XP, so I shut down the computer, booted it up, and held option. I chose "EFI Boot" when I was given the choice, and it started booting to my OS X partition. About a minute or two after I chose "EFI Boot," the computer unexpectedly rebooted into Windows XP again. I restarted the computer, again holding option and choosing "EFI Boot," and again it unexpectedly restarted. How can I get back into my OS X partition? Is there a way I can clone my OS X partition and replace it like I've done in the past? (Note: I have MacDrive 7, and have seen an option for backing up drives on there in the past, but have never used it.) Why is my OS X partition showing up as "EFI Boot"
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Apr 6, 2010
You know when you connect your iPod, iPad and iPhone to iTunes and the photo shows up of your product model, where exactly is that located inside the iTunes folder?
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